Read Christmas And Gingerbread Men Online

Authors: Liza Kay

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance, #GLBT, #Gay

Christmas And Gingerbread Men (6 page)

BOOK: Christmas And Gingerbread Men
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Pitney snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m twenty-one. Just watching you from across the restaurant made me horny.”

“Okay, point taken.” Rafe laughed and kissed Pitney’s smiling lips.

Pitney let out a shuddering breath when Rafe’s hand wormed its way into the guy’s briefs once again. He let his fingers wander to the soft skin behind Pitney’s balls and eventually brushed one over the man’s silky hole.

Pitney’s reaction was immediate. He tensed and clamped his legs closed, trying to stop Rafe’s exploring digit. He brushed his lips across Pitney’s and removed his hand from between Pitney’s thighs to wrap it around his wilting dick.

“Damn. Was afraid that would happen,” Pitney groused. “I like your touch so much, I just panicked when you touched my—” He stopped and curled his lips inside his mouth. So cute!

Rafe wrapped his hand more firmly around the slender length and, with slow, steady strokes, brought it back to full mast.

“I’m sorry. Something must be wrong with me.” Pitney shuddered and clutched at his shoulders.

Smiling gently, Rafe bent down and kissed Pitney’s quivering lips. “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re perfect just the way you are.” Then he ghosted feather-light kisses over Pitney’s face. “Why do you think you’re messed up?”

“I... didn’t like intercourse sex when Chris and I did it a couple of times,” he whispered.

“Not all gay men enjoy it, Pitney. Some just have oral sex or give each other hand jobs. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Pitney bit his lower lip, though, and didn’t look convinced at all. Understanding dawned on him. “Did you fuck Chris or the other way around?”

Pitney laughed harshly. “Did he strike you as a guy who takes it up the ass? No, he did me. It wasn’t the overwhelming experience I’d thought it’d be.”

“So, my guess is that’s the problem why sex with Chris sucked, no pun intended.” At Pitney’s incredulous look, Rafe rolled them so he lay underneath Pitney. Then he nuzzled the enticing column of his pale neck. “Maybe you want to be the one on top instead. The one holding another man down, being in control while you’re pounding your lover’s ass,” he murmured in a voice thick with arousal. All the while, he rubbed his thumb over the leaking slit of Pitney’s cock and spread the pre-cum around.

Pitney’s nails bit into his shoulders as he moaned wantonly and arched into Rafe’s hold, pushing his steely length through Rafe’s fist.

“Shit! Oh god, Rafe.” His head thrown back, Pitney panted for breath and sweat glistened on his fair skin. Rafe thought he looked beautiful in the throes of passion.

“Tell me. Tell me what you dream of,” he demanded, watching Pitney’s reactions. When Pitney shook his head, his wild curls tumbling around his face, Rafe circled his thumb around the sensitive spot right underneath the cap.

Pitney growled, and when he opened his eyes, there was a fire burning in those amber depths. “You,” Pitney shouted hoarsely. “I... dream of you, on your hands and knees, just for me.” Then he gripped Rafe’s hair in his fist, forced his head to the side, and licked a long line up his neck.
Holy shit.
All the while, he never stopped pushing his throbbing erection through Rafe’s fist. “I want to taste you before I fuck you senseless! And...” He swallowed several times before he admitted, “I want you to hold me tight afterwards. Care for me. Please.”

Rafe looked deep into Pitney’s pleading eyes, losing himself in those amber pools. Pitney was such a treasure. Seemed like he’d finally found the man who could turn out to be his perfect match. Now, he just had to find a way to keep him.

“You’re perfect. So sexy and sweet. Come, Pitney,” he crooned. Then he urged him higher up and latched onto his dusty pink nipple.

Pitney grunted as Rafe sucked the delicious little nub into a hard, pebbled peak. Pitney went wild, the hand in his hair tightening to the point of pain as he held Rafe’s face against his chest. Rafe just loved Pitney’s feral side.

“Gonna... please!”

Switching to Pitney’s other nipple, he pressed his thumbnail into his lover’s heavily leaking slit and relished his wail.

