Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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An hour later Finn stood before The Black Yellowcock, having had no luck at the other two places. He glanced at the sign. It had originally been simply called “The Yellowcock” after the bird that had stunningly beautiful feathers and was absolutely delicious to eat—if you could catch it. But now the sign was so filthy it looked like a black bird and not a yellow one, hence the new name to which someone had painted the additional word over the top.

As soon as he entered, he gave a sigh of relief. His intuition had paid off. Emily was there. He grinned at the gorgeous sight of her as she worked cleaning the tables before opening time and was suddenly aware of how much he missed her.

There was no one else around as the bar wouldn’t open for a while, and he had an undiluted view of her. His initial thought was that she looked rather pale and wondered if she had been working too hard.

His ruminations came to an end when she turned and saw him standing there.


Just the way he wanted to be greeted by his wife.

That got his back up, and his reply was more sarcastic than he intended, “And I missed you, too,
. How have you been?”

“I’m not going with you. I have a job here, and I like it.”

Sauntering further into the room, he declared, “Tough. You are promised to me, and I intend to collect on it.”

She stepped back a few paces as he stalked her. “Why couldn’t you stay in Frontier? The bar there was all yours.”

He continued to move forward until he had her trapped against the countertop. “Because I didn’t want the bar. I wanted you.”

“You can’t have me. I’m not for sale,” she snarled at him. “If I wanted to sell myself to a man, I would have got a job at the brothel!”

Tightening his lips, he responded to her hurtful comment, “You’d better not. Judge Wright decreed that you are to be my wife and that still stands. I will go to the law enforcer here if you resist.”

She pushed back at him. Finn was slightly-built, and she managed to make him stagger back a step. With her hands on her hips she confronted him. “Try that, and I will only run away again.”

“Christ. What is it going to take to bring you into line?”
. He didn’t mean to sound like a bore, but she was exasperating him.

“You think you’re man enough?” she taunted. “Why do you think I’ve had a succession of men go through my bed all these years?”

That was the final straw, and as she walked away from him, instinct took over and he strode over to her. Swinging her around, he then bent and pulled her over his shoulder.

Emily seemed to be momentarily taken aback as she failed to resist him. That didn’t last long before she started kicking her legs and pummeling his back. Finn staggered. Yes, he was slender of frame, but he was strong despite being wiry due to all the travelling he did. But he hadn’t reckoned on a fiery woman lashing out as best she could.

Keeping a firm grip on her legs so that she didn’t kick him in his face, he pushed open the doors to the bar and looked around. He found the object he was looking for just a few paces away and quickly walked to it.

Dipping his shoulder, he let Emily go—right into the horse trough.

She shrieked as cold water flew up, and Finn had to step back a pace to avoid getting a dunking himself.

“Had enough? Are you going to do as you are told, or do I shove you back in again?”

“You fucking bastard. I hate you,” Emily yelled as she staggered to her feet.

He sighed. Clearly she hadn’t got the message that he wouldn’t let her go.
. He’d have to think of something else.

Before she could climb out, Finn pulled her, dripping wet, into his arms and made his way back into the building he had just vacated. By now a crowd of people was beginning to stare at their antics, but he hardly noticed them, so intent was he on getting the upper hand with this woman who plagued him.

Slamming Emily on her back on the nearby table, he held her wrists down with his hands. Unfortunately, that meant her legs were free to kick out. He swore as she nearly got him in a vulnerable place and kneed aside her legs so he could stand in between.

She still lashed out, but there was no chance now of her causing any vital damage to a part of his body he was very fond of!

It wasn’t easy to hold her down, particularly as anger gives a person strength, particularly an irate woman who had been swearing volubly throughout.

“Dammit, stay still.”

“Go and fuck yourself, entertainer. You might sing soprano then.”

Her struggles were wearing him down, so he decided he needed to do something quickly. Gathering both of her arms into one hand, he used his other to raise her sopping wet skirt and darted underneath to rub his thumb over her clit. Oh yes, that worked. Emily suddenly went still.

So abrupt was her immobility he nearly fell on top of her. Taking advantage of the unexpected surcease, he released her hands and leaned down to lick her pussy.

He hadn’t been with many women, although in his work it was easier to have a stolen night with a woman than most men. He did know he thoroughly enjoyed the smell of an aroused woman, and this was the aroma coming from her now. He wondered if it was just from touching her or him dominating her. Was Emily the sort of woman who needed a strong hand? He was fast becoming aware that she loved sex so much she could be calmed from her quick temper by some strategic placing of his hands on her body.

Her hands grabbed hold of his hair tightly, and her words proved his theory. “Jesus, Finn, you have a wicked tongue.”

Raising his mouth from her body, he chuckled. “Like that, do you?”

“You’re not going to stop, are you?”

Resting his hands on either side of her waist, he moved over her. “Oh—I could have sworn that you did not want me. Was I mistaken?”

Her answer was a growl as she reached up to drag him back over her, pulling on his hair until his lips covered his, her tongue pushing into his mouth to take control.

Not breaking the kiss, he reached down to swiftly undo his trousers and remove his cock, which was pretty hard by all the rubbing against him during their fight.

Taking hold of it, he drove into her moist pussy.

Emily’s head fell back as she moaned. “Uhhh, God, you are so big.” Her attention was clearly taken away from his actions as she then asked, “How can such a slight person be so large?”

“Shut up, Emily,” was his response as he thrust into her, his chest coming to rest over her breasts.

