Read Cage Match Online

Authors: Bonnie Dee

Tags: #Romance, #Gay, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #LGBT Futuristic Fantasy

Cage Match (9 page)

BOOK: Cage Match
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kind of liked it. Endorphins raced through his system, giving him a euphoric high and

urging him to hit faster and harder. Jabez‟s training took hold as he copied the moves

he‟d been practicing the past two days, hitting through the pain and driving Jabez

slowly back until he had him up against the ropes.

When the flurry of blows was over, Andreas‟s chest heaved and his heart

pounded. He wiped away the sweat streaming down his face and stared into Jabez‟s

cool blue eyes.

“Not bad. You need to work on accuracy, but that‟ll just take time.”

Andreas‟s overheated body sent hot signals of lust down to his cock. He wanted to

grab Jabez and pull him up against him hard, wanted to steal his breath in a deep,

penetrating kiss, then pin him on the mat and fuck him senseless.

Jabez‟s padded arms were down at his sides, his defenses lowered. His gaze

locked with Andreas‟s, and he leaned forward slightly.

For a second, Andreas thought it was going to happen. His lips tingled as if it

already had, as if the other man‟s mouth had pressed furiously against his. Then Jabez

straightened and he looked away.

“Get a drink of water, and we‟ll go again.”

Andreas drank deeply and doused his head in water before returning to the ring

for another bout. This time Jabez did more than absorb his blows, he returned light taps

to his head and chest that rocked Andreas nearly off his feet. He knew his teacher was

holding back, but it felt like he‟d been smashed with a hammer. If Jabez ever truly hit

him, he‟d be knocked unconscious with one blow.

The sparring continued in brief bouts with breaks in between. By the time

Andreas could take no more and held his hands up, begging for a reprieve, his head

was ringing.

“Time! Enough for today.” He bent over, hands resting on his knees as he

breathed through the ache in his stomach from being punched one too many times.

“I say when you‟ve had enough,” Jabez growled, and even through the pain,

Andreas experienced a stab of lust at the commanding note in his deep voice.

He looked up through the wet fringe of bangs drooping over his eyes at the big

man standing over him. Was he really going to play it like that? The answer came in the

form of a feint and a jab that stung Andreas‟s cheek.

Andreas rose and automatically raised his fists to protect himself. A hail of blows

rained down on him, and all he could do was fend them off. There wasn‟t a second for

him to regain his composure or counterattack as Jabez battered his defenses and drove

him against the ropes.


Bonnie Dee

When the assault ended, Andreas was pinned between his opponent‟s body and

one of the posts. He gasped for air and pressed his hands against the other man‟s chest,

feeling the rise and fall of his breathing even through the cloth breastplate.

Jabez‟s face filled his vision, his eyes darkened from the dilation of his pupils, the

planes of his face shining with sweat, and his lips parted. He leaned forward and

pressed them against Andreas‟s mouth, seized his lips in a punishing kiss that sent a

powerful jolt through his body. Andreas opened his mouth wide, accepting the

plunging tongue that twisted around his. Their teeth clicked together with the force of

the kiss, and Andreas felt like he would explode into flames from the rising heat inside


Just as abruptly as he‟d initiated the kiss, Jabez pulled back. He gazed into

Andreas‟s eyes for a moment, his own half-lidded with lust. “
we‟re finished.”

He walked away, and Andreas remained pressed against the post, his mouth open

and ready for more kisses. He wanted to beg Jabez to come back and finish what he‟d

started, but the words stuck in his throat. Whatever happened between them had to be

on Jabez‟s terms and by his choice. It was the only way he wouldn‟t feel used by the

man who essentially owned him.

He watched Jabez remove his protective padding and walk from the room before

Andreas stripped off the wrapping around his hands and examined his reddened

knuckles. He was a fighter now. It made him feel manly and proud of himself for

stepping outside of his comfort zone. He might not be ready for a cage match, but he

could hold his own if anyone ever attacked him on the street.

And he was proud that he hadn‟t buckled under Jabez‟s grueling exercise

schedule. Of course, it was only the third day, but Andreas had no intention of giving

up, especially not if the fight sessions ended like this one had. He touched his sore

knuckles to his mouth, brushed them over his throbbing lips, and closed his eyes,

reliving that crushing kiss.
He had to have more and soon, but for now he‟d take

a shower and jerk off while he waited for Jabez to realize their union was inevitable.

As he walked down the hall to his bathroom, Andreas considered adding a

shower room right off the new gym. Of course it wasn‟t much farther to go down the

hallway to his bedroom, so it was probably a needless extravagance. Funny how he

thought more about the cost of things these days and whether he really needed them.

He stripped off his clothes and left them on the bedroom floor, then went into the

bathroom and turned on the shower. The temperature acclimated to his preset in

seconds, and he stepped into the array of jets pummeling his flesh from all directions.

He exhaled a sigh. The hot water on his sore muscles was pure heaven. Since starting

this training regimen, he appreciated a shower as he never had before. His appetite was

ravenous too. He felt alive and in tune with his body and all its needs. Right now, the

foremost need was a handjob.

Andreas leaned against the shower wall and breathed in a lungful of steam as he

soaped his cock with long, slow pulls of his fist. He closed his eyes, imagined his hand

Cage Match


was Jabez‟s, and pictured how the man had looked kneeling in front of him with his

mouth full of cock. That had been the single most erotic experience of his life…until

today‟s kiss. The hot press of mouth on mouth had been even more intimate, more

invasive and overwhelming and… He groaned as his cock strained into his pumping


The quiet
of the shower door opening made his eyes open wide. Jabez stood

framed in the doorway, shrouded by steamy mist, naked.

Andreas exhaled a soft groan and let go of his cock. Reaching out his hand, he

pulled Jabez into the shower and into his arms.

