Read Caine's Reckoning Online

Authors: Sarah McCarty

Caine's Reckoning (53 page)

BOOK: Caine's Reckoning
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“Do you ache, Desi?” Another finger probed.

She bit her lip as her pussy flowered to the hot query. Would he take her gently or thrust fast and hard, filling her the way he did, to the delicious point of a pain that only hurt in a way that always satisfied. “Yes. Damn you.”

His breath bussed her ear, then his lips, and lastly his tongue, tracing the whorls with liquid fire as a shiver shook her from head to toe. Her whimper was a cry for mercy. He had none. His grip tightened on her nipple, squeezing until knife-edged pleasure burst into an erotic arc of sensual bliss. Her head snapped back, then forward. He did it again. Harder. Faster. Sharper. He pulled the nipple out, holding it as she gasped and twisted, fucking herself on his fingers, pleasing herself in his hands, letting her build her own need until it was razor sharp before just…letting go.

A glance down revealed the full curve of her breast suspended in the golden light, hanging taut and swollen, and his dark hand below, hovering just below the nipple that sat atop the white mound like a bright red cherry, begging to be plucked.

She groaned, thrusting her breast into his grip, soundlessly begging for more.

He didn’t respond, just stood there waiting. She added her voice to the plea of her body. “Pinch my nipple, Caine. Please.”

His knee wedged between her thighs, spreading her as a second finger joined the first at her pussy, probing. He flicked her nipple with his nail, watching her as she watched her breast shimmy before settling into the
of his thumb and forefinger a split second before the sizzle of electricity speared through her.

“How do you want it?”

“Hard.” It was difficult to speak clearly with her focus on the glittering shards of that flick. “Oh, God, do it hard.”

“Like this?”

Again that sharp mix of pleasure and pain, stronger, more piercing than previously, shot inward, too close, too perfect, to fight, too wonderful to waste on speech. Her “Yes” was a mere ghost of sound, but he heard.

He did it again and again, not letting her direct, not letting her help, forcing her to take her pleasure as he delivered it, absorbing her start as her muscles convulsed when he added a twist to the strong, milking motion. “Relax, baby.”

She tried, but it wasn’t easy. Not when everything in her wanted him so badly. His thumb brushed her clitoris. She jerked up onto her toes, her back arching at the shock. When she came back down, he was waiting, his cock precisely aligned. She hesitated, anticipation almost as good as the real thing. Then he was whispering in her ear again…senseless words, encouraging words, intimate words…creating the illusion no one else existed. That it was just the two of them. Here, now. And all he wanted in the world was her.

She took him that first little bit in her pussy, holding on to the illusion, shuddering as the burn spread outward, knowing for her there’d never be another as good as him.

“Finish it.”

The guttural order drove her hips down those few crucial inches, wanting the pleasure, groaning as her muscles parted, sighing as her heels hit the floor and his cock spread her in that first biting rapture. She leaned back into his strength, eyes drifting closed. Good, so good.


“Give me a minute.” She pushed down a little harder, taking—God, yes!—just a little more, the stretching ache blending with the pulse from her breasts, lodging in her womb in an ever-tightening, ever-expanding knot of desire.


She shook her head, everything focused on the point of their joining, the intimate adjustment, the knowledge that there was more, as much as she wanted, more than she could take. It would take a miracle to get her to move right then. Or so she thought.

In reality, all it took was the natural dominance of a man used to being obeyed. The swat on her hip caught her by surprise, sharp and sweet. The sensual sting blended into the rapture. The second came harder, not so sweet, but, dear heavens, as good as a fuck in the heat it delivered. She kept her feet firmly planted on the floor through the third and fourth, controlling the mesmerizing torment, the lust through sheer force of will, but the fifth…Oh, God, the fifth. That one didn’t come from the side, but from the front to land on the pad of her pussy. She squealed and arched back, rising into the next as he plunged upward, knees buckling as it landed, hot and just right on her sugar spot, tearing another cry from her lips, another pulse of cream from between her thighs.

