Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination) (2 page)

BOOK: Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)
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Her phone rang
but she ignored it. She didn’t want to speak to anyone, not even her family even though she wanted to go home and cry in her mother’s arms. She wanted to eat ice cream and listen to her grandmother’s stories about her youth in Italy and arrogant Italian men. She could add a few snippets of her own about a certain hardheaded Texan.

Maybe she wasn’t cut out for t
he role of submissive after all.

As if she would ever get a
nother chance now. Logan had made it perfectly clear he didn’t want anything else to do with her. He’d turned his feelings off as easily as she’d turn of the cold water in her kitchen sink. Or maybe she just needed to realize that feelings—at least for him—had nothing to do with what they’d shared over the weekend.

The phone rang again and she picked it up. R
eading the caller ID she snorted. It was work. No doubt the office manager was going crazy. Macy rarely missed a day of work. She came in even when she was ill and in the year she’d been employed at Quinn Enterprises she’d taken only two vacation days. She had almost two weeks of time saved up. Maybe now would be a good time to take a nice long vacation.

How long could she hide from Logan Quinn?

Long enough to find another job? She’d realized as she’d cried herself to sleep last night there was no way she could return to Quinn Enterprises. She couldn’t bear to see him day after day and not touch him. Or have him touch her. She was very much afraid she was not only madly in love with her boss; she was addicted to his touch.

he crawled out of her empty bed and got ready for work.


Almost an hour later, Macy walked into her office, surprised to see a security guard talking to Elaine. They both looked up as she entered.

“Thank God, Macy. Where have you been?”

She took her purse from her shoulder wondering why the woman looked so frazzled. She was only two hours late for work.

“I wasn’t feeling well this morning.
” Which was true, the crying jag of last night had made her nauseous.

Mr. Quinn has been calling all morning looking for you.”

snorted. She just bet he had. An hour after she’d made it home Sunday, a messenger had delivered ‘the contract,’ with instructions to wait for her signature. She’d never intended to sign the contract, or accept any of the terms Logan had put forth. The drive home in the back seat of the big limousine, feeling abandoned and alone, had cemented that decision.

he arrival of the contract, so soon after her departure from his apartment, had driven home the fact that he wanted everything spelled out in black and white. No areas of gray, no possible misunderstandings. No room for foolish fantasies.

Which had broken her heart in two. During their hours together, she hadn’t felt like
just another warm and willing body. Another submissive he could control at will. She’d felt desired and wanted and powerful. Or maybe that’s what she’d wanted to believe so she’d fooled herself into thinking it was true.

She’d taken the contract out
of its plain brown envelope, resisting the temptation to read it, and torn it in half, then in half again, and again. She’d stuffed it back into the envelope, sealed it, and handed back to the stunned messenger. She’d closed the door quietly but firmly and gone straight to her bedroom. The tiny room was nothing like Logan’s plush accommodations, but it was bright and cheery. It held a warmth she craved.

A w
armth she’d never receive from Logan.

he’d crawled into her bed and stayed there for the rest of the day. Now she wished she hadn’t crawled out.

pasted a smile on her face for the sake of keeping down any office gossip. Elaine was a whiz at her job but she loved to talk. Macy knew Logan’s calls weren’t about the contract. That would mean he was bringing personal business into his work space. Something he’d never allow himself to do.

No, he was making sure she obeyed his very last order. Return to work on Monday morning and act of though nothin
g had taken place between them.

“That doesn’t explain why Paul is here.” She greeted the security guard with a warm smile.
She’d become use to the security in the office building. Even in Logan’s apartment building armed guards were always on duty. She supposed it was a sign of the world they lived in.

Or the world
Logan Quinn lived in.

“Mr. Quinn ordered me to find you. I figured I should start with security.”

“Very good thinking. Now let me behind my desk and you can go back to your own office.” She waved the woman from her chair.

“Mr. Quinn wanted you to call as soon as possible.”

“Mmm.” Macy’s vague response seemed to satisfy the older woman. Which was a good thing since Macy didn’t give a damn what Mr. Quinn wanted. Let him wonder where she was. Or what she was doing. Could she make him jealous?

Where had that thought p
opped up from?

Macy’s train of thought was quickly derailed when she thought of
other things popping up. Like Logan’s dick.

When both Elaine and the security guard remained in front of her desk,
she glanced back up. “Was there something else?”

They exchan
ged a troubled look then Elaine asked again. “Are you going to call him?”

Drat. The woman was persistent.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

The other woman smiled in relief and left the office, taking the puzzled security guard with her.
No doubt he knew when someone was lying, and Macy Trent had just told a whopper.

After they left, she
tried to get on with her day. She really did. But everywhere she looked there were reminders of Logan. The worst was the connecting door between their offices.  Once she’d have given just about anything to know what he’d been thinking during the many times he’d stood there and watched her work. What had been going on behind those heavy-lidded gray eyes. Now she knew and she wasn’t too sure she was any better off. Apparently he’d been imagining what she looked like under her baggy, no-nonsense clothing while searching for an opportunity to fulfill his sexual fantasies without any moral obligation to her feelings.

He’d preyed on her weakness—her sister’s education. And she’d let him because she wanted everything that he’d offered. She’d hoped in the end that would mean his heart as well. It hadn’t. He satisfied himself physically. She on the other hand, hadn’t had nearly enough of him.

