Read Breaking the Silence Online

Authors: Katie Allen

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Breaking the Silence (9 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Silence
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At that, Will’s control snapped. He caught Jenny under the arms and tossed her onto her back. She squeaked as his weight flattened her into the bed. His hands fisted in her hair, holding her head still as he ravaged her mouth, kissing her so hard that his lip hit the edge of her tooth and split. Will could taste the blood in his mouth but didn’t care about the small pain—didn’t care about anything except getting inside Jenny.

Releasing his handfuls of her hair but not taking his mouth from hers, Will tugged the cups of her bra down, not bothering to release the hooks in back but instead just pulling her breasts up and free from their restraints. He left his hands on the soft mounds, holding them as he moved his mouth slowly downward, licking kisses on her chin and throat, teeth scraping lightly against the tendon in the side of her neck, feeling the beat of her pulse with his tongue, the length of her collarbone with his lips.

Will pushed her breasts up and finally lowered his head, rubbing his cheeks along the white skin. Jenny’s nipples, stiff and pink, demanded attention, asking for his mouth, but Will licked a path around one of the eager nubs instead. Her hips jerked, as if trying to find solace against his hard stomach.

Pressing the mounds together, Will licked the seam between before turning his head and touching his tongue to her nipple. Jenny twisted her hips and hooked a leg around him, opening herself to his body. She kneaded his head, both hands working his scalp. His breath puffed onto her wet nipple and it stiffened even more.

Back arching, Jenny strained toward him. He lowered his head and drew her nipple into the hot depths of his mouth. Will sucked hard, pulling at her breast, his cheek and throat muscles working, as if he were actually trying to pull nourishment from the very center of her. One hand massaged her neglected breast while the other kneaded her hip beneath her wadded-up skirt. Will pulled his mouth off her slowly, closing his lips and allowing just the slightest pinch of his teeth on the point of her nipple, drawing another moan from Jenny as she clutched his head closer to her.

Will moved to the other breast, sucking it in as if he was starving, shifting so that both of his hands held her hips. He pressed his palms against her skin and moved one hand along the leg that was hooked around him, sliding across her thigh and playing with the top edge of her stocking. His hands moved to her ass cheeks, pressing and squeezing the soft flesh. Will’s fingertips explored the dip where her thighs rounded into cheeks before his hands slid upward to the base of her spine. Jenny whimpered, drawing her other knee up so that both legs were twined around his torso and she was fully open to his exploration.

He moved his hands down, fingers curling into the crevice between her cheeks. The tips of his blunt fingers met beneath the strip of thong that divided her bottom and slipped down her crack. When his fingers found her puckered anus they paused, and one finger circled the small hole. Jenny froze.

Will’s finger pressed into her, just the tip, testing her resistance. His mouth stilled at her breast, all his focus on his one finger barely breaching her rear entrance. Tightening her muscles around him, a tiny squeeze of acceptance, Jenny pushed back toward him, impaling herself a little more on his invading digit.

The movement released a beast inside Will. He grasped her thong and yanked. The silky fabric resisted his pull for a bare second before snapping free of her body.

“Condom,” Jenny gasped out, and he swore, his voice thick and guttural. His pants were still tangled around his calves and he struggled to dig into the pocket. He yanked out a few packets and tossed them on the bed. Grabbing one with shaking fingers, he tore it open with his teeth and hesitated. Jesus, he was practically quaking. He felt Jenny’s fingers take the condom from his hand.

“Let me,” she murmured, kneeling in front of him again. She rolled it carefully over his erection and paused at the base. When she cupped his balls in a gentle hand, Will’s hand shot out to grab her wrist. He couldn’t speak, so he just gave a short shake of his head. If she touched him again, it was all over. A lifetime of control all leading up to this shuddering moment, and he would explode in her hand if she touched him again.

Clasping her other wrist, Will bore her down until her back touched the quilt. He slid her arms above her head and interlaced their fingers, still not trusting his control if she were to touch him anywhere except his hands. Her arms were relaxed, accepting his confinement, and she pulled her knees up to press against his sides. Will rolled his hips, working himself between her thighs, seeking the wet center of her.

