Read Chloe's Donor Online

Authors: Sabine Ferruci

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Chloe's Donor (8 page)

BOOK: Chloe's Donor
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She moaned with frustration. “I can’t.”

“I’ll help you out, sweetheart.” To her dismay, he caressed one of her knees while he lifted his hips and reached into his pocket for his keys. He flipped open a small contraption that gleamed and began to cut her cotton skirt straight up the front. Standing, he slipped it out from beneath her and tore several long strips that he attached to the legs of the couch near her head. He presented the two ends to her.

“Hold on to these, baby.” She gripped each piece of cloth tightly. Dev kissed each wrist and then wound the slack cloth about her arms until there was just a small tail hanging near her elbow. “Every time you think you need to move, I want you to pull real hard on these bindings.”

Chloe knew she could unwind her arms anytime she wanted, but she felt bound and staked out for his pleasure. A shudder ran through her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Daddy will let you go when you’ve shown what a good girl you can be.” The couch beneath her had to be drenched.

He sat at her side and traced his fingers over her breasts through her cotton blouse, while his other hand pulled her underwear more tightly against her and traced his finger over the wet silk at her core. Chloe pulled hard on the makeshift rope, squeezed her eyes shut, forcing her hips to stay still. His hands left her panties. “Watch me.”

She opened her eyes and met his smoldering gaze. Part of her wanted to kick him when she saw a hint of a satisfied grin twitch at his lips. But another part wanted to do what he asked and bring him to his knees. She licked her lips and let her legs drift further apart, never letting her eyes leave his. “Like this, Daddy?” she asked in her best little girl voice.

The muscle twitching in his suddenly stern face was answer enough. Very soon, his clever blade had divided the front of her blouse, but to her amazement, he merely carved out two tight openings in her bra for her nipples, which he carefully lifted through before tucking her shirt tightly behind her. “Beautiful.” He returned his keychain to his pocket and reached for her nipples, plucking and pressing, nudging and gently pulling.

Chloe gasped and pulled again on her bindings, never letting her gaze drop from his. “That’s my girl,” he murmured, dropping his head to her nipples and rewarding her by cupping her mound as he mouthed her nipples with soft sucking kisses. He placed a thumb on her clit and pressed through the wet silk, allowing his other fingers to drift down over her swollen lips, now dissected by the tight cloth.

Pulling so tightly she could hear the material rip, Chloe froze her lower body and gasped. “Dev. Please.”

He lifted his head. “What does my little girl want?”

She narrowed her eyes, trying to ignore the throbbing in her vagina. She was so close. “Your little girl wants to come. And it better be damn soon.”

He laughed and stood up near her head. “Daddy wants to keep his little girl happy.” Leaving the button of his jeans fastened, he carefully unzipped his fly and lifted his engorged penis and balls free, glaringly male against the dark cloth of his jeans. He tucked the bottom of his t-shirt into the top of his jeans so that her view would not be obscured. “Is this what my little girl wants?”

“Yes,” she snapped. She wanted it more than her next breath.

His knife appeared again and he cut the bindings near the floor, leaving the ends trail off of her arms. He lifted her off the couch and had her stand at the end of the couch, leaning over the arm, making sure there was no pressure on her womb by putting couch cushions beneath her breasts and shoulders. The whole time, his hard cock bobbed around in front of her, tantalizing her with its nearness. She wanted to lathe and caress and suck him until his head would explode with the rest of him.

He kneeled on the couch in front of her. “You see something you like, baby?”

Oh, yes, and she’d show him just how much. Letting the ends of the black bindings drift over him, she slowly wrapped it under his sack and pulled him forward. Without warning, she engulfed him whole, taking as much as she could fit. The only time she stopped the suction was to murmur her approval against his shaft.

“Christ!” he hissed, holding her face and prying her lips off of him. “You play dirty, lady.” She would have laughed if she wasn’t in such need.

Dev quickly moved around behind her and tugged and pulled on her makeshift g-string. She heard his knife again as he cut holes in the crotch, but left the silk pulled tightly against her core. His fingers fluttered through her juices, skipping over her engorged lips, making her whimper with need.

