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Authors: Karyn Gerrard

Black Scar (5 page)

BOOK: Black Scar
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“You must listen
to what I say. When you drink, you will hear my blood rushing through your
veins and you will also hear my heartbeat,” she explained patiently. “When my
heartbeat becomes louder than the rushing blood, you must stop at once. After
you sate, lick the puncture wounds and they will heal right away.” She pushed
the wrist closer to his mouth. “Take from me.”

Marcus grabbed
her wrist with his free hand and plunged his fangs deep. Logan’s eyes fluttered
and a soft moan escaped her mouth. Well, an actual reaction out of her. He
slurped hungrily and her warm, spicy blood rolled down his throat. He could
hear it, her heartbeat.

Goddamn, this is fantastic.

His cock swelled
to the point of bursting. What would the sensation be like to drink and fuck at
the same time? Through his Blood Lust haze he heard Logan moan once again. Her
heartbeat grew quicker and louder so Marcus reluctantly pulled out his fangs. A
bit of skin tore as he did.

“Oh. Jesus,

His voice didn’t
sound like his own. The cadence was husky, rough, and slightly slurred.

He licked the
tear and the puncture marks and saw she’d spoken the truth. They started to
heal. Even her skin tasted luscious.

Logan pulled back
the blankets, reached inside his sleep pants, and pulled out his erect cock
before he even had time to blink. She stroked him twice, and he cried out with
his release. His semen pumped out for what seemed like many moments. Marcus
shook and shuddered. It certainly felt much more intense than when he did it.
Logan efficiently reached for the facial tissue and sopped up his spent seed.

“We will have to
do this a couple of times a day until your Bloodling stage passes.”

Her voice sounded
cool and professional, and he didn’t like it. What they just shared was deeply
intimate as far as he believed, but she acted as if she had done no more than
empty a bedpan.
Except for her soft

“You liked me
drinking from you. I heard the moans so don’t deny it. You liked having my cock
in your fist, too.” His words were accusatory and his tone held a childish ‘oh
yeah?’ intonation.

Logan continued
to clean up around him. She did not respond nor looked at him. He reached for
her hand and laid it on his semi-erect prick. Gasping in shock, she lifted her
head. Her gaze contained a mixture of confusion and irritation. He wrapped her
fingers around his girth and his cock grew harder. With his hand on top of
hers, he showed her a rhythm that increased his arousal. Oh damn, he wasn’t
mistaken, her touch was magic. All the hands that had stroked his cock in the
past and none gave him this reaction. Was it only the Blood Lust? His fangs
began to lengthen again. No more blood was needed, so why? A strangled groan
left Marcus’s throat. He showed his fangs. At first, Logan tried to pull her
hand away, but a moment later stopped struggling. She gripped him tighter and
soon had him panting and groaning.

diamond-colored eyes turned a deep blue, and she snarled, her fangs fully

What the hell?
He pumped his hips, the pressure almost excruciating.
He exploded. He fell back on the pillows and his back arched while his shaft
pumped out endless amounts of cum once again. Logan pulled her hand away as if
she’d been burned. She stood and backed away, looking confused and wary.

Marcus leaned on
his elbow. “Logan, wait...”

She ran from the

Chapter Five


Logan ran for the
comfort and strength she ached for. She ran toward the water. The private beach
that ran the length of the Black’s two properties beckoned. Deegan, and his
son, Tristan, owned sprawling estates that bordered each other with Brennan’s
cottage nestled in between.

Tearing off her
clothes, she dropped them on the sand and sprinted for the ocean. She plunged
into the cool water and dived deep. Already she absorbed the restorative powers
of the water and felt it seep into her very being. She took a breath and
adjusted to breathing underwater. Her Fae background was rooted in the
elemental water as a descendant from a long line of Water Fairies. While there
were a few Water Fairies that could shape-shift, she could not. However, she
needed water as much as her Vampire side needed blood.

