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Authors: Kit Tunstall

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Blood Challenge (19 page)

BOOK: Blood Challenge
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The marginal softening she saw in Davinia’s expression encouraged her. She switched her gaze to Golatia, who hadn’t turned away from her. “I also found a mother among you. I’ve never been close to the woman who gave birth to me. I could never please her. I never measured up to her plans for me, but Golatia accepted me just as I am.”

She closed her eyes, knowing the hardest part was coming. “Despite who and what I am, I have become part of the Pack. I’ve found a sense of belonging among you. I’ve found a family.” She held her breath, waiting to see their reaction. She was able to breathe again when several of the Pack turned around to face her. Their expressions were closed, but at least they were looking at her. “I owe each of you an apology, and I want to make it up to you. I want to stay here and spend my life among my family.”

Ellie started walking, forcing her feet to carry her to Rica, who had kept his back turned to her. She stopped within touching distance. “Don’t make me leave, Rica. I do love you. You know I do, deep down. You’re hurt at my deception, but you can’t doubt I love you.”

His shoulders moved almost imperceptibly, but he didn’t turn.

She touched his arm, encouraged when he didn’t flinch or try to shrug her off. “You’re everything to me, Rica. I would rather die than be without you. Whatever the reasons I thought I was coming to Corsova for, you were the true purpose. I believe I was meant to find you. I’m destined to be your mate.”

He turned, but his face was hard. “We mate for life. You accepted me, knowing you planned to leave. You didn’t care what that would do to me.”

She wished they could do this privately, but Rica seemed determined to expose her vulnerabilities to the Pack. “That’s true. I intended to leave you. I didn’t even think I cared whom I mated with. I thought any man would be as good as the next, for my purposes. My plan was to gather as much about your people as I could, and then leave without looking back.” She swallowed the ball of moisture in her throat. “Things changed when you made love to me, Rica.”

His eyes widened, and he looked at the Pack gathered. All had turned back to face her, and they were listening to every word.

She forced herself to continue. “I’ve never felt anything for anyone else that’s close to what I feel for you. Your touch makes me burn. Your gentleness, coupled with your strength, humbles me. Every day, you remain honorable and true to your beliefs, no matter what the cost. I want you in my life, Rica. I want to have that same sort of resolve.”

She bowed her head, hoping he would say something. Still, he remained silent. She wanted him to agree to let her stay because he wanted her. She didn’t want to use her last option to force his hand. She had to know he loved her and could forgive her. “Please say something. Tell me you hate me, or tell me you love me. Spend the rest of our lives together punishing me with harsh words, but don’t send me away.”

She raised her head when she heard movement. She watched with amazement as the Pack disbursed, leaving them with the illusion of privacy. She frowned. “What’s happening?”

“They’re signaling they will follow my decision.” Rica’s mouth twisted. “They’re also letting me know they won’t support it in their hearts if I don’t choose wisely.”

Her stomach clenched. “What choice do they want you to make?”

“They want you to stay. If they didn’t, they never would have turned back to you. They wouldn’t have acknowledged you in any form. Don’t you remember how it was when we banished Belia’s followers?”

She nodded, remembering how the dozen men and women had been cast out. The Pack had turned away from them, refusing to hear their pleas to be allowed to stay. Mothers had hardened their hearts to their children, not even shedding a tear as their offspring left forever. “What decision will you make, Rica?”

“I don’t know. How can I believe you, Ellie?”

She shrugged, wishing she had an answer. “I lost my notes in the fire,” she whispered. “I didn’t even think about them until you were safe. By then, they were destroyed. I cared more about losing the box you made me than the journal.” She lifted her head to meet his eyes. “I would have died with you in that fire if you hadn’t been able to transform. I would rather have perished with you than live without you.” Tears streamed from her eyes.

His hands were gentle when he drew her against his chest. “I want to believe you. I want to let you stay, but how do I know you won’t get bored with life here and decide to leave? How can I be sure you won’t betray us to the outside world?”

