Read Borderline Online

Authors: T. A. Chase

Tags: #Suspense, #Erotic Romance, #Gay

Borderline (5 page)

BOOK: Borderline
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“Okay,” Mac agreed.

They sat, and Tanner dished out the food. Mac took a bite and moaned.

“This is really good. Reminds me of the food José made.”

“Really? José was a good cook?” Tanner bit back all the other questions he wanted to ask. The set of Mac’s shoulders and face told Tanner the man was very private and didn’t share personal information freely.

Tanner didn’t blame him. Most people had skeletons in their closets they didn’t want to see the light of day. He respected Mac’s privacy.

“Only those traditional Mexican dishes. José never really got the hang of cooking American food.” Mac laughed softly. “There were times I’d kill for a hamburger and fries.”

“I know what you mean. My mother worked a lot, so she didn’t have time to make dinner most nights for me. When I was fourteen, she taught me how to cook, except her favorite dishes were all Mexican. I eventually learned how to fix other types, yet I tend to fall back on her recipes when I want to impress someone.”

“Was your father around?” Mac frowned at his plate, looking like he hadn’t meant to ask the question.

“Not since I was three or four. It was hard at times, but Mama and I helped each other.” Tanner sighed. “She died last year.”

Mac covered his hand and squeezed. “Sorry to hear that. I lost José about five years ago, and there wasn’t ever anyone but the two of us.”

“We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?” He lifted their entwined fingers and brushed a kiss over Mac’s knuckles. “Let’s get all the depressing stuff out of the way. I really want to get back to making out with you.”

They let go of each other and by mutual agreement kept conversation to the minimum while they ate. Once they were finished, they cleaned up and took the bottle of tequila into the living room, where the folders from the case sat on the coffee table. They stared at the manila pile for a moment.

“Okay. I think the ME figured out all the victims were killed by the same knife, giving us the right to assume he has an affinity with knives. He likes to torture them first. Each one has signs of struggling on her wrists and legs. Yet he doesn’t rape them, or at least there are no signs of sexual penetration.” Tanner flipped open the top folder and pulled out the wide shot of how the victim was displayed.

Mac rumbled low in his throat, and Tanner shot him a glance. Rage simmered in the man’s eyes. There was something different about this victim, Tanner knew it, because while there had been a certain urgency in Mac’s voice when they first met, there hadn’t been this deep anger. He made a mental note to push a little harder next time the subject came up.

“Ignoring the victim herself, I studied the way she was displayed in a five-pointed style. When you see something like that, your immediate response is…” He looked at Mac.

The man turned away from the picture. He fumbled with the tequila bottle’s cap and managed to remove it. Tanner sat back and watched Mac pour himself a shot with shaking hands. Mac was lucky he didn’t spill a drop of the liquor. A dash of salt and Mac gulped down the alcohol.

“Your usual response would be…” Tanner prompted again.

Mac grimaced and set the glass down. “Satan worship. Isn’t that usually what the symbol means, if it’s a pentagram?”


“But you don’t believe that’s what it means.” Mac met Tanner’s gaze. “What do you think it means?”

Tanner pursed his lips and stared at the picture for a second. “I think he’s messing with us. It might be part of his ritual, but I don’t think it’s an important aspect of it. I checked all the photos taken at each scene. The star isn’t always complete or perfect. It’s almost like he throws it in as an afterthought.”

“Like throwing red herrings in to distract us from the important issues?”

“Yes and no. Some of it I believe he’s making up as he goes along. He plans out his abductions. He has to be following the women before he grabs them. No witnesses have come forward yet, meaning he knows where to grab them and when to do it. We’ve identified all five victims, so he doesn’t take them from the homeless or the prostitutes. If he did, it would be harder to identify them.”

“He’s either very arrogant or very stupid.”

Tanner stood and walked to the window, looking out over his front yard. “I’m inclined to lean toward the former rather than the later. The sophistication of the kidnapping and killing speaks to a highly ordered mind. Oh, I’m not saying he’s a genius or anything like that, but he’s not stupid either.”

“He’s going to kill again, isn’t he?”

Bracing his hands against the window frame, Tanner nodded. “I’m afraid there’ll be another woman sooner than we expect. He’s got a taste for the fear now, and it’s a hungry monster.”

He heard the clink of glass on glass and turned to spot Mac standing, holding out a shot glass. Tanner stalked to where Mac stood and reached for the saltshaker. He pushed into Mac’s personal space, licking a line along the man’s neck.

