Read Catherine and The Spanking Room Online

Authors: Michele Zurlo,Nicoline Tiernan

Tags: #romance, #erotic romance, #short story

Catherine and The Spanking Room

BOOK: Catherine and The Spanking Room
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and The Spanking Room

Club Alegria #1

Michele Zurlo and Nicoline Tiernan

Hot Lunch titles are meant to be
consumed whenever you can catch a half hour to indulge in something for
yourself. Take a break. Go ahead—treat yourself.

Club Alegria #1:
Catherine and The Spanking Room

Copyright © June 2014 by Michele Zurlo and Nicoline Tiernan

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser
of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, stored in or
introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without
the prior written permission from the copyright owner and Lost Goddess
Publishing LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted
materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized

Editor: Debora M.

Cover Artist: Casey Harris

Published by

Lost Goddess
Publishing LLC

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to
actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places
and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business
establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Warning: This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult
language and may be considered offensive to some readers. It is not meant for
underage readers.

* * * *

Education and training are necessary in order to learn safe BDSM practices.
Lost Goddess Publishing LLC is not responsible for any loss, harm, injury or
death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.
This is a work of fiction, and license has been taken with regard to BDSM

Catherine and The Spanking Room (Club Alegria #1)

Wearing a schoolgirl’s outfit had
always appealed to Catherine’s kinky side, so when her best friend suggested she
spend the evening at Club Alegria, Catherine leapt at the opportunity to dress
up as her favorite sexual fantasy. After all,
meant “joy,” and
she liked to do things that brought her joy. The plaid skirt was cut indecently
high, revealing white lacy panties underneath, and she’d only buttoned three
buttons on her white shirt, showing the curves of her ample breasts where her
bra pushed them up. She arranged her hair into a ponytail, slipped into spiked
heels, and went downtown to receive her punishment. She’d been a bad, bad girl.

She spent some time on the dance
floor, and her turn came quickly. Eddie, the Dom-in-training who was acting as
an administrative assistant, gave Catherine a smirky grin as he called her
name. “Master Carlos will see you now.”

She sashayed into the office and
plunked down onto a sturdy wooden chair. Crossing her legs, she made sure her
skirt rode up high, giving him a prime view of her thigh and the edge of her
lacy panties. She wasn’t one for knee socks, so nothing inhibited his view of
her shapely legs. She folded her arms to plump her breasts and show that she
didn’t care whether or not he was pleased with her behavior.

He sat behind his desk, watching
her intently, his expression unreadable. He had sexy eyes, unexpectedly blue
against his Hispanic coloring, and his thick mane of dark hair made her fingers
itch to run her fingers through. An assortment of paddles, canes, and whips
hung on the wall behind him, giving the office a decidedly dungeon feel. At
last he clasped his hands together and leaned forward. “Catherine, you’ve been
caught masturbating in class again.”

She lifted a shoulder and let it
drop. “I can’t help it, Master Carlos. Every time I see you walking the halls,
your muscles bulging out of your suit and your huge package front and center,
just teasing me, I have to touch myself. It’s not my fault that everybody likes
to watch.” The corner of his mouth twitched, and she took that as a good sign.
She spread her legs and pushed the crotch of her panties over. “Would you like
to watch?”

He came around the desk. She
thought he’d perch on the corner where he’d have a better view of her pussy,
but he hauled her from the chair and pushed her down over the hard wooden desktop.
“Lift your arms up and hold on to the edge. Your punishment is a thorough
spanking. If you climax while I’m smacking your ass, you will be punished

Oh, now this was a deviation from
the way they usually played the scene. It was almost impossible for Catherine
not to have an orgasm from being spanked. The promise of more punishment made
her pussy extra wet. “Please, Sir, don’t be so cruel!”

He lifted her skirt and slid her
panties down her thighs. They pooled around her ankles, trapping her feet in
place. She felt his hand on her ass, caressing the skin he was about to abuse.
“You do this on purpose, brat. I’m going to teach you a lesson this time, make
you scream and beg. Get ready.”

Master Carlos started with his hand.
She lifted her ass to meet each blow, moaning in time to his smacks. Once she
was warmed up, he grabbed a thin leather paddle. It whistled through the air,
singing a sadistic lullaby. A cry escaped her as it made a stinging impact.
Over and over, he peppered her ass and thighs. She wiggled, trying to escape
the cruel, punishing blows.