He pressed into her, the head of his cock working into the tight space of her pussy. With just the tip of his erection buried in her, Will paused, panting.

This was…amazing.

Nothing had prepared him for the way her wet heat gripped him, not his fist, not his imagination, not any of the few pornos he had watched when the empty lust of loneliness had gripped him. Will pressed in another inch. Her wet passage squeezed against him, fighting him at the same time as it welcomed him.

He began to thrust, small movements that moved him almost out of her before pushing in a little farther each time. He still held her hands above her head and her fingers clenched and opened in his, whether in rejection of his invasion or a desire for more, he didn’t know. Will glanced at her face. Her eyes was closed, her mouth, swollen from his harsh kisses, was slightly open. She was panting, hot little breaths hitting his skin.

“Okay?” he asked, thinking,
please don’t say no,
don’t say no
. He hadn’t even wanted to ask, to give her an opening to tell him to leave her body, where he had already decided he wanted to stay.

Jenny’s eyes opened halfway, still glazed with passion. “Please,” she moaned.

He stilled, watching her warily.

“Please, Will—I need you inside me now. Please fuck me!”

At her words, a red haze settled over Will’s vision and desire roared through his body. Teeth bared, he thrust the entire length of his erection into her, forcing apart the gripping flesh of her pussy, burrowing deep until he filled her completely.

Air hissed from Will at the sensation, at the blissful squeeze of her body. Jenny tightened her muscles around him and he almost screamed at the pleasure, so intense that it was almost painful. He pulled out halfway and Jenny moaned, whether from the slippery friction or from the loss of his cock, he wasn’t sure. Her pussy sucked at him as he slammed into her again.

He felt his release approaching, his balls drawing up against his body, but he didn’t want that yet—not so soon. Will wasn’t ready for this to be over, for this incredible gripping ecstasy to stop, for Jenny’s soft gasps and moans to end. He gritted his teeth, pressed their joined hands harder into the bed and slowed his thrusts, drawing almost completely out before slowly, slowly pushing back into her, separating the clenching walls of her pussy with each pass.

“Faster, please—harder, harder, harder!” Jenny’s breath came out in gasping sobs and, with a guttural groan, Will obeyed, slamming into her hard and fast, shoving her body across the bed with the force of his thrusts.

“Oh God, Will!” Jenny screamed and the clenching pulse of her pussy as she came drove Will into his own orgasm. He arched, every muscle in his body drawn tight as he came and came and came, the residual quivers of Jenny’s release sparking off his own shudders.

When it was over, he collapsed on top of her, releasing her hands to wrap his arms around her back, burying his face in the sweating curve of her neck. He was filled with a tangle of feelings—gratitude and connection and completion, as well as other emotions he couldn’t even define. Spread over everything was a growing feeling of sleepy contentment and his eyes closed as his muscles slid into relaxation, melting into the body beneath him.

The body that couldn’t breathe. Jenny hadn’t minded at first, still reeling and euphoric from her mind-blowing climax, but her need for air was getting urgent and she was pretty sure that Will was falling asleep with his pants around his ankles. They both still had their shoes on too.

“Will?” she whispered but didn’t feel any reaction from him, except that he grew even heavier.

“Will?” It was louder this time and she gave him a nudge with her foot. He growled and squeezed her harder.

, Jenny thought with a grunt,
that is not helping the breathing.
She pushed at his shoulders. “William!”

He finally raised his head, blinking sleepy eyes at her.

Jenny grinned at him. “We still have our shoes on.”

Will pushed himself onto his elbows and glanced toward their feet, which were currently hanging off the side of the bed. He looked a bit self-conscious. “My pants too.”

“At least you have fewer clothes on than I do,” Jenny laughed, gesturing at her twisted bra and skirt. “We mostly just shoved things out of the way. Your poor shirt, though—it will never be the same.”

“And your, ah…” Will nodded at the sad remains of her panties and red touched his cheekbones. “Sorry. I’ll get you new ones.”

