Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Paul copied Jim’s actions with a breast, pulling, twirling, and pinching on her nipple.

Unbelievably, yet another orgasm rose from the ashes of her previous two.

Chevaunne could hardly comprehend it. As her head began to pound, her heart to thump hard, and sexual tension built inside her. Never before had she climaxed so quickly after two good orgasms. In fact, she seldom had three orgasms in a single sexual encounter, never mind in ten minutes. Yet the third climax was building higher with every thrust of Jim’s cock, every finger stroke on her aching clit, every touch on her heavy breasts.

Sam was back from the bathroom—It was starting to seem like one or another of them was always in there cleaning up—and he joined Paul partly under her kneeling body. Now there were four hands playing with her breasts and her belly, Jim’s fingers firmly manipulating her clit, two mouths teasing her face and breasts.

The climax roared through her body. Her limbs shook, her muscles tensed then released, and she exploded into a million pieces as stars burst behind her eyelids, and the top of her head almost seemed to fly off. Chevaunne screamed a high-pitched, keening wail, then collapsed down on top of the men as her cunt continued to clench around Jim’s thick cock. He spurted hot streams of cum inside her while the other two brothers kissed and petted her, stroking her arms and legs to help her down from the aftershocks.

“Wow! Just…wow. Now I know what they mean when they talk about being fucked blind,” she murmured as her eyes closed.

Chapter Two

Earlier that day

“So you have chosen her, my sons? You are convinced she is the wife for you, not one of our own young women?”

The three men bowed their heads respectfully to Father Yeshe, the monk. As eldest, Jim spoke for them all. “Father, we have looked again and again at our women, but none calls to us all as Chevaunne does.”

“Yet she does not know you. She may be very different from how you imagine her to be, Jigme.”

“We understand that, Father, and we know that once we say the words, no power of man or spirit can undo the marriage. But we have watched her from afar and spoken to her occasionally and are all agreed she is the one.”

“Very well, Jigme, Singye, and Paljor, as you have decided, so it shall be. You may kidnap her and entice her. But unless she says the words that she will permit you access to her body before all three of you, the marriage is not binding. After she says the words granting you permission to enter her, you must all consummate the marriage then bring her to me tomorrow, and I will bless your union before the entire community.”

Jim, Sam, and Paul nodded their acceptance of the old man’s ruling then bowed to him once more before leaving the room.

Outside, Paul did a little dance, high-fiving his brothers. “Yes, yes, yes! We’ll love her so completely, so thoroughly, she’ll agree to marry us, and then we’ll keep on loving her so she never wants to leave us. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman, beauty and brains, an intelligent woman who cares about others more than herself. She’s perfect!” he enthused.

“Once we take her from her own people and bring her here, we have a lifetime duty to make her happy. She won’t know anything about our people, our community, our lifestyle. We’ll have to teach her everything and be very patient as she learns,” warned Sam.

“But that will be fun, seeing everything here with new eyes as she learns and discovers all about our world,” said Paul.

“She may get homesick. We may need to renovate our house or bring her friends or family here,” added Jim. “We know she has no siblings or parents alive, but everyone has friends and extended family, and we don’t know how close she is to them.”

“Not a problem. We have a good plot of land, a large house we can make bigger if we need to, and we have many credits we can spend on her. Even if we need to take time off work for a few months, we can provide for all her needs.” Paul was still happily dancing.

“Her shift finishes at three. It’ll take us a full hour to get there, and we want to be early to find her car and prepare the abduction. We can’t afford to have the authorities catch us. We have no legal rights under American law even if it is the way of our people.”

“Good point, Sam. You go borrow George’s van while Paul and I collect all the things we’ll need.”

* * * *

The men’s community, which the first inhabitants had called New Thimphu, had deliberately been founded well out of town, off a minor road, and semi-disguised. Locals knew there was a community of farmers whose ancestors had come “from China or somewhere” but had no idea of how big the community had grown or of its wealth. From the outside, their homes appeared middle-class, their crops and herds well enough but not the kind of quality to tempt cattle rustlers, and the people themselves looked like any other American with no accent or visible physical difference.

The original settlers had come from Bhutan over a hundred years ago, determined to keep to their old religion. Their numbers had been swelled by Tibetan and Chinese refugees who had fled their traditional lands when polyandry had been banned.

As well as being the traditional way, polyandry made great economic sense. Family lands were not given to one son to the exclusion of all others, leaving them poor and with no home. Nor were they divided among all the offspring, leaving the land splintered and plots too small to support a family.

More recently, the effects of China’s one-child policy and the desire of the Chinese for sons rather than daughters had left millions of young men with no hope of marriage. It made good sense for such young men to join the community and marry some of the “surplus” girls who would otherwise need to look outside the community for a husband, thereby leaving their faith, their traditions, and their family behind.

And with several men to care for her and provide for her, what girl would want to leave home, traditions, and religion for a sole husband?

The economic benefits of polyandry were plain to see within the community. Hidden from the roads by a small forest of trees, and with most of their buildings underground inside a large grassy hill, lived a bustling community with apartment blocks, houses, offices, shops, schools, and every modern convenience.

