Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker (6 page)

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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Chapter Nine


I can tell by the way Nellie reacted to the call from her ex this morning that I really need to take my time with her. She wasn’t herself for the rest of the day. It bothered me more than I would like to admit. Everything in me screams for me to protect her.

It’s not like with Heather and Bean. They are like sisters it is a given that I will protect them if and when needed. With Nellie, it is like I live and breathe to make sure she is happy and safe. When she isn’t happy it makes my skin crawl, and I have this need to make it better.

After the day I walked in on Heather talking shit about me, I have done everything I can to show Nellie that I am interested in her and that I am worth taking a chance on. It burns me up that apart of the reason she won’t date me is because of my past and a lame reputation that I made for myself when I was young, dumb, and reckless.

I have watched her face light up in the mornings when she walks in to find that single rose on her desk. White roses signify a fresh start, and I want to be hers. In a way, she will be the same for me. For the first time, I want to explore a relationship, and I want that with Nellie.

However, I know she is not ready, so I have resigned myself to being the friend she needs,
for now
. Yeah, well that was the plan until Nellie walked into this bar tonight. This place is more like a bar and lounge. They have a dance floor and DJ that comes in after twelve on the weekends. There is also an additional upstairs lounge where they serve drinks and have karaoke all night.

This is not our usual hang out. My brothers and I had planned to go out for our usual Friday night drinks, but Heather talked us into coming here. She thought Nellie needed to go out and loosen up. Knowing Nellie would feel safer with us guys with her we all agreed to change our plans.

Bean doesn’t work far from this place, so she has come to meet up with the girls. They all look fantastic. Even Heather threw me for a loop when she showed up in a dress and heels. In the last few months, she has started to let the top of her hair grow out. Now that I think of it, since Nellie has been around Heather has even been wearing makeup.

If I thought I was thrown for a loop with Heather, my breath was taken away when my eyes landed on Nellie. She isn’t wearing her glasses tonight. Now I will be the first to tell you that she has starred in a number of my fantasies as a dirty librarian with those cute little glasses of hers.

However, the moment my eyes landed on Nellie I lost my shit. Those eyes of hers are amazing when she is wearing just her contacts. Without the glasses on her face, you can really see all of her beauty. From her bright eyes to the way, her well-arched brows complement her eyes and her cute little nose, to how that cute nose sits perfectly above those beautiful lips.

It is taking everything, and I mean everything in me not to just grab her and take her back to my place. I don’t know who dressed her, but I want to strangle them and every guy in this bar that has been drooling over her. I have had a hard on since she walked in the place.

It’s not just the outfit it is the hair as well. She usually wears it in its wild natural curls that frame around her face. Right now it is straight and cut into a sexy as fuck bob that cups her face and sweeps over her right eye. It is on the longer side in the front and stops just short of her nape in the back.

I know Nellie has her own style, and it can be edgy, but this has Heather written all over it. From the outfit to the hair and the red lip gloss, Nellie looks more like one of Nellie’s pretend playthings than my Nellie, but it looks hot on her. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her.

“You really think this is a good idea,” my brother leans to whisper in my ear as I watch Nellie hungrily.

“Dude, I know it’s not. Rob is probably going to kick my ass, but I don’t care anymore. After that call, I know I’m not letting her out of my sight,” I shrug as I turn and look at Noah quickly then turn back as my eyes find my target once again.

“So what’s your plan? Because this is still Nellie and I won’t be letting you fuck her over,” Noah says with warning in his voice.

“I don’t plan to fuck her over. I haven’t been with anyone or been out on a date since she came to town. She is the only one I want,” I grumble.

Noah throws his head back and laughs. “You know you sound crazy. You have known her for a few months. Are you really saying you are giving up all other pussy to have Nellie,” he says between his laughter.

“Yeah well, crazy or not she is mine,” I say looking him in the eye. “Unlike some people, when I want something I go after it.”

I turn back to watch Nellie, but she is gone. I spot Heather and Lucy, the girl everyone thinks Heather has been seeing off and on for a while now. I scan their surroundings to see if I see the other parties from their group and see that Bean is also missing.

When I notice Bean is gone, I look over to Noah to see where his eyes are. Just as I thought, Noah has his eyes locked on the direction Bean and Nellie went in. I sigh in relief as I see that they have gone to the bathroom together. I think I would have blown a gasket if Nellie was on the dance floor in the arms of another man.

“So what are you going to do about Bean,” I ask my brother as we both take a pull of our beers.

Noah chokes on his and looks at me with wide eyes. I am getting tired of watching these two dance around each other like they don’t have deeper feelings. Noah needs to stop acting like a pussy. He is never like this with any other woman. Although I know Bean is not just any other woman.

Right now looking at my brother I can see him warring with his inner feelings. “What Bro, I think you should go after her. You have had a thing for her since high school if not longer,” I say and nudge his side.

Noah narrows his eyes at me. “She is not interested and she is in a relationship,” he grumbles.

“Fine suit yourself, but you are lying to yourself.” I chuckle, but it is the truth.

My laugh is cut off as both Bean and Nellie exit the restroom area and head our way. “Don’t see you laughing now,” Noah chuckles. “You better decide what you want to do because someone is going to make a move on that before the night is over.”

He is right; they are walking right in our direction. The girls have been sitting at their own table while Noah, Johnathan, and I have been at the bar. Braxton, Toby, Felix, and Ryan are all out at one of the outdoor pool tables surrounded by a bunch of girls.

However, when Nellie and Bean do pass neither acknowledges us. It is then that I realize they have both been drinking more heavily than I had noticed. In truth, I think Nellie and Heather started before arriving here at the bar. When Nellie puts a little extra sway in her hips, I almost growl.
Fuck this, I’m tired of waiting.

