Bound (Forbidden Series - Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Bound (Forbidden Series - Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Seven


              Gazing into Blake’s frigid eyes, Jewell tried to tell herself to be strong, tried to assure herself this was only one more bump in the road. He wouldn’t hurt her physically — not that anyone would care if he did. After all, she’d signed releases at Relinquish Control, and she knew he could do with her what he wanted.

But though he might think she was nothing but a money-hungry whore,
still knew who she was. The cold fury in his expression was the only thing that was shaking her up. She’d never seen a man so angry before. His mouth remained in a hard line; not a muscle moved on his chiseled face.

“Where were you?”

Ice ran through her veins at his words, spoken quietly yet harshly. Yes,
didn’t even begin to describe what the man appeared to be feeling.

“I needed to get out of the apartment for a while, so I took a walk.” Should she try to move past him or not? She thought the safest thing would be to stay right where she was.

“You’re lying to me.” She waited for him to say more, but nothing else came from his tightly pressed lips.

“Do you have any idea how stir-crazy I get when I’m stuck here all day with very little to do? No, you probably don’t, because you leave here at the crack of dawn. I will say this again — I needed to get out and walk off my ‘cabin fever.’” She was trying desperately not to change her story.

He took a sinister step forward. “I spoke to McKenzie. She said you disappeared last Saturday as well. Is there a man you’re meeting every Saturday, Jewell? Don’t you dare lie to me!”

His voice rose just a little, but that was enough to show her he was barely in control. Maybe she shouldn’t have come back to his place. It looked as if this wasn’t going to go well for her — not well at all.

She didn’t know what to say to his unfounded and totally unexpected accusation. But she was damned if she were going to stand there and take his verbal beating. If she stood her ground, refused to back down, refused to allow him to intimidate her, then wouldn’t he stop? Isn’t that what she’d been taught years before when she’d taken a self-defense class?

“Look, I wasn’t with another man, Blake. I swear to that, and anyway, that makes no sense. You know I was a virgin before you. I just had something I needed to do today, and it’s something that I can’t talk about.” She moved forward and edged by him, but made sure not to bow her head.

He didn’t grab her, didn’t try to stop her. That was a positive. She walked into the living room and went straight to the couch, afraid to stand any longer for fear that her legs would end up buckling.

“I don’t believe you, Jewell. You may have been a virgin, but there are a lot of ways to get off. There had to have been someone pretty damn special for you to sneak out of my place to meet with him. Did you try to save yourself for him? Or was he the one who made you become a little whore?”

He came closer but still kept about five feet of distance between them. Was it because he feared he would forget his self-mastery if he touched her? That sent a shiver of fear down her spine. She wanted to spit in his face and tell him exactly what she thought, but she decided to be more judicious.

“I’m sorry if you don’t believe me, but there’s not another man. I neither want nor need a relationship with anyone, and that includes you. Your suspicions are simply stupid, and if you were as smart as you think you are, you should know that. Anyway, I leave here tomorrow and go back to Relinquish Control, and we can forget all about each other and what happened over the past few days.”

There. Maybe pointing out the fact that they weren’t in a relationship would change his attitude. Yes, he sort of owned her this week, but their time was pretty much up, and she owed this man nothing. She’d done everything he’d asked of her and more. A few more times with other men and she could get away from this place, leave Seattle even, and she and Justin could live happily — just the two of them.

If the state tried to keep him from her, she would take him away in the middle of the night and the two of them would go somewhere no one would ever find them. Alaska seemed far enough away. Maybe. It was still in the U.S. and if they were found, Washington state officials might still try to take her brother back, but would they search that far? She could live in some Eskimo village. It didn’t matter as long as they were together.

“Follow me.” He turned, confident that she would do as he said.

“One more night,” she whispered to herself as she got up off the couch and walked behind him to the back of the apartment, where his office was.

As soon as she stepped through the door, her throat tightened. This was all his domain, where he spent his time when he wasn’t away at work or in the bedroom. She knew he was coming in there because this was his fortress, his place of power.

If he wanted to intimidate her, he was doing a damn fine job.

She couldn’t help but notice that it was more decorated than the rest of the place; it boasted expensive artwork, hardwood floors, and antique furniture. But no clutter was permitted in this space, making it in that way consistent with the rest of the house.

“Sit down, Jewell.”