In the nearest local town, Green Ridge, the locals believed the community children were homeschooled and knew several members of the community who ran a general store. This store sold some of the community’s produce and supplied items the community couldn’t produce themselves. What the locals never saw was that George’s windowless delivery truck was regularly crammed full of items purchased from farther-away towns.

The children were indeed “homeschooled” inside the community, and hard work and bright intelligence were appreciated and encouraged. Many members of the community ran online technical and research businesses and IT services that meant they seldom needed to leave New Thimphu, content to leave George and a few others as their external delivery system for those rare occasions it was needed.

A huge hydroponic garden provided them with more than enough fresh fruits and vegetables. A fish farm and chicken hatchery supplied them with protein, and rice was grown in a flooded paddy field where the water could drain into the fish farm. Life was good, and Jim, Sam, and Paul fervently hoped Chevaunne would be happy here.

Jim, Sam, and Paul were descended from one of the early settlers, so they had a ranch house that was much nicer inside than it appeared from the outside. The main bedroom was huge with a gigantic en suite bathroom with a whirlpool tub, large shower with multiple jets, twin basins, and commodes.

There were four children’s bedrooms, a guest suite, an office with heavily laden bookshelves, as well as the latest in cable TV, computers, a large modern kitchen, a laundry room, and a pantry designed to hold enough food to feed any number of ranch hands as well as a large, multigenerational family.

As with all the ranches, the farm’s main barn held a tunnel that joined an underground pathway connecting the community center inside the hill with all the outlying homes. Community members were encouraged to exercise. But since they did not want the people of Green Ridge to know how populous and wealthy New Thimphu had become, these underground pathways were used as bike tracks, roller skating rinks, and running tracks as well as a means for members to commute from the ranch houses to the community center. Shops, schools, and offices were located in the community center.

Most of the eligible young women would have been pleased to marry Jim, Sam, and Paul, but there was no young lady all three of them liked and not even one that drew one of the brothers so strongly that the others would agree to make him happy. They’d all decided independently to look outside the community for a bride.

Honored grandmother, a lady so old no one knew for certain her exact age, had been gradually growing weaker. The three doctors had discussed her care and agreed they needed extra tests and specialist treatment. The community hospital was extremely good, but with only three doctors, there was a limit to the tests they could carry out. Two of the young adults were studying medicine, but it would be several years yet before they qualified. Meanwhile, the old lady was obviously growing weaker and needed to be taken to a big general hospital in a major city. Her great-granddaughter, Anh, who cared for her, was distraught with worry about the old lady.

Sam, who knew his way around the medical system and the political system thanks to his online financial and accounting business, was sent with Anh, her two fathers, and Honored Grandmother on the hospital visit. Their first stop was at the city hospital where Chevaunne worked in the emergency room. One look at Chevaunne had Sam’s cock standing up and begging to be inside her. He memorized all the details about her he could learn in one short visit, and when Honored Grandmother was receiving proper care in the hospital, he phoned his brothers to tell them about Chevaunne.

First, they simply waited in the parking lot to see her as she arrived for her shift. They agreed she was something special indeed, with her creamy skin, lush curves, gray eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair.

Then Paul followed her home so they could learn more about her. They needed to be very careful as they didn’t want to be arrested for stalking or worry her or her friends.

As circumspectly and invisibly as possible, they’d learned about her and decided that she was theirs. Her coworkers respected her as a woman, a person, and a nurse. A detailed Internet search revealed no nasty surprises about her. She was the perfect woman for them all.

Now she was theirs in truth. In their bed, in their house, forever.

* * * *

Chevaunne became aware she was aching deliciously in all sorts of places that had been neglected for far too long. Both her previous boyfriends had been fellow workers at the hospital, one a doctor, the other an admin assistant. The relationship with the doctor had gradually fizzled out when their schedules never seemed to have them off work at the same time, and she’d decided she wanted a lot more than the occasional fuck against the supply room wall. The other relationship had ended in a blaze of anger when she’d discovered he was only dating her “because nurses know how to give good head.”

So why was she feeling so well-used and relaxed when she had no current boyfriend?

Chevaunne wriggled down a little deeper under the covers and felt the hard bodies lying on either side of her
Suddenly, she was wide-awake.
Oh, shit! That hadn’t been a dream. I really was kidnapped by three brothers and agreed to marry them, then had my brains fucked out over and over again.

Her eyes flew open, and she sat up in the bed. Yep, three men. Jim, Sam, and Paul. And she’d agreed to marry them. She needed to see a psychiatrist right now and get her head examined!

Two gentle hands pulled her over onto a hard body. “Morning, beautiful lady.”

That was Paul. He’d called her that last night.

All three of them kissed her, and hands slid over her body, teasing her breasts, cupping her mound, touching her gently along her ribs and down her side. Lust exploded in her and cream dripped onto her inner thighs.
I can’t possibly have sex again. I’ve never had so many orgasms in one night in my life before! There’s no way I could do it again so soon. Or is there?

Regret sounded strongly in his voice as Jim said, “We would enjoy making love to you again, but we don’t want you to be too sore. This morning we must say our vows to the Justice of the Peace and our monk, Father Yeshe. Come and shower now, then we need to have breakfast and get dressed.”

Jim took her to the bathroom and showed her where the shampoo and soaps were kept and pointed out the pile of towels to her, and then he left her alone.

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Shared Possession [Possessive Passions 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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