He paused and caressed the swollen
areas of her skin. They weren’t welts yet, but he could—and would—leave her
with a few. Reaching between her legs, he found her wet and ready. He pressed
two fingers inside. She moaned and tried to take him deeper. “Catherine, if you
cannot take your punishment with dignity, I have far worse in store for you.”

“This is worse.” She sniffled
dramatically. “You won’t let me come. I bet your big cock is hard, Master. I
bet you want to fuck me right now. Go ahead. You know I won’t tell.”

He chuckled evilly. “Oh, my brat,
you’ve sassed me for the last time tonight.” He went after her ass again,
paddling it harder and faster, foregoing any kind of rhythm. She shrieked as
fiery fingers of pain spread across her backside. Then, before it could morph
into something sweeter, he stopped.

He opened a drawer near her head.
From her perch, she could make out a variety of gags. He selected one that
looked like a small, thick dildo. “Open up, brat. This will be a nice warm up
for later.” She opened her mouth, allowing him to slide the silicone dick
inside. He buckled the strap around her head. She tried to tell him that he’d
get off on quieting her with his cock, but the gag was doing its job. Nothing
but a few muffled sounds emerged.

She expected he might use something
harder next, like a cane or a switch, so she gasped in surprise when he twisted
his fingers in her hair and hauled her up. Then he led her to where a canvas
tarp covered something on the side of the room. He pulled the covering away,
revealing another sturdy wooden chair. This one had a huge dildo attached to
the seat. She eyed it worriedly, wondering where he expected it to go. The
circumference would be uncomfortable in either hole, and the length equaled
something no man had naturally. She tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he
merely tightened his grip in her hair. The pulling stung, bringing tears to her

“Bend over the chair. Spread your
legs and brace yourself.”

Thinking he only meant to make her
stare at the huge silicone dick while he had his way with her, she calmed and
followed his order. She felt his fingers at her back entrance, spreading cold
lubricant on her sphincter and pushing his fingers inside to spread it there.
If she hadn’t been gagged, she would have been egging him on, daring him to
fuck her ass. As things stood, she was primed to explode. She wanted him to
ride her hard, and taunting him would piss him off enough to get the job done.

But when he finished, he lifted her
again and turned her to face him. “You’ll sit here and think about how bad
you’ve been.”

She looked back at the dildo, and
then she whipped her head back to stare at him with wide eyes. “Please, Master—It
won’t fit!” Well, she
to say that, but the only thing coming
through the gag was a muffled protest.

He smiled. “It will hurt, you
naughty girl. Make no mistake about that. While you’re sitting here in this
uncomfortable position, you’ll watch others take their punishments. When I
decide you’ve learned your lesson, I’ll let you up so that you can demonstrate
your contrition.”

Catherine didn’t want to sit on the
enormous dildo, but she trusted Carlos—Master Carlos,
Master—to the
ends of the Earth. Gulping, she let him guide her down. He helped her balance
so that she slid down slowly over the silicone giant poised to split her in
half. The first nudge of the lubricated dildo at her back entrance sent a shock
through her. When it breached her anus, she exhaled hard. He lowered her down,
compounding the violation with each inch. Catherine loved having her ass
fucked, but she’d never had anything this large inside her, and its only
purpose was to teach her a lesson. She would be allowed no pleasure.

By the time her stinging butt cheeks
settled on the hard wood of the chair, she was whimpering through her gag at
the way it managed to pinch and burn and open her wide. With her body weight
pressing down, forcing it as deep as it could go, it was not comfortable. She
breathed hard through her nose and sucked desperately at the phallic shape
filling her mouth.

Then he tied her arms down her
sides, securing them to the back of the chair frame. Lastly, he swung two
panels out near her legs. They forced her knees wide apart, and when he locked
the panels in place, they assured she would remain spread open while the others
came into the principal’s office for their punishments. He made a few
adjustments, repositioning her left knee and pushing her skirt up to fully
expose her naked bottom half. She watched him the whole time, wanting to run
her fingers through his thick black hair and pepper kisses over his perpetually
tanned skin. He was so wonderfully sadistic.

“Beautiful,” he said. “I must share
this with Eddie.” He peeked out the door and exchanged words with his mentee.
Catherine couldn’t make out exactly what he said, but she didn’t really need to

Eddie followed Master Carlos into
the room, closing the door behind them. They stood in front of Catherine,
studying her bondage. Eddie gestured to her pussy area. “She took all of it?”

Master Carlos grinned. “I told you
she would. What do you think?”