The tight, rough growl of his voice blended with the howl for more that rang in her ears as he cupped her pussy and yanked her back onto him. “Goddam, you’re going to burn us both up, Desi girl.”

She didn’t care as long as he was with her, as long as he didn’t stop, didn’t leave her hanging with her whole body attuned to his pleasure. She spread her legs wider, arched her back farther, offering her breasts and her pussy as a sacrifice to his desire.

“Again, sweetheart?”

Please, yes.

“Look at me.”

She did, turning her head to the right as his cock worked out, almost flinching at the primitive intensity of his gaze.

“Don’t look away.” He worked his cock out that last inch, stopping with the flared head throbbing just inside the snug grip of her opening, her channel flexing in time with the pounding of his pulse. He leaned back and his hand came round to stroke damp fingers over her anus, a smile touching his lips as she jumped at the flare of delight. He tested the point of their joining with something thick and firm—his thumb? He swirled it in the cream spilling freely from her body before returning to her ass.

“You’re going to like this.”

She swallowed hard, knowing what was coming. He pushed against the tight ring, hard enough to tease, to worry. The give in the muscle echoed the give in her soul as she angled her hips up, moaning as the pressure changed. His chest came down over her back, sheltering her from the storm of her own conflicting needs. His mouth touched the corner of hers.

“That’s it, Desi. Push that hot little ass back. Tempt me into giving you more.”

She didn’t know if she could take more, but she tried, wiggling and struggling to adjust to the foreign stretching, the intense longing that came hot on the heels of the insistent ache for more. Always more. She held her breath as the dark moment loomed, trapped between heaven and hell, hovering in an agony of suspense, before, with a low-voiced “Now,” he took her past her inhibitions to the glory beyond.

His fingers, tight on her breast, anchored her as his cock tunneled high into her pussy, forging deep as his thumb made a place in her ass, neither accepting resistance as the steady onslaught continued, nor stopping until he had her full surrender. She collapsed against the wall, a hoarse cry ripping from her throat as she battled to handle the dual penetration.

“Easy, girl. Just relax and let it feel good.”

She shook her head, too many conflicting impulses to sort through to relax.

“Yes, you can.” A small pulse of his hips centered her attention. “Push back and relax.”

She searched his eyes, needing to see him right now. He didn’t hide from her, letting her seek for what she would find—his desire, his satisfaction and underneath it all, something softer, that special something that wove through all their interactions and gave her hope. His love. “You can take me, baby. You know you can.”

She wanted to, but he was so deep like this, feeling so much bigger with the insertion of his thumb. “No.”

Her denial was for her own abilities, not him, but he responded to the challenge with the implacable resolve that was so much a part of him. “Yes.”

She shook her head again, seeing the set of his chin out of the corner of her eye, thrilling to the knowledge that he wouldn’t let her cheat herself, opening her body and soul to the proof he was the one man who could deliver this moment, grunting as his thumb pumped in time with his hips, pulling out only to plunge back in, two short thrusts to one long thrust of his massive cock. Rejoicing as he said in a voice that brooked no refusal, “Come for me.”

Her body took control from her mind, rising to his demand, nerve endings swelling and opening until her whole body felt as raw and as exposed as her pussy. She caught her breath as his grip dropped from her breast to her labia, parting her, holding her open. Cool air blew over her clit. She saw his shoulder flex, his arm raise just enough, and then there was only the green of his eyes, the heat of his desire as the scandalous slap landed where she needed it most.

The wet sound of his hand meeting her sopping pussy reverberated around them, the sensual snap of his fingertips on her clit what she’d been waiting for.

Shock held her immobile for a split second as the coiled tension exploded outward, ripping the air from her lungs and control from her grasp. She bucked as the high, sweet pain joined the burning ache lodged in her womb, swelling it beyond being bearable, forcing it outward. Too big to contain, too intense to endure alone.