His shirt muffled her voice, but she strove to speak clearly. “Because I’m one of you now. Even before you saved me by transforming me, I had decided I couldn’t expose you. I don’t want the world to know about us.” She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. It might be the wrong time to make her revelation, but what choice did she have?

“I don’t want our son or daughter spending their life running. I want him or her to grow up safe and sheltered here in Necheau.” She lifted her head, daring to meet his shocked gaze. Ellie cupped his cheeks in her hands. “I want my child to learn how to be the kind of person you are.”

He paled. “You’re carrying?”

She nodded. “I’m having your baby. I planned to tell you tonight, but then the messengers from the queen arrived. I don’t want the baby to be the reason you let me stay, but if that’s the only way you’ll allow it, I will spend the rest of my life trying to convince you how much I love you.”

Rica sighed, and his tension relaxed. “You don’t have to convince me. I know you love me. How could you not?”

A small smile curved her face at his arrogant words. “Yes, Rica.”

He snorted. “Don’t be meek for me. I know that isn’t you.” He frowned. “Unless you’ve been playing a part. Are you the woman I fell in love with, or was she a façade?”

She shook her head. “I’ve been myself with you, except the night you first summoned me, after I eavesdropped on your meeting. I found it impossible to play the useless rich girl. My love for you is real. It’s more real and tangible than anything my old life could offer.” She laid her head against his chest again. “Can I stay, Rica?”

“Yes. Our people need a Lupina.” His gruff tone softened. “And I need you.” He cleared his throat. “There are conditions.”

Her heart stuttered. “What conditions?”

His expression was stern. “I expect you to tell me you love me every day. I expect you to show it too, not just mouth the words. I expect you to be my helpmate and partner. You have to honor your duties to the Pack.”

She nodded eagerly. “I can do all that. I can start showing you right now, if you want?”

He seemed to be mulling it over. “That would be acceptable. You have my permission to proceed.”





Ellie shivered as the cold wind penetrated her fur robe. She cradled Ilka closer to her, ensuring the mound of furs covering her son protected him from the night air. She heard Aurelia crying as Rica readjusted her position in his arms. She wondered how much longer the Welcoming part of the Naming Ceremony would take. Surely, by now, each of the Pack had seen the twins. She’d had enough visitors in the past week to think so. And why did they have to do this outside, in mid-winter?

Davinia stood behind her, holding Ylenia in a fur robe that nearly swallowed up the baby. She kept trying to lean forward and reach for Ilka, causing her mother to shift her position every other minute.

Ellie turned her head to smile at her friend. “She seems taken with him.”

Golatia laughed, causing Ellie to turn her head to look at her.

“As she should be.” A cryptic smile curved the old woman’s lips.

Ellie frowned. “What do you know, Golatia?”

She smiled. “I know what I know, my dear. Some things I can tell, and some I won’t.”

She sighed at the familiar answer. “Fine, have your secrets.”

Golatia’s age-spotted hand brushed Ilka’s cheek. “I’ll tell you this, Lupina. Your children are special.”

The Naming Ceremony lasted nearly an hour. She lost count of the number of hugs and well wishes she received. It was nice to have the Pack showing their acceptance of her and the children, but she was glad it had ended by the time they returned to their home. The construction had recently been completed, and it featured electricity, as did all the houses in Necheau of Pack members who had opted for the luxury when Rica arranged to have power put in for the village.

She gladly surrendered Ilka to Rica, who shifted Aurelia to his other arm. It was heartwarming to see his large hands cradling each tiny baby with such tenderness. “I’m exhausted.”

“Go to bed. I’ll join you as soon as I have the twins down.”

She wasn’t about to argue with him. Ellie hurried into the bathroom and washed with record speed. She brushed her hair, now falling past her shoulders, to a glossy sheen, and returned to their bedroom. By the time she heard Rica coming down the hall, she had arranged herself on the bed.

He opened the door and froze, with his eyes wide. He cleared his throat. “Did you forget your nightshirt?”

