Read Brent's Law Online

Authors: Ylette Pearson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Brent's Law (7 page)

BOOK: Brent's Law
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How could this be wrong when she felt like she’d come home as his body covered hers? When he trailed kisses along her abdomen, circling her navel and traveling progressively lower, Samantha wished she was a witch with the power to have the obstructing jeans disappear. Instead, she tugged on his pants and slipped her hand over his firm bottom.

Brent fought for air and Samantha smiled. Maybe she could teach the young man something. She wriggled from under him and scrambled from the bed.

“Not so fast, Loverboy. We have all morning.” She turned her back to him and unzipped her jeans, ensuring he heard the slow crunch of the zipper. “If you’re up to it?”

He made a grab for her, but she darted out of reach. Inch by inch she rolled the jeans over her hips, down her legs until she reached her calves. She straightened her legs and bent forward to push it to her ankles, watching past her legs as his Adam’s apple worked overtime. She afforded him a prime viewing of her soaked thong before stepping out of the jeans and widening her stance. Her breasts threatened to spill over the bra and she released the clip, letting them loose to hang for a few seconds in full view.

As she straightened, he grabbed her and pulled her against his naked torso while his hands explored her hips, her thighs and teased the tiny fabric covering her womanhood.

“So you like to tease?” He bit her shoulder then lapped at the spot to ease the pain. “Let’s see how long you can keep it up.”

She shrieked as he picked her up and dumped her on the bed. When his hands went to his jeans, she stopped him.

“No, I want to unwrap the package.”

He grinned. “Lady, if you unwrap anything else, I won’t be responsible for my deeds.”

“Sorry, I forgot the youth likes it hot and fast.” She stretched her arms above her head and wiggled her bottom, spreading her legs slightly. The bulge in his pants grew and she smiled.

“Damn, woman, how can you go from blowing scared and cold to full blooded minx in sixty seconds flat?”

She turned on her side and popped her head on her hands, making sure he had a good view of her ass.

“I’m a woman and allowed to change my mind.”

“You’re a woman all right.” He growled and stepped out of his clothes. “But let’s see if you can keep up, old girl.”

The first thing she noticed was his heavily bandaged thigh. The second—the enormous cock springing free. Samantha swallowed. She remembered the cocks she’d seen before as being average.

Manageable. Unremarkable.

Not this one.

Definitely not unremarkable and about the manageable, she wasn’t so sure she hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew. Hell, she doubted she’d be able to circle it with her hand. The subject of her amazement bounced and her gaze flew to his face.

“Like what you see?”

“Ahem…you’re sure that thing is legal?”

He chuckled and crawled onto the bed, grabbing her foot and pulling her toe into his mouth, suckling and licking before he lifted his head and met her gaze.

“It’s not enough for you?” he asked in mock horror.

His mouth moved up her leg, licking the sensitive spot behind her knee, and the strength left her elbows. She dropped on her face and sighed. How could one touch turn her into a melting marshmallow?

“I’ll just have to take my chances, won’t I?”

“If you
want to.” He paused his upward journey and lifted his head. “Do you?”

“Can’t you young men finish what you start without overanalyzing everything?”

“Oh, I can, but I’m not so sure you old ladies are up to it.” He flipped her onto her back, took the thong off and nudged her legs apart.

Great, Samantha, you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut.
She’d never felt so exposed in her life. A bout of shyness urged her to close her legs and get the hell out of the room, but then he lowered his mouth to the inside of her thigh and she abandoned the thought. Maybe she could hold out a little longer.

When his tongue swiped her sensitive clit, she nearly came off the bed and she fisted her hands in the bedding.

“Hmm,” he mumbled as he lifted her ass a little more and sucked the mound into his mouth. She bucked and pressed her pussy into his face. She wanted more, no,

He obliged without prompting and licked her swollen lips before dipping his tongue into the sensitive channel.

“Oh, hell,” she panted and he lifted his head to stare at her, a wet ring surrounding his mouth. His answer was a quick grin and a flick of his tongue to retrieve some of the moisture before he lowered his head again to focus his attention on her clit.