She bucked and twisted in his arms, crying out his name as her pussy clenched in agonizing pleasure to the rhythm of his strong thrusts, each one taking him deeper, each one bonding them tighter, each one more than the one before until there wasn’t him and her, just them, together. Striving for that moment when nothing else mattered but the feelings that bound them.

She buried her face in the arm he wedged between her head and the wall, buried her teeth in his wrist as he lifted her into his careful thrusts, holding her as she fell apart, soul exposed, keeping her safe as reality narrowed to the grinding pleasure that held her in its grip. And when the violent spasms mellowed to ripples, he kissed her cheek softly, her mouth gently, and whispered, “Again.”

She shook her head, too sensitive to bear more.

He sat on a grain box and cradled her against his chest. The worn wood creaked a protest. Behind them a horse snorted. Beneath her hips his cock throbbed with the promise echoed in his gaze. The touch of his lips to hers was as light as a feather, belying the urgency that cocooned them in residual heat. She closed her eyes, absorbing his tenderness as he whispered, “Definitely, yes.”

His fingers trailed down her neck, over her collarbone and around the side of her breast. She opened her eyes and looked down. His hand was very dark, very big as it cradled her breast. Her nipple looked beyond fragile as he caught it between his fingertips, containing the echoes of her orgasm that throbbed through the tight bud, amplifying them inward in a hot rebound that rekindled the fire. She bit her lip as he squeezed to the lingering pulse, luring back the violent need with minute compressions. His other hand skimmed up the inside of her thigh, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Her breath caught as he grazed that sensitive spot high at the top.

She touched his forearm, surprised she had a voice left at all. “I can’t.”

The bit of his smile she could see from the corner of her eye was sin personified. “You can do anything you want.”

He hooked his ankles over her calves as the side of his hand nestled into the engorged folds of her pussy. “And you want this.”

She struggled, but he held her pinned, enthralled to his whims. She couldn’t go up, couldn’t go back, couldn’t do anything but beg with her eyes and her body as he drove her over the edge again with a touch on her clit that was so gentle she’d never have felt it if he hadn’t primed her so well. This orgasm wasn’t as devastating, but it was sweet, so sweet because of the care in his touch, his eyes. As he turned her, she wrapped her arm around his neck, pressing kisses to the pound of his pulse, murmuring apologies and promises as he stroked her spine. When he eased her back, she pushed his hands away, reaching for his big cock, being careful as she lifted him, stroking him soothingly as she straddled his lap.

She ran out of height about halfway up.

His laugh was as tight as his expression as he realized her dilemma. “Spread your legs and hold on.”

He didn’t give her time to do anything else. He simply tucked his hands under her arms and hefted her up. She clutched at his biceps, marveling at his strength, delighting in his power as he centered his shaft.

“Oh, God.” She loved this. The special first moment every time they joined, the struggle to take him in, the knowledge that she would. Could.

He scooted back, jostling her out of her rapture. “Kneel on the box.”

She had to release him to do so. Her involuntary moue of disappointment heated her cheeks and fired his passion.

“Damn, Gypsy.” His hand slipped behind her head, dragging her forward to the searing heat of his kiss. She relaxed into his possession, accepting the thrust of his tongue, the outright dominance in his claim, understanding why he needed it, giving him her acceptance as she went compliant in his arms, opening her legs to his command, gasping as the fat head of his cock centered on her vagina.

“I love how you feel,” she whispered into his mouth.

“Not nearly as much as I love how you feel. Soft, wet and hot.” He emphasized his point with a pulse of his hips.

Oh, yes, that’s what she wanted. She caught his wrists in her hands, holding on tightly as the pressure increased, her whisper of his name a plea for more. “Caine…”

“No one else.” His hips lifted as he guided her down on his cock, forcing her to take that first vital inch with his hands, his need. His “Never anyone else” was a guttural reflection of the depth of his desire

BOOK: Caine's Reckoning
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