Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)
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"Yeah, I've never seen that before," he jeered to the black jaguar; which was so like his own. It chuffed at him, lip drawing back, and then transformed again. There before him, stood Balin, still fully clothed, and Jaden's mouth dropped open. Then frowning in confusion, he looked towards Sam for an explanation.

"The disc is needed for the binding, thus completing the mate mark. The ring is also a talisman," Sam informed him. You can either wear the ring, or you can have the mark tattooed onto you, thus aiding you. It's been imbued with magic, so you keep your clothes. Do you get it now?" Sam asked.

Balin then removed his t-shirt, flashing ink on his back. Turning he showed Jaden his chest, where above his heart he sported a round tattoo on his pectoral muscle. It was hidden within various other work, but still clearly visible. It looked a little like the maze, or crop circle that you passed on the way into town. Both mark and maze were very similar to the interior of an old cigarette lighter. The only difference between the mark and the maze, being a couple of openings in the design. Jaden frowned.

"I never noticed one on dad," he told Balin.

"It's only the last fifty years or so that we've sought out the help of witches. We never really needed it before then. These days though, with camera's, and god knows what else around, we do. I mean, do you really want to be caught out bollock naked in the street?" Sam asked him.

"But I never noticed that Balin was dressed when he shifted. Not the first time I met him in Maya's back garden, the first time her life was threatened," Jaden said with confusion.

"My man, you wouldn't have noticed if I'd had an extra head that night. You were more concerned over your mate, than whether or not I was dressed." Balin replied. While he looked at him, Jaden thought back to that night.

He'd always considered himself an observant kind of man, but obviously he wasn't. Then shrugged, letting the thought go, it wasn't important.

"So, I can have this tattooed?" He asked, holding out the disc. "Then it means I won't be left with it all hanging out, so to speak?" He looked towards them both for clarification, and Sam nodded.

"That's great. So once I give this ring to Maya, and she shifts, she won't be left naked either?" Jaden queried, and again Sam nodded.

"But how does she shift, and keep the ring though?" Jaden couldn't get his head around this new development.

Sam ran his hand through his hair, obviously trying to figure out a way of explaining it all to him.

"It's imbued with magic, as we said, but also something else. We think this is where the information over silver and our kind, got messed up along the way. It doesn't in fact harm us, it aids us. Silver not only aids in our ceremonies, but also in our healing abilities. It's natural, of the soil and earth. There's no way being shot with silver would kill us. If anything, they'd be doing us a favour. It would, in fact, speed up the repair of any injuries we sustained. Plus, it's also the only metal we can wear that will shift with us."

"Why?" Jaden asked, and again Sam sighed looking towards Balin.

"Because of its natural properties. Can you feel how soft the ring is?" Jaden rubbed it gently with his finger, and realised it wasn't quite solid. His eyes shot to Balin, brow raised. "See, it's flexible, because it's pure silver. It's not been mixed with copper, or any other materials like normal jewellery would be. Silver, in its purest form, as you know, is a conductor. It works for heat and electricity, but it also has reflective properties." Jaden nodded, to show he was following him. "Because of its unique properties, pure silver in this form shifts with us. It's absorbed by the body as we shift shape, and then reshapes with us." Balin continued, and again Jaden nodded, then frowned.

"So how do they manage to ink you? Our kind don't normally have tattoo's, due to our healing abilities." Balin ran a hand through his hair, frustration showing. Then his face cleared.

"To make the tattoo for shifting, they not only add in silver, they also add a little salt." Balin explained. At this, the frown that Jaden had been wearing for the last ten minutes or so vanished.

"Okay, so they add salt to the ink to prevent our bodies from removing it, and healing; like a scar. Then to make the one for shifting they also add in the silver, using the imbued design to aid in shifting while clothed?" Jaden looked towards them for clarification, and they both nodded. "So all I need to do now is get Maya to bond." He closed his hand around the disc and ring, looking up towards the ceiling. Turning with a grin, he headed towards the stairs.