Water was
cleansing, rejuvenating and healing. Her strength had already begun to return,
as the ocean fueled her energy. The power of water was strongest when the moon
sat high in the night sky, but she couldn’t wait for the evening. Logan swam farther
out. The currents were rougher, but she sliced through them with no effort at

Oh, blessed sea
mother, what just happened? From the moment Marcus drank from her she had lost
all control. She’d been so close to having a sexual climax.
She had not had sex or
touched a man in thirty-eight years. Why did she think she could remain
detached from having Marcus drink from her or giving him release? What
possessed her to reach for his very impressive penis and stroke him to quick
completion? And when he placed her hand back on him, she did not pull away.
Logan enjoyed bringing him to another peak.

It couldn’t be
the Mate Bond. What other explanation could there be? His fangs lengthened
he had fed—a telling sign of being
near and desiring your
. The
scenting and the yearning were present. Her emotions had been awakened, and
they crackled with life.

No. She did not
want a mate, especially a boy of such a tender age. A boy who was a beast. She
didn’t like the fact he’d been born a Thrope. Her dealings with the cold, wolf
shape-shifters consisted of her most horrible memories. They could be cruel,
unfeeling, and devious. Of course, the same could be said for Vampires or Water
Fairies for that matter. Thropes were the worst.

Deegan had told
her of Marcus’s turning. She felt sorry for the lad being used in such a way.
His own brother offered him up as an experiment and then to be so brutally

Logan turned and
swam to the shore. Another thing that she did not like was the fact he
preferred men. She had nothing against such joining; perhaps her pride rankled
more than anything. Playing second fiddle to anyone of any species or gender
had always annoyed her. No, that was not the reason either. She swore she would
never mate again. The last experience had been entirely too painful.

His reaction to
her had to be from his Bloodling stage and nothing else. However, she would not
be experiencing the Mate Bond unless Marcus did as well. Drat the lad for
making her feel!

Heading for home
immediately seemed like a sensible plan. Her family needed her. Kester and Callum,
her brothers, were assisting Edward McFarland in the private clinic trying to
find a way to suppress The Concealment. She could be an asset as her skills in
the laboratory were formidable. She should be there and not playing nursemaid
to a scarred beast-boy.

Logan ceased
swimming and rose to the surface, taking a deep breath of fresh sea air. That
was not fair, not fair at all. Marcus made her feel and she didn’t like it so
she dismissed him cruelly to lessen the impact he had on her heart and soul.

Whatever existed
between them couldn’t work. She would not allow it.


Marcus stood,
leaned against the wall, and gazed out his second story window. Through a gap
in the trees he had a good view of Deegan and Tristan’s private beach. He
shouldn’t be out of bed and even though he wasn’t placing pressure on his
splinted leg, it ached like a son of a bitch. After Logan ran out, he managed
to rise from the bed and hop over to the window. There were clothes strewn on
the beach, but no one was in sight. He watched and waited. After fifteen
minutes had passed he was about to hobble back to the bed when he noticed her.

Logan slowly rose
out of the water like Venus rising from the sea. She was naked and her pale
skin glittered and shone as the sea surrounding her. The ocean sluiced over her
bare form as if the water itself caressed her skin. He grew hard once again at
the glorious vision before him. Jesus, she was the most beautiful thing he’d
ever seen. Her striking form caused him to groan as he touched his cock through
his flannel sleep pants. He watched, his one eye riveted as he observed her
dressing and heading back toward the cottage.

He hopped to the
bed and grunted in pain as he climbed under the covers. He was so damned ugly,
why would anything as beautiful as she be interested in him? Marcus had to face
facts; no one would ever want him again. All those runs into Halifax for quick
fucks were at an end unless he wanted to pay for it. Even then, the person he
hired for sexual pleasure would no doubt want complete darkness or ask that he
wear a canvas sack over his head like the damned Elephant Man. His fist pounded
the bed in frustration. No one would ever love him. What did that matter? No
one had ever loved him anyway.


