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Authors: D. Kelly

Chasing Cassidy (5 page)

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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“Well, Ryan, there are going to be a lot of happy women out there all ready to dry Zachary Stafford’s tears. After all, he is a hot commodity, having been voted Hottest Billionaire Under Thirty five years in a row,” the female news anchor replies.

Assholes. Since when does a person become a commodity?

“Not so fast, Felicity. These photos just came in. If insider reports are correct, Zachary Stafford is now
his fiancée in hopes to win her back.”

Photos of Nick dropping me off at the airport are now flashing across the screen.
At least I know Cassidy well enough to know she won’t be following the news. She’s likely shut down all electronics and cried herself to sleep by now.

“What do you think, ladies and gentleman? Is Zachary Stafford romantic or desperate? I mean, really, who gets left at the altar and tries to work things out? The phone lines are open we want to hear your thoughts,” Felicity says, smiling at the camera. I can’t take anymore. I flick the TV off and throw the remote. All my life I’ve been followed in some way because of my family’s fortune and I’ve dealt with it like a perfect gentleman. I’ve tried to keep Cassidy out of the public eye as much as possible, but I’m not going to be able to control this. They’re going to be all over us for weeks. Looks like I’m going to have to change plans.

My friend, Pete, runs a security firm in Hawaii. After locating his number, I fumble through my email for the address to the house I bought for Cassidy and me. It was supposed to be a surprise. Instead of following my mother’s honeymoon plans, I was going to whisk Cassidy off to our new vacation home. Now that she’s going to be headed for the hotel, I have to intercept her.

The phone rings three times and I let out a sigh of relief when he answers the phone. “Pete, it’s Zack.”

“Hey, Zack! How are you doing, man? Long time no talk,” Pete replies excitedly.

“I’ve been better, actually. Are you up for a job? I’m going to need a driver and four guards for at least a few days but could be for a few weeks. It’s a paparazzi detail.” Fuck, I hate this and Cassidy will hate it, too.

“Sure, man, I’ll take care of it myself. When do you need me to start?” he asks immediately, sounding like a professional and less like a friend.

“Tonight, actually. My fiancée, Cassidy, should be landing in about two hours. She’s on the family jet. I’ll need her escorted off and taken to the address I just emailed you. Don’t give her specifics. Just let her know the house is fully stocked, and per Mrs. Stafford’s instructions, she was moved from the hotel so she could be secluded from the media.”

“Yeah, man, got it. No problem. Anything else I should know?” Pete wants details and I can’t blame him; it’s the nature of his job. Pete owns one of the most prominent security firms in the country but he’s also been my friend since college. For one reason or another, he’s never met Cassidy and he’s so busy with work that taking time out to come to the wedding wasn’t possible.

“Cassidy left me at the altar and she’s running,” I say with a sigh.

“Shit, man, I’m sorry. That sucks.”

“Yeah, it does, but if she thinks my mom moved her, she’ll just go with the flow.”

“This girl… I know you’ve been together a long time. Is she worth it? I mean, worth tricking and chasing?” Pete’s not being judgmental; he’s just looking for facts.

“Cassidy has a complicated past and other than myself and my sister, there’s never been anyone she could count on. Her reflex is to run, which is why I need you. But is she worth it? I’d give up everything I have just to spend my life with her. She’s so fucking perfect, she makes me feel unworthy. Cassidy loves
for who
am, not for what my money can buy. What’s intimidating to her is the Stafford name, the legacy, the billions. It’s why she’s running, I know it. She doesn’t think she can measure up to us. Little does she know, we’ll never be able to measure up to
.” After four scotches, my words are flowing freely.

“Alright then, operation true love is in full swing. We’ll make sure she stays put. She won’t get past my men. How far behind her are you?” I hear him clicking away on his keyboard in the background.

“I’m about five hours behind her, so I’ll need a ride from the airport, too. I’m coming in on the company jet. I’m also sending you the gate code so you can get in. The house is on Sunset Beach, so it’s secluded, but you’ll probably want to station someone at the private beach entrance, as well.”

The onboard flight attendant approaches. “Mr. Stafford, we’re getting ready to take off. Please put your seatbelt on.” I nod my head in acknowledgement and buckle in.

“Zack, I’ve got it. Don’t worry about a thing. Whose house is this we’re taking her to? Do we have clearance to be there or do we need to be even more discreet than usual?”

“It’s ours. I bought it for Cassidy as a wedding gift, but she doesn’t know it yet.” It kills me that I’m not going to be there to see her reaction to the house, but it’s the only way to keep her away from the paparazzi for now.

“Okay, Zack, have a good flight. I’ll see you in a few hours. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

“Thanks, man,” I tell him, feeling much more at ease.



Ten years ago


“Dude, this party is going to be fucking epic!” Nick shouts excitedly as he lines up row after row of alcohol in his kitchen. I’m laughing at him and he promptly gives me the middle finger.

“Whenever your parents are out of town, your parties are always epic,” I tell him seriously.

“Yeah, but not like tonight. Tonight, Angelica Martin is coming over and since you don’t want her, I’m going to finally make my move.”