Mac tilted his head, giving Tanner more room. He sprinkled the salt on Mac’s wet skin. After taking the glass, he sucked the salt from his soon-to-be lover’s neck before slamming back the tequila. They both gasped.

Tanner started to reach for the bottle to pour more out, but Mac shoved him down on the couch. Tanner barely got his glass on the floor before Mac landed on top of him. He spread his legs as best he could, making room for Mac’s hips.

“I decided I’d rather just suck on you.”

Tanner’s cock stiffened, and he moaned as their groins met. “Fuck me.”

“I’ll get to that, but first I think we’re wearing too many clothes.”

Fumbling, they somehow removed their shirts, and Tanner’s eyes closed as Mac lowered his hairy chest down on his. God, he loved a man with chest hair, maybe because he didn’t have much of his own. He reared up and crushed their mouths together, trying to control the kiss, but Mac wouldn’t let him.

Mac threaded his fingers through Tanner’s hair and held him still while Mac conquered him. Opening, Tanner let Mac sweep his tongue in, and he sucked on it. Tequila and jalapeño peppers might have been an odd combination, but Tanner thought it might be his favorite flavor now, especially if it came mixed with Mac’s own unique taste.

While Mac made love to his mouth, Tanner slid his hands down Mac’s broad back to grip his ass and squeeze. Mac flexed his muscles, and Tanner moaned low in his throat. Shit. The man was built, and Tanner couldn’t wait for Mac to bury his cock in Tanner’s ass.

Mac bit Tanner’s bottom lip and licked the pain away. Tanner tipped his head back, closing his eyes as Mac trailed a line along his jaw and down to Tanner’s neck. He whimpered as Mac placed several stinging kisses in a row, ending at his nipple.

“Please,” he whispered as Mac breathed warm air over his hard flesh.

Hot moisture surrounded his nipple when Mac wrapped his lips around it. Tanner arched, cradling the back of Mac’s head to keep the man right there. Teeth and tongue drove Tanner closer to the edge. He kept his other hand on Mac’s butt, and they ground against each other.

Finally Mac pulled away from him and climbed to his feet. “I’m too old to make out on the couch. Let’s move this to the bedroom.”

Arguing wasn’t in Tanner’s plan, so he took the hand Mac held out to him and allowed the man to haul him to his feet. They stumbled down the hallway, pausing to kiss and struggle with zippers and belts. By the time they shut the bedroom door behind them, Mac’s jeans were open, and his cock rose proudly from the fabric.

Tanner dropped to his knees and fisted Mac’s cock. “I want to taste this.”

Mac pressed against Tanner’s shoulders. “Where are your condoms?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

Tanner saw the seriousness in Mac’s eyes. He pushed to his feet and made his way to the bathroom. “Get undressed and on the bed. I’ll be right back.”

He’d forgotten to stock up on lube and rubbers in the nightstand next to the bed. Opening the drawer under the sink, he grabbed the bottle of slick and the entire box of condoms. Not that they were going to use all of them that night, but he liked to be optimistic.

The sight greeting him as he stepped back into his bedroom froze him in his tracks. Mac lay on the bed, back propped up by pillows. He had one leg bent at the knee and the other angled out to give Tanner a mouthwatering view of his cock and balls. Mac stroked his fat shaft, swiping his palm across the head on each upstroke.

Tanner tossed the lube next to Mac’s hip and ripped the box to get a foil packet. He put the box next to the bottle before crawling onto the bed between Mac’s legs. He tore open the packet, shoved Mac’s hand out of the way, and rolled the rubber on.

Without saying anything, he leaned down and swallowed Mac’s cock down. He didn’t have much gag reflex, so he could take it in until his nose was buried in the curls around the base of Mac’s shaft.

“Holy fuck, Tanner.” Mac gripped the sides of Tanner’s head while he thrust in and out of his mouth.

Tanner let Mac do as he wanted while he made sure he applied hard enough suction and tongue. Saliva dripped down over Mac’s balls, tempting Tanner. He fondled them, squeezing and tugging slightly. Not enough to hurt him but to add an edge to the sensation. He teased the soft skin behind them, and Mac moaned.

Slipping his fingers into his mouth alongside Mac’s cock, Tanner got them as wet as he could before he reached behind to rub over Mac’s hole. The man tensed but didn’t pull away from him. Tanner didn’t press in or anything, simply played with the puckered flesh.