“Distract Bean,” is all I say as my mind is made up. I have just the thing for that ass she is shaking.



I think I’m tipsy. I can’t believe I let Heather dress me in this outfit, and then I let her talk me into drinking shots. I may like to try new things with my wardrobe, but I am a little too shy for this outfit. So Heather had a point in getting some liquid courage in me to actually get me out of her place in this outfit.

I mean come on. Black leather spandex pants that leave nothing and I mean nothing to the imagination. A black corset with red stitching that mind you is pushing my breasts to the forefront of everyone’s attention. Then there is the icing on the cake, the four-inch red stiletto ankle boots.

For the millionth time tonight I give myself a pat on the back because tipsy and all, I am rocking these shoes. I guess my shoe fetish is paying off. I love heels and buy them mostly because I am vertically challenged. Although I don’t think I have a pair that could help me to stand eye to eye with Wyatt.

It was incredible to have him hold me the way he did at the office. I would love to stare into his eyes like that for hours. I have seen girls try to get his attention tonight, but he has had his eyes on me every time I look over to the bar where he and his brothers have been posted.

I really am tipsy, because that thought makes me put a little more sway in my step, as I smile to myself. I look at Bean walking ahead of me while holding my fingertips, so we don’t lose each other in the crowd. This place really has started to become packed.

I scan her outfit that happens to be courtesy of Heather as well. We stopped to drop it off at her job before coming here. Her boyfriend wouldn’t approve of something like this. Heather told me he is a bit controlling. I wasn’t happy to hear that. I have learned it to be true since I have been back home. She really hasn’t spent much time with me, and I think it has to do with him.

I don’t like it, but I am in no position to give relationship advice. I know I sure didn’t listen when everyone tried to warn me. I furrow my brows in thought as I scan the outfit that would have definitely set Barry off if I had worn something like it.

Bean is wrapped in a tight bandage dress that shows off her tight little body and cute butt. Her nude heels are as high as mine, but they make her toned light brown legs look amazing. I love my Bean, and I trust her with all my secrets. I know she feels the same way. I hope she would come to me if she really needed help.

I go to tap Bean on her shoulder to giggle something silly in her ear. Before I can reach for her, I feel a sharp slap on my ass. Not just a slap, but a slap followed by a firm squeeze of my cheek. I stop in my tracks and rip my hand out of Bean’s grasp. With the hand, I had intended to tap Bean with I swing to slap the jerk that had the audacity to touch me.

Only my hand is caught in a firm, but not painful grip. I scowl at the chest I am facing and take a step back to look up at the face attached to my new annoyance. Heat runs through me as I look up into familiar golden whiskey colored eyes. That Patrón is really something because I hadn’t even noticed we were walking by Wyatt and his brothers.

That has to be the reason I am just staring up into his eyes, looking at his handsome, chiseled by the hands of God, face. A girl can hope right because if I am just staring because his face alone puts me in a trance, then I am more gone for this man than I thought.

He must think I am some type of moron by now. And that’s when his tongue darts out to lick his lips, and I see that damn piercing in his tongue. I have had so many inappropriate fantasies about what he can do to me with that piercing alone.

That piercing just speaks to the rumors of him being a certified freak. Suddenly, I am tired of hearing rumors about the man I want. I am getting really tired of trying to fight my feelings for him. At the time, I wanted to kill him for answering that call, but now I am just turned on as I think of how he was willing to stand up for me.

As my brain plays catch up, my mouth and body take over. I am without a doubt tipsy because I would never in a million years do what I do next. Sure, somewhere in the back of my mind it is slowly registering that Wyatt Black is the one that grabbed my ass, but we are saving this detail for later when I have more brain power.

“Wyatt,” I squeal, lifting on my toes in an attempt to reach around his neck for a hug. Even in four-inch heels, my height is no match for all six three of Wyatt. Lucky for me he bends and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me up off the floor and against his chest. I bury my face in his neck and inhale his cologne. I love his cologne. It smells fresh with a hint of shea butter. “What are you guys doing over here?”

I am so out of it I don’t give him a chance to answer. I pull back enough to look him in the face. “You grew out your hair,” I gush stupidly as I think of how he used to wear his hair. It was one of the first things I thought when I first saw him at the airport. I am on autopilot and can’t seem to regain control. I push a lock of hair from his forehead.

“You have had a lot to drink,” he says with a drop dead gorgeous grin.

“You think so,” I ask in drunken awe.

When he doesn’t reply, I look into his eyes. I swallow and tug my hand back from his hair. “Wyatt, why are you looking at me like that,” I ask softly.

“Like what,” his voice rumbles through me and warms my belly. His gaze drops to my lips, and I pull my lower lip in between my teeth.

I blink a few times before answering. “Like you want to kiss me or something,” I say in all but a whisper.

His response has me stunned for almost a full minute. Wyatt lowers his head and captures my lips. It is not until I gasp in shock, and he groans into my mouth as his tongue gains entrance to my shocked lips that I come to the Patrón hindered realization that freaking Wyatt Black is devouring my mouth.

It is then that I wrap my arms around his neck and begin to kiss him back with all that I am. His arms tighten around me, causing me to realize the tight hold he has had on my waist all this time. I feel his tongue ring roll against my tongue and moan in his mouth.

Wyatt breaks the kiss and places his forehead on mine. “Fuck, I can’t think around you,” he growls. “I don’t want you like this.”

I feel my face fall and my heart shatter.
Stupid me, why on earth would Wyatt want me after all that drama this morning?
I start to push out of his arms, not able to look at him.

BOOK: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker
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