The next morning,
Logan carried a tray into Marcus’s bedroom. He sat upright watching television.
She could hear the word
being shouted numerous times. What was he watching?

Marcus paused the
DVD player and gave her a guarded look. She laid the tray on his lap.

“Toast and apple
cinnamon oatmeal.”

Marcus frowned.
“I don’t like oatmeal.”

Such a little lad.
“Then don’t eat it.” She pulled the chair beside his
bed and sat. “What are you watching?’

He clicked off
the machine and the TV.


“Sounds very

“It is. Does it
offend your sensibilities?”

Logan could hear
the slight sneer in his voice. Was he upset over what happened yesterday
morning? She chose to ignore his attitude. Now fully recovered thanks to her
restorative swim, she scanned her hand across his splinted leg, then the arm in
the cast.

“Your leg is
nearly healed, but I believe you will have a very slight limp and will require
a cane for a while until the leg grows stronger. We shall see how you progress.
I will inform Brennan and we will remove the splint later this afternoon. Your
arm, however, needs more time.”

“And you can tell
all that by moving your hand over my body? What does it tell you of my face?
And how did you get these skills, and while we are at it, what is a Faepyre?”

His questions
were demanding, and she really was not in the mood to answer him when he spoke
to her in that tone of voice.

“What do you wish
me to answer first?”

“Pick one.”

“In the ancient
times, my ancestors were Water Faes who lived in the Highlands of Scotland. As
the story goes, one of them fell in love with a Vampire. The association was
forbidden, but it did not stop them from mating. The blessed sea mother became
very angry with the couple and decreed that all offspring from such a
disgusting union would be Faepyres, a strange mix of both creatures. Outcasts
and not accepted by either faction. No matter whom a Faepyre mated with, the
child would always be Faepyre.”

Marcus gave her a
puzzled look. “I thought Vampires in general couldn’t breed?”

“They could
around this time, 1100 A.D. The decree also stated that not all Faepyre
children would live to full maturation. The choosing was random and
heartbreaking, so much so that most Faepyres became isolated and tried not to
take mates. My family lived quietly until the 1740s. Rival Vampire Clans hating
our existence sent assassins to wipe us out. They sent a pack of Thropes.”

Marcus frowned.
“Thropes are not assassins.”

“These ones were.
There were a few of us remaining, and we had nothing left. Deegan Black
discovered our existence. We had often traded with his ship over the previous
decades. He offered us protection and passage to a land he thought would suit
us. Nova Scotia—or New Scotland. We settled in the Cape Breton Highlands, close
to the ocean. It reminded us of the home we’d lost. Deegan settled along the
South Shore.”

“Since I am
Thrope and Vampire, I must disgust you. Throw in my wrecked face and crippled
body and I haven’t a hope in hell with you, do I?”

Logan sat back in
shock. He seriously thought they had formed a sort of bond? Before she could
try to form a reply, Marcus swung around to face her. He cupped her face and
captured her lips with his.

Logan had not
been kissed by any man in a very long time. The contact was a shocking jolt.
His lips were warm, moist, and insistent. His tentative first brush scorched
her insides. When he deepened the kiss and sensually wrapped his tongue around
hers, Logan’s entire body erupted into flame.

Marcus groaned
loudly and became more aggressive and possessive. The kiss became too much. Her
long buried desires roared to the surface, and she could not have it. Logan
grasped his shoulders and pushed him away hard. The movement caught Marcus off
guard, and he fell backward on the bed, a dazed look on his face.

Her fangs
extended again. No, it could
true. She didn’t want a mate. She stood and backed away from him. He lay
propped up on his elbow, winching in pain as he had landed on his casted arm.
Her concern for his recovery soon overcame her apprehensions regarding the passionate
and incendiary kiss. Logan stepped toward him to check his injured arm. Marcus
hissed at her, his fangs clearly showing.

BOOK: Black Scar
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