“It’s stunning, as usual.” Eddie
gestured to Catherine’s breasts. “But I think you forgot something.” He opened
the three buttons on her blouse and unlatched the front snap on her white lace
bra, exposing her breasts to their lust-filled gazes. “You get so wrapped up in
displaying the cunt that you forget the tits.”

Master Carlos nodded in agreement.
“They’ll need to be flogged, of course. Bring in the next wayward student. I’ll
deal with him while you turn these tits an attractive shade of red. I’ll want
to hear her screams despite the gag.”

Catherine sucked air through her
nose. She tried to wiggle, to beg Master Carlos to reconsider, but the movement
only served a painful reminder that she had something in her ass that was far
too large for the space. She ended up whimpering. Eddie chuckled, and then he
left the room to get the next bottom in need of punishment.

Master Carlos caressed her cheek.
“You’ll think twice the next time the urge strikes you to masturbate in class.”

Yes, she would, but that most
likely wouldn’t stop her from at least trying, especially if ‘class’ was meant
to symbolize ‘shower.’ Eddie, in addition to being a Dom-in-training, was
friend of theirs, and he often played a part in their public scenes. Catherine
was a smart ass, and Eddie was a frequent participant in doling out her
punishments. Over the past year, his skills had come quite far.

The next appointment came in with
his head bowed. He was big, towering above Master Carlos and Eddie, but his
manner negated his stature. While Carlos talked to the man about his
transgression and expected punishment, Eddie plucked a flogger with long, thin
falls from the wall. Having experienced this one before, Catherine shivered in
anticipation. Being struck with that thing would light a fire on her chest that
would eclipse the one that lingered on her ass after Master Carlos’s spanking.

“Tears,” Eddie said as he swished
the flogger through the air in a few practice moves. “Nothing says you’re sorry
like uncontrolled crying.”

If anybody could take her there,
Eddie could. He pushed her shirt and bra down her shoulders so they couldn’t
slip and get in the way of his blows. Without preamble, talking, or a warm up,
he started in on her breasts. Catherine had a generous endowment, and the way
her arms were bound thrust her chest out, offering it for this service. She
could take a lot, which was good, because Eddie wouldn’t stop until she was
sobbing so hard she was choking on her snot, or until Master Carlos made him.

Fire streaked across her girls,
sending spikes of pain in all directions. It didn’t take long to make her
scream, but her gag made them sound more like moans. Catherine appreciated the
irony, as her screams were fake at this point—a bit of bratty behavior because
she rarely stopped being a smartass while in a scene. Hell, in real life, she
rarely stopped being a smartass.

Sounds of spanking came from across
the room. The man’s cries made Catherine’s seem small by comparison. She rolled
her eyes. Men were such delicate creatures. Eddie must have taken her gesture
as directed at him because he doubled the force he put behind each stroke.
Tears didn’t burn behind her eyes for long because in no time, they spilled
down her cheeks. She let her head fall against the back of the chair, and she
surrendered to the sensation that was morphing from pain into a throbbing that
had her pussy weeping, as if putting that sweet scent out there would entice
someone to fuck her.

When the flogging stopped, she
opened her eyes to find Master Carlos standing over her. “You were right,
Eddie. This is better.”

Catherine lifted her head. Though
her limbs were bound, she felt like she could float away. Carlos pushed the
male he’d been spanking down to kneel between her legs.

“Clean her up,” he commanded. Then
he looked at Catherine. “No coming.”

Catherine groaned. Oral sex almost
always sent her over the edge. Carlos loved that she came so easily. The man
licked her pussy with strong, sure strokes, which he alternated with closing
his mouth around her clit for sloppy, sucking kisses. He moaned against her hot
tissues and pressed his face closer, leaving no doubt that he considered this a
reward. She tried to thrust her hips forward, but that only reminded her about
the thick rod in her ass. Because she’d grown accustomed to the toy, this
unauthorized move brought forth a fresh wave of desire, giving her more to
struggle against.

She sucked her gag and concentrated
on her breathing, all the while watching Master Carlos and Eddie enjoy her
predicament, their cheeks and necks ruddy with excitement. That made her fight
against the need to climax more difficult.

Before too long, Master Carlos
ripped the man away from Catherine’s pussy. Eddie escorted the chastened and
highly aroused man to the door while Master Carlos released the buckle on her
gag. Catherine sucked oxygen, filling her lungs as she hungrily eyed the bulge
in Master Carlos’s jeans.

He chuckled when he realized where
she was staring. “Oh, you think that’s for you, do you?”

“You know you want me.” She tried
to purr, but the taunt came out on a breathy whisper.

BOOK: Catherine and The Spanking Room
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