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Copyright 2016
, all rights reserved.

part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This
book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead,
is entirely coincidental.

This book is for a mature audience only
due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.


Chapter One


The way I treated
her was disgusting.

The things I did
to her in the sheets should be illegal.

That’s how fucking nasty and exciting
they were.

I never claimed to
be the knight and shinning armor that she wanted because the truth was that I
wasn’t. I had never been a hero and I never would be… I was bad. I was a really
bad guy. Every girl in the damn city knew it.

But that was all
part of the thrill.

The danger of the
game is half of the excitement but I didn’t play for just the high of it all, I
played to win. And I didn’t want to just win by an inch: I wanted to dominate
it so bad that people wouldn’t know what hit them, so they would be begging for
more without even knowing why.

Hell, I didn’t
want to treat her that way.

I didn’t want her
to get caught up in the crazy bullshit I had created around me… but she just
couldn’t let it go. And that meant I had to keep her at a distance because
anyone who got too close ended up just as damaged as I was.

She wanted to save

I couldn’t even
safe myself.

The first time I
saw her was way before I saved her life.

Years before,
actually, she stood in line at a coffee shop around the corner from this girl’s
house I had banged the night before. I would have never been on that side of
town ordinarily but as fate would have it I’d met some blonde at a bar who was
just dying for a piece of Braden Nash.

Join the club,

So, there she was,
standing in line like she had been placed there for the sole purpose of my
amusement. A small jean skirt barely covered her round ass and her white
t-shirt only added to the whole innocent girl thing she had going on. Her face
was bare of much makeup, her dark brown hair hung in long waves down her back
and the first thing that flashed into my mind was how good she would look on
her knees looking up at me with that mouth wrapped around my thick shaft.

I licked my lips
in satisfaction and then she looked over at me, locking her eyes on mine and
something changed. I was used to girls blushing at the sight of me or flocking
over to where I was, young billionaire Braden Nash was big news in LA. The heir
to the Nash family fortune and business female attention wasn’t something I
ever had to worry about. I’d long ago been pegged the playboy in the press and
it was a title I carried proudly much to my father’s annoyance.

She didn’t look
impressed though, she just looked sad, empty.

And by the time I
had gotten my coffee she had vanished. Never to be seen or thought of by me
again. But timing was a funny thing and it had other plans for me. Seventy-two
hours later my father was murdered in front of me and events were set into
motion that were beyond anyone’s control, especially hers, because the truth
was that I wasn’t even sure how the obsession had gotten so strong. But it had
and once I was in so deep there was no getting out… no matter what the cost

But, like I said,
that was before the countless hours of training. Before I rescued her from one
of the worst night of her life, before she became infatuated with uncovering my
secret, before I had to trick her into working for me just so I could keep an
eye on her…and way before I knew how sweet she tasted.

But love had
always been a dangerous thing, especially when you had a million secrets no one
could ever find out about. Because finding out was a matter of life and death,
a matter of being seen or disappearing forever, and some secrets were better
left buried.

No matter how far
you had to go to keep them that way.

Or what you had to
lose in the process.

My name had always
been Braden Nash…

But my story was
just beginning.


Chapter Two



My eyes snapped
open into the darkness. My heart was beating so fast that I feared it was going
to explode all over the inside of my chest. I looked around the room rapidly,
trying to make out any figures in the darkness.

But there was

No one was in my
bedroom. Everything was as it should be.

I allowed myself
to let out a breath I’d been holding in and glanced at the clock on the
nightstand. 2:07 A.M. I’d been waking up in the middle of the night like clock
work for the past few weeks, ever since the news reports had started. It was
ridiculous, like out of all the houses in the entire city of Los Angeles the LA
rapist was going to pick mine to come into.

I threw back my
covers and allowed my feet to hit the cold wood floor. Might as well fill out
some more applications if I was going to be awake anyway. Finding a job had
been a struggle since I’d been laid off earlier this month. Apparently
businesses weren’t that impressed by a shy 24 year old with an English degree
from a community college.

I had just passed
my closet door when I heard it.


