Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty (9 page)

BOOK: Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty
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As they waited by the elevator, Dusty kept his head turned away from his boss. They descended down to the waiting car and drove to work in silence. Dusty couldn’t think of anything nice to say at the moment, so he didn’t say anything at all.

He still considered Alexander a marvel, and Dusty knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was falling in love with the tall and handsome man, but he was ticked off at the moment. It made him even angrier that Alexander sat next to him in the car as if nothing were wrong, as if he hadn’t just hurt Dusty’s feelings.

They pulled into the underground parking, and Dusty was careful with each step he took. He didn’t want to hear the annoyance or irritation in Alexander’s voice ever again. The elevator opened, letting them off on Alexander’s floor.

“Good morning, Mr. Sheffield and Mr. L,” Karen said and smiled warmly at Dusty.

Dusty was upset, not impolite. He smiled back at her and gave a wave of his hand, running into Alexander’s back. He hadn’t seen the man stop.


Alexander glanced at him, a brow raised, and then turned his attention to Karen. Dusty skirted around Alexander and walked into Alexander’s office. He sat at the small desk Alexander had shown him a few days before and immediately began to work.

“Is there something wrong, Dusty?” Alexander asked as he closed the office door and then placed a few files on Dusty’s desk.

“No, sir.” Dusty kept right on typing.

Alexander didn’t say another word as he sat down behind his desk.

Dusty stole covert glances at Alexander most of the morning. His anger had turned into downright depression by lunch. Alexander hadn’t said a word to Dusty, nor had he said anything about his tone.

He was beginning to think that maybe he should have kept his bike…and his courier job. The glamour must have worn off with Alexander. It always did when men became tired of Dusty and his accidents. He was surprised it had lasted this long.

“May I go to lunch, sir?” Dusty asked as he tucked a few folders into the filing cabinet.

Alexander looked up from his desk, looking a bit confused. “Is it lunch already?”

Dusty nodded, glancing down at the floor. He wanted to get out of there. He needed to put some space between him and Alexander. He couldn’t take another second of this agonizing silence that he himself had initiated.

“I’ll have Karen order in,” Alexander said as he lifted his hand to press the receptionist button.

“If it’s all the same, I’d rather eat lunch down in the cafeteria.”

Alexander lowered his hand, sitting back and twining his fingers together, resting them on his abdomen. “You were hired to be my assistant twenty-four hours a day, Dusty. I’d rather you eat lunch here where I can keep an eye on you.”

Dusty wasn’t quite sure where his anger erupted from, and years from now, it would still baffle him, but at the moment, all Dusty could see was red. He balled his fists at his side, fear, anger, hurt, and rejection balled up into a tight knot in the pit of his stomach. “So what, I can’t even take a piss without us glued at the hip? Why can’t I go have lunch with everyone else like a normal employee? Do you own me now, Mr. Sheffield? Are you getting your kicks watching me squirm around you? If you are going to get rid of me, do it already!”

Alexander was out of his seat and around his desk quicker than Dusty could blink.

Oh, shit!

Dusty ran around his desk, clipping his knee on the wood, but managing to get away from Alexander. “Pineapple!” Dusty shouted as he ran. “Pineapple!”

Alexander froze, cocking his head at Dusty, his dark eyebrows slanted down into a frown. “What in the hell does pineapple mean?”

“It’s my safe word!” Dusty shouted as he ran for the door, but he tripped over his feet, landing on his hands and knees, the pain instantly shooting through his body. His emotions crashed against jagged rocks at the same time, making Dusty cry out when Alexander pulled him from the floor.

“Oh, god,” Dusty cried as he pounded his fists into Alexander’s chest. “No.”

“Dusty!” Alexander shouted, but he wouldn’t release him. “Calm down.”

“I can’t,” he wailed as the floodgates opened and he sobbed. Alexander ran his hand over Dusty’s back, walking them over to the small couch in his office and sitting down, placing Dusty in his lap.

“You’ve been very quiet all day. What is going on, Dusty?”

“I’m a miserable failure,” he wailed once more. “Why do you even keep me around? No one wants to be around
Bites the Dust Dusty

Alexander pulled back, tilting Dusty’s chin back and wiping the tears from his eyes. “Is that why you are called Dusty?”

Dusty nodded, feeling like his life was flushing straight down the toilet. Alexander was going to give him the boot. The man was going to tell Dusty to use his bike and go collect his things. He just knew it.

“Dusty, talk to me. What is wrong?”

“Everything,” he said as the sobs slowly turned into light tears. “You were irritated with me this morning for falling, and then I tried to give you the silent treatment for being irritated. And then I became scared that I had pushed you away. So I became angry and yelled at you. And then I became afraid when you chased me around my desk.”

Alexander chuckled. “That’s a lot of emotions to exhaust in one day, Dusty. Are you saying that all of this started because you thought I was irritated with you for falling this morning?”

Dusty nodded. “I could tell you were annoyed. But I can’t help who I am, sir. You knew I was a klutz when you hired me.”

Alexander sighed, pushing the long braid over Dusty’s shoulder. “I can be a bit intense sometimes. But I never meant to drive you insane like this, Dusty. I apologize.”