Positioning his cock at her needy vagina, he slowly rocked against her, pulling her panties tight with one hand and smoothing his wet finger against her sensitized back opening. She sucked in a breath at the strange sensation, and felt his cock enter the lips of her vagina, tantalizing in its nearness. Each time he pressed deeper, his finger pressed more firmly against her rear opening. He reached around with his other hand and grabbed the bindings that were still draped around her arms, curling them up in his large fist.

With one final thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, his finger slipping inside her simultaneously, and draped his still clothed body over her back. The complete fullness, the sight of his hand around her bindings, lifting her arms in front of her, the rasp of the rough jeans against her backside and his t-shirt against her naked back were all too much for her. He reared back and thrust again, hissing in her ear, “Come for me now.”

She clenched around him, throbbed around his thickness, each convulsion rippling throughout her body, pulsing to her nipples, stiffening her limbs, melting her heart, and fusing her forever to his soul. There was no doubt. She was his.




Chapter Seven


For the eighty-first time since returning from his physical therapy session, Dev’s eyes drifted to the painting on his apartment wall. With no qualms at all, he had procured it from Chloe’s living room yesterday morning and hauled it back to North Carolina. He figured he deserved full custody of something, even if it was destined to drive him bat shit.

“B.D., this is Houston. Come in B.D.” Rick Price, one of his oldest Delta buddies, was sprawled on Dev’s worn out couch, looking comfortable in a wrinkled Hawaiian shirt, cut offs and a worn pair of flip flops. His dark hair was nearly grown out to his shoulders and his skin was tan from his recent assignment abroad. Best of all, he was conveniently off the deployment roster for the next thirty days.

“I’ve got a favor to ask.”

“Does it have something to do with the luscious babe in the painting?”

Dev wanted to smash in Rick’s face for just admiring Chloe’s image, which was a real pisser since he was about to ask his friend to do oh so much more to the real woman. “I need for you to go to Atlanta for a week or so.”

Rick took a swig of his water. “Not a problem. I’m always up for a road trip.”

“My friend, Chloe ....” Dev stopped to clear his throat and nodded toward the painting. “Actually, she’s temporarily sort of my wife.” When Rick did no more than lift an eyebrow, Dev continued on. “She needs an alarm system in her house.”

Rick’s eyes narrowed and he started to peel the label off of the water bottle. “And the reason you can’t put in the alarm system is, what? Your scheduled tee time with the General?”

Dev hated the fucking game of golf. “Screw you. I’ll ask someone else.”

Rick snorted. “That I’ve got to see.”

Dev rubbed his throbbing forehead. His empty apartment with its roomy, vacant bed had not inspired sleep last night and asking for a favor was harder than hiking twenty clicks with a full pack. Rick and he had that in common, along with a lot of other shared history, so one of them usually snagged the other when they were in any kind of bind.

“Look. The marriage is not really working out.”

“Uh huh. You look real unhappy in that painting.” Rick looked up at the portrait while he took another swig of water. “What’s the problem? Is that someone else’s bun in the oven?”

“Christ, how did you manage to stay alive until now, Price?” Dev snapped. “You never know when to back off.”

Rick leaned forward and set the bottle down, flexed his hands, and subtly shifted his weight to the balls of his feet.
Smart man
. He knew Dev was one micron away from kicking his ass. Or trying to.

“I’m not jumping into a mission half-assed,” said Rick, “without
idea of what the hell is going on. Especially since it’s
wife we’re talking about. I’d feel safer going back to Baghdad wearing a t-shirt with an American flag.” When Dev remained silent, Rick continued, all humor gone from his eyes. “If you want my cooperation, cough up some Intel. Is it your kid or not?”

“Yes.” It gave him fierce satisfaction to say it.

“And you don’t want to hang around the pregnant mom.” Rick stood up and walked closer to the painting, then whistled softly. “It’s obviously not because she’s butt ugly. Is she a nutcase?” He looked back over his shoulder. “A chatty Cathy in the sack?”

When Dev merely glared at him, he put his hands in his back pockets and forged ahead. “Did she turn off the nookie when she got the ring on her finger?” Rick wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk, obviously willing to keep it up until he got the truth. Or got Dev to go for his throat.