Bending his head, he kissed the top her globes, and removing her hands from his hair which was falling over his face as usual, he pushed them down onto the table by her head. She laughed huskily and let him hold her there as he thrust into her. A motion he managed very easily, as she was so wet.

He grinned down at her and got an answering smile back, but then he frowned. When they made love, he knew that she loved it, so why had she run from him?

“Hey, lover, you’ve got me where you want to, so don’t stop now.”

“I’m going to stop your smart mouth, woman.” He bent forward again and took her lips in a punishing kiss. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen after this, but he was certainly sure he was going to enjoy this particular moment as he may never get another chance, knowing her propensity for independence.

Chapter Eleven


“Oh God, Finn. That feels good.”

Robin could hardly accept what he was seeing let alone what he was hearing. His enemy, Finn, was making love—no, having sex—with Emily in broad daylight in a public place. And even worse, Emily was enjoying it.

He had arrived at The Black Yellowcock a few minutes ago, wondering what on Duo the crowd was looking at. When he had gotten to a window, he couldn’t believe his eyes and had stumbled into the building, having used his strength to push through the eager spectators and then stood dumbfounded, not sure whether to charge forward and pull Finn away from Emily or turn around and leave before they noticed him. Instead he was stunned at the sight, unable to bring himself to move one way or another.

Emily was lying on her back on a table, her skirt, which appeared to be dripping wet for some bizarre reason, was bunched up around her waist, and Finn was between her legs bending over her, his body plastered against hers with his trousers around his ankles, his naked backside gleaming whitely.

From what Robin could ascertain, Finn’s mouth was over one of Emily’s breasts, and he was sucking. Her chin had risen up as she arched her back. He assumed because she wanted more. Her hands were held to the table, and she almost frantically wound her legs around Finn’s waist tightly.

“Don’t stop, please.”

Robin heard Finn chuckle at Emily’s plaintive cry as he kissed his way down her body, wrenching her wet blouse further apart, its ends falling to her side. From this position Robin could see one breast, its nipple hard and erect, still wet from the previous sucking.

Suddenly Robin was aware of his own cock hardening. He never thought the sight of other people having sex would turn him on. He winced.
Why did it have to be Finn of all people?

When a noise penetrated his anguished thoughts, he turned his head and saw faces at the window and peering excitedly through the door. He gasped. He’d forgotten the crowd outside, all keen to see the action taking place inside. Their faces showed their delight—and their lust. Some looked surprised. Some looked shocked. But most were thoroughly enjoying the view.

Feeling sick, Robin wanted to go home, to remove himself from all this, away from the woman he idolized so much that he had chased her all over the planet and who now had clearly chosen the other man, rejecting him.

But before he got a chance to move someone else came into the room, his voice loudly carrying through the people. “Okay, break it up. What’s going on in here?”

The craggy, middle-aged newcomer who had followed Robin into the building was a law enforcer, and Robin swore at this new turn of events.

Coming to a halt a few steps into the building, the man’s body tensed when he finally noticed what was going on. “Christ almighty, Emily! What in tarnation are you doing?”

Robin grimaced as the couple on the table wrenched apart guiltily and saw him standing there, watching them. Emily looked sulky as she jerked her blouse around her body, stopping prying eyes from seeing her bare chest. Finn didn’t seem bothered with his nakedness. He just looked triumphant.

Sod the man.
If he ever got Finn by himself in a dark alley, he was going to wipe that smile from his face.

Much to Robin’s annoyance, Finn got down from the table very nonchalantly, grinning at him the whole time, as he pulled up his trousers and tucked his now wilting cock back inside, doing them up slowly. Robin’s thought was that at least he had interrupted their intercourse and felt his cheeks get warm as he tried not to look down at Finn. Instead he stared at Emily who, as soon as Finn was off her, had turned her back to everyone to do up her blouse.

“It’s okay, Morgan,” explained Finn, who obviously knew the law enforcer. “We’re married.”

Robin started.
How had he managed to do that so quickly?
Finn couldn’t have arrived in town much sooner than him. Then he realized Finn must have been referring back to the ceremony that Robin had interrupted back in Frontier.

“Emily’s married?” queried the law enforcer, clearly surprised. “I didn’t know that. But that doesn’t mean you two can create a public spectacle. For God’s sake, take it upstairs, or I will have to charge you with lewd practice.”

As the law enforcer turned to usher the crowd away, Robin stopped him in his tracks gleefully pointing out, as he crossed his arms, “But they’re

Finn stared daggers at him.

Morgan turned back with a frown on his face. “What? But
just said—”

Before Robin could open his mouth Finn strode over and stated, “The judge in Frontier gave Emily to

Robin stepped forward a pace to confront Finn, his hands closing into fists ready to start another fight if necessary. “The marriage never took place, and anyway,
was the last person to have sex with Emily.”

Finn turned his head in the direction of the woman in question, who was hovering in the back looking as if she was about to take flight again given half a chance. Robin wasn’t going to allow her the opportunity this time.

But Finn’s voice was gleeful. “Oh, I’d say you’re wrong on that count. Surely what you just saw tells you that
am, in fact, the last person to have sex with her,” he declared, reminding everyone what had been happening when they’d been disturbed. Robin growled, his hands itching to strangle the man.

“Okay, you two, simmer down. Emily…” Morgan started to say as she inched toward the door. He then saw she was sidling away from them. “Emily, come here.” The law enforcer’s voice brooked no refusal.

Although pouting, she did as he demanded. Robin had to hold back a grin at her expression. She might be an older woman, but she wasn’t too old for childish sulks.

BOOK: Chasing Emily [Duoterra 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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