I stopped and
glanced at the doors of my wardrobe, frozen in place. But when I listened more
carefully I heard nothing, no sound coming from anywhere in the room once
again. I sighed loudly.

I was really
starting to lose it. I placed one foot in front of the other again and told
myself to get over my craziness.

And then the
closet door swung open and a man lunged out at me, wrapping his arms around my
throat. My first thought was to scream for my life and I did until he shoved
his hand over my mouth and dragged me across the floor back to my bed.

“Shut up,” he
barked. “Shut the fuck up right now.”

He forced my body
to the top of my mattress and slammed my head against the wooden frame. A
stinging pain filled my brain and the room started to spin. I cried out, the
pain, the ringing.

He shoved a hand
over my mouth to silence me.

His hands smelled
like grime and mutt, his breath was rapid and his eyes filled with something
I’d never seen on a human before in my years on earth. I squirmed under his
touch and he licked his lips harshly.

“If you scream
it’s going to be a lot worse for you. Do you understand me?” His dark gaze
looked into mine filled with demons of evil and rage. “I don’t want to kill
you, Addison, but I will.”

A tear slipped out
of my eye at the mention of my name.

He saw my reaction
and grinned. “That’s right, I know your name, baby. Just like I know where your
mother lives and where you nephew goes to school. Now if you’re a good girl,
nothing will happen to them. If you’re a bad girl though, well, I guess what
happens to them will be on your hands, won’t it?”

Dread washed over
my body. I hadn’t been paranoid at all the past few weeks. He had been watching
me, waiting for the perfect moment to make his move. And now he knew me, he
knew my routine and that no one was going to come and rescue me because no one
ever came over at this time of the night. And my family, he knew all about
them. Where they lived, where they worked. He’d been following me and I lead him
right to them.

Guilt consumed my
bones at the mere thought.

“I’m going to take
my hand away from your mouth now and you’re not going to scream. Do you
understand me, Addison?” His pale skin somehow shimmered in the darkness of the

I nodded my head yes.

He slowly removed
his hand from my lips and when I didn’t make a sound a sly smile came across
his face. “Good girl.” He lifted his hand to my face and pushed a stray piece
of hair back from my face. “That’s a good girl.”

“You don’t have to
do this,” I whispered. “It’s not too late. You can leave, I wont tell anyone
you were hear, I swear.” I’d been looking for any kind of compassion in him,
any kind of human emotion.

But it was of no

He ran his fingers
down my neck and over one of my breasts. “Well, that’s just so sweet of you but
I think I’m good where I am.” And then he leaned down and kissed me full on the

I gasped into him
and squirmed under his touch but when that didn’t work I had no choice but to
bite him on the lip. He pulled back, fury on his face. His hand went back up to
my neck, holding me in place and then he leaned down and licked me across my
face. “You taste just like I thought you would.”

Panic washed over
me and my survival mode set in. The only thing I could think about was that I
needed to get out of there. I needed to fight. I pulled my leg back and kneed
him as hard as I could in the groin and it caused him to be distracted for a
second but it was of little use because his upper body still overpowered mine
and he pulled me back down on the bed in only a matter of seconds.

“You fucking
cunt,” he howled. He pulled his hand back and smacked me across the face hard.
“Now you’re going to get it.” He started fumbling with his pants with one hand
and tore my t-shirt down the center with the other.

Panic overwhelmed
my entire body. This was really happening. This was really going to happen to
me. I was going to have a part of me taken that I would never get back.

The thought added
to my terror and I let out one last scream, praying that somehow, someone
somewhere would hear me and call the cops or come over and find out what the
hell was going on.

The man slapped me
against the head again, harder this time and I felt my eyes roll back in my
head, startled from the contact. The tears dripped down faster as I felt his
hands at the top of my pants, a smile of pure satisfaction plastered on his

This was it.

But the smile got
replaced with a look of surprise as the man was yanked backward off me and
thrown on the ground. He lets out a loud yelp from the floor and got up after a
second, ready for a fight.

