Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Then jets of semen hit her back, and she knew Graegor had come. He must have used his hand because she hadn’t touched him. But once again it reminded her how connected these four men were and how what happened to one of them affected all the others.

They were all patting her and easing her down from the best and longest orgasm of her life when Daegan came against her leg.
Good. I’d hate for just him to miss out.

Then the four men were lying on the bed, cuddling around her, holding her locked between them as they had at the start, and waves of contentment rolled through Trudy. They’d promised the best sex of her life and most definitely delivered it. But she was still tangled up in a situation that was almost insane. Dragon shape-shifters. Art thieves. What the fuck was she doing here instead of home safe in her own bed?

* * * *

After Daegan’s experience with Mark’s shoes the night before, the person who would accompany Trudy to pick up her equipment and everything she needed for the work at the museum was decided simply by having a pair of shoes that fit him.

So Penllyn dressed to accompany her in a pair of black business shoes, black jeans, and a blue button-down shirt. “The jeans aren’t quite right, although hopefully no one will notice,” said Daegan, “but we all need to go buy some clothes real soon.”

Crevan stopped to think for a moment. “Teivel is quite smart enough to be keeping a watch on our bank accounts, but we have a few assets likely he won’t know about. Let me weigh up our options, and I should be able to get us some spending money for clothes and food quite soon.”

“You won’t need food. Mallory’s men have bought enough to feed an army,” said Trudy.

By eight, everyone had eaten breakfast, and Trudy, escorted by Penllyn, had left by the back door. When she had gone, Crevan said, “I spent several hours last night trying to see which buildings overlook this place and where Teivel might have someone watching us. We need to remove the watchers, but in such a way that Teivel doesn’t simply replace them with someone else. Ideally, one of us would take their place to make reports on whatever the person does. I don’t think we can do anything about that until tonight though, which means they’ll see the security being upgraded.”

“Wait a minute. I may have an idea,” said Graegor.

Crevan smiled. Graegor was definitely the smartest thinker on their team. If anyone could come up with a solution, it would be him.

“Oh do tell,” said Daegan.

“What if we used Teivel’s plan against him? One of us needs to check out the places Crevan thought were potential spy bases. If one of them has people watching the museum, then we deliver them a little dragon statue, say it’s from Teivel, and that he wants them to look after it. That way we know exactly what they’re doing, when and how they report in, and with a modicum of luck, we can prevent them from giving away too many of Mallory and Trudy’s secrets as well.”

“Brilliant!” said Penllyn.

“I like that plan. I love the wicked way you think!” said Daegan.

Crevan spoke thoughtfully. “Angus and Mark have clothes, but William hadn’t been shopping yet. So one of them could go pick up an outfit that would pass for a delivery uniform, and one of us could meet him in dragon form out of this neighborhood, so even if Teivel’s watching, he wouldn’t know what we’ve planned.”

“It was Graegor’s idea, so I suppose the first dragon should be him. But if there are two watchers, I want to be the second one,” said Daegan.

“That’s fair enough. One of us has to stay here in human form to be with Trudy anyway, so I’m happy for that to be me,” said Crevan.

“Cell phones. Get Mark or Angus to get some cell phones for us, too, so we can warn each other if necessary,” said Graegor.

“Yes, good point. Anything else?” asked Crevan.

“Just our dire need for clothing that fits properly. I think I’ll go online and start bookmarking things to buy, while you get us some money or credit cards. What were you thinking of doing, Crevan?” asked Daegan.

“I’m pretty sure old Mr. Tanner had cash hidden as a contingency plan. Of course it’s likely not worth nearly as much now as it was then, but it should be enough to get one of us outfitted well enough to get to the bank and activate our own accounts again, in such a way that we can prevent Teivel finding out what we’ve done.”

“And then we can give it back to Jay. That sounds fine. Where is it? Why hasn’t Mallory found it?”

“Well, I’m not certain, but there should be a panel in the wall of the hot tub that opens, so let’s go see.”

All of them were barefoot, but they did have jeans and shirts on, which they hoped would be good enough if any nosy neighbors were watching. Crevan took a few small tools with him, and they slipped quickly out the apartment door onto the roof garden and into the shrubbery. “Thank goodness Mallory didn’t prune any of these bushes. They’re a perfect privacy shield,” said Daegan softly.

Crevan just nodded. He was concentrating on remembering exactly what he’d heard Mr. Tanner say and hoping that he was correct. The sooner they could venture out in public, the faster they’d defeat Teivel and be able to claim Trudy as their mate.

He was certain she was their soul mate. All four of them were very drawn to her. Although none of them had said anything, he knew they all wanted to claim her, but it was much too soon. Still, even if they could just fuck her each night, that would be a start. From there, they could build a genuine relationship with her.

He kneeled at the foot of the hot tub where it backed into the sheltering trellis of climbing plants. “Block me in,” he whispered tersely, and the other two stood behind him so no one could possibly see what he was doing. He felt along the base of the tub, pushing, pulling, and sliding the wood panels. Nothing moved, so he started from the corner again. This time one panel did seem to wobble a little. Hoping it wasn’t just wood rot, but actually the hinged panel, Crevan gave it a harder push, and the panel slid open. He reached in and pulled out a carved box which was very light. Crevan wanted to open it and check that it was full of paper money, not holding nothing but air, but didn’t think it was smart to stay out here in the garden any longer than necessary. He felt all around in the little space, ensuring there was nothing more, then carefully reattached the panel. He tucked the box down the front of his jeans, stood up, and whispered, “Let’s go.”

Daegan and Graegor stayed so close to him their bodies were almost touching as they walked briskly back inside and locked the door. They kept walking into the bedroom, and then Crevan pulled the box out of his jeans. “It’s very light,” he warned them.