“No need. I bought those special for you. Besides, that was fun—clothes flying everywhere, almost not making it up the stairs. Good times. I might frame what’s left of that thong.”

Will smiled at her, the rare, happy smile that always surprised her. He raised his hips and his semi-erect cock slid out of her. Jenny felt it go with a sense of loss. As Will pushed himself to his feet, she wondered if he would leave now, promising to call her, but he just toed off his shoes and stepped out of his pants before sitting on the edge of the bed to strip off his socks. He glanced at the pretty wicker wastebasket by the bed, obviously hesitant about tossing the condom into such a decorative receptacle. Jenny propped herself up on her elbow and correctly interpreted his glance.

“Bathroom,” she suggested, pointing to the adjoining door, and Will padded through it, bare-assed naked. A fine bare ass it was too, Jenny thought, watching him. She stood up, unhooked her bra and slipped it down her arms. Her skirt was tougher—it took a moment for her to straighten it out enough to find the back fastening—but she had it and her stockings and boots off before Will returned, as impressive to watch from the front as he was from the back.

“Can you stay?” Jenny asked, still half afraid that this was it—he was going to leave, taking his huge cock and sweet smile with him, never to be heard from again. She hadn’t done a one-night stand before, or even a sex-on-the-first-date stand, but she was hoping that this wasn’t the former. The fact that he was still naked was a good sign.

The light from the hall lit the bedroom fairly well and Jenny grew a little self-conscious of her bulges and lumps, standing naked by the bed as Will walked toward her. Reaching out, he ran his fingers over her shoulder and down the slope of her breast, brushing her nipple with the lightest of touches.

“Yes,” he rumbled.

Jenny had already forgotten what she’d asked. Oh right, whether he could stay. Good—he was hers for the rest of the night at least. She shivered suddenly, her sweaty body quickly cooling in the chilly air, and Will frowned. He reached past her to pull down the covers so she could climb into bed. He followed her in, pulling the quilt over her and covering himself to the waist, leaving his chest bare. Turning toward Jenny, he pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her waist and nestling his face against her breasts. His arms tightened, cutting off her oxygen again, but then he let out a breath and relaxed, slipping quickly into sleep.

Jenny thought,
he certainly likes to cuddle.
She couldn’t help a small, pleased smile that this fabulous man was in her bed. A little taciturn, maybe, but she talked enough for two and his intense, wild interest in her was definitely a turn-on. The sex had been animalistic, all biting and licking and tearing off clothes. She had never felt as desired before, as if Will had to fuck her or die. It was…exciting. Maybe a little scary.

Jenny had always just assumed that she wasn’t that sexual a person. Sex had always been something she could take or leave and she had always felt a bit smugly above it all. This, though—whatever this was that she had with Will—this couldn’t just be
. This was something that she had to have, desperately, something vital to her existence.

She needed Will—a man she had only known for less than two weeks—like she needed air or sleep or food.

She glanced down at the blond head buried in her breasts. Okay, nothing scary about him now. He had sex like a wild beast and then cuddled up to her like a child.

Oh well
, she thought with a mental shrug. She had already decided he was a contradiction but she liked him anyway.

She wiggled, trying to get comfortable, and Will’s arms tightened for a moment. As Jenny settled down to sleep, she stroked his head, feeling the surprising softness of his hair. It was so short that she had expected it to be bristly. She ran her other hand along the top of his shoulder, enjoying the damp feel of his skin, the slight give of his relaxed muscles. Yeah, she could get used to sleeping with this man—both figuratively and literally.

She drifted off, lulled by the slow sound of his breathing and the security of his body wrapped around hers.

Will woke before Jenny did and he was glad about that, since he could enjoy resting against her. They were still tucked into each other—Jenny on her back and Will halfway on top of her, tangled together like two sleepy puppies. Will was still shell-shocked by the night before, amazed that he had been inside her, that he was still curled around her, feeling her skin against his and listening to her small, snuffly sounds of sleep. Although he wanted to stay where he was, breathing in the skin of her shoulder where it curved to meet her neck, the temptation to look at her in the pale, early morning light won out.

BOOK: Breaking the Silence
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