Read Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3)
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“Well, apparently neither can the Russian. Poor Mistress Clark is suffering from unrequited love.”

Ms. Clark
? Is she even capable of submitting to someone else?”

Lea shrugged. “Guess it just takes the right individual.”

The revelation put the Domme in a whole new light. Ms. Clark was looking for love—no different than the rest of humanity. She’d just managed to hide it under an exterior of impenetrable force.

“I always thought she was of the ‘female’ persuasion,” Brie protested.

“Oh, no, I have seen her with male submissives. God, she is sexy when she subdues them.”


“Yeah, that woman is multitalented. You don’t know this, but she has many admirers. Unfortunately, the only one she really desires is the one who turned her down.”

“What? Rytsar knows how she feels?”

“Yeah. From what I gather, Sir was somehow involved. Whatever happened, she ended up very hurt and resentful.”

“It’s a wonder she still works at the Center.”

Lea gave her a sad smile. “I think Mistress Clark holds out hope the Russian will change his mind, and she wants to be here when he does. I can’t tell you how unhappy she was when Sir quit, as he’s her only link to Rytsar.”

Brie shook her head slowly, unable to process this new side to the female trainer. “How is it that a dominant personality could think that way?”

“Love does strange things to people,” Lea answered. “But I tell you this, if I could take Ms. Clark’s pain away, I would.”

Brie looked at her friend, understanding the deeper meaning behind the statement. “So are you telling me that you’re in love with her?”

Lea tilted her head and looked at Brie with a solemn expression. “At this point I’m not sure if I can distinguish between love and lust. All I know is that the world is a much better place when I’m around her. She makes me feel alive like no one else, not even the doctor.”

A random thought flashed through Brie’s head. “Does that mean you’re jealous of Rytsar?”

Lea became flustered, which was so uncharacteristic of her. “I… Hmm… Good question. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

Ms. Clark in love with Rytsar…what a tangled mess!


She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Sir in the doorway. How long had he been standing there? Brie stood up and addressed him. “Yes, Sir?”

“There has been a change of plans. Marquis just called, claiming Celestia is in dire need of company. He said she been lonely since returning home from the hospital. We’ll be leaving in an hour.” He looked at her laptop sitting on the box. “Finish what you can and reschedule for a later date.”

Brie felt guilty, knowing she had wasted time gossiping with Lea when she should have been unpacking. “We will, Sir.”


Her friend looked up at Sir with a guilty expression, as if she had failed him too.

“I am glad you came today. Brie never laughs as much as when she is with you.”

He left them without any reprimand.

“That was so sweet of him to say,” Lea cooed.

“My Master is a good man.”

“The best!”

Brie put her computer away and the two made quick work of three more boxes before Lea had to leave. Sir escorted them both out, giving Brie the meal he had cooked for Celestia while the girls had finished their work. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious—far beyond anything Brie could have prepared.

“Thank you, Sir Davis. You really didn’t have to make me a meal, but thanks,” Lea joked, grabbing the meal from Brie.

Sir shook his head good-naturedly as he took it back. “Watch yourself, Lea.”

Brie was amazed at Lea’s boldness. Not too many people were brave enough to joke with Sir. It made her love Lea all the more. “Call you tomorrow?”

Lea gave her a big hug. “I’m counting on it, subbie.”

On the drive there, Sir surprised Brie by stating, “Although I have made dinner, there is something I want you to cook especially for Marquis Gray once we get there.”

She hid her disappointment with a smile. Having to cook for Marquis was humiliating, especially after the egg fiasco just before graduation. “Yes, Sir.”

He winked at her. “I know he will appreciate it.”

She wondered about this sudden trip to visit them and asked, “Is everything okay with Celestia, Sir? Is she having trouble recovering from her emergency appendectomy?”

He chuckled. “She is well enough. I think this is more for Marquis’ sake. He has been at home taking care of his sub for more than a week, and I think it is driving him mad.”

Brie was struck again by the paradigm shift—first with Ms. Clark and now with Marquis. She had always imagined him to be almost Zen-like in his approach to life. The idea that Marquis was going stir-crazy seemed so…human.

“I couldn’t help over hearing part of your conversation with Lea,” Sir stated. “During our stay in Russia, Ms. Clark’s name is not to be mentioned.”

Brie couldn’t imagine what had happened to provoke such a command.

“I won’t, Sir.”

“I personally don’t care for gossip, but in this case it was beneficial. You needed to be aware of that dynamic so you would not mistakenly mention it. Although the incident occurred years ago, there are still raw nerves on all sides.”

“May I ask what happened, Sir?”

“You may ask, but I will not answer. It is a private matter.”

Brie cringed, feeling bad for prying. Humbled, she assured him, “I will not ask again, Sir. Please forgive me.”

“Lea is a natural gossip. I know that is not your nature.”

She didn’t want Sir to think badly of Lea. “I promise we will work hard next time to make up for today.”

