Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)
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the entire evening, he never once tried to make a pass. He was respectful and kept his distance, though he did find ways to subtly touch me.
Whereas you turn into a brainless creature every time he does touch you?

I was aware of him
—whether he was in the room or not.

He acted like the usual Blake and that put me at ease.  I was relieved
. My mind was confused when it came to him. I mean—
I know what I want
—but when he was being all sexy and seductive—my thoughts turned to mush—and that was perplexing.

When it was time for bed, he handed me one of
his silk boxers and a shirt to wear. He decided,
without asking me
, that I should stay with him for the next few days until Sunday—when Luce arrives.

chool starts Monday as he too begins his lengthy training to become a tycoon like his grandfather—Blake will be shadowing him until he’s ready to retire, which looms in the horizon. Blake’s been learning the ins and outs of the business for the last two years—but this time—he’ll take on most of the responsibilities. His grandfather wants Blake to take over as soon as he’s deemed him ready.

Their family
business is vast from what Toby told me. From oil, five-star restaurants, and real estate to hotels and casinos, just to name a few. I doubt their family would be estimated to be worth billions without an enormous, diverse portfolio.

Blake knew what this entailed
, knowing full well that his granddad will not be there forever. He needs to prepare for the inevitable, hence the prepping and training of him at the age of twenty-four.
He’s almost four years older than me.

The only thing that I’m worried about is Blake changing. He’s rich now—
he made a lot of money from his own investments—but when the time comes when he can tap unlimited funds and resources—and be surrounded by powerful men and the world’s most beautiful women—I’m afraid that will change him. I heard Toby joke about it before. I’m quite certain that he too believed it’s possible. Money and power can be intoxicating—especially at Blake’s impressionable age.

I stretched for five minutes or so before going to bed. It helps me sleep better and my body doesn’t ache as much if I stick to one side
during my entire sleep. The moment my head hit the pillow, I immediately went to sleep. Sometime during the night, I felt him bend over and softly brush my cheek with his lips and whisper, “Sleep well my Sienna.” Then he quietly left my room to go to his own.

I slept like a baby after that.

Still lounging in bed, his beige, fifteen-hundred count Egyptian cotton sheets haphazardly tangled on my legs, I looked across the room and stared at the sky through the windows.

I fe
lt well rested and
like I was myself again.

My face heated and my stomach coiled
as memories of the pool incident surfaced.

I groaned.

Damn that man.

He looked so good
. That body…my God.
Thinking about it made me all hot and bothered. I would never—for the life of me—fathom how I managed to decline his offer last night. It will undoubtedly baffle my psyche for the rest of my life.

Not hearing the door
creak open, I was surprised when Blake sat on the bed across from me, amused and sexy as hell. “Devising a plan to stay in bed all day, poppet?”

If he only knew…
how long can I endure—this longing—for him—before I succumbed to what my body is aching for?

I noticed that he had light stubble growi
ng on the sides of his face—it made him utterly and painstakingly gorgeous. How does one manage to look beautiful after waking up in the morning? I bet I look a fright.

I looked away from his face.
He caught me studying him several times already—much to my growing embarrassment.

He was w
earing a fitted black shirt and sheer black cotton pajamas; I would not have guessed in a million years that he was a pajama man. I would have thought commando was more along the lines of his thing.

Can we please
? I need to just rest and unwind,” I exclaimed.
I’m still tired from my trip.

Watching me intently,
he reached out brushing the hair off my face and tucking it behind me ear.   

“As you wish

I looked
up smiling to meet his gaze. “
” loving his easy, jovial demeanor.


My laugh abruptly halted
as he slid his body next to me. I stiffened. Strong hands pulled and hugged me from behind.

I want you
…my damn mind kept nagging.

The sudden feel
of hard chiseled chest made me shudder. I was frozen in shock.
hat happened to waiting?

His s
trong hand snaked around my waist, holding me tight, imprisoning me to the feel of him. The heavy thud of his wildly beating heart was proof that he was as affected as I was. My body was shaking with hunger,
hunger for Blake
—that seemed to be getting close to impossible to

…I just want to
you—I hardly slept knowing that you were sleeping in the next room—can this request be granted, my sweet Sienna?”

My body shivered
with anticipated excitement. I nodded, urging him on.

His lips touched softly behind my earlobe as he trailed soft kisses all the way down to
the base of my neck. Neatly pulling my hair to one side, neck exposed, he inhaled deeply.

He groaned with frustration.
A burst of lust surged from my aching core.

ust one kiss
, I thought wildly.
I just want a taste.
Turning around to face him, we closely stared at each other—intently. Electric current between us crackled and sizzled. It was heady—intoxicating—searing. 

