Read Bound to the Elvin King Online

Authors: Lisa Kumar

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #otherworld romance, #human heroine, #elven king, #elves and fae, #otherworld fantasy, #fae series, #Sensual Romance, #elves

Bound to the Elvin King (9 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Elvin King
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He let loose a sigh and unlocked his fingers from around the armrests of his chair. The meeting had seemed to stretch to infinity. He would’ve laughed at this thought but a year ago. After all, what were a few hours to an immortal elf? But with the advent of the two human women in his realm, time had pressed upon him in a way it never had before.

He frowned. Could their humanness be rubbing off on him? Relian had said something about time affecting him in a decidedly different way since Cal’s arrival. By the Mystics, would this phenomenon spread like a human cold? A chill shivered its way across his shoulders. Though he’d long accepted a human was his true bonded mate, the race’s fragilities still disturbed him. In fact, much of what he remembered about humanity disturbed him.

Maggie certainly troubled him. A glance showed she sat slumped in her chair. Not a very queenly pose, but she’d remained relatively upright during the council. Only after they were alone did she wilt like a flower deprived of water. Was she tired from their bonding or merely pouting?

“Come, let us go.” And rest. He couldn’t add this last part, though. Not only did he have matters to oversee, but he also couldn’t let her perceive any weakness on his part. He’d not give her any more power over him than she already had.

She lifted a listless hand but didn’t raise her head. “Where?”

“My library. I have work to do, so you’ll have to join me.”

“Oh, joy. I’m stuck to you like glue.”

Now, that sounded more like his Maggie. The beginnings of a grin threatened to ruin his bad mood.

“That could be a very…exhilarating position.”

Her head shot up. “Do you have to turn everything into a sexual innuendo?”

He shrugged. Her glare delighted him. “It’s easy with you.”


Whatever—that was her standard response to anything she didn’t like. He’d have to break her of the habit before she picked up the reins as queen. Having her say
to their subjects wouldn’t do. On second thought, he could picture the perplexed faces of his people. He chuckled. If nothing else, Maggie would liven up the kingdom. Life had become stale with the passing of the millennia. She was like a hurricane of fresh air.

“—are you laughing about?”

Maggie’s grouchy voice broke into his thoughts. He sent her the smug grin he knew she hated. “Just picturing you stuck to me.”

“You’re like a horny adolescent. Shouldn’t you have outgrown this phase a few billion years ago?”

“In spite of my advanced years, I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow it where you’re concerned.”

Something stirred in her face, but she quickly masked it. “Really? I wouldn’t have pegged you as the type to feel that way about anyone.”

While she wouldn’t receive a declaration of love, she couldn’t be that naïve. “You’re not just anyone. You’re my complete bond mate and queen.”

She met his words with a skeptical glance. “We’ll see about that.”

A groan almost escaped his throat. He loved it when she spoke dirty. She defied him like no other woman had.

“Yes, we will.” His voice came out practically a purr.

She shivered, and her breathing quickened. Satisfaction thundered through him. Their verbal sparring didn’t leave her as unaffected as she would like to believe. She might pretend to hate him, but her body said otherwise.

Though this new bond was undoubtedly trying, the benefits were most enjoyable. And he would partake of each and every one to the fullest extent possible. And if she were amendable, his library had a nice, big sofa he suddenly wanted to put to a different use.

Oh, he wouldn’t mention his plans to her now. It would only serve to anger her, but once alone in his private sanctuary, she’d melt for him. Last night and this morning proved that.

With renewed energy, he unfolded from his seat and held out a hand. “Ready, dear one?”

She stared at his hand like it was a poisonous snake and grimaced. His loving bride was back in fine form. She was such a delight to his bored, jaded soul.

“Do I have a choice?”

“Unless you want us to pass out from pain and energy loss, no.”

She grumbled something under her breath and lurched from her chair, ignoring his hand. “Let’s go.”

He bowed slightly. “I follow my queen’s command.”

A growl rumbled from her throat, and she stalked ahead. “Don’t remind me, jackass.”

“It’ll be my pleasure to remind you multiple times a day and in every way I can.”

She screeched and marched to the door. Her back was stiff and her hands fisted. Lust hit him. She was beautiful when mad. So much human emotion poured from her. It was like a heady aphrodisiac.

As he followed her out, a form lurking in the hallway drew his attention. He nearly cursed. Avrin leaned against the wall with one shoulder, his feet crossed at the ankles. He gave off an air of ennui that didn’t fool Talion. His friend was tightly coiled and wanted answers.

Avrin’s gaze slid over Maggie before honing in on him. “If I may have a moment with you alone, Your Majesty.”

“Later.” Talion didn’t attempt to keep the curtness out of his voice.

“I think it’d be beneficial if we talked now.”

Damn persistent man. Never knew when to give up. Normally, this was a trait Talion admired, but not when it was turned against him.

Maggie frowned at them both. “What’s going on?”

Talion glowered at Avrin. “Just idle gossip and conjecture, I’m sure. Maggie, why don’t you give us a moment?”

“And where am I supposed to go, Einstein?”

“Back into the meeting room or farther down the hallway.”

A smirk curved her lips. “I think I’ll stay right here.”

She was the most aggravating wench he’d ever bedded. How fortuitous he was also bonded to her. “I’m sure you will, but Avrin and I will move farther down the hall then. You”—he pointed at her—“stay here.”

A pout played over her lips, and she crossed her arms over her chest. But she stayed silent. He and Avrin moved down the hall, out of earshot of Maggie.

“What do you want?”

Avrin’s eyes narrowed. “I think you know.”

Oh, he did, not that he would admit it. “No, I do not. Now, excuse me, for I have other matters to attend to.”

“Like Lady Maggie?”

Something akin to jealousy rose in him, and he spoke softly. “Why do you care?”