He indicated a stiff leather chair in the corner, but she didn’t want to sit, didn’t want him towering over her. Yes, her knees were still shaky, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get up this time if she sat back down. She was on the verge of collapsing and she just needed to get away from him.

“I’d really like to take some Advil and lie down before we go out,” she told him, staying where she was, just a few feet inside the door. “I have a terrible headache.”

“You can’t seem to listen, can you?”

He came closer to her. She wanted to retreat but she willed herself not to. Retreat would show him how weak she really was.

“I do listen. I’ve done everything that you’ve asked of me. I just…I won’t allow you to attack me when I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”

Her words stopped him, and his eyes widened, as if he was surprised that anyone would argue with him. She knew she shouldn’t do it, but what else was she supposed to do? He was a large man and he was scaring the heck out of her.

done everything I’ve asked. I asked that you stay in today. I asked you to get ready. Instead, you disappear — something it seems you like to do on Saturdays.” As he spoke, his lips weren’t nearly as hard as before.

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Maybe if she said it enough, he’d finally understand and let her be.

“You will tell me where you went,” he said, punctuating every word.

His voice had risen, and he was back in confrontational mode. When he moved right in front of her and faced her down, she wanted to take a step back, but she wasn’t going to cower.

“You might as well take me back to Relinquish Control right now, because I won’t tell you.” Whatever happened would happen.

“Fine!” He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of his office, down the hall, and right to the elevator door.

“What are you doing?”

“You want to go back? I’m taking you back. And you realize, of course, that I’ll do my best to see that you won’t get paid a dime for this week. I already know that McKenzie told you if I wasn’t satisfied, you would lose your job, so you just screwed yourself. Remember that! This is all on you.”

Bile rose in her throat. She was doing all of this for Justin, and because she’d visited him today, she’d be one step further back in her ability to have him permanently.

Tears burned in her eyes as she desperately tried to find some sort of explanation that would calm Blake’s temper. But the man seemed to know when she was lying. He’d figure it out, and then he would still take her back. So instead of crying, instead of throwing up, she stood in silence beside Blake as they rode down and walked into the garage.

When he went to a large black pickup truck, she didn’t know what to think. Blake drove expensive sports cars, not trucks that seemed more fitting for work. Then she remembered he’d been called to work and had most likely been using it on a job. That’s what happened when they left Bill’s house a few days ago.

Still, why was he taking her in it now? Why not just leave it? Maybe because there was a shovel in the back and he needed to take her in the truck and get rid of the evidence…

As Blake closed the passenger door and then entered the truck on the driver’s side, Jewell focused on the windshield and the view straight in front of her. He was taking her back. She would get the paycheck — she didn’t buy his threat that she wouldn’t get a dime — and the first thing she was going to do was put down money on that apartment for her and her brother. Because as of tonight she would no longer have a job.

Yes, Ms. Beaumont would be furious, but even if she lost her job, she’d have enough to secure a place and some of the basics, enough to convince the courts that her brother should be with her and not strangers. She would get another job. There wasn’t another choice.

A strange sense of peace washed over her, and Jewell turned to look out the side window. Soon this would all be over. Soon, she would be with her brother and both of their lives could return to something like a normal existence.

It was the only thing she could think. Because the alternative would send her into a downward spiral of depression she was sure she would never be able to escape.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


              Rage rolled from Blake in never-ending waves. That feigned innocence he kept seeing in her eyes couldn’t conceal the lies she was now telling him. He would get to the truth, and he would get to it tonight. If she seriously thought he was giving up, she had a lot left to learn about the real world.

Blake knew better than to touch her right now, though. He was angry enough that he was afraid of physically hurting her. That was ridiculous, of course — he would never hit her, never lose control. He was made of ice. How many people had said that about him?

He’d lost count.

Only his brothers were allowed in, and only because of the horror the three of them shared. It was them against the world. So why was he letting this woman, this insignificant woman, affect his moods?

As he pointed his truck away from the city, he watched her stealthily. Absurdly enough, he wanted to reach across the seat and haul her to his side. Her tantalizing scent was surrounding him, muddying his thoughts completely. In such a short time she had changed him in ways he didn’t understand.

What he should do was take her back right away, drop her at the doors of Relinquish Control, just as he’d said he would, and never look back. But he knew that wasn’t going to happen just yet. He needed to drive, needed to think before he dropped her off. Make her talk to him.

