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Authors: Cat Johnson

Bucked (8 page)

BOOK: Bucked
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That would be all he needed, to fall over and re-break his arm while his jeans were down around his ankles. He probably shouldn’t be thinking about broken bones if he wanted to get aroused. He tried to concentrate again, but then she dropped him like a hot potato and stood.

Spinning toward someone to the left of him, Arizona threw both hands up in the air. “He can’t even get hard.”


The activity started again around him. Missy and Clint rushed to calm Arizona while Jon wandered over to Mustang. “You okay?”

Feeling exposed enough talking to a fully erect naked man, Mustang pulled his pants up so at least one of them was clothed. “I don’t know if I can do this here, like this.”

“I got something for you. Hang on.” Butt-ass naked, Jon walked as confidently as if he’d been wearing a three-piece suit over to a small table set up in the corner of the barn. After wrapping a towel around his waist, he reached into a duffle bag, fiddled with something and then returned to Mustang.

“Here. Take this.” Jon thrust a bottle of water and a small blue pill at him.

Mustang’s eyes opened wide. “Is that…”

Jon looked around and lowered his voice. “Shh. Yeah. Just take it and don’t tell anyone I gave it to you.”

What the hell would Viagra do to a healthy young man who didn’t—usually didn’t—have trouble getting it up? Mustang guessed he’d find out. He swallowed the pill along with a mouthful of water. Just in time too, because Missy was suddenly next to him and nearly saw him taking it.

“What’s the problem here, Mustang?”

“Give the kid a break, Missy. It’s his first time,” Jon defended him.

“Time is money, Jon. You know that. I can’t have an entire crew sitting around waiting for him to get it up.”

“I’m sorry.” Mustang hung his head in shame.

“He’ll be fine in a few minutes. He just needs to get used to it all. Right, buddy?” Jon slapped him on the back.

Mustang nodded. “Yeah. I think it’s all the people watching.”

Not to mention that Arizona was such a raving bitch. He wouldn’t normally get within ten feet of her, forget about willingly fuck her. At least not sober.

Maybe he needed a drink to do this. Viagra and alcohol and whatever residual painkillers were still in his system, all before lunch.

Mustang wondered how lethal that combo would be.

“I’ll clear the set except for essential personnel. That’s the best I can do for you. Get yourself together. You’ve got five minutes.”

With that, Missy exited, shouting orders as she left.

He glanced at Jon. “Will that pill work in five minutes?”

“No. You’re going to have to help it along a little. You got a steady girlfriend, Mustang?”

“No.” No way would he do this if he did. He didn’t care how much they paid him.

“How about some hottie at home you’ve done or are hoping to do that you can imagine sucking you off instead of Arizona?”

Mustang’s mouth felt dry, whether from nerves or the pill Jon had slipped him, he wasn’t sure. He took another swallow of the water and considered the question. The image of Sage’s heart-shaped lips wrapped around him immediately jumped to mind. “Yeah.”

“Think about her then. If you can just get it up, the pill will do the rest and keep it up.”

He drew in a shaky breath. “I think I need a little time alone.”

Jon nodded. “You got it.”

Mustang wandered outside. He probably was down to three of the five minutes he had been allowed to get it up. He sighed.

Nothing like a little pressure.

A bull stood penned up not far from the barn. Mustang gravitated to the animal. Everything inside may be a different world to him, but this he knew. “Hey, big guy.”

The bull raised his head, looking unconcerned. Most times if you left them alone in the field bulls were just big, lazy pets. It was when you forced them into a chute no bigger than they were, tightened that flank strap down and then jumped on their back with spurs on that they got pissy.

He hooked the heel of his boot on the bottom rail of the fence. “Did you ever have to service a particularly bitchy heifer and have trouble performing, my friend?”

The animal watched Mustang with a blank expression as if to say of course he didn’t have trouble. He was a dumb beast and rutting was instinctual to him. Natural. Nothing to worry about. Too bad Mustang couldn’t adopt the beast’s attitude, at least for the next few hours anyway.

A few hours
. Mustang kept that in mind. In a few hours he’d drive away from this place fifteen hundred dollars richer. He could go home and if things got really bad, he could tell his father he was quitting the prison.