Mac tapped Tanner’s shoulder. Not moving away from his position, he glanced up.

“You can do it. I haven’t bottomed in a while, but go ahead.”

Tanner pulled off and eased up, bracing his hands on either side of Mac’s head. “Are you sure? I don’t mind bottoming this time.”

Mac shrugged. “Fine. You can do me next time.”

“Sounds like a plan for me.” He grinned down at Mac and picked up the lube. “Why don’t you get me ready while I suck on you a little bit more?”

A shudder racked Mac’s body, and the man nodded. “Okay. Works for me.”

Tanner handed Mac the bottle of lube and turned to straddle Mac, allowing the man access to his ass while he returned his attention to Mac’s prick. He didn’t really like the taste of latex, but if it was the only way he could suck Mac, he’d do it. He placed just the head of Mac’s shaft in his mouth and teased it with his tongue.

Mac hissed but didn’t lose focus on what he was supposed to do. Cool slick swiped over Tanner’s opening. He sucked in a deep breath and pushed back as Mac breached his ass. Soon they were moving together. Mac shoving into Tanner’s mouth while Tanner rocked onto Mac’s fingers.

The pressure built, and the tingling at the base of Tanner’s spine warned him his climax was near. He rolled onto his back and grabbed his legs behind his knees, bringing them back to expose himself.

“Fuck me now, Mac. I don’t want to come until you’re in me.”

Mac settled between Tanner’s thighs like he belonged there, positioned the head of his cock at Tanner’s hole, and eased in, inch by inch. Tanner bit his lip, wanting to yell at the man to shove the full length into him as fast as possible.

He stared up at Mac, saw the gritted teeth, and knew Mac was trying not to hurt him. He reached up and caressed Mac’s chin.

“Slam into me, Mac. I can take it. I want you hard and fast. We can do it slow later.”

Mac met his gaze, and whatever the man saw in Tanner’s eyes convinced him.

“Brace yourself.”

Putting his hands against the headboard, Tanner nodded, and Mac slammed into him, driving a shout from him. Their lovemaking became primitive and almost violent. Mac held Tanner’s hip with one hand while bending over him and reaming Tanner’s ass.

“That’s it. Right there.” Tanner grunted as Mac managed to nail his gland.

Whatever smooth rhythm Mac had disappeared as he drove closer and closer to the cliff. Tanner tightened his inner muscles, drawing Mac’s climax from him. Mac thrust into him and froze, head thrown back and a yell filling the room. With a tug or two at his own cock, Tanner came as well, his cum spilling out over his stomach. Mac collapsed, and Tanner gasped as he caught all of Mac’s weight.

“Sorry. As soon as I can remember how to move, I’ll get off you and clean up.”

Tanner chuckled softly. “It’s okay. We have time.”

He ran his fingers through Mac’s sweaty hair while their breathing eased. After a few minutes, Mac slipped out of him, eliciting a quiet whimper from Tanner. He stared up at the ceiling while Mac headed toward the bathroom. Tanner heard water running, then turning off, and turned when Mac came back into the room. His lover washed him off before tossing the cloth in the direction of the other room.

They settled under the covers. Would Mac want to cuddle, or would he fall asleep like a lot of Tanner’s lovers had? Tanner liked to snuggle after sex. It helped make him feel less alone. He bit back his sigh of relief when Mac maneuvered their bodies around so Tanner’s back rested against Mac’s chest. His strong arms lay over Tanner’s waist to curl over Tanner’s heart.

“Let’s sleep for a bit, then maybe you can fuck me,” Mac mumbled.

Tanner didn’t answer, just patted Mac’s hand in agreement. He let his eyes drift closed and fell asleep, surrounded by Mac’s heat.

* * * *

A noise woke Tanner later that night, and he reached out to touch the mattress next to him. No one was there. Had Mac woken up and left? Maybe after getting his rocks off, Mac had decided there wasn’t any point in doing it again. Was it the front door closing he’d heard? If Mac had left, Tanner could guess why. When someone hid who he or she truly was, it was hard to trust anyone else. Mac was a private man, a personality trait Tanner understood.

Another noise caught his attention, and he climbed out of bed. He dug out a pair of sweats and his backup gun from the dresser. Opening the bedroom door, he stood, listening to see if he could figure out where the person was in his house.

Clinking of glass on glass drew him to the living room, and he entered to see Mac pour some tequila.

“Isn’t it a little late for drinking?”

BOOK: Borderline
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