“It was worth a try,” said Graegor philosophically.

“Even a couple hundred dollars would be enough to clothe one of us for now,” added Daegan.

Crevan slid the little catch open and lifted the lid. It was not a big box, but it had ten one-hundred-dollar notes in it, more than enough to clothe them all. “Thank you, Mr. Tanner,” he breathed.

“Penllyn can buy a pair of flip-flops which each of us could wear in turn to go shopping. As long as we go to different stores, no one will notice. We can catch the bus. One of us will go south, the other north, to the nearest mall in that direction. That should be good enough. Once we have credit cards, we can buy most everything online and get it delivered to the apartment,” said Graegor.

“That makes sense. In a way, Trudy’s right. We have to stop leaving a trail of clothing everywhere we go,” said Crevan.

They settled down to planning what they needed to purchase, and before long, Trudy and Penllyn were back with her truck and equipment. The day went fast as they all tried to watch over her without being seen from the street or the windows. Crevan found it intensely frustrating, but he was reasonably sure they’d succeeded.

Graegor contacted Angus, and William sat on the rooftops of several buildings, one after another, in dragon statue form, ideal for surveillance. William finally pinpointed one room where a watcher was using a high-powered lens to snoop on the museum.

Mark dressed up as a courier and delivered Graegor to the two men in the room, so their plans were moving forward. But what Crevan really was waiting for was night time when they could all bed Trudy once again.

Daegan wanted her ass, but Crevan wanted her luscious lips wrapped around his cock. That might just be heaven, he thought.

Chapter Three

As darkness fell, Trudy couldn’t stop thinking about the coming night. She knew girls on the street who regularly had two or even three men at the same time, and the idea of double penetration had been keeping her hot and bothered all day. Even while her fingers and brain were busy installing the museum’s new security systems. At least now she could go to sleep certain that no one could get in without waking them all up. But instead of going to sleep, she’d much rather try some multiple partner sex. If only Graegor would come back. It wouldn’t be right to fuck some of them if he wasn’t there as well.

Trudy could see that not all of them might participate every time—although they’d all had their hands on her last night, arousing her to extreme heights of desire—however, logistically it might not always be possible. But it seemed wrong, cheating somehow, to have sex if one of them wasn’t in the room. So until Graegor returned, she refused to even think about going to bed, no matter how much she wanted their hands on her again, a cock in her cunt and a cock in her ass as well this time. Maybe even another one in her mouth. Hmmm where could the fourth one be? Between her breasts? Against her back? She really should have paid more attention to some of the tricks the working girls had told her.

Just when Trudy could feel a jawbreaking yawn building up inside herself, and she knew she’d have to go to sleep soon, there was a light tap on the door out to the roof garden. His red hair looked almost black in the darkness outside, but Trudy still instantly knew it was Graegor. So did the others evidently as Penllyn jumped up to let him in and Crevan said softly, “At last.”

“Aren’t they watching us at night?” asked Penllyn.

“The so-called watchers spend all their time playing cards with each other or games on their cell phones. Right now they’re both asleep. They’ve got a couple video cameras running, focused on several of the windows here. I switched the power to their room off, and they didn’t stir, so I reckon we’re good for three or four hours until one of them wakes up and notices there’s no little red lights on anywhere.”

“So what did you find out?” asked Crevan.

“Let’s fuck first and talk later. Daegan’s requested your ass, and I want your pussy. How do you feel about that, Trudy?”

Trudy knew her face was bright red. The rush of heat to her body at his words was incredible. “I want that, too,” she said softly.

“Thank God. Let’s do it,” said Graegor, standing right in front of her and offering her his arm. Feeling as though she was being escorted out onto a dance floor, she laid her arm over his, and they turned and walked into the bedroom together, closely followed by the others.

Penllyn kneeled and began unlacing her boots, while Graegor and Daegan both started kissing her. Working like a well-oiled piece of machinery, they slid kisses over her neck, her forehead, her chin, even her ears as they held her hands and let their lips arouse her with no other touching on her body. And it worked. Just knowing they were holding themselves back, refusing to touch her anywhere else, letting her emotions and imagination do the work, was enough to have Trudy desperate for more. Any of them. All of them.

She pulled her hands free from theirs and drew them closer to her, wanting, needing, desperate for the pressure of hard male bodies against her softer one.

“Bossy much?” whispered Graegor.

“I told you she’s a feisty little thing,” said Daegan.

Penllyn had her boots off, and now hands were working to undo her jeans and slide them down her legs. One thing about associating with these men, she never had to undress herself. They were smooth operators all right. She looked up and saw they were all partly undressed. Well, that figured. They seemed to be naked more often than clothed. Although to be fair, some of them had been shopping for clothing today. But bare skin definitely seemed to be their preferred attire.

Trudy ran her hands over the nearest couple of male chests. “Hmm. If my body was as toned as yours, I’d probably be naked a lot more often, too,” she murmured, tweaking a few nipples and smiling at the gasps she received.

With them all so tightly grouped around her, for the first time Trudy paid attention to their heights. She’d started by mentally labeling them by their hair color but then had begun understanding how they differed in attitudes. Since she was just five foot three, most people were taller than her. Sometimes she wondered if it was due to inadequate nutrition as a child, but if it was, she was fit and healthy now, so it had done her no lasting damage. Crevan was the shortest at maybe five ten. Penllyn and Daegan appeared to be an inch taller than him, and Graegor another inch taller again. Certainly Daegan had the biggest feet. They’d established that when he’d thought he could wear Mark’s new shoes.
Hmm. What do they say? Big feet, big dick? I wonder who has the biggest cock.

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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