Bull (Red, Hot, & Blue) (6 page)

BOOK: Bull (Red, Hot, & Blue)
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Knowing what he was asking her, she turned to face him and straddled his legs. Without the skirt, it was much easier to move and a lot less noisy. She took a deep breath and ran her hand down his chest, all the way down to the fly of his pants. She touched the bulge there.

She leaned in and brushed her lips across his cheek on her way to his ear. “You mean was I serious about this?”

“Yes.” A shiver ran through him, strong enough she felt it beneath her.

“Why do you ask?” She stroked him through the coarse fabric of the tuxedo pants.

“Because Matt just told me the bombers gave the FBI ten minutes to meet their demands or they’re going to detonate the bomb hidden somewhere in this building.”

She stopped her hand in mid-motion. “A bomb? Here? Where is it?”

“Shh.” He reminded her to be quiet and touched her check. “Possibly in this room.”

“So go get it and throw it out the window.” It was an effort to keep her voice low given this news.

Her idea seemed easy enough. Let it explode outside. The window wasn’t big enough to crawl through, but the bomb should fit. How big could it be? She leaned back from him now, wishing she could see in the dark. Maybe she could help him find the bomb.

He reached out, cupped the back of her head and pulled her toward him. For a brief, crazy moment, she braced for his kiss, but instead he angled his head and aimed for her ear.

“It’s not that simple. It’s buried in the walls somewhere. If they hear me tearing the wall apart looking for it, they’ll either shoot us or detonate the bomb. They’re suicidal. They don’t care if they die too.”

“So we’re just going to sit here doing nothing and wait to blow up?”

“No. We’re going to sit here and wait for the rest of my team to take out the terrorists, save the hostages and come get us.”

“And what are the chances of that happening?”

“My team will get us out of here. They’re the best there is.”

“Bull. Please be honest with me. What are the odds?”

He drew in a deep breath. “Eighty-twenty. Eighty percent we’ll make it out of here just fine.”

Twenty percent that they’d be blown to bits, and who knew if he was exaggerating to make her feel better. She sat for a second and considered her life and her impending death.

“In that case, yes. I was very serious.” Running her hands down his arms, she felt the bulge of his biceps through his tux jacket. When she reached his hands, what she felt made her pause. “You’re holding a gun?”


Jeez. “Just don’t shoot me by accident. Okay?”

She felt him smile. Marly was starting to not like the darkness. To hate it in fact. At first it had made her feel safe, more hidden from the men with machine guns outside the door. Now, she’d changed her mind. She wanted to at least see the threat that would kill her. But since she couldn’t, she did something better. She leaned in and closed her mouth over Bull’s.

He drew in a sharp breath at the contact, before he parted his lips and deepened the kiss. He cupped the back of her head with his left hand. The warmth of his tongue tickled her lips then slipped into her mouth. He kissed her hard and deep until, amazed by it all, she found she had trouble breathing.

After unbuttoning his shirt, she slid her hands inside. She felt the hardness of his chest. The warmth of his skin. The light dusting of hair. “Take off the jacket.”

“Can’t. If they come in, the white shirt will be too visible. Black is better.”

Good to remember. She was in nothing but black tights and a black top now. If she got out of this alive, she should start wearing black to all of her gigs in case this situation ever arose again.

Bull had said the terrorists had given the FBI ten minutes or they’d blow the house. She knew enough about the FBI to know they didn’t negotiate with terrorists. At least they didn’t give in to their demands. They might be able to stall and pretend to negotiate, but for how long?

Marly nipped at Bull’s mouth and then worked her way to his ear. She did what she’d wanted to throughout all their whispering. She brushed the whorls of his ear with her tongue and felt him shudder. “Bull, make love to—”

He grabbed her hair and covered her mouth before she could finish the request. She didn’t have to complete the thought. He knew what she wanted. She knew that from the intensity of his kiss. How he possessed her lips.