When he slipped one finger into her without relenting on her clit, her brain short-circuited. He crooked the digit inside her until he found the sensitive spot and stroked it. Her blood felt like it had reached boiling point. She couldn’t hold on much longer.

“It’s been too long. I need you. Now.”

“Huh-uh, I’m not done.” And he slipped another finger into her.

The room faded and she only existed to reach the heaven he promised. As she bucked against his hand, he increased the rhythm, pumping his fingers into her, while his other hand twirled her nipple.

She buried her hands in his hair and pulled him toward her. Her own musky flavor in his mouth assaulted her senses and her head spun. She reached between their bodies and grabbed his shaft.

“Turn around,” she ordered. Instinctively he moved so she could reach him without him having to neglect her throbbing pussy.

She ran her tongue over the velvet sheath until she reached the base. A thick vein throbbed on the surface before she sucked his balls into her mouth—one after the other. His answering groan spurred her on and she took him in her hand, held him while she licked from bottom to tip, sipping at the small droplets of pre-cum.

Brent changed the angle of his fingers and for a moment, Samantha lost focus. Heat suffused her face, robbed her of breath and sanity. Oh, if she was going to die from an overdose of lust, she didn’t care. Her mouth closed over the tip of his cock.

“Baby, you’re killing me.”

His gyrating hips belied his words and Samantha took him deeper into her mouth, but found it to be more difficult than she’d first thought. He was a huge, unbendable steel rod. She moved her clasped hands together, slowly increasing the pace while she sucked and licked the tip.

She eased her mouth off his cock. “Harder, faster,” she breathed before she took him into her mouth again.


He pushed her hands away and leaned across the mattress. He wouldn’t be so cruel as to leave her now, would he? Her body throbbed in manners she’d all but forgotten it could and he abandoned her now? Then she heard the tear of foil and her excitement notched up.

Before she dared complain, he positioned himself between her legs and his cock pressed against her opening. She pulled his head to her and landed a searing kiss on his lips as he pushed inside.

Then she had to hold on for dear life. Slowly she stretched until she was sure she wouldn’t be able to take anymore, but then he pushed even deeper and Samantha gasped. He held still.

“Open your eyes, baby.”

She obliged unwillingly.

“I didn’t hurt you?”

She shook her head and he smiled. “Great.”

Then he rammed into her and her world stuttered on its axis. Repeatedly he slammed into her, until she met him more than halfway, willing the raging inferno inside her to explode. The muscles in his neck strained and his shoulders bunched with his weight. Her pussy pulsed, then contracted and the sensation launched her mind into outer space. Liquid streamed from her pussy as she squeezed and released his thrusting cock. She clamped her legs around his hips and pushed him even deeper, feeling his tip touch her cervix. He drove into her a final time and a hoarse cry escaped before he collapsed on top of her.

She buried her hands in his hair and held on while the world stopped spinning. While her breathing returned to a semblance of normal. When he edged off her, she held him back.

“I’ll crush you.”

“Not yet. Give it another few minutes.”

She ran her hands along his back, lined with muscle and sweat. His damp hair tickled her naked shoulder and his erection slowly melted inside her. She clamped the muscles in her pussy and he groaned.

“Damn, woman, I’m young, not a machine.”

She giggled and he rolled off to the side to dispose of the condom. When he turned to her, he gathered her in his arms and pulled her against him. He yawned as he pulled the covers over them.

“We’ll get up a bit later,” he mumbled before his breathing evened out.

Chapter Eight

Samantha gently pushed his arm from her hip and crawled out from under the covers. She held her breath, but he didn’t stir. Brent lay as he’d fallen asleep, on his side with his one arm propped under the pillow. With those beautiful blue eyes closed, she noticed the pronounced dark circles surrounding them. Lines edged the side of his mouth and even through his body remained in the same position, he often moved the injured leg.

With a final glance at the restless man, she gathered her clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom. She hastily donned her clothes and bent over the basin to rinse her face.