“Shit, you can have her. It would be nice to get her to leave me alone for a change. She’s really starting to get on Cassidy’s nerves.” It’s true. Angelica is pushy and way too forward but she also really puts Cassidy on edge, even though I keep telling her she has nothing to worry about. Cassidy is gorgeous and so is Angelica; they’re just

“Man, I don’t know how you put up with Cassidy’s constant insecurity,” Nick says, shaking his head. “It would only push me further away to constantly be doubted like that.”

I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe. “Cassidy doesn’t doubt
, dumbass, she doubts herself and you

At least Nick has the decency to look ashamed. “Yeah, I do, but after all this time… well, at least as long as you’ve been together you’d think she’d be okay by now.”

“Would you be okay?” I ask him pointedly.

“Honestly, man, I’m not sure I’d ever be okay,” he replies with a shrug.

Our conversation dies off and I get lost in the memory of that night.

We’re lying in the back of my truck in front of Nick’s house and it’s getting close to Cassidy’s curfew. “I should probably go in. It’s getting late and I don’t want my dad to freak out,” Cassidy says softly.

I pull her closer to me, weaving my hands through her soft, silky hair and let my lips hover above hers. “I love you, Cassidy Pope,” I whisper before taking her mouth in mine. When Cassidy’s lips touch mine, it’s as if the gateway to my soul opens. I run my tongue across her lips and when she finally parts them and grants me access to her mouth, my body burns for hers. The kiss begins slow and tantalizing, her tongue greeting mine in a welcome hello. My free hand slides under her sweater and caresses her breast and she moans into my mouth. My dick is so fucking hard. I wish I could take her right here even though I just had her less than an hour ago. I’ll never get enough of Cassidy. As long as I’m breathing, she owns me body and soul. When the kiss speeds up, I roll over and climb on top of her. Her hands move to my hips and she pulls me closer to her core. Fuck. I want her again. Slowly, I break away from her and look deep into her beautiful blue eyes.

“Go ask if you can spend the night with Rylee. I want you in my bed tonight.” I want her in my bed every night, but she’s not ready to hear that. Not yet.

She bites her lip and shakes her head. “You know I can’t, Zack. He knows you took me out tonight and he’ll suspect we’re up to something. I can’t risk it. I’m sorry.”

I roll over and adjust myself, trying to calm down. She sounds sad. I know she wants to come but I also know she’s right. And almost as if he could hear my thoughts, his voice roars into the quiet night.

“Cassidy! Get the hell into this house right now!”

Shit, this is going to be bad. His words are slurred and he’s shitfaced as usual. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the light go on in Nick’s room and then quickly flip back off. Cassidy hastily jumps up which is a big mistake because her sweater is askew and her hair is a mess. Sucking in a deep breath, I sit up, too, because she’s not going to deal with this alone. I’ll kill him this time if I have to.

“Girl, what the hell do you think you’re doing in the back of that truck with him? Are you out here fucking him for the whole damn neighborhood to see? You want to give the neighbors a show, do you? I’ll give them a show,” he yells as he lumbers over to my truck.

“Cassidy, stay here,” I command as I jump out of the back of the truck and into the street.

“Mr. Pope, we were just watching the stars and kissing. I promise we weren’t doing anything inappropriate, sir.”

I hate this man so much and sucking up to him is not something I ever want to do, but I will for Cassidy’s sake. He’s wearing an undershirt covered with stains and sweatpants. The grease on his hair proves how long it’s been since he’s showered but based off his signature stink of whiskey and sweat, his lack of cleanliness is obvious.

“Get out of my way, boy. I see my daughter and I don’t need to hear your sorry excuses. Just because your family has more money than God doesn’t make you better than us.” He’s always so judgmental.

“No, sir, I agree money does not make the man.”

“Are you talking down to me now?” he asks, getting up in my face, and it’s taking all my strength not to punch him in his fucking mouth.

“Daddy, please leave him alone,” Cassidy calls out from behind me.

“No, sir, I’m not talking down to you. I wouldn’t do that,” I answer, trying to redirect his attention from Cassidy. I’ve never understood how such a beautiful girl came from such a demon bastard.

“Damn straight you wouldn’t, you piece of shit, because then I wouldn’t let you date my princess,” he says with a sneer.

His princess my ass. More like his punching bag.

“I love her, sir, and I would never treat her or you with disrespect and jeopardize that.”

The laugh coming from his mouth is pure evil. “Did you hear that, girl? He thinks he loves you. Haven’t you told him you’re unlovable yet? Love doesn’t exist, Zack, and my princess knows that better than anyone. I’ve taught her good. At least man up and admit you just want a piece of ass because that is more believable than love.”

Holy shit. Did he really just call her unlovable? That son of a bitch. Just as I’m about to give his sorry ass a piece of my mind, he bellows at her again.

“Cassidy, I’m not going to tell you again to get out of that truck and into the house.” She scrambles out of the truck and the look in her eyes is heartbreaking. She extends her hand, reaching out for mine but when she does, he snaps.

The next thing I know, his hand is around her wrist, he pulls hard, and there’s a loud pop. Cassidy screams as she falls to the ground. She moves to get up but when she tries to push off the ground with her wrist, she cries out in pain. I bend over to help her and he throws me off her and onto the ground. I’ve had all I can take of this bastard.

“Don’t fucking touch my daughter!” he screams and Cassidy jumps up, using her other arm for support. She comes to me and tries to help me up. The fucking bastard is strong, I’ll give him that—I think I cracked a rib.

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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