Damn she wanted to do it again and again. How was she going to face him when he returned when she’d be remembering the feel of his stubble roughened jaw brushing against her wet nipples? His mouth sucking on her clit. Dear God, the feel of his cock deep inside her. Just thinking about the ways he’d taken her had her pussy clenching in need.

Great. Now she’d made herself horny.

Perhaps she should go to bathroom, lift the edge of her skirt and satisfy the hunger inside. His private bathroom. It would be filled with his scent. Clean and spicy and all man. It was the scent that had clung to the shirt she’d worn home. She knew she’d never forget that scent. Or the man.

phone on her desk rang, jerking her abruptly back to the present. She muttered under her breath and automatically reached for the phone.

“Quinn Enterprises, Logan Quinn’s office.”


The party on the other end didn’t r
espond to her standard greeting and she remembered her vow not to answer the phone. And why she’d made it.

Well, it’s nice to know my secretary finally decided to come in to work.”

Mr. Quinn.” Apparently Elaine and Paul had ratted her out. Macy clamped down on the other words she wanted to say. She wasn’t going to explain where she’d been. Wasn’t going to ask how his flight had been. If he’d gotten any rest. If he missed her.

Again she thought, how did women
do this? Act so natural and blasé around men they’d slept with? Some even remaining friends?

She wanted to bash his head in with the nearest blunt object for being so damn controlled.

Why was it, the longer she was with Logan, the more her Italian temper rose to the surface? A temper that had never made itself known much before now.

“I need to
dictate some letters, Miss Trent.”

From thousands of miles away?
Right. He wanted to make sure she got the message. Jabbed another point home. Business as usual. She reached for her pen and stenographer’s pad. Her notebook had become an unwelcome extension of her arm over the last year. “Whenever you’re ready. Sir.”

He wanted an obedient secretary, she’d give him one.

Her nerve endings vibrated at the low, deep tone of his voice as he spoke. She remembered their last time together. His harsh commands, the feel of his body as he took her. Her hand trembled and the word she was writing didn’t exist in any language. Hardly hearing him over the thudding of her heart, Macy frowned. “What?”

“Please repeat what I just dictated, Miss Trent.”

“Umm, umm.” She licked her lips stalling for time as she tried to decipher her writing. Finally she made sense of the scribble in front of her and quickly read back his dictation. He made changes and continued on with the next letter.

Business as usual
. It didn’t seem to matter to him that not twenty-four hours ago she had been spread before him, his face buried between her legs as he licked and tongued her to orgasm.

It was all too much.
She wanted to leap to her feet. She couldn’t stay here any longer. She’d move back in with her family, join the Foreign Legion. Anything.

“There are several documents that I
’ll be needing from my office.”

Macy made herself take a deep breath and calm down. If he could play the cold-hearted bastard, she could
be the cool, efficient ex-submissive. “Alright. If you tell me which ones, I’ll be more than happy to scan them and forward them to you. Sir.”

She hoped the saccharin sweet tone of her voice as she said the word wore on his last nerve. Or made him remember how she’d screamed the word, begged him for release.

“How thoughtful of you, Miss Trent, since that is in essence your job.”

Her hand tightened on the phone and she
wanted nothing more than to slam it down and let the sharp thunk sound in his ear. Instead she flipped her steno pad to a clean page and said, “I’m ready for your instructions, sir.”

Damn it
Logan cursed at the sound of Macy’s innocent remark. That damn sultry voice of hers had him hard. He remembered the last time they’d been together. He’d tied her to his bed again, pleasuring her with his mouth and tongue until her pussy was wet and pulsating, waiting for him to plunge inside her…

He’d made her beg for her release.

The rest of their conversation was sharp and to the point. He gave orders, she agreed to obey. Boss and assistant. Nothing more.

“May I do anything else for you, s

Again, her innocent remark
had his cock jerking in his pants. Or were her words so innocent? He couldn’t remember for the life of him her ever calling him sir. Or being so damned accommodating. Except yesterday and the day before.

Mr. Stewart will be delivering some documents. When they arrive, I need you to go to the airport.”

right. Do you want me to use the courier service?”

“No. I need you to bring the file
s to me.”

“To Japan?”

Logan laughed at the incredulous tone of her voice. And it was not a nice laugh.

She let his name slip from her lips.

“Be there in two hours,
Miss Trent. I’ll have the jet fueled and waiting.”

“Now wait a minute, I can’t be ready to fly to Japan at a drop of the hat. And I can’
t possibly be ready to go in two hours. It takes at least an hour to get to the airport. And then there’s security and–”

“Stop babbling, Miss Trent. I know for a fact
you have a passport since it was a requirement of your job. Go to your apartment, pack a bag, and get on the damn plane.”

He disconnected the call
before she could respond. After security had called and reported she’d finally shown up for work, he’d waited to call his office until he’d returned to his hotel room. He’d waited until Ted had briefed him on the day’s events. He’d waited until he’d stripped and climbed between the cotton sheets that felt almost like silk because of their astronomical thread count. He’d waited what seemed like hours until he’d called his office to find out why the hell his secretary, the woman he’d spent the weekend fucking, hadn’t shown up for work.

is damn hands were shaking as he put away his cell phone.

This was not happening to
him. He was not falling under the spell of his smart-mouthed secretary. Or her luscious curves. She was six-fucking-thousand miles away and she was messing with his control.

BOOK: Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)
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