At first I thought
someone had called the cops or a neighbor had heard the commotion and came
running over but the man who stood across my attacker was like nothing I’d ever
seen before. Black jeans and shirt covered by a black leather jacket. Flat
boots covered his feet and black gloves hid his hands from view.

The man who broke
into my house looked just as confused by the development as I did. “Who the
hell are you?”

The stranger in
black didn’t answer, tilting his head to the side just an inch instead. The
attacker wasted no more time and lunged toward him quickly but the mystery man
laid him out almost effortlessly and in a blink his body was on the floor

“Ahhh,” the guy
yelled out. “You son of a bitch! I think you, you broke my leg!”

The figure in
black didn’t speak, leaning down instead and grabbing the guy by the back of
the head before he dragged him to the other side of my bedroom, ignoring his
screaming and pleading.

“My leg, please,
my leg!” He reached down and held the top of his thigh in his hand. “I’m… I’m
sorry, please.” He looked up at the men in black with fear in his eyes, begging
for any type of sympathy.

The stranger
picked up his foot and shoved his boot into my attackers broken leg causing him
to scream out so loud that I was sure the walls were shaking. I looked away,
suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. The sight of torture was too much for me,
even to someone who deserved it.

When I finally
looked back up he had produced a thing of rope and handcuffs out of nowhere and
was busy wrapping them around the guy’s hands and legs, having him tied up in a
matter of seconds before opening my closet door and shoving him inside.

He paused before
he closed the door and stared down at the mess of the man in front of him, the
man who had seemed so scary to me seconds before. “You’re lucky I’m in a good
mood today or you’d be leaving here in a box.” His voice sounded robotic and
emotionless. I could practically feel the satisfaction that magnified off him
as the man continued to scream out in pain on the closet floor. And then he
slammed the door shut and turned around, facing me for the first time.

I gasped at the
sight of him. He had a mask on his face, all black with a green tint where his
eyes should be. He moved toward the bed like he walked on clouds instead of
ground, gliding like something out of this universe.

I grabbed the
blanket off my bed and held it over my body that was partly revealed thanks to
the struggle. The green tints looked me over slowly like he was trying to
figure something out. “It’s okay,” he said slowly. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

It occurred to me
just how off his voice really was, almost computer sounding. It sounded like it
had been altered in some way or another. “Who… who are you?”

He shook his head.
“That’s not important. You need to call the police.”

My body started
shaking beyond my control. “I can’t… I can’t move.”

He closed the
distance between us and sat on the edge of my bed. His closeness didn’t scare
me the way I had thought it would. “Yes, you can. You need to get up and call
the police right now.”

I bring my knees
to my chest. “He knows where my family is…”

“I’m not going to
let anything happen to your family.” The dark stranger reassured me as a loud
moan came from the inside of the closest. “I promise you, no one is going to
hurt them.” He reached out slowly and took my hand in his and even through the
glove I felt electricity shooting up and down my entire body. “But right now I
need you to go and call the cops so they can put this guy where he deserves.
Can you do that for me?”

I looked at his
face, trying to see through the mask, trying to understand who this man was and
what was happening. He had saved me, like a knight and shining armor he had
come out of nowhere when I needed him more than I’d never needed anyone in my

But still, I felt
frozen in place.

I was unable to
move. Unable to process what the hell was happening.

I shook my head.
“I can’t… I…”

The mask man
dropped my hand and moved closer to me. “Get up,” he sounded meaner now, rude
and angry. “We don’t have time for this. You need to call the police and now or
this isn’t going to end well for any of us.”

“But I…”


I pushed the
covers back, startled by his change in demeanor and leaped out of my bed.
Suddenly I felt full of determination. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and
unlocked it, hit 911 and waited for the operator to come on. When she finally did
I spat my address off as fast as I could, telling her someone had broken in and
tried to kill me.

But when I spun
around a second later to tell my knight the cops were on their way the room was
completely empty and the only sign of his presence at all was an open window on
the other side of the room, the curtain flowing slowly in the wind of the
nighttime breeze.

I hadn’t even
heard him leave.

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