Since the latter was so tempting, Dev straightened out his sore knee and limped over to the window, which overlooked the not so scenic suburban Fayetteville. “Look. She’s okay. Better than okay.” He turned back to his friend. “But I need to back off before I .…”

“Can’t leave?”

“Get screwed by a woman again. It’s only a matter of time before she finds someone else. I’d rather it be sooner than later.”

Rick’s eyes widened. “And you want
to be the sooner?” He wandered to the kitchen counter and leaned back on his elbows. The casual maneuver strategically positioned the couch between them. “As I recall, you nearly ripped your baby brother’s head off three years ago for doing a similar favor for you with your fiancé.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t ask Connor to do me any favors with Susan. He plunged in all by himself.”

“To show you what a two-timing bitch she was.”

It was true, and he really needed to smooth things over with his brother, but that would wait until this was settled. “All I want you to do is show up, take a few days to put in the alarm system, and see how things go with her, see if she’s interested. I left a note telling her you’d be coming to do the install and that you’d need a place to stay.”

“That’ll make it convenient for our hump-a-thon.”

talk about her like that.”

“Of course I’ll have to bone up on positions. I’ve never done a pregnant woman before.”

Dev’s teeth were probably a millimeter shorter from all his grinding. “Just let me know whether she was interested or not, okay?” A flash of taking Chloe from behind against her couch threatened his sanity. “No details.”

“You know that you’re fucked up, right? This is

“What else is new?”

“One last item, Einstein. What if I fall for her? What if
not afraid of staying? You want me raising your kid?”

Dev ground his jaw even harder. He pulled the sheet with Chloe’s info off of his printer and handed it to Rick. “Call me when you get back.”

“Uh huh.” Rick grabbed it with obvious disgust. “ I’m sure you’ll want to kick back and compare notes over a beer.”

* * * *

Chloe leaned her head back on the rocker and inwardly groaned when the screen door onto the back porch opened and swished closed. Dev’s ‘buddy’ Rick had arrived two days ago. He’d started work on the alarm system and was popping up unexpectedly in every room in the house. Unfortunately, her sexual-overture-pop-up blocker was seriously outdated for her current environment.

Her heart wasn’t consumed with Rick, but he was sexy in his own right and her body was definitely on low simmer. It was downright embarrassing.

“Hey Chloe. Can you come in and hold a window up for me?”

When she sensed Rick’s presence in front of her, she opened her eyes. Yep. No overnight change. Battered khaki shorts, hiking boots, and shoulder length hair were the only coverings on the bronzed muscular physique of Dev’s buddy. He currently leaned back on the railing of her porch, and when her eyes reached Rick’s chocolate brown gaze, she sensed that he was waiting for her to give him a sign. Like lick the drip of sweat running down his ....

Window. Right.
“Of course.”

He reached out to take her hand and assist her from the rocker. His grip was sure, and under other circumstances, she might have followed his slight tug and tumbled against that luscious, smooth chest.

Instead, she stepped away. Pulling up her braid, she let the overhead fan blow on her heated skin as she moved toward the door. Even though Chloe was chagrined with this annoying physical attraction to her most recent male roommate, she decided to give herself a break. She was supercharged with hormones and the man would have tempted s nun.

When she stepped through the door he held open, he stopped her with a touch on her bare shoulder. “I’m going to finish up tonight around seven. Can I take you out to dinner?”

Since she was sick of moping around without Dev, she gave Rick a bright smile. “Yes.”

For a half second, he looked surprised and even hesitant. But before she could rescind, he shrugged his shoulders and gave her a sexy grin. “The only condition is that we pick up some of that killer ice cream you’ve been feeding me so we can have dessert at home.”

Chloe gulped. Rick and dessert. “It’s an addiction.”

His eyes narrowed. “And now you’ve hooked me.” He seemed about to say something else, but his cell phone rang and he stepped away to answer it.

“Price here.” He turned away from her, but she rudely stayed put to try to figure out what made this man tick. She also was more than a little interested in whether the caller could be Dev.

BOOK: Chloe's Donor
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