“Let go and come for me. Show me how much I please you,” he urged as he came up for air. Then he gently bit down on the tiny peak and Pitney lost it.

Rafe looked up, not wanting to miss one second of his orgasm. He looked stunning with his parted, kiss-reddened lips and half-closed lids. His slender body shook in Rafe’s arms as he shot ropes of creamy cum all over their stomachs. Pitney was a noisy one, his yells of pleasure only interrupted by his panting gasps. Fucking sexy.

Pitney had slipped between Rafe’s parted tights, and soon his hands snuck underneath Rafe’s bare ass and held on tight, using the grip to rock them against each other more forcibly. Rafe loved the tight grip on his globes. When slender fingers tentatively dipped into his crease, merely grazing his pucker, the sensation was enough to send Rafe over the edge.

With his face tucked into the crook of Pitney’s sweaty neck, he bucked once, twice, then groaned as pleasure, hot as fire, raced through his veins. He shot his release all over his stomach, where it mixed with Pitney’s.

After a while, when his breathing returned to normal, he noticed a tickling sensation on his chest—Pitney’s fingers, ghosting over his clammy skin and tracing the lines of his muscles. It felt wonderful, and Rafe was happy Pitney felt confident enough to touch him.

Rafe hummed and peppered kisses to the skin he could reach. A hand wound through his short hair, gently playing with the damp strands, and a soft sigh escaped the man above him.

“Now I understand,” Pitney whispered, his voice so full of joy and contentment. “Thank you, that was awesome.” Meeting Pitney’s gaze, Rafe took in his twinkling eyes and the sensual smile curving his lips. “You... you uncovered my secret fantasies so easily. Is this going to be a problem between us? I mean, are you okay with...”

“Am I okay with taking your cock up my ass?” Rafe asked with a cheeky grin. By now, he knew his lover blushed whenever he thought or talked about anything related to sex. It was cute. He stretched his neck and nuzzled Pitney’s temple. “Honestly? I know I don’t look that way, but I’m a natural bottom. I love the thought of feeling your beautiful prick inside me,” Rafe whispered.

Quite predictably, Pitney’s face took on a funny are-you-kidding-me expression. “Gosh! Are you serious? So... you don’t think I’m a freak, plus, you want to have sex with me? Wow. Where the hell did you hide till now?” Then Pitney giggled, wrapped both arms around his neck, and smooched him. It was messy, wet, and simply perfect.

Rafe chuckled against Pitney’s eager lips. “Thank you for trusting me. So, how about a shower before breakfast? Dried spunk on my skin is not something I’m particularly fond of.” He winked and earned another blush. Rafe had no idea how the guy managed to look shy after what they’d done together.

“Oh, okay. But I like being so close to you,” Pitney murmured and pouted. See? Cute as hell.

“Then it’s good the shower is big enough for two. Come on, tiger.” Rafe kissed Pitney’s lips hungrily before he stood and reached out his hand. “Can’t wait to have you naked and wet in the shower with me. Just imagine the fun we can have with a sponge and body wash.”

Groaning, Pitney took his hand and let Rafe haul him up. Yep, so much fun, Rafe thought as he noticed Pitney’s already recovering cock.


Chapter Five



A couple of hours later, laden with a box full of kinky gingerbread men, Pitney pushed the door to his uncle’s house open with his shoulder.

“Pitney? Is that you?” Virgil called from the back of the house. The man had to be in the living room. Not surprising at all. His uncle was most likely busy watching a teleshopping channel. Not because he’d buy the crap, oh no. Virgil Winters loved watching other people humiliating themselves while they poured liquid plastic in indestructible pans to prove their indestructibility and shit like that.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Then come in, boy,” Virgil hollered back. Pitney placed the box on a table in the hallway, no need to shock his family by offering leather-clad cookies. Then he strolled into the living room and sat down beside his uncle. Yup, he’d been right. Teleshopping.

Virgil muted the television and gave him one of his patented Now-Pitney-tell-me-what’s-bothering-you looks. Would Pitney lose that look of fondness when he told his uncle and aunt he was gay? Would they turn their backs on him and tell him to never set one of his fairy feet on their precious hetero lawn again? Honestly, he had no idea.