“You know why.”

“This is still about your sister? She’s long dead.” Talion knew he sounded heartless, but he’d done his duty by her—many times over.

A glimmer of pain shone in Avrin’s eyes before he masked it. “We were friends long before you courted her.”

“You never approved of our bonding.”

“You couldn’t offer her what she most desired—a complete bond. She loved you.”

Talion’s shoulders stiffened. He refused to take on the brunt of guilt that lay implicit in his friend’s words. “I cared for her. She knew this and accepted my limitations. Our binding ceremony proved we weren’t capable of a full bond. She could have called off our joining then.”

“She would have sooner cut off her arm, but that’s not what I meant. You always knew a complete bond wasn’t possible between you and Serrina, didn’t you? And indeed, between you and any elvin woman.”

This time, Avrin’s words dug deep, and the dam holding all the old hurt and guilt broke. But he refused to be inundated by the past right now. How much did Avrin know or suspect?

“Now is
the time for this.”

As he brushed by him, Avrin caught his arm. “What’s going on between you and Lady Maggie?”

He stared down at his friend’s hand. “Again, I ask why do you care?”

“We’ve been friends for too long. You’re acting strange and seem…unsettled. I could sense it throughout the whole meeting. You may trick most people with your kingly façade, but the handful who know you well aren’t taken in by it. Give me another answer.”

Talion calmly removed his hand. “I owe no answer to you.”

“Mayhap and mayhap not. We’ll see.”

“Are you two done arguing?”

Maggie’s voice broke through their glaring contest, and they turned. She stood a few feet away, watching them.

Talion forced a smile to his face. What had she heard? “Who said we were arguing?”

Maggie arched her brows. “Both of you looked pretty intense. I thought you were going to come to blows.”

She’d either heard nothing or was a good actress. Probably the first, so no need to make her more suspicious. “Nonsense.”

Avrin nodded. “We wouldn’t fight in front of such a pretty lady.”

She turned and slapped Avrin on the arm. “Flattery is the lowest form of ingratiation, but it’ll get you anywhere with me.”

Talion tamped down on his annoyance. They were much too familiar with each other. “If you two are finished flirting, we should all be seeing to our respective duties.”

“What a brilliant idea.” Avrin flashed a sickeningly seductive smile at Maggie. “Can I escort you to wherever you’re needed?”

Talion gnashed his teeth together. If Avrin was trying to test him, he did a superb job of it. “No need, old friend. I’ll see to it.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will. But why don’t we ask the lady?”

A flicker of panic flashed over Maggie’s face. “Hmmm, wow. Don’t I feel popular? Thanks, Avrin, but I actually have an appointment with Talion.”

“That’s strange. I have access to his appointment book, and I recall no such appointment.”

“H…he worked me in.”

He swept an appraising glance over them. “I can see that. Well, good day.” A small smirk grew upon his lips. “I hope to see you both at dinner.”

As soon as Avrin walked away, Maggie whirled on him. “What the hell was that about?”




“Come on, tell me.” Maggie’s voice came out a whine as they strode toward his library, but she didn’t care. Something had gone down between Talion and Avrin. She’d cajole Talion until she found what it was. Never stand between her and gossip.

“We were talking about the beauty…of the day and compared it to sampling a ripe and willing female.”

She growled under her breath. He was being disgustingly close-mouthed and playing his little word games. And infecting every sentence with his insinuations.

“I don’t want to hear about ripe and willing women.”

He sent her a sidelong glance. “Jealous, my dear?”

Hell, yes. “Hardly.”

“How about if we were talking about you?”

She lurched to a stop and rounded on him in the hallway. “You told him we did

“What if I did?”

“You had no right. It’s privileged information.”

“He’s one of my most trusted advisors.”

“He’s one of my closest friends here. I don’t want him knowing about the crap going on between us. He’ll look at me differently. I want everything to remain normal.”

He took a step toward her. “Are you harboring feelings for him, my dear?”

A shiver worked its way up her back. Though his voice was calm, the way he loomed over her was anything but comforting. But she refused to be intimated.
Of course not
was how she should answer, but some devilish part of her pushed her to give an answer sure to be explosive.

She shrugged. “What if I am?”

The gray of his irises resembled a storm, while his pupils were blue lightning. Were those rumbles coming from his chest? Another step had him pressed against her. A growl vibrated through his body and into hers. She gulped. Oh, heck, yeah. He was thundering.

Long fingers slid under her chin and lifted her face up toward his. “You’ll find I don’t like to share. In any way. If you want him as a friend, you’d better consider your answer very carefully.”

Was that a threat? Yeah, probably was. The question was, did she feel like meeting it head on?

But he took the choice from her when he leaned down and crashed his mouth to hers. She wanted to yell at him, but her body—that damn, traitorous thing—rejoiced in the contact. Her lips parted, and his tongue slipped into the recesses of her mouth.

Alarm and arousal coursed like liquid fire in her veins. Every nerve ending became attuned to him, and her arms slipped around his neck. Her eyes fluttered closed. Their tongues met and dueled for dominance. She should break the kiss, but she couldn’t find the will to retreat. Then he changed the rules on her and gentled the demanding kiss.

He nibbled on her lips, wringing a moan from her. He was an intriguing mix of steel and gentleness, of ruthlessness and kindness. Which side did she desire more? She couldn’t choose. They were inexorably entwined in the man he was. One couldn’t exist without the other.

Her eyes shot open, and her mind hit the panic button. God, when had she gotten so philosophical? These elves in fairyland were a corrupting influence. What nonsense would she be thinking next?

Her arms snapped back to her sides. He withdrew a few inches but didn’t release her. His eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire. But anger no longer fueled it. She did—or rather his desire for her did.

BOOK: Bound to the Elvin King
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