Then tomorrow, after about three or four showers between now and then to wash the porno feel off of him, he’d go pick up Sage and they’d spend some quality time together.

Picturing a picnic blanket on the grass by the lake, Mustang imagined a basket filled with Grams’ tasty food and Sage, both laid out for the taking. She’d be in a little sundress that hid just enough and clung in all the right places.

He remembered how her mouth curved so easily into a smile whenever he joked with her. God, how he wanted to kiss those lips again.

Now he was glad he wasn’t allowed to kiss Arizona in the movie. He may have to fuck the bitchy woman, but at least kissing would be something special he would do only with Sage. Even if he didn’t let himself go any further than that with her, it would be enough.

He remembered the heat of her mouth from their kiss the other night. He imagined the feel of her body pressed against his.

Warmth spread through him just at the thought.

Something began to stir down below. His hand dropped to the front of his jeans and he rubbed the growing bulge through the denim. How many times had he touched himself while thinking of Sage since he’d returned home? He couldn’t even begin to count. She was his new favorite fantasy.

Remembering the feel of Arizona’s mouth working him just moments ago, Mustang replaced her with Sage in his mind and rubbed harder. He wanted that so badly with Sage, but not just her mouth on him, he wanted to lay her back and push that sundress up so he could taste her too. Work her until she squirmed beneath his mouth and hands. When she begged him to stop he’d keep going, making her come over and over.

Mustang realized he could feel every beat of his heart throbbing in his cock. What all of Arizona’s work hadn’t accomplished, just thinking about Sage had. He was hard. Not just semi-hard like at the photographer’s studio either. What he was sporting now was a full-blown, blue-veined diamond cutter to rival even Jon’s equipment.

Mustang spun back toward the barn, taking off at a run. He cleared the doorway yanking at his jeans button and searching for Missy, or Arizona and Jon. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Jon grinned and dropped his towel. “Okay, then.”

Arizona pursed her lips. “Now he’s ready and we all have to jump?”

“Yes, we do. Time is money. Come on people. Get ready to roll.” Missy clapped her hands and started shouting orders. “Mustang, drop those jeans again. Arizona, back on your knees. We’re taking it right from where we left off.”

Mustang did as he was told. Missy yelled, “Action!” and Arizona’s mouth closed around him. He squeezed his eyes shut.

It’s Sage. It’s Sage. It’s Sage.

He chanted the mantra and held on tightly to the fantasy as she took him deep into her throat. She moaned and it sent spine-tingling vibrations resonating straight through him. Her expert hands worked him along with her mouth. He took a wider stance, both to get better balance and to give her better access. She took advantage of that and began stroking his balls. They drew up against his body, tightening.

“Move your left hand, Mustang. It’s blocking the shot.”

As disruptive as nails on a chalkboard, Missy’s order startled him, jerking him out of his fantasy world. He moved his hand and Arizona kept going but the fantasy world he’d created was shattered.

“Don’t come in her mouth. We want a full-facial come shot. Okay?”

Mustang’s eyes whipped open and he turned to look at Missy. “Um, I don’t think I can come yet.”
Especially if you don’t stop
yelling orders at me.

How long would it be before he could finish? He’d never taken pills for this before. Who the hell knew what it would do to him.

“That’s fine. We’ll shoot the money shot later. Let’s move on to the threesome.”

Arizona let his dick slide out of her mouth with an audible pop and turned to walk back to the blanket-covered bales of hay where Jon had been watching. Mustang realized a camera had been on Jon as well as them as he’d supposedly enjoyed the action between his on-screen wife and the hired ranch hand.

Mustang was handed a condom and told to put it on. At least they practiced safe sex. Something else he’d forgotten to ask before he’d agreed to do this.

Off to the side, Arizona was doing some stuff he’d, in all his years of being with women, never seen before. He tried not to stare before she caught him watching and raised hell. Instead, he sent a questioning look in Jon’s direction.

“She’s stretching her hole,” Jon told him.

Mustang’s jaw dropped. He stretched his muscles before a bull ride, but not that muscle and definitely not like she was doing.