When he started down a road with no streetlights just as the sun left the sky, she turned toward him. Her face was barely visible in the insignificant light from the dash, but he had no doubt she was worried. Good. Let her worry. She had caused him an unbearable rush of emotion today. She could deal with fear.

About ten miles out in the middle of nowhere, she finally spoke, her voice quavering. “This isn’t the way back to Relinquish. Where are we going?”

“You’ll find out.” His tone was still harsh, his feelings still barely under control. No. He couldn’t touch her yet, but soon… Yes, he’d soon be touching her a whole hell of a lot.


She broke off, and he had no idea what she was going to say, because just then he heard a loud thumping noise followed by the sound of his tire shredding.

“Dammit!” Blake yanked his foot off the gas and eased the truck over to the side of the road. They were miles from anywhere, in the middle of mint fields, the aroma everywhere.

His first instinct was to call his assistant, get someone out there to fix the truck so he could take her where he’d planned. Then, as he lifted his phone and was about to press the buttons, he had second thoughts.

Yes, rage still filled him, but desire was even stronger. “Come here, Jewell.”

The dash lights were their only illumination, but he easily saw the shiver that raced through her body at his words. He had no doubt she would follow his orders.

That was what gave her the advantage. He was waiting for her to climb over to him, and instead, she threw open the passenger side door and bolted from the truck. He sat there dumbfounded for a minute, then jumped from the vehicle. Both of the truck doors were now wide open, and the light glowing from the truck offered him some slight assistance in his chase, and yet her shadow was barely visible as she sprinted away.

“Get back here,” he thundered, then silently rebuked himself. The tone of his voice wasn’t going to reassure her, persuade her to stop, and if she didn’t, he knew he’d lose her in the dark.

Throwing off his custom suit jacket, not caring where it landed, he ran after her. As it turned out, she didn’t stand a chance. She hadn’t made it very far when he caught up to her and lifted her into his arms. Her scream floated away into the night.

“Stop now!” he told her as he turned and began making his way back to the truck with her struggling in his arms.

“Don’t do this, Blake. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you where I was. I wasn’t doing anything that would dishonor you, I swear.”

“I don’t care. You
tell me, but we’ll revisit that later,” he said in a steady voice as they reached the truck.

“What are you going to do?”

He sat her on the hood of the truck, spread her legs, and moved up against her, aligning his face perfectly with hers.

“Whatever I want.” With that, he grasped her neck and pulled her close, sealing their mouths together and only beginning to scratch the surface of his hunger where this woman was concerned.

She struggled for several moments, until he gentled his hold, his anger draining and seduction taking its place. Only then did she melt against him, a whimper escaping her throat as he broke through the barrier of her lips and plundered her mouth, making sure she thought of no other man but him.

Wrapping his arms around her as he dominated her in the best way he knew how, he pushed away the thoughts of who was really in control here. He was transported to a place where his problems evaporated, where the endless void of his life paradoxically disappeared. Nothing mattered when he was in her arms, when his lips were on hers, when his body sank inside her. Nothing mattered but her.

Only passion, heat, and lust were real in this moment. Only Jewell was real.

When he broke the kiss, he couldn’t see her face — the light from the truck was behind her. He could only hear her deep, panting breaths as he reached for the hem of her shirt and began tugging on it. He needed to feel her skin, needed to taste every single inch of her body.

He slid his fingers over her taut stomach, and its muscles shook underneath his touch, making him feel stronger, invincible, even. Her gasp of pleasure when his fingers glided over her full breasts and peaked nipples sent a shock wave through him.

Still, she wore too many clothes! He carefully pushed her backward, laying her flat on the hood of his truck, and he put his hands under the waistband of her jeans and undid them, then dragged them and the thin piece of silk covering her womanhood down off her trembling legs.

He smoothed his hands up her thighs and past her stomach, and cupped her sweet breasts, making her groan with need. Her response to him made him ache unbearably.

His manhood pulsed, and he was ready to strip off his clothes and take her right then, to plunge within her heat, to feel the walls of her core pulse around him. But he wouldn’t rush this. No.

His brow beaded with sweat. He drew back long enough only to rip his shirt buttons open and fling the offending garment on the ground.