“See that you do,” he replied as they pulled into the driveway of a sprawling, ranch-style home. He added, almost as an afterthought, “It would be nice to be settled, Brie. I’ve never been a fan of boxes.”

Sir’s comment warmed her heart. It was his way of saying that he wanted her there permanently. She blurted, “I love you, Sir!”

His devastating smile set her heart aflutter as she got out of the car, but those feelings of momentary bliss disappeared as soon as she stood on Marquis Gray’s doorstep.

I’m a Condor

ir rang the doorbell and told Brie to stop fidgeting. “You will do fine,” he promised, just as the door opened.

Brie tensed when she saw Marquis Gray. It had only been a couple of weeks, but she had forgotten what a commanding presence he had until those dark eyes greeted her. She quickly looked down, not wanting to be reprimanded.

“Well, isn’t this a nice surprise?”

“I doubt you could call it a surprise when you demanded we come,” Sir replied with a smirk.

“No need to speak of it to Celestia. I wouldn’t want her to feel she was a burden to anyone.”

“I suspect she is not the problem,” Sir murmured as he held up the dish he’d prepared. “This is for later. My sub is going to make you an appetizer first.”

Through hooded eyes, she watched Marquis for his reaction. She did not miss the look of revulsion that flitted across his face. “How kind of you.”

She wasn’t sure if he was speaking to Sir or to her, so she kept her head down. She was determined not to fail him—or Sir.

“But first, you two really must see Celestia. She has been cooped up here since I brought her home from the hospital after the surgery, and she is in dire need of company.”

Brie followed Sir as Marquis led them through the house. It looked like a model home one saw in magazines. Tall, vaulted ceilings, an expansive fireplace, tons of perfectly placed knick-knacks. Not what she had imagined for Marquis at all. It made her wonder if Celestia had been the decorator. If so, she was quite talented. The place maintained a homey and inviting feel, despite its perfection.

Marquis took them to the great room. It was equally impressive, with its wall of books, large screen TV, and huge bay window. The room had it all, including a smiling Celestia, who was lying on the couch.

“May I, Sir?” Brie asked.

“Of course.”

She walked to Celestia’s side and knelt beside her, grabbing her hand. “How are you? I was so scared when I heard what had happened!”

Celestia’s angelic voice was as pure as Brie remembered. “I am doing well, Miss Bennett. Marquis is overly protective of his sub. He won’t let me do anything while I recover.”

“Doctor’s orders,” Marquis corrected.

Celestia smiled up at her Master. “You take good care of me.” He offered his hand and she kissed it tenderly.

It was sweet. The two had a special bond Brie adored.

“It is good to hear you are well, Celestia,” Sir said kindly. “You are greatly admired and your bad health was a distress to us all.”

Celestia bowed her head. “That’s very kind of you to say, Sir Davis.”

“Miss Bennett,” Marquis said, “I hear you have had issues with Mr. Wallace since the collaring ceremony.”

She looked at him warily, only nodding when she glanced into his perilous eyes. They penetrated her to the core.

“I’ve spoken to him once and we will be meeting with him as a panel while you are in Russia. He is in significant need of direction. However, I can’t help but wonder what you feel for the young Dom.”

She looked to Sir before she spoke. He nodded, so she answered Marquis openly. “I care about Mr. Wallace, but only as a friend.”

“That must stop.”

She looked at him in shock. She was about to protest, but remembered his position and asked respectfully, “May I ask why, Marquis Gray?”

“He cannot distinguish the difference. He is convinced you feel the same and will not be able to move forward if he continues to receive mixed signals from you.”

Sir put his hand on Brie’s shoulder, stating, “I’ve already told her what to do if she encounters him again.”

“I am not talking about that, Sir Davis. I am talking about her private thoughts. I personally believe those connections are equally potent. Even the simple act of dwelling on Mr. Wallace continues a link that needs to be severed. Until he is in control of his emotions, you should banish all thoughts of him.”

Brie thought Marquis was being overdramatic, but then she thought back to the many times she had fantasized about Sir during her training. She’d felt a very real connection to him then, and look at them now…

She glanced at Sir, not wanting to commit to anything he did not agree with.

Sir addressed Marquis. “Although I doubt Brie will have any thoughts of the boy while we are in Russia, I believe it is a valid point.”

Brie nodded to Marquis. “Then I will sever my thoughts, Marquis Gray. I don’t want him to hurt anymore. Faelan deserves a fresh start.”

“Fine.” Marquis looked down at Celestia lovingly. “I believe my sub is due for some sustenance.”

Sir inquired, “May we have free rein of your kitchen?”


Sir guided Brie into the immaculate kitchen. He looked through the refrigerator before giving her directions. “It looks like you have all the necessary ingredients.” He shut the refrigerator door and faced her. “I want you to create the best damn omelet he’s ever eaten.”

Brie felt her stomach sink to the ground. Her worst nightmare!
Cooking an omelet for Marquis?
“Only if it pleases you, Sir,” she replied, stating her reluctance respectfully.

BOOK: Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3)
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