Read Cameron's Quest Online

Authors: Lorraine Nelson

Cameron's Quest (19 page)

BOOK: Cameron's Quest
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“I don’t know, Daddy.” She burst into tears. “Why
can’t I ever see his face?”

released himself from Lacey’s hold and walked
over to sit beside his daughter, pulling her close as she sobbed her heart out.
“Hush, child. It’s not meant for you to see his face. That would make Michael’s
job too easy. For whatever reason, we have to play his game…for now…but we’re
smarter than he is. We’ll come out on top of this yet.”

“You think so, Daddy?”

“I know so. I’ve done nothing wrong, sweetheart.
The evidence will prove that.”

She leaned back and her bleak, tear-filled eyes
searched his. “I wish these visions would go away. I hate them.”

“Hey now, those visions are giving us a
heads-up. Don’t ridicule your gift just because you don’t understand it.
Everything will work out fine. You’ll see.” He pulled her close for a
comforting hug and glanced up to see Michael standing in the entry.

, I don’t
have good news.”

“I know. Rena already told us what you’d find.”

Michael watched her as she rose and crossed the
room to sit closer to the fire. “Girl, you are amazing. Did you see anything

“Yes, I saw him pull a pair of black running
shoes out of his backpack, also black, and put them on before exiting through
the passenger door. Your team didn’t check that side of the truck. Did they?”

“I’m not sure, but they will now. Thanks, Rena.
I’ll be in touch.”

Michael palmed his phone and was calling his
team back to the ranch before he was even out the door.

A few minutes later,
phone rang. “Hello.”

plowed the driveway. There’s nothing else to find,

”Figures. Thanks for letting me know, Michael.”
He replaced the receiver and, without turning to face them, told them what
Michael had said. He left the room and headed for the den.


Lacey saw the dejected slump to his shoulders as
he walked away. Should she go after him? Comfort him as best she could? By his
own admission,
had been a loner all his
life. Did he need some quiet time? Was having a houseful of women starting to
get to him? Or was he ashamed to be facing a murder rap, especially with them
here? It couldn’t be easy for him to keep up a brave front. She was worried
about him.

“Mama, are you going to him?” asked Rena. “I
think he needs you.”

She shot Rena a puzzled glance. “Why would you
think that?”

“I…ah, can read his mind.”

“What? When did that start?”

“This afternoon. He was wondering what they’d
find in his truck and I heard his thoughts.”

“Wow! That’s really creepy,” said Lynne.

“Amazing. I wish I could do that,” Abby said,
her voice filled with awe.

“No, you don’t, Abby. Trust me on that one. I’m
going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I’m going to see what’s on the tube. Maybe
there’s a comedy show on. We could use a good laugh about now.” Lynne thumbed
the remote and the television blared to life.

She and Abby argued over what to watch as Lacey
got to her feet, still undecided as she locked up and made her way to the
’s door was open a crack. A dim
light beckoned her closer. “
, can I come

No answer. She pushed the door open wider and
realized he wasn’t there. “

A noise behind her had her spinning around in

, you
startled me. I thought you’d gone to bed.”

“Headed there, but decided to bring in a load of
wood for morning.”

“Oh, okay.” He gave her a once-over, one eyebrow
raised in question. “Do you want company tonight?”

“Lacey, I’ve never needed it more. Can you stay
with me?”

“Yes, I can and I will. You’re not alone in
. I can’t help but feel it has
something to do with our arrival.”

“Nonsense. How could that possibly be?”

She hunched her shoulders. “Just a feeling I

He came to her and took her hands in his. “Let
it go, love. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with you.”

“How can you be so sure? I mean, is there anyone
who might be jealous of my presence here?”

“Nope. No one special in my life. Hasn’t been
since I met you.”


“Really. That’s not to say I’ve been celibate
all this time. There have been women, but they knew the score going in. No one
ever made me feel as you did and that feeling stayed with me all these years. I
couldn’t settle for less than what I had with you.”

“And you’ve always been my cowboy. No other man
ever measured up. I’m glad we found each other again.”

“So am I, love. I just wish it were under better
circumstances. Whoever is trying to frame me is doing a bang-up job of it.”

“He’ll slip up, and when he does, Michael will
be there to catch him.”

“Michael has to do his job, no matter where the
evidence takes him. And right now it’s not looking too good for me.”

“Well, from where I’m standing, you look darned
good to me.”


Her arms around his neck, she pulled his head
down for a kiss. It was so sweet, her method of distracting him. And it was
working. He broke the kiss and led her to his room, firmly locking the door. “I’m
glad you’re here. Selfish of me, I know.”

“Not selfish at all. Now quit thinking and just
feel the love I have for you.”

She undressed then, a slow striptease that had
his blood boiling and his heart racing full speed ahead. Totally naked, she
moved to undo his shirt, pulling the snaps on his shirt apart one by one. His
hands went to his belt, but she shoved them away. “Allow me the privilege.” He
rested his hands on her shoulders and watched as she undid his jeans, pushing
his boxers down with them to allow his erection free rein. It sprang to life
only to be ignored as she finished undressing him. Then she pushed him backward
on the bed.

Her hands grasped him and began working his
shaft, her thumb smearing his precum over the tip.
felt he’d go insane if she kept up this way. He reached for her, intending to
spread a little loving on her, surprised when she leaned forward and took him
in her mouth.

God, he’d
died and gone to heaven.