Jon laughed. “Don’t look so shocked. How do you think girls in these movies take all that stuff up their asses? Fists, dildos, bottles, huge cocks. You can put pretty much anything you want up there if you prepare properly.”

He couldn’t resist glancing over again. Arizona must have sufficiently stretched because she was heading their way.

Averting his gaze before she accused him of staring and being a pervert, Mustang waited for the instructions he knew Missy would be bellowing at them soon.

He wondered where his place would be in this threesome. Considering the movie was called
The Double P
, he was pretty sure he knew what the choices would be.

A guy he hadn’t noticed in the crowd before handed him a big bottle with a pump in it. “Lube up good, man”.

After those instructions to
lube up good
and Arizona’s preparations, he could guess where he’d be. It was his absolute favorite place to be inside a woman, but he wished he wasn’t going to be inside this particular woman.

Mustang felt a little tingle run through him at the thought of what it would feel like to sink himself deeply inside Sage like that.

His naughty thoughts about her helped to keep him hard even though a strange guy was standing there impatiently waiting for him to lube his cock so he could take the bottle back. Mustang made short work of the job and handed off the lube, happy to send the guy away.

“Jon, I want you on your back. Arizona, kneel down in front of him. We’ll start with you blowing Jon first while our cowboy here is in your ass. Mustang, come right up behind her but make sure the camera has a clear shot. We don’t want to miss your entry.” The fun began again when Missy started barking.

She was like a football coach and her team moved as instructed, like a well-oiled machine. Actually, they were literally oiled.

The camera moved so close he could hear it running. Arizona kneeled and thrust her ass up in front of him and Mustang came face-to-face with her stretched business end. He hesitated, trying to figure out what to do with his hands and worrying if holding on to her hips would constitute touching her too much or if Missy would yell he was blocking the shot.

Arizona’s spun to shoot him a nasty look over her shoulder.

“Will you fuck my ass already before I have to go stretch again.” Mumbling, she added, “Damn newbies.”

Mustang’s jaw tightened, his back teeth clenching until they went numb. “My pleasure, darlin’.”

Nothing like a bitch to get a man mad enough to bring back his confidence. If she wanted it she’d get it, and he’d make sure she had nothing to complain to the boss about either.

Newbie, his sweet ass. This fucked-up business may be new to him, but he’d been fucking women for years. There were two things he did exceptionally well and this was one of them. He’d just let the insecurity and the situation get to him. Not any more.

Mustang slid in with one good thrust. He fucked her ass hard and fast until he heard her moan around Jon’s cock in her throat. It wasn’t one of those fake porno moans either. What he heard was the sound of a woman who was enjoying herself.

He felt himself getting close and decided to give Missy her money shot. Just before the point of no return he pulled out, yanked off the condom and came all over Arizona’s lower back in messy, satisfying spurts.

Still hard from either adrenaline or the Viagra, he turned his head and found Missy behind him. “You want me to keep going?”

She smiled. “Get the man another condom and more lube. Can someone please clean off Arizona?”

He suited up again and the group moved under Missy’s direction into one more position, the old double P with Jon on the bottom, Arizona straddling him and Mustang poised in his former position at the entrance to Arizona’s ass, which definitely did not need stretching again after the fine job he’d just done.

As they all waited for Missy to yell action, Jon smiled in his direction. “You’re doing good, kid.”

Mustang laughed bitterly. “Thanks.”

“You ever do this before?” Jon tipped his head to indicate the three of them and how he and Mustang would very shortly both be inside the same woman, separated by nothing more than a thin wall of membrane.

“Yeah. Quite a few times. No problem.”

Jon raised an eyebrow. “Really? Humph. Who knew bull riders had such interesting sex lives.”

He laughed. “Oh, man. You have no idea.”

“You okay here?” Missy stuck her head close to them.

Mustang tried to ignore she’d basically directed her question to his dick. Since Junior couldn’t answer her, he did. “Just fine.

Ready to go whenever you are.”

Jon laughed. “I’ll work with this guy again whenever you want, Missy.”

God help him. He probably would do this again. While he was laid up recuperating and couldn’t ride, the money was too damn good not to.

BOOK: Bucked
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