Read Blast From the Past Online

Authors: Nic Saint

Blast From the Past (3 page)

BOOK: Blast From the Past
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Nausea swept over her, then, followed by a drowsiness that threatened to swallow her up. When she opened her eyes, the thick fog prevented her from focusing on her surroundings. Then, blinking against the ambient light of the room, a dark figure emerged from the welter, and as she tried to determine who it was, she knew in her heart that it was him…

“What did you do to me?” she groaned, her words slurred and eyes unfocused.

Brad looked up, and the radiance of his smile was the next thing that registered. He clutched her hand in his—warm touch, so warm and soft—and then he was by her side, and she caught a glimpse of those horrible sideburns.

“Those things have to go,” she stated. “They make you look old.”

“Those… things?” he asked, not comprehending.

“Those horrible hairy things. Muttonchops. They’re horrible, honey.”

He didn’t speak for a moment, too stunned, then nodded quickly. “Of course. Consider them gone.”

“Good. And if you don’t mind, the wedding should be in white, Brad. You know how we always said casual? I’ve changed my mind. White’s the way to go.” She nodded and frowned when a shooting pain rattled through her brain. “Ouch,” she murmured, reaching her hands to her head. Only now did she become aware one of her hands was bandaged and some tube was sticking out.

She stared at it, wondering where the thing came from. ”Who put this…” She shook her head, deciding it wasn’t important. “Brad? Could you take care of everything, honey? I feel a bit under the weather. Must be a flu bug going round. I must have caught it when I was prancing around last night in that cheerleader outfit. Damn miniskirts. Should be a law against them.”

“Cheerleader?” intoned Brad.

She grinned up at him, and drew his head closer for a kiss. “I know you think they’re the sexiest thing ever invented, but they play havoc on the constitution.” She drew him in and captured his mouth easily, parting her lips and welcoming the hot urge of his tongue on hers. Brad always was a great kisser, she thought, and suddenly felt the familiar heat course through her body.

She giggled. “Wanna… go for some nookie?”

She quickly threw aside the sheet covering her, and pulled him down on top of her. She didn’t know why, but it seemed to her it had been far too long since she’d clasped her boyfriend between her thighs, and suddenly she felt she couldn’t wait one more second before feeling him stir deep inside her once again.

She felt his hard body atop hers, his powerful arms, all rolling muscle and sculpted perfection, then traced his broad shoulders and his strong back. He was a god amongst men, she’d decided a long time ago, and she was the luckiest girl on the planet to have him want her as much as he wanted her.

The fact he hadn’t grown tired of her after having gone steady for two years was a thing that never ceased to amaze her. She took his hand and placed it on her breast, and moaned as he grasped it eagerly, the heat of his body so close to hers eliciting a deep urge churning in her belly.

She opened her legs and enveloped his sturdy waist. Feeling the coarse fabric of his jeans beneath her bare legs, she frowned in dismay. “You should be naked, big boy,” she muttered, and flipped the top button on his jeans, then drew down the zipper and started tugging down his pants.

“Amy,” he groaned. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here.”

“Why not here?” she countered. “We’re all alone in my room, aren’t we? Mom and Dad will never surprise us. I told them this place is off-limits.”

“But this isn’t—”

“Isn’t what? The right time? It’s always the right time for me, Brad. You know that.” She kissed him seductively, not understanding his sudden reticence. “You can have me anytime, anywhere, baby, you know that. I never get tired of making love to you. Not ever.”


“I want you now, Brad. So take me. Take me please…”

“Oh, what the hell,” he croaked, and shoved off his jeans, then bent over her as he took her mouth once more, more heatedly this time, as if kissing her for the very first time.

“That’s the spirit,” she murmured against his lips, and removed the silly nightgown she was wearing to reveal herself to him. Skin on skin, that’s the way she wanted to be with Brad. All the time.

Chapter 6

“I’m horny, honey. Aren’t you?”

Brad was more surprised than horny in fact, and a vague thought he was engaging in illicit nookie that would come back to haunt him sooner rather than later stirred at the back of his mind. But this was Amy, and she was inviting him in no uncertain terms into her bed. Resistance was futile, he knew, his body moving to the rhythm of their lovemaking before he had a chance to lodge an official complaint through the proper channels.