Her lips were soft as she ministered to him.
With one hand at the base of his cock, her other hand fondled his balls, the
sensations so exquisite, he felt ready to come right then. He pulled her on top
of him, their lips meeting in a feverish mating of desire. He cupped her
breasts, bringing them to his mouth. When he heard her delightful moans and felt
her lower body moving against his pelvis, he knew she was ready. He lifted her
and set her down, impaling her on his erection, and she began to move in
earnest. Up and down she rode him, stopping now and then to grind her pelvis
into his. It drove him wild. He held her in place and pumped upwards, felt her
insides clench in readiness, and when she let go, he was right there with her.

Lacey, his sweet, innocent Lacey, collapsed on
top of him, their sweat mingling as she rubbed her breasts back and forth
against his chest. Tonight he felt every inch a man. He’d do whatever it took
to keep her by his side and happy…as he was at that very moment.

Her even breathing told him she’d fallen asleep,
so he shifted her to his side and held her in the crook of his arm. He hoped
and prayed that tomorrow would bring good news, but if that wasn’t to be, at
least he knew he had the love of a good woman. A fiery, Irish woman that would
stand by him, no matter what the fates allowed.





The next few days were uneventful, giving
a reprieve of sorts to spend with his family. They
went skiing and ice-skating, went to the movies, and out to dinner a time or
two. They went off on the snowmobiles again, this time headed west toward the
Rocky Mountains
. The views were spectacular, but he was
careful not to go too far up as there was always the danger of an avalanche,
especially with the severe storm they’d just had. The rumble of five machines
could easily set one off, and he loved his girls too much to risk it.

They enjoyed the snow and the simple country
life he led. He could only hope that they’d stay to see it in the summer. He’d
love to teach them to ride and take them riding across the fields. “Have any of
you girls ever ridden a horse?” he asked as they tromped inside from their
first foray into downhill skiing.

“Not since we got too big for pony rides,” said

“Then I reckon it’s time you learned. We’ll
begin lessons tomorrow if you’re in agreement.”

. I’d
love to learn to ride, but the horses are so big. I’d be terrified,” said

“I’ll be there,” he said, winking at her. “I won’t
let you fall.”

Lacey smiled happily and the girls smiled with her.
was glad their daughters weren’t opposed
to their being together. They made no secret of the fact that they were
sleeping together, and they hadn’t caught a bit of flack, for which he was

“We’ll ride around the home corral until you’re
comfortable on a horse. With this much snow down, it makes it difficult to go
far, but the horses can handle a fair amount. Speaking of which, I’ve always enjoyed
going on a sleigh ride during the winter. How about you?”

“Never been on one,” Lacey admitted. “Wouldn’t
that be hard on the horses?”

“No, we stick to the groomed trails for the most
part. It’s been a gorgeous day and there’s no snow in the forecast. Want to go

“I’d love to.” Rena clapped her hands in glee.

“Won’t it be too cold at night?” asked Lynne.

“Nah, the hay keeps your backside warm and we’ll
take blankets to wrap up in. I reckon we’ll be warm enough.”

“Will you be driving the horses?” asked Abby.

“I could, but I thought I’d get one of the
wranglers to do that so we can all sit together.”

“Great! I like that idea. Do you think Luke and
his family would join us?” Lacey asked.

“They might. I’ll give them a call later. For now,
how about we warm up some of that homemade soup and biscuits?”

“Sounds good,” Lacey said as she headed for the
kitchen. “There’s nothing like chicken soup to take the chill out.”

“I can think of something better,”
whispered in her ear as he caught up to her.

He delighted in seeing a rosy blush suffuse her
cheeks with warming color, replacing the chill from the cold. She sure was
pretty. For the hundredth time, he wondered how he’d gotten so lucky as to have
a woman like her in his life. Selfishly, he was glad she’d never married,
although her life might have been easier if she had. Just the thought of
running after three toddlers had his mind spinning. Luke’s two boys were enough
to handle. How had she done it?

“Love, Daddy. Mama always had an abundance of

Surprised, he stopped and turned to Rena. “Guess
I’m going to have to guard my thoughts around you.”

“I don’t mean to listen. It’s just there as if
you’ve spoken to me.” She hunched her shoulders and put her palms up in a “what
can I do?” gesture.

“Is it only when we’re in the same room?” he
asked, thinking of the times he’d made love to Lacey.

The little imp had the nerve to smirk. “Why?

“No, just curious.” He tried to blank his mind.

“Rest easy. So far, we need to be in the same room
for me to hear your thoughts.”

“Well, that’s a blessing.” He smiled and slung
his arm around her, pulling her close. “You are unique, kid. I’m glad you’re on
my side.”

She frowned. “I just wish I could see more than
these little snippets here and there.”

“At least we know that what you are seeing is

“Hmm, I wonder if I touched something he touched
if I would see him. You know, like psychics do in the movies?”

“That might be more than you can handle at this
point. Just let it come naturally. Don’t cause yourself any undue stress over
this mess.”

“I won’t, Daddy, but I think I’ll mention it to
Michael. See what he thinks.”

“All right, if you’re sure that’s what you want
to do. But remember, he had to touch my truck to get in and out.”

“Yeah, but that might be cloudy after the cops
got through with it. Besides, I’ve been in and out of your truck daily. If that
was going to spark something, it would’ve already done so. I’ll think on it a

BOOK: Cameron's Quest
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