"Jaden, Douglas said Maya was to be left alone for a while," Balin reminded him quietly. Jaden froze, a foot on the first step.

"I just want to check she's okay," he mumbled.

"Then reach for her through your link. That'll let you know if she's not," Sam said, making Jaden's shoulders stiffen. He didn’t like being told he couldn't do something.


Jaden was about to argue the point, when a crash sounded from the kitchen. This was quickly followed by a tornado of fury, entering the room.

"I go out for a couple of hours, and come back to what?  I find the back fence damaged, and a pile of carnage. What the hell has been going on, and where is my daughter?" Helena demanded. She stood there with her hands on her hips, and her eyes sparking, fire in their depths. Her hair began lifting; as if alive, with her annoyance, it was actually crackling like a fire.

"Now honey, there's no need to go getting all bent out of shape." Sam placated, carefully moving towards her.

"No need, no need, there is every need. I can smell my daughter's blood in the back garden. The grass is torn up, and she's not here. Now tell me what happened?" she demanded. Helena's hair was basically snapping with her ire as it rose further, floating around her head. Then her feet slowly began to leave the floor, levitating slightly above the surface.

"Jesus Helena, calm down before you set the house on fire," Sam snapped at her. Eyes slit, she stared at him through her lashes, with her head tilted to one side. She looked at him like a bug, which she was trying to decide how to squash. "Helena, she's fine, she's here, and asleep upstairs. She was attacked by the Jackal, but Jaden killed it. Agatha left a short while ago, she was here doing a healing session on her. So she's fine, honest," Sam assured her. Helena's head whipped to Jaden, then back to Sam.

"That Jackal touched my baby?" She screeched. Jaden nodded, not able to meet her gaze.

"I'm sorry Helena, I failed her. I thought she'd be safe in the back garden. I never thought for a minute that any of them would try to make a move on their own. She'd only gone into the garden to hang out the washing, while I was in the shower when." 

Helena turned on her heel, heading back towards the kitchen again; Jaden and Sam on her tail. Balin went to follow up the rear, but Jaden turned around.

"No, Balin. Please, watch over Maya for me," he asked. Balin nodded his assent, turning back towards the front room. He then headed towards the stairs, and sat on the bottom step. From there he had a view of the front, and back door. It gave him a better chance at seeing the enemy coming. Maya was in the back bedroom, so even if they managed to get through the front windows, he'd hear them well before they got near her. Jaden, Sam, and a very angry Helena, were in the back. So, between them, they had all the bases covered. He just hoped that Jaden had realised his binding ceremony, wasn't going to be as private as it should be?


"Helena, hold up, where are you going?" Sam called out, as she moved purposely up the garden.

"I want to see the body. I want to look at the scum that touched my child, and know that it's gone." Helena hissed over her shoulder. Sam ran a hand through his hair, and looked towards Jaden, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, Helena. Just hang on a minute, I need to get a spade," Sam told her. He nipped through to next door, climbing over the smashed fence panel. Opening up the shed, which was in the bottom right hand side of the garden, he pulled out a spade.

Helena waited while Sam came back, and began digging in the soil of the border. He dug until he'd opened up the area, where the jackal's body had been dumped. Once he'd piled up the soil, Helena walked over. She looked down on the remains, her eyebrow raising.

"You ripped his head off, and tore out his heart. Nice work," she said, turning to Jaden. "Now, why did you bury it?" Helen asked, turning to Sam, as she tapped the toe of one of her boots.

"What was I meant to do Helena, ring the funeral home, or pest control?" Sam asked her sarcastically.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me. Seriously. If you aren't married to, or fucking me, you have no right to talk to me that way." Jaden coughed into his hand, as Sam's mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Then he turned a scowl towards her.

