Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 3:

BOOK: Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 3:
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Penny McDaniel had no idea that when she took the job as an accountant with the Buchanan brothers that the sexy billionaire entrepreneurs had a thing for curvy girls but when they make her an offer she can’t possibly refuse, she learns just how hot they are for her soft, sweet body.
Just when Penny starts to believe she’s living in a dream, Dillon Buchanan, the black sheep of the family, shows up, ready to make trouble. Caught in a dangerous game with high stakes, Penny finds herself torn between three men —
all of whom want her body and soul.
But in the Buchanan world, secrets and lies go hand in hand and Penny doesn’t know who to trust…or love.


Bought By The Billionaire Brothers

Secrets and Lies

By Alexx Andria

Copyright © 2012 by Alexx Andria. All rights reserved.

*This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. If you’re not 18 years or older, find something else to read.

The foll
owing short story of approx. 9,8
00 wo
rds is a work of erotic fiction.

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Penny stepped into the foyer of the expansive home where dozens of well-heeled people mingled about like schools of privileged fish and she
ed at the intense discomfort of feeling out of place
her wandering gaze settled she found evidence of how out of her league she was in her surroundings. She tried not to fidget but her fingers itched to curl in the fine fabric of the designer dress clinging to her generous curves, pushing up her breasts like twin offerings on a carnal plate
so that they swelled obscenely
the edge of her dress
Goodness gracious, her nipples were nearly exposed and she’d said exactly that when Vince had presented
his gift
to her. But Vince had simply smiled as if he’d been perfectly aware of this fact —
and he

Was she honestly the same woman who’d gone from wearing boring beige panties on a typical day to wearing expensive panty and bra sets that cost more than some people’s salary? She shifted and grimaced as her thong wedged itself more firmly up her tush and for a split second she longed
the comfort of her boring, beige granny panties. But boring beige wasn’t sexy
. Tiny, scraps of lace climbing up your ass crack was very sexy, even if it was annoying as hell to feel as if you were constantly fighting a wedgie.

And damn it, if there was one thing she was desperately trying to learn, it was how to be effortlessly sexy.
Oh, l
ike her
…Penny couldn’t help staring just a little at the lithe woman
glided by
with a champagne flute in her hand
, her willowy figure everything
Penny would never be, as she commanded the attention of every set of male eyes in the room. Penny had never commanded a room. She hated being the center of attention, mostly because she feared people were judging her but also because she was a bit shy, if the truth were known.
And this party was like scrubbing sandpaper across a raw wound, she thought grumpily.

“You’re probably the only person in this room who can actually move their facial muscles enough to furrow your brow but why mar such a lovely face unnecessarily?”

Penny jumped at the sound of Dillon’s voice at the sensitive shell of her ear and shivered as a secret thrill chased her consternation that Dillon, Vince and Nolan’s oldest brother, had somehow crashed this exclusive party.

“What are you doing here?” Penny asked, determined to keep things frosty between her and Dillon. She belonged to Vince and Nolan, the twin Buchanan brothers
and there was bad blood between the twins and Dillon, so that meant she automatically owed her allegiance to the twins.
“I thought this party was by invitation only?”

Dillon produced a slim
in fussy calligraphy between his index and middle finger then with a flick tucked it back into the dark confines of his tailored suit. “Seems there are a few people who still enjoy my company. My brothers notwithstanding, of course.
” He gave the room a cursory glance. “Speaking of, where are
Frick and Frack
tonight? Surely, they didn’t think to leave their little lamb in the company of wolves?
Particularly when the wolves are hungry.

Penny’s breath hitched at the bold way Dillon’s gaze skimmed her curves before returning to her astonished eyes. She struggled to catch her breath when her heart rate threatened to
to an unacceptable
and tried to ignore the flutterings of arousal that always sparked to life whenever Dillon was within two feet of her.

“Are you feeling all right, dove?” Dillon asked
, though his handsome mouth twitched with knowing. She glared and jerked a nod, swallowing and looking away to compose herself.

“My dress is tight,” she muttered. “And it’s hot in here.”

“Of course,” he
though in truth, she knew he was simply agreeing with her because he enjoyed toying with her.
Dillon Buchanan was the worst sort of man — handsome enough to make a girl forget just how bad he was and just bad enough to make a girl think of terribly sexual things with a smoldering glance — and Penny had to check herself each time he poked his head into her life. Which
as of late, seemed like a lot.

“Stop it,” she said, shocking him with her terse demand. “I know what you’re doing and I’m not about to fall for it.”

“Oh?” One dark slash of an eyebrow lifted in mock surprise. “Do tell. What am I doing aside from providing you with a little friendly company in a room filled with strange faces? Perhaps I was mistaken in my assumption that
looked ready to pass out from sheer terror.”

“I did not look ready to pass out,” she
said indignantly, but it was probably the fact that he was right that bothered her most. She had felt ready to crumple to the floor in a puddle of
Vera Wang couture.

Penny swallowed and
desperately searched for a familiar face, or more specifically
, two intimately familiar faces before she tumbled into pure panic. Of course, they couldn’t arrive together. No one could know about their arrangement —
technically, it was illegal to own another human being, even if that human being was a willing participant —
so that meant Penny had been forced to arrive on her own to a party where she knew no one aside from Vince and Nolan Buchanan, her Masters.