Dusty had a feeling that Alexander never apologized. He was too confident, too powerful to ever admit he had a flaw. But he was telling Dusty he had been wrong.


“I’m sorry for trying to give you the silent treatment. It was eating me up inside not talking to you. I hate not talking to you, sir.” Dusty curled his lips in, seeing the amusement in Alexander’s amethyst eyes.

“Water under the bridge, Dusty. But you are still going to meditate, and if you ever have a problem with something I say or do, let me know. Do not keep it bottled up inside.”

Dusty nodded, feeling the relief wash over him like a giant tsunami. “I will.”

“Now, on your knees. You’re going to suck my cock as punishment for your bratty outburst.”

That was punishment?

Dusty snorted. “If you are going to punish me, then you would be better off picking something I don’t like to do, sir.”

Alexander chuckled as he released Dusty and spread his legs. “Oh, I plan on giving you your full punishment the moment we get home.”

Dusty couldn’t be happier to hear the word
. It was music to his ears.

“But tell me, Dusty. Why do you think I want to get rid of you?”

Dusty shrugged. “No one wants me around once they see how accident prone I am. I’ve never even had a second date. Men promise to call, but they don’t. It’s just something I’ve come to expect now.”

Alexander narrowed his eyes, wrapping Dusty’s braid around his fist. Dusty was starting to think his braid was a particular kink of Alexander’s. He watched in amazement as Alexander leaned back and freed his cock, grabbing the base and guiding the head toward Dusty’s mouth. “Open your mouth, Dusty.”

Dusty immediately obeyed. He moaned, his eyelids fluttering as Alexander pressed his length past Dusty’s lips.

“Now listen closely, brat. I haven’t any plans to get rid of you. I took you on as my assistant knowing full well about your coordination challenge.”

Dusty nearly choked trying not to laugh. Alexander had used Dusty’s phrase. He opened wider, letting his tongue stroke up and down Alexander’s shaft, the tip licking at the head of Alexander’s cock.

Alexander moaned and then opened his eyes to look down at Dusty. “Get it out of your head that I’m going to send you packing. I’m not. Understand?”

Dusty nodded, sucking on Alexander’s cock harder as he pressed the palms of his hands over Alexander’s knees. He began to bob his head, tightening the suction every time he pulled back. Alexander’s grip tightened in Dusty’s braid as his hips snapped forward.

“And if you behave for the rest of the day,” he said and then thrust deep into Dusty’s mouth, “I just might sink this ten-inch cock into your ass again tonight.”

Dusty’s eyes rolled to the back of his head with images of Alexander fucking the clumsiness right out of him. Now that would be a true feat.

“Oh, shit.” Alexander yanked Dusty’s braid back, groaning loudly as he thrust his cock to the back of Dusty’s throat, and then hot jets of cum spurted into Dusty’s mouth. He swallowed Alexander’s seed down until there was no more, and then pulled back slightly, licking the head clean.

Alexander blinked, slowly unraveling Dusty’s braid from his fist. “Now, as I said before, I’ll call Karen for lunch.”

Dusty sat back, smiling up at Alexander as his chest damn near burst open.

Alexander was going to keep him.

Hot damn!

Chapter 10

Alexander kept his hand firmly in the middle of Dusty’s back as they walked toward the doors of Antonio’s. He knew Dusty was nervous. He could feel the small shudders that shook the little man growing in strength the closer to the restaurant that they walked.

“Calm, baby,” Alexander whispered into Dusty’s ear. “Remember your calm. Center yourself. Concentrate on my voice, and only my voice.”

“Can’t we go home?” Dusty asked, desperation putting a slight tremor in Dusty’s voice. Before they could reach the doors, Dusty spun on his heels and looked up at Alexander. “Please, sir, I’ll meditate. I’ll suck you off, anything. Let’s just go home.”

Alexander curved his hand over the side of Dusty’s face for a moment and then slid it back farther to grab Dusty’s braid, wrapping the thick braid around his hand and tightening his grip. He could see Dusty’s swift inhale in the pleasure that washed over his face.

“You’ll be fine, Dusty. I promise.”

Worry instantly filled Dusty’s soft blue eyes. “But, sir—”

“What has you the most worried, Dusty?”

Alexander was pretty sure that Dusty’s little frown was the cutest damn thing he had ever seen. It matched the sweetness in his eyes. Which was one of the reasons Alexander had set up this little dinner with his friends. He wanted Jacob, Taylor, and Michael to meet the single most important person in his life. And he wanted Dusty to meet his friends.

“I don’t want to embarrass you, sir, and we both know it will happen.”

“No, it won’t. Firstly, because nothing you do could possibly embarrass me, no matter how clumsy you get. Secondly, because you will not be clumsy. You, my sweet little man, are graceful when you forget about being nervous, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you forget.”

Dusty’s eyes fluttered madly as his head snapped back. “Really?”

“Would you like a demonstration?”

Dusty licked his lips as his eyes dropped down to Alexander’s mouth. “Okay,” he croaked out.

Alexander grinned and leaned in to capture Dusty’s sweet lips. A hint of mint floated across his tongue, a flavor that he had come to associate with Dusty. Alexander groaned as Dusty’s mouth automatically opened to him.

BOOK: Brats in Training 3: Dangerous Dusty
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