She shook her head and spread her thighs wider.

His cock swelled against his jeans, but he seemed determined to control his desire. “Aren’t you cold? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable under the covers?”

“No.” She tilted her head. “I’d be more comfortable under you. These last few weeks have been hell.”

He cleared his throat again. “It’s only been a week since the twins were born. I thought you had to…you know…wait a while.”

She shrugged. “If I were still human, I would. I found time to transform this morning.”

His eyes widened with comprehension. “You aren’t sore?”

She shook her head. “I do ache though. I need your cock. It’s been too long.”

His fingers seemed to fly as he shed his flannel shirt. He kicked off his boots in whatever direction they flew. The rest of his clothes followed, and he rushed to the bed.

She held out her arms, welcoming him as he covered her. “Have I told you yet today that I love you?”

“Yes, you have.”

She nodded. “Good. I wouldn’t want to violate any of my conditions.” She grinned. “Have I shown you yet?”

Rica chuckled. “Now that you mention it, I don’t think you have.”

She pressed her lips to his, gently exploring his mouth with her tongue when he parted his lips. She grasped his shoulders and parted her thighs further as he settled between her legs. His cock pressed against her pussy, reminding her how long it had been since she had been able to welcome his hard length inside her.

She gasped when Rica ran his thumb across her breast. The nipple was swollen, and a trickle of milk leaked from it at the stimulation. She arched her back when he cupped the breast, rolling his palm over the engorged peak. His tongue dueled with hers, gently forcing hers back into her mouth. His followed, stroking across hers with velvet softness. He seemed to be intent on seducing her, but that wasn’t what she wanted.

She broke away, turning her head to avoid his kiss. “I don’t want slow and easy, Rica. I’ve spent the last few weeks aching for you. Just fuck me, please.”

If he hadn’t been so endearing, his visible swell of pride would have been irksome. “I can give you exactly what you need.” His cock started to slide into her pussy, but he froze when she clenched her legs around him.

“Not without protection. I dearly love our children, and I appreciated the way you pampered me while I was pregnant, but I am not going through delivery again for a long time.” Remembering the pain of the experience was almost enough to cool her ardor.

He didn’t murmur a peep of protest as he sat up and leaned across her to get a condom from the nightstand. “I’m glad I ordered these,” he said quietly. “I didn’t think I’d need them so soon.”

“I’m thankful you’re prepared.” Her eyes feasted on the length of his cock as he sheathed it in latex. She opened her arms again to embrace him as he returned to his position between her thighs. Rica nudged her thighs apart and cupped her pussy in his hand. He circled her clit as his tongue circled hers. She was wet and ready for him. She arched against him, but Rica refused to replace his hand with his cock.

The frustration was going to kill her. She freed her mouth. “I need you. Don’t tease me.”

“Yes, Lupina,” he said in a mockingly servile tone. “Anything you say.”

She growled at him and tried to thrust her hips upward, to seek out his cock. His fingers plunged inside her, and it brought some measure of relief. It wasn’t enough though. “Rica.” She had meant for her frustration to be obvious when she said his name, but it emerged as a breathy whisper when he finally parted her lips and plunged his cock inside her.

His intentions of teasing her fled, and he thrust into her in earnest. Ellie’s response was equally eager. She arched against him as fast and hard as she could, taking in all of his cock before he withdrew it, only to repeat the cycle again. She dug her fingernails into his back, urging him to thrust even deeper. Her pussy was still a little swollen, providing snug passage for his cock. It ignited all of her nerve endings, causing convulsions to build in her pussy.

She tightened her thighs around him, locking Rica inside her. As his cock spasmed, her pussy clenched and released. The orgasm made her pant, but it was the look of love in his eyes that took her breath away when their gazes locked. He made no attempt to hide the intensity of his emotions for her. He exposed his soul to her, and she embraced the gift, holding him tightly against her. As soon as she could breathe, she would certainly remind him how much she loved him.

BOOK: Blood Challenge
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