“Tell me, Penny, what is it about me that makes you so jittery?”

Her nose twitched at the sharp tang of his cologne as well as the subtle but alluring scent of pure masculine skin and she had to scowl to prevent herself from leaning in for a deeper inhale. “Perhaps I just don’t like you,” Penny replied with a cool smile that belied the heat curling in her belly. There was something about Dillon that stole her breath and made her think of things best left alone. Guilt sharpened her tongue as she added with a lift of her chin, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find Vince and Nolan. They’re probably looking for me as we speak.”

But as she took a step away, Dillon’s voice trailed at her back in a silky murmur that for all its soft delivery may as well have been shouted. “Or maybe, you like me too much…
” he suggested and she shuddered, melting into the crowd of people as if the devil was on her heels.

She found Nolan laughing and chatting with a group of women but as soon as his gaze found hers, his eyes warmed with subtle heat. Although he couldn’t exactly sweep her into his arms in front of everyone, she told herself she didn’t need that to know she was their girl.
Still, it would be nice to not have to hide in the shadows,
a voice reminded her quietly.
Don’t be silly. Your life is the stuff of fairy tales. How many people do you know who get to pick from the newest fashion designers without worrying about the price tag

“Ladies,” Nolan drawled with a slight nod as he excused himself to join Penny at the bar. His gaze raked her body, settling on the plump pillows of her breasts and she blushed when his smile turned decidedly
aroused. “You look exquisite. I told Vince
that color would suit you.”

Penny smiled and smoothed her hand down the burgundy dress. It really was sublime. In her past life she never would’ve dreamed of wearing such a bold color but it seemed appropriate given her relationship with the twins, which was sordid and wonderful at the same time.

“I’m happy you approve,” she said, preening just a little. She could weather a little discomfort if it meant she was rewarded with wolfish smiles from the twins. Just seeing that subtle twist of their lips reminded her of the things they liked to do her in the privacy of her apartment, locked away from the world and anyone’s judgment.
If only she could escape the small voice in the back of her own mind that sounded a lot like her Papa’s. She was a grown adult, not a child. She could sleep with whom she chose, she thought guiltily. But it wasn’t that, exactly, and she knew it. It was the fact that she’d allowed the brothers to
buy her
. Like an expensive whore. Or, as the twins had put it, as a highly sought-after courtesan.
Somehow that sounded much less…well, whorish.

“You’re not enjoying yourself,” Nolan said, troubled. She glanced up with a start and realized she must’ve allowed her thoughts to reveal themselves in her expression. Nolan leaned forward and whispered for her ears only, “I would die a thousand deaths if I thought you were miserable in our company. What can I do to put a smile on that gorgeous face of yours?”

Her breath caught and she smiled tremulously. “Nothing so dire,” she murmured with a shy glance. “I’m not accustomed to such a
environment. You travel in vastly different worlds than me. My idea of a fancy dinner party might include a get-together at Red Lobster, not an exclusive party where everyone looks as if they were peeled from the pages of Vogue magazine.”

“Darling, that’s half the reason I adore you,” Nolan said.

“What’s the other half?” she asked, curious.

“I’ll give you a hint,” he said in a low, seductive tone that caused shivers to dance on her spine. His voice tickled her ear as he added, “it’s between your lovely thighs.”

She sucked in a wild breath and her eyes widened with shock at his bold
but even as her cheeks bloomed with heat, she smiled with delight. Nolan always knew how to shock and arouse her at the same time.
“Can we leave?” she asked.

Nolan sighed and pulled away with open regret. “I would love to but I’m committed to making the rounds. That’s part of the gig. Networking with people who have money is what keeps us rolling in it. And trust me, with Dillon around, we’re going to need to up our game.”

At the mention of Dillon, Penny tried to sound casually interested as she asked, “Why is Dillon here? I mean, back in the States? He doesn’t seem the type who’d enjoy pushing paper all day.”

“He’s not,” N
olan agreed,
his demeanor
changing quickly
. Guilt, perhaps, flashed across his face but he shut it down quickly as he graced her with another dazzling smile meant to distract her. And it usually did. But Penny couldn’t help the feeling that Nolan and Vince were deliberately keeping her on the outside of something important. It also hurt that they didn’t trust her with whatever big, bad secret they were keeping. All she knew was that it centered on Dillon. Something in their past. But what? It was on the tip of her tongue to admit that she’d seen Dillon at the party but for some reason, she kept that information private.

Penny worried her bottom lip in spite of the exquisite make up job that’d been applied to her face courtesy of the hair and make up artist Nolan had hired to help her with the intricate up-do that exposed the column of her neck in a way that made her feel graceful and thin, when
in fact, she was really neither, but stopped when Nolan gave her a look. “You have no reason to feel substandard to anyone here,” he reminded her. “Hold your head up — you’re gorgeous. And you have something none of these women have…”

Penny looked up, meeting Nolan’s semi-serious gaze. “What’s that?”

“You have the Buchanan brothers wrapped around your finger,” he answered, stealing the breath from her lungs. He grinned
and leaned forward to whisper, “
I know a way to liven up this party.
Meet me in the restroom in two minutes.”

BOOK: Bought by the Billionaire Brothers 3:
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