The cloud cover cleared and the light from the full moon gave him a perfect view of her ivory flesh against his dark truck, and the sight of her nearly made him fall to his knees in appreciation. When she looked up, took in his chest and let out a little gasp, he didn’t know how he remained on his feet.

“I want you now. I want you always. I can’t get enough of you,” he said as he undid his pants and pushed them down, leaving him bare before her.

The frustration in her greedy eyes fueled his desire even further, and he came up to her again and ran his hands along the inside of her spread thighs. But when goose bumps appeared on her flesh, he stopped.

“Are you cold?” The air was warm and he was burning up, but maybe making love out in the open wasn’t the best idea.

“No,” she whispered with a shake of her head, her voice barely audible.

“Are you scared?” He held his breath and waited.

“Not at all,” she said. It wasn’t fear that was causing her to shake all over.

Her answer filled him with pride. He’d been happy to see her frightened earlier — he’d been furious — but when it came down to it, he didn’t want her afraid of him; he wanted her to desire him, need him, not want to let him go.

Even though that was against the rules.

Blake was beginning to hate the rules set between them, hate how this had all started. In only a week, she had taken hold of something inside him, though he wasn’t sure what and wasn’t about to analyze it. No. This was about sex, and only sex.

“I won’t hurt you, Jewell. No matter how angry I am, I would never hurt you.” He needed her to know this, and needed her to tell him she believed that. She was silent and he waited, his hands resting just beneath her heat as he throbbed before her.

“Please, Blake. I need you,” she told him.

“No, Jewell. Tell me you know I won’t hurt you,” he demanded. He slid his hands up her body, stopping them just below the rise and fall of her breasts before moving back down to her core, circling her most sensitive area.


He said nothing, but rubbed his arousal against her leg, letting her know that he was more than ready for her.

“I know you won’t hurt me,” she finally gasped in frustration. “Please, please touch me.”

He didn’t need to hear anything beyond that. He moved one hand lower, pressing his fingers inside of her while the other trailed up her body and moved over the mound of her breast and up over her nipple, making her arch her back and groan once more into the night.

Lowering his head, he pulled her closer to him, then took her peaked nipple in his mouth and sucked, flicking his tongue over the ridge as she moved beneath him.

“More, please, more,” she begged, reaching out tugging on his hair, holding him tightly against her.

“Here?” he teased as he lifted his mouth, moved across her perfect mounds and flicked his tongue over her other nipple, wetting it with his hot mouth.

“Yes!” she cried out, grasping at him, clutching him, telling him with her movements that she wanted his skin against hers, his body sunk deep inside.

He wasn’t ready to do that yet. He’d go wild and wouldn’t be able to give her the pleasure she deserved, so he drew back from her grasp and trailed his mouth down the tight curve of her stomach. Urged on by her trembling, he skimmed his mouth across her heat.

At the first swipe of his tongue, her body jumped from the truck. Tucking his hands beneath her luscious backside, he held her in place as he spread her core and licked along her sweet walls.

Pressing his mouth against her pulsing core, he sucked the tender flesh of her engorged bud, and he gloried in the cries of release that engulfed him. He still couldn’t get enough of her.

“I need to take you, Jewell — now. I want to make you mine over and over again,” he said, though he didn’t think too deeply about those words. He drew her to him, catching her body in his arms as he lined them up together, his throbbing manhood begging for entrance.

Before thrusting inside her, he captured her bottom lip tenderly and sucked it into his mouth, absorbing the gasp she let out, all the while caressing her back with his hands. Now he pressed closer, and the head of his arousal slipped inside her swollen heat.

He found her pulse beating strongly in the scented skin of her neck, mint drifting all around them, suddenly becoming his favorite herb ever, and then he licked her flesh, knowing he would never get enough of her taste, enough of her body, enough of any of this.

She moved against him, her body twisting to get closer as the flames of desire quickly built back up within her. She wanted him to feel her, and he wasn’t going to deny her any longer.

His thick length rested intimately just inside her, but he pulled back to look into her eyes before he pushed forward in a slow, sure thrust that had him coming unglued.

When she sank her teeth into the side of his neck, he nearly spilled his seed right then. “Hold on,” he gasped, trying to regain control over his body. That seemed to encourage her to push him to his very limits.

Bringing her head upward, he closed his mouth over hers, his kiss hungry, desperate, full of want and need and emotion he couldn’t identify.

BOOK: Bound (Forbidden Series - Book 1)
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