“Dammit, Bull.” Matt’s voice was an even more unwelcome intrusion than usual. “I was trying to be polite and ignore this
of yours, but come on. I’m getting pretty damn tired of listening to every guy on this team get laid during ops while I’m trapped here in the van with the equipment. We’re coming to get you out. Can’t you wait? You can fuck her later.”

Bull ignored Matt as best he could while Marly straddled his lap. He ran his free hand down her back to cup her very cute, round little ass. It struck him again how tiny she was. He wanted to whisper things to her, but Matt would hear. He really wanted to have both of his hands on her, but he had to hold the gun.

Though if the tangos came through the door while he was sunk deep into Marly, how accurate would his aim be? The team had never practiced this particular scenario in training.

He should be paying attention to where the tangos were and what they were doing, but he couldn’t bring himself to break away from her lips. To give up what she offered. Christ, what if they did die and this was his last moment on this earth? He’d rather be in her than pressing his face to a keyhole.

His actions were the exact opposite of what all his training had taught him to do, yet he couldn’t stop himself. He plunged his tongue into her mouth as he thought what it would be like to plunge into her.

She slid her hand inside his pants and grabbed his cock, which was more than ready for some action. Any further thoughts flew out of his head the moment she wrapped her hand around his length. As surreal and ridiculous as the situation seemed, this was really going to happen. And he was going to let it happen and enjoy it too, because although he’d told her the truth—that his team would get them out—one question remained. Would it be a rescue mission or a recovery of their bodies?

Matt’s words echoed in his mind.
Ten minutes.
They didn’t have much time. He pushed down the neckline of her top. He pulled her breast out of the confines of her bra and covered one nipple with his mouth. She drew in a sharp breath and pressed closer, but Bull still couldn’t totally turn off his brain.

If the ten minutes expired and the tangos went for the detonator, would it be better to come out of the closet shooting and make a run for it, instead of sitting here and get blown up? But what if the bombers were lying and there was no bomb and Bull came out of the closet guns blazing? Most likely, both he and Marly would be shot in his attempt to escape.

That left Bull with one thing he was sure of. He was going to take her now, before all hell broke loose. He tried to wiggle his hand into the waistband of her stockings, but they were so thick and unyielding, he couldn’t move. “What the hell are these things you’re wearing?”


They were tight, all right. It was bad enough he was restricted to the use of one hand because of the gun, he at least wanted free range of motion with his free hand. “Take them off.”

Of course, that would mean she’d be naked from the waist down when they were either rescued or killed. He considered if that really mattered or not.

“Tear the crotch.” Luckily she had a better solution as she stroked his cock.

That command made him groan. Now that she’d given him permission, he felt for the seam between her legs and poked through the weave with two fingers. He continued to push until he was inside her warm wetness. She groaned as he pressed deeper.

“Hush, baby. No noise.” He had to think that was easier said than done when she unzipped his pants and pulled his erection completely out of his underwear. She angled it toward her entrance.

“Not yet. You’re not ready.”

“I’m ready.” She panted close to his ear as he fucked her with his fingers. He added a third one, trying to stretch her to accommodate him.

“Believe me. You’re not.” He smiled at her enthusiasm.

She was already wet, but not wide enough to hold all of him yet. That he could remedy. Bull knew his hands were as good with women as they were with bombs. At least he’d been told so by more than a few happy females. Curling the fingers inside her, he found her G-spot, applied pressure and rubbed. He heard her breath catch in her throat. He worked it more and she began to tremble. Bull added his thumb. He circled her clit at the same time his fingers worked inside her. Marly’s breathing became more rapid against his ear.

She was getting close, he could tell even before she started to shudder.

“Oh, God. Bull.” She let out a stuttering breath against the ear with his implant.

“Aw, Jesus. Bull, please listen to me. We’re almost ready to go in. Please wait to be rescued. Get yourself a nice suite at the Hilton and fuck her there where I don’t have to hear it. Hell, I’ll even pay for the room,” Matt begged in his ear.