If their first clashing kiss had been powerful, this one was searing. Wet bodies slid

together and hands touched everywhere, stroking, grasping, squeezing, and fondling.

Andreas pressed so tight against Jabez‟s hard body he felt he was melting into him. He

ran his hands up that broad, muscular back and felt the cords of the other man‟s neck

and the downy stubble that covered his head.

He cupped the back of Jabez‟s skull, pulling him closer and kissing him hard

before his restless hands moved on. There was so much more flesh to touch. Andreas

skated his palms down the slick expanse of his back and cupped his ass. He kneaded

the taut flesh, then slid his finger into the crack between his buttocks to tease the rim of

the hole he so longed to enter. His cock rubbed against the other man‟s groin, and

Jabez‟s cock pressed as hard as rebar into his stomach.

Andreas broke away from the insistent tug of the man‟s mouth to draw in a breath

of moist air. He pushed against the rocky chest, forcing Jabez to give him some space.

“Let me… Let me just…” He panted. He wanted to offer Jabez the same service he‟d

given Andreas the other night, to pleasure and indulge him. He dropped to his knees

and faced the other man‟s erection. It was as thick and long as one would expect on a

man of Jabez‟s size. Andreas slid his hand lovingly up its length and back down again,

before reaching beneath and cradling his heavy sac. Jabez grunted and pushed into his


After fondling him for only a moment, Andreas abandoned his cock, leaving it

thrusting and quivering. He brushed his fingers through the sodden thicket of pubic

hair and traced a fingertip over Jabez‟s groin to make his stomach twitch. The rippling

ridges of muscle were a beautiful sight. He loved being able to tease the man who could

beat his ass if he wanted to. Before he was through, he‟d have Jabez begging for release.

He scraped his fingernails up the wet length of Jabez‟s cock and rubbed his thumb

over the smooth, round head. He admired the thick veins and rich dark red of the

blood-engorged penis. Jabez thrust toward him. Andreas relented and took his cock in

hand, again massaging the shaft and bringing the tip to his mouth. He rested it on his

lower lip and looked up.

Water dripped from the angles of Jabez‟s face as he gazed down at him. He rocked

his hips, bumping his cockhead against Andreas‟s lips, urging him silently to continue.


Bonnie Dee

Andreas smiled and slowly sucked it in. The firm, fleshy member filled his mouth.

He swirled his tongue around it and was disappointed to find the man‟s natural taste

had been washed clean by the shower. He would‟ve liked to taste more of the salt of his

sweat from their workout. Still, he savored the solid warmth and sucked him in deeply,

his own cock throbbing when Jabez gave a strangled groan.

Pleasing him was a joy. Andreas forgot about his plan to teasingly prolong the

blowjob and increased his efforts to get Jabez off. He massaged that glorious handful of

cock and bobbed his head up and down as he sucked.

Jabez rested one big, heavy hand on Andreas‟s head for a moment, then threaded

his fingers through his wet curls and gripped them, holding his head steady. He

moaned again and began to thrust.

Andreas opened his throat wide, letting the other man fuck his mouth. He took in

as much of Jabez‟s length as he could without gagging. Feeling the power of Jabez‟s

thrusts and his desperate need was a thrill. Andreas held on to Jabez‟s hips, becoming a

vessel for the other man to fill.

Another groan was followed by a low cry. Jabez pushed deep, and his cock

pulsed. Andreas swallowed the spurts of cum that hit the back of his throat and at last

released Jabez‟s depleted cock from his mouth.

Andreas looked up the length of the other man‟s torso to watch his rapturous

expression, beautiful and open in a way he hadn‟t yet seen. Years dropped away, and

Jabez no longer looked like a hardened warrior. Andreas thought he could see a

glimmer of the youth he‟d once been before life beat him down. Water rolled like tears

down his cheeks. His lips were slack and softer than their usual severe line. Only the

twisted scar drawing down the corner of his eye indicated he was a fighter.

Andreas felt blessed to see him in his moment of ecstasy, although likely dozens of

others had known the privilege too. But they wouldn‟t have studied his face and seen

what Andreas believed he saw. Jabez was a man who felt things passionately, although

he‟d never let anyone know. He was a vulnerable soul who‟d been hurt, a man with a

hidden capacity for love, a man who could be devoted and tender if given a chance to

trust and hope.

Andreas smiled at his fancy as he rose to his feet. He was reading a hell of a lot

into one unguarded expression. Standing in the steam and stinging jets of water, he

rested his hands on Jabez‟s hips and met his gaze when at last he opened his eyes.

“I thought that kiss in the ring was you ending our workout session.”

A faint smile touched his mouth. “I wanted more.”

“I‟m glad you came to get what you wanted.” Andreas leaned in to lick water

droplets from Jabez‟s warm lips. His erection was still rock-hard between them.

Jabez reached for it.

Andreas stopped him with a touch of his wrist. It was important to him the other

man didn‟t perform any acts out of obligation. “You don‟t have to.”

Cage Match


Cornflower eyes fringed by water-darkened lashes gazed into his. “I want to.”

Andreas released his wrist. “All right then, but let‟s dry off and lie in my bed.” He

wanted something more than a quick blow or a handjob in the shower.

Andreas turned off the water, opened the door, reached for towels on the rack,

and handed one to Jabez, although he would‟ve preferred to dry all that wet, naked

flesh for him.

After toweling his hair dry, Andreas shook the mop of unruly black curls, then

combed his fingers through it, trying to put it in some semblance of order. He noticed

Jabez watching him, his own drying job already finished and the towel hung neatly

back on the rack. He reached out and ran his fingers through Andreas‟s hair.

“I like it. Gives a man something to hold on to.” A tiny smile accompanied his

BOOK: Cage Match
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