My gaze fell on his lips.
One taste, that’s it.
Feeling bold I licked my own bottom lip.
It’s now or never. Do it

Slanting my head,
I kissed him very softly. A guttural sound came from his throat as he devoured my lips. His kiss was demanding with potent alacrity as I matched his passion.

This. Gorgeous. Man.
Wants. Me.

Hooking my leg on his hips
, locking them against me—the feel of him being
close—drove my body to a raging inferno.
I’m so screwed.

Feeling b
razen, I tugged and pulled his shirt off. I needed to


his hardened chest. I greedily stroked his chest as his kisses became rapacious. Encouraged from his groans, I kissed his neck and ran my whole hand on his chest, scratching his erect nipple.

Ahhhhh.” Blake howled from pain and pleasure.

He speedily fli
pped me on my back and kissed my swollen lips hard. He briskly opened my boxer-clad legs and positioned his hot, hard body above me. Our tongues clashed as I locked both of my legs on him. His erection pressed boldly against his sheer pajamas. The heat of his erection rubbing with urgency against my covered mound sent me into a tail spin.

We were on fire.
I felt his need, his frustration, his want, his desire from his blazing kisses.  The mixture was heady and downright intoxicating.

I broke
away from his mouth and moaned satisfyingly. The profound effect his body had on me was astounding. I felt drunk and more aroused than ever before.

Blake.” I gasped with my sex-awakened voice.

Gazing at me with lust-filled eyes, he grinded his hips harder
on my pussy—making me even wetter.       

Touch me.

hard like he ran a marathon, he sat back, looking over my wanton state.
I can’t breathe.
Time stood still.
He softly caressed the cleft of the boxers, over my pussy with his finger.

I whimpered and bit my lip,

Blake…what you do to me…

e evidence of my arousal seeped through the soaked silk fabric, wet and hot. His finger grazed it, teasingly and stopped right there—holding my gaze, he spoke. “You’re so beautiful—
you have no idea
—how much I want to fuck you—hard and fast as you scream my name when you orgasm. I want to feel you come apart beautifully while my cock fucks you harder.” Oh, shit. My throat ran dry, his eyes pure with torment. “You have no idea…how much this is killing me—but I’m keeping my promise.
You will be mine, Sienna
. Not just for your body, I want
from you—I’ll wait—you’re worth the wait.” His voice gruff but very much determined.

He shrugged
and looked away. Was he for real? What if I just want to get laid without the emotional hang ups?

are you serious
?” I croaked out, wide-eyed in disbelief.

The infuriating man k
issed me softly and quickly pulled his body away. “Breakfast will be ready and waiting in ten minutes.” With that, he left the bed and exited the door with an evident hard-on.

I was left with my mouth agape and still
wide opened legs, waiting to be ambushed.
Who. Does. That?

How can he just walk away when
I’m more than willing? It’s not the body he just wants to possess. He wants you—body and soul—and won’t settle just for your body.

He wants it all.

I had to get up and shower.

wouldn’t change his mind. Not until I’ve cleared my emotional closet and cleaned up all the cobwebs hanging loosely about.

How long will that take?

I cursed.

Fucking. Knightly.


Showered and dressed with Blake’s Manchester United football jersey,
I piled my hair up and went straight to the kitchen.

Upon entering, I stood
frozen and watched as Blake placed an omelet and bacon on both plates. His hair was still wet from the shower, bare-chested, wearing only his well-worn jeans, barefoot.

His defined torso and six-pack
made a rippling effect as he moved about. My mouth watered.
What is it with men in jeans and bare feet? The combination’s simply irresistible!

Was he trying to drive me insane?
He looks so deliciously yummy!

Feeling my presence
, he turned around. With a sexy grin, he sauntered to where I was standing, kissed my forehead and guided me to sit on the breakfast bar.

The hot chef asked. I nodded, unable to speak, still mesmerized by the charming barefoot-jean-clad god.

He went over to the coffee
pot. My eyes gawked as his impressive back muscles flexed as he moved. I retrained from licking that nicely sculpted back and that nice dipped curve along his spine. Yum!

This man is too sexy
; it’s criminal.

could stare at him all day without becoming bored. It was like eye porn and he was a delectable subject. But at the same time, I wanted to throttle him. Here he was, acting like a good host, like he didn’t leave me hanging and yearning in the bedroom.

Coffee poured,
he fixed it to my liking and placed the steaming cup in front of me with a sexy smirk. Blake’s eyes twinkled.

BOOK: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)
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