“How much time do we have left?” Bull asked. If Matt was going to intrude on this incredibly private moment, he might as well be useful.

“Five minutes and counting.”

Matt answered his question at the same time Marly said, “I don’t know. Hurry.” Then she stiffened over him. “That guy in your ear can hear us, can’t he?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?” He regretfully pulled his fingers from her and immediately missed her warmth. Ready to explode, he was willing to do a little begging himself if she said it was.

“I can live with it.” Her answer made Bull want to cry with joy. She grabbed for him again.

“Hang on one second, baby.” Wishful thinking on his part had made him stick one single condom in the inside breast pocket of his tuxedo jacket. He pulled it out now. He had to put down the gun to do it, but he had himself covered in seconds. “Okay, we’re good to go.”

She took his cock in one small hand and lowered herself over him. His tip nestled at her entrance. He covered her mouth with his and distracted her with his tongue while he spread her wide. He slipped just the tip inside. He moved slowly, not even an inch at a time. He’d slide in a little bit, and then back off, before he pushed in deeper. She stretched to contain him, so tight the struggle was exquisitely agonizing until he filled her completely.

In as far as he was going to get, he guided her hips with his hand, moving her in small circles against him as he ground his pelvis against her clit with every repetition. Within a few short moments, she started to shudder. Her breath came in short pants against his neck. The pleasure built inside him as she tightened her muscles to grip his cock inside her. The tiniest sound came from her throat as the orgasm broke over her. She pulsed around him. He felt every spasm intimately as she came in one long, powerful, silent orgasm.

Once he was convinced she could stay quiet, he let himself close his eyes and absorb all the sensations assaulting him. The incredible feel of her body surrounding him. Her muscles massaging his cock in a rhythm that had his balls drawing up tight, ready to release. The heat of her mouth pressed against his shoulder.

The spasms inside her stopped and she stilled in his lap. “You didn’t finish.”

He shook his head. No he hadn’t, but he really wanted to. She rested both hands on his shoulders and started to move up and down his length. She drew in a sharp breath. “Mmm. You’re huge.”

“Dammit, Bull. I hate you, do you know that?” Bull smiled at Matt until he added, “Two minutes and counting. The team is ready to go in if the FBI can’t stall them. Finish what you’re doing and stay hidden until we say to move. Don’t run out and get yourself killed. That’s the commander’s order. Copy?”

“Yes.” Two more minutes. He wished he could go on like this with her for two more hours. “Faster, baby.”

Marly did as he asked. As he felt the pressure building inside him, a tremor passed through her. She clung to his neck as her muscles convulsed again. This time, he went right along with her. He came deep inside Marly with the only regret being there was a definite chance they’d be dead in two minutes.

“Shit. Bull. Take cover! They said they’re gonna blow it.”

At Matt’s shout, Bull didn’t think twice. He picked up Marly, dumped her into the big old cast-iron bathtub he was more than grateful had remained in the room. He reached down and pulled the used condom off with a snap, flinging it into a corner before he grabbed her canvas harp cover off the floor. He dove into the tub on top of Marly and had just pulled the cover over them when a deafening explosion rocked the building.

Then there was nothing.

Chapter Six

“Well, well. Lover boy is awake. About time.”

Bull’s eyelids fluttered open. The light in the room hurt his head. He finally focused his vision on the figure sitting in a chair next to him. Matt, with a laptop. Bull frowned. “Why am I in bed?”

Matt put the computer down and leaned forward in the chair. “You’re in the hospital, big guy. Do you remember what happened?”

He glanced down and saw the IV tube taped to his arm. Realization dawned slowly. He was definitely in the hospital, but he had no memories of why or how. He took in a deep breath. It hurt. He’d felt that enough times before to know what it meant. Broken ribs, or at least badly bruised. He forced his brain to function. “The last thing I remember we were about to leave for that night training op against Kappa. What happened? Did we get in an accident with the van on the way there or something?”

BOOK: Bull (Red, Hot, & Blue)
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