"Nice mouth honey," Sam jeered at her. "You could put that to better use," he told her. She crossed her arms tapping a nail against her flesh. Looking Sam over, from his feet, upwards. Her eyes slowly wandering up the length of his legs, they stopped for a moment at his groin; which was showing some interest, Jaden realised. He scowled towards Sam himself then, this was Maya's mother.
Sam had no right being attracted to her,
he thought.

He turned back, in time to see Helena catch her bottom lip between her teeth. Her eyes roaming further over Sam's body, before finally landing on his face. A face that was presently flushed. Sam squirmed, under her heated gaze, moving from foot to foot, as his hands fisted and un-fisted at his sides.

"You're lucky Jaden's here," Sam hissed at her. Helena smirked, as she flung her hair over her shoulder, with a careless toss of her hand.

"Okay, so I'll ask again. Why did you bury it?  This time think about your answer," she told Sam, and he frowned at her. He scratched his head and looked towards Jaden, who just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't have a clue what she was getting at either. She made a sound in the back of her throat, as she uncrossed her arms. Then she took a step, bringing her closer to the body in the hole.

"Stand back the pair of you. God, ask a man to do a job," she tutted. "Half arse attempts, sheesh," she waffled. Flexing her hands, she closed her eyes for a moment. When they opened again, her eyes practically crackled. Her hair began moving, as if in a breeze, and her arms seemed to vibrate; like a tuning fork. Holding held her hands out towards the body, it burst into flames. White hot flames. So hot, the body was nothing but a pile of ash within seconds.

Jaden's jaw dropped open. He looked towards Sam, who wore a similar look to himself, as he in turn, stared at Helena. She brushed her hands together. Then with a satisfied harrumph, she turned on her heel, heading straight back towards the house.

"Shit, that was so fucking hot," Sam uttered in awe.

"Seriously, you've just seen her torch a body. Turned it to ash in seconds, and you're turned on?" Jaden asked, in disbelief, but Sam just nodded. A huge grin splitting his face, while he continued shovelling soil. He carried on talking, while he worked.

"Man, she is just perfect," Sam muttered. His head swinging towards Helena as she sashayed up the garden. Once she disappeared inside the house, his gaze swung back to his task.

"Sam, that's Maya's mother."

"Yeah, I know, and before you remind me, I also know she's not my mate. But damn it, I want her so badly, I can taste it." A tick started in his jaw, as he looked up at Jaden.

What could he say to that? It kind of had the gross factor. Like catching your parents having sex, so not a pleasant thought. Blocking all the mental imagery that evoked, he turned on his heel, leaving Sam to it. He followed in the wake of his soon to be, mother-in-law.

Maybe eye bleach would help, he mused. Trying desperately to shake the image of Sam getting a hard on, while Helena basically devoured him whole with her eyes. Shuddering at the thought, as he entered the house.

"Really, you need to stop thinking. I'm tired
," came Maya's drowsy voice. Jaden grinned, just glad to hear her voice.

I know honey, but did you see what I just saw?  Seriously that's just wrong,
" he heard her laughter in his head.

Yeah, it is kind of. Now leave me alone, I need my beauty sleep if I'm going to keep up with you. I can't wait to shift Jaden. I've wanted to climb those trees for so damn long. Thank you for making that possible for me, and tell mum I'm fine."
Her words came out slurred, even in his mind. She'd had such a rough day, and his gut clenched in remembrance.

Go back to sleep baby, I'll see you later. I'll take you running and climbing, I promise.

" was the last word she whispered to him, before her voice vanished. She didn't disappear completely though. It was as if she'd curled up in a corner of his mind. Safe, shrouded in mist, but still with him.

He may not have started out wanting a mate, but he sure as hell wasn't giving her up. Never again did he want to go through what he had this afternoon. He ground his jaw as he again heard her voice telling him goodbye. Then having nothing but a void left, where she had become so entrenched in his mind. The emptiness had ripped through him, leaving him staggered at the pain. He needed to get rid of the threat, while at the same time keeping her safe. How the hell was he going to do it? Then he thought of something else,

BOOK: Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)
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