She wanted him—he wanted her. It was that simple. And even though he nebulously realized something was terribly off here, clear thought was a luxury he could no longer afford now that he was sucked back into the dream world he and Amy had occupied for so long.

He quickly stripped off his jeans and shirt and covered her with his body, pushing her legs apart with his knees, and feeling the wonder that was Amy writhe beneath him, eager to feel him throbbing inside her. She’d never cared much for foreplay, wanting him as much as he wanted her, and they seemed to slip easily back into the old groove now. As he kissed her deeply, their tongues meshing and his hands grasping her naked tits, his mouth sucking in her pert nipples, pink and proud, his cock twitched at attention at the opening to her sex, ready, willing and able to plunge into her.

She sneaked a hand down, her eyes closed and soft sighs escaping her lips, and took his hardness, guiding him between her folds—just like the old days, he thought briefly before he was swallowed up by the heat pulsating between her thighs, and he was inside her, snugly filling her up, sliding home as if they’d never been apart. The years fell away and he was eighteen again, just like she was, and he was thrusting deeply into her tender flesh, her cunt hot and slick, eager for his cock.

Briefly he wondered if he shouldn’t use protection, but he was so wrapped up in the moment, the thought came and went. They’d always done it like this, ever since making love in the backseat of his car on their third date. The first two times she’d insisted he use a rubber, but then she’d convinced her mom to go on the pill, and they’d done it bareback ever since, the first time creating an intimacy between them that had seemed like it would last a lifetime, each declaring to the other they belonged together now, lovers forever, exclusive and evermore.

He bucked his hips as she moaned in exquisite pleasure, her eyelids fluttering and her lips parted in ecstasy, and when he upped the tempo and fucked her deeply and steadily, he knew she was on the verge of her first come. She’d always climaxed easily and quickly with him, something about the way he made love to her filling her with a deep trust and the ability to surrender.

He clasped her buttocks in his hands as his shoulders pushing her down onto the hospital bed, and he parted her cheeks with his powerful fingers, feeling himself moving deeply inside her. Then he popped his index finger into her butthole, and she whimpered loudly as he pistoned rhythmically, and when she came he momentarily feared the hospital staff to come running.

He didn’t care. This was Amy, the girl he’d loved since fifth grade, and he was finally home again. Finally had arrived in the place he belonged. He suckled at her tit as he pumped relentlessly into that soft and juicy pussy of her, the years of being apart from her lending a quality of desperation to his fucking, and when she murmured his name against his ear, he came, projecting his hot seed deeply into her womb, hitting the spot where they’d lived for so long, loved for so long, before irrevocably drifting apart.

“I love you, Brad,” she whispered, clasping both her arms and legs around his spasming form, and as he drained his balls into her tender flesh, he kissed her deeply and voraciously.

Just then, the door to the room swung open, and a raging fury entered. He recognized Amy’s sister Jackie, and when she began to rain a torrent of furious blows on his back, pulling him off her sister, he woke up to the realization that perhaps he’d done something rash.

“Get off her, you maniac!” Jackie was screeching, hitting him with her tiny fists. “You rapist! You fucking freak! Get off my sister!”

Reluctantly, he rolled off Amy, who seemed dazed at this sudden interruption. She reached out for Brad. “Don’t go, honey. Don’t listen to that crazy sister of mine. She’s just jealous. You know how it is.”

Stunned, Jackie stared at her sister. “What the hell…”

Holding onto Brad, Amy threw Jackie a steely glance. “He’s
boyfriend. If you want one, go and get your own!”

“But… Amy…” Jackie muttered feebly.

Amy clasped her arms around Brad’s waist, holding onto him for dear life. “Don’t leave me, Brad. Don’t listen to my stupid sister. She wants you for her own but you’re mine—
, you hear!”

And as if to prove her point, she spread her legs, showing her wet cunt. “Look what he did. He just came inside me. That’s right. He fucked the hell out of me!”

Flabbergasted, Jackie staggered back until she reached the wall, then plopped down on one of the chairs conveniently placed there for visitors.

Brad felt embarrassed and moved to cover Amy with the sheet. He now realized he’d allowed himself to get carried away. He stroked her head and turned to Jackie. “She’s not herself right now,” he explained. “She thinks… She seems to think she’s still eighteen and we’re still together.”