Straightening, she gaped. The face in the mirror belonged to some wanton witch, not a prudish attorney. The look in her brown eyes had softened and resembled melted chocolate rather than the polished pebbles she was used to, the color in her cheeks exceeded the performance of the best blusher she knew and her hair looked like she’d been dragged backside-first through a thorny bush.

She sagged onto the edge of the bathtub and dropped her face in her hands. What had she done? How could she face him after he’d overridden her protests with such ease? Her face heated. To be honest, he hadn’t overridden anything. He’d asked and she’d practically flung herself at him. Despite her protests of being able to handle her own physical responses, she’d failed miserably at the first hurdle. She hadn’t even had the sense to object because of his injury. She’d thought of her own lusty needs and forgotten about everything else… including her client.

With a muffled curse, she hung the towel on the hook. She opened the door a crack, but Brent still slept soundly and she snuck out of the room. Despite the size of the house, she found the kitchen with ease. She rinsed and filled the kettle before she hunted through the cupboards for a cup and some instant coffee. What she found was a well-stocked pantry and freezer full of delectable snacks. When was the last proper meal she’d had?

Soon she had a couple of strips of bacon frying, two slices of bread in the toaster and a fruit salad cooling in the fridge. She poached an egg and stacked the contents on a plate. Her stomach growled at the smell of bacon wafting up her nose and she carried the plate and her freshly brewed cup of coffee to the patio.

The midday sun had her squinting, but she couldn’t return to the bedroom to retrieve her sunglasses so she moved the chair to keep the sun from her eyes. Nature flaunted her winter colors, daring her human inhabitants to compare with her beauty, and Samantha exhaled with pleasure.

Despite the tranquil setting, her mind remained in turmoil. The way she saw it, she had two options. Either she accepted the pleasure they could bring each other for a couple of days and end their association when she returned home, or, she could insist he take her home right now and minimize the chance of any complications arising from her staying alone at his house.

If she stayed and they managed to remain undetected, her job and reputation would remain intact and her libido satisfied. It wasn’t as if they were spoiling for a romantic relationship, and the break would be mutually beneficial. Both had busy lives to lead without room for any emotional upheaval.

To return home immediately would be the most responsible option, but suddenly she was unwilling to give up her newfound sexual freedom so soon. He was much younger than she was, but all man.

The reminder of just how much male she had encountered renewed the heat in her cheeks. A baby crying to her right had her jumping in her chair.
What the hell? Where did the baby come from?
She craned her neck, but apart from a large hornbill-like bird jumping in the upper branches of a tree, she couldn’t see anything.

Maybe she should consider leaving today. If one sexual encounter had her daydreaming about babies crying, she was more desperate than she’d realized. Samantha closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Then the baby cried again and she snapped her eyes open. This was ridiculous.

The bird watched her from his perch high in the tree. He cocked his head to the side and let loose an ear-piercing wail. Her mouth dropped open.
A bird that cries like a baby? Thank heavens.
Relief quickly replaced the astonishment and she even managed a giggle as she collected her dishes and carried it inside.

Once washed, she returned the dishes to the cupboards and searched through a bookcase against the wall. She chose an innocent-looking thriller, due to the lack of any romance novels on the shelves, and returned to the patio. Soon she was engrossed in the medical thriller and the rest of the world faded.

“I’m glad to see you made yourself at home.”

The book flew from her lap and landed on the patio. She palmed her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart.

“You scared the crap out of me.”

He laughed. “You should try reading that book at night.”

She stooped to pick the novel up. “No thank you.” She glanced at him. “You’re looking better. Had a nice nap?”

He nodded. “But now I’m famished. Have you had anything to eat yet?”

“I prepared some bacon and eggs earlier. Can I make you something?”

He took her hand. “No. Just sit with me.”

Inside, he knew his way around the kitchen and in a flash, he had prepared a sandwich, which he ate at the kitchen table.

“So tell me about yourself, councilor.”

“It’s a bit late to want to get to know each other, don’t you think? Besides I have the feeling you know everything there is to know about my life.”

BOOK: Brent's Law
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