“You’re crazy,” gasped Jackie, eyes wide. “You’re both crazy!”

Brad had to admit the definition definitely applied to him. He felt ashamed now. He should have resisted the urges of his flesh, and not encourage Amy to fulfill her delusional desire.

He covered his crotch with his jeans and sat down next to her on the bed, holding her cheek in his hand. “Honey, you were in an accident. You’re not eighteen anymore, and neither am I.”

Amy giggled and sat up a little straighter. “I like this game. So what am I?”

“You’re twenty-eight now, same as me. You’re a computer expert,” he said gently. “And you just started a clothing store with your sister Jackie.”

“I like it. Playing store, huh? What else?” She clapped her hands, her tits wiggling seductively. It took every ounce of restraint not to reach out and caress her naked form so he took the hospital gown she’d shed and draped it over her, covering her up.

“We’ve both lived our lives, I guess, and have grown older and, perhaps, a little wiser.”

Her eyes were wide and questioning. “But we’re still together, right? Married? How many kids do we have? We always wanted to have twins, remember?”

He inclined his head, and became aware of soft sobs emanating from Jackie. “We did. Twins would have been great.”

Amy slung her hands around his neck, and snuggled up to him. “I like this game, Brad,” she murmured. “Still together after all these years, huh? All our dreams come true?”

He held her tight, then, hugging her close as the tears started to sting behind his eyes. “Yeah. All our dreams come true. Just the way we always wanted.”

Chapter 7

“I don’t think…” Amy sipped from the cup of tea one of the nurses had brought. She felt cheerful and as chipper as she’d ever felt. “I don’t think we should let this little tiff come between us, sis. I obviously misread the situation.”

“I guess you did,” her sister said wryly.

Brad had left, and now it was just her and Jackie.

“I’m sorry I attacked you like that. I know you would never dream of trying to steal Brad away from me.” She thrust out her hand. “Friends?”

Jackie shook it half-heartedly. “Friends,” she muttered.

Amy felt as if Jackie was behaving strangely. She didn’t know what it was about her twin, but she kept darting odd glances at her. Finally she couldn’t stand it anymore. She rubbed her nose. “Do I have something on my face, Jack? You keep looking at me all weird like.”

“No,” said Jackie in an odd, even tone. “No, you don’t have anything on your face. In fact you’ve never looked better. At least for someone who’s just been in an accident.”

Amy furrowed her brow and took another dainty sip from her tea. “Accident? What are you talking about? I haven’t been in an accident. I’d remember if I had.”

Suddenly, Jackie’s hand stole out and grabbed her arm. “That’s just the point, sis. You don’t remember, do you? I mean, you don’t remember anything from the last ten years.”

“Ten years? Of course I remember. I remember everything.” She jabbed a finger at her sister. “I remember
being mighty jealous when I told you Brad kissed me behind the bicycle stand.”

Jackie’s face flushed and Amy laughed.

“See? I remember everything. I even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. Honey pops. I remember because you told me I shouldn’t eat that junk. That I should take better care of myself and only eat that goop you like so much.” She wrinkled her nose. “Oatmeal. Yuk. How can eat that stuff is so beyond me.”

A sob sounded and when she looked up, her sister was crying—big, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “Hey,” she said, worry lacing her voice. “What’s wrong, Jack? I’m sorry about the goop. If you like it, that’s fine. Or is it Brad? I know I shouldn’t keep rubbing him in your face. I know you saw him first.”

Jackie dabbed at her tears with the sleeve of her pullover. “It’s not that. It’s just that…” She shook her head despondently, then spirited a brave smile on her face. “Let’s wait and see what the doctor says, shall we?”

“Doctor? I’m not sick. Why should I see a doctor all of a sudden.”

“Just… trust me on this. You’re not well, honey. Not well at all.”

Suit yourself, Amy thought with a shrug. Her sister always was a worrywart. “I’ll see a doctor if that makes you feel better,” she conceded.

She sighed and leaned back against the pillow, only now seeing the room in all its starkness. “Hey, this isn’t my room, is it?” She glanced over at the window, surprised to find the airplane mobile she’d made in third grade gone.

“No, this isn’t your room, Ames. You’re in the hospital now,” her sister explained patiently. “You were in an accident and the ambulance brought you here.”

BOOK: Blast From the Past
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