His aunt and uncle had never said anything bad about gays, except the occasional
that dude is gay
from his uncle, when one of his favorite football players had messed up at a game. Sure, it wasn’t kind to say such things. Pitney didn’t like stereotyping. Just because a man didn’t look or act manly didn’t mean he was gay. However, people liked to stereotype. Pitney had done it himself. Just from looking at Rafe, he never would’ve guessed the man was a devoted bottom.

“Pitney?” Virgil’s soft question pulled him out of his musings.

His cheeks pinked and he tugged at a loose thread on his ratty jeans. “Uh... yeah? Sorry. I zoned out there for a second.”

“Is something wrong? Are you hungry?” Then Virgil threw back his head and yelled, “Nora, Pitney’s home! The boy needs something to eat.”

Pitney held his hand in front of his mouth and snickered, knowing what would come next. His aunt rounded the corner, a scowl on her face. She was a plump, beautiful woman in her late fifties, with a fashionable brown bob on her head and piercing green eyes. She fisted her hands on her padded hips and glared at her husband.

“Well, how about you lift your old ass off the sofa and prepare him a snack?” Then she trained her gaze on Pitney, her expression softening to one of motherly affection. “Hi, honey. Where have you been last night? I worried when you didn’t come home. Oh, and the box in the hallway? Is it yours? It smells like cookies.”

“Box? What box? Nora, why didn’t you tell me Pitney didn’t come home last night?” his uncle asked, and Pitney’s happy smile faltered.

“Please, I’m twenty-one. I was just...” Unsure how to phrase that he’d spent the day baking with an older man, and the night plastered naked against said man, without revealing that he was gay, he trailed off. Pitney wasn’t sure if he was ready for a coming out just yet. Also, he wanted to ask Rafael for help before he went down that road.

Before he knew what hit him, Nora took the other seat beside him and wrapped him in one of her tight, lavender-scented embraces. Pitney’s current emotional state allowed him to sink shamelessly into the warm hug. He even looped his arms around her cuddly frame. His uncle ruffled his air.

“Honey, tell us what’s going on.”

Time for at least part of the truth.

“I... I’m thinking about doing an apprenticeship,” he finally confessed. “I’ll forever be grateful that you let me work at the restaurant, but I don’t want to work as a server for the rest of my—”

Virgil’s grunt and a hearty pat to his back interrupted his declaration. “Don’t say nothing. I’m so proud of you, Pitney. Your aunt and I have been waiting for you to spread your wings and leave the nest.”

“Virgil!” Nora chided. “Now the boy will think we want to get rid of him.” She stroked Pitney’s head where it still rested against her shoulder. “Don’t worry, honey. What your uncle means is that we’ll encourage your decision. No matter if you work at the restaurant or not, this house is still your home, and you’re welcome to stay in your room during your apprenticeship. And your uncle is right, we’re proud of you. What do you want to do?”

Pitney blinked, a tad overwhelmed by their easy acceptance. “I want to become a baker. Maybe I could even work as a pastry chef someday.”

“That’s a good idea, Pitney. If you like, I’ll offer you a position in my kitchen after you’ve finished your education. Your aunt and I are not getting any younger, and god knows Zoe will never want to own a restaurant anyway.”

“Oh, she’s home from college, by the way,” Nora said happily.

Pitney groaned at the mention of his boisterous cousin. Two years older than him, the girl had gotten them into trouble when they’d been young countless times. Where Pitney had been a little chicken shit, even as a kid, Zoe hadn’t known any fear. To be fair, she’d always taken the guilt and never once had she blamed Pitney for anything they’d done. Maybe because most of it had been her idea to begin with.

Zoe was wonderful, and he loved her to pieces. However, she knew him like nobody else. It wouldn’t slip her attention that he was seeing someone. Nosy bitch that she was, she wouldn’t stop harassing him until he told her with whom he texted or talked to over the phone. Given that his secret girlfriend was in fact a boyfriend, his cousin could get him into trouble if she started sniffing after him.

“Oh, look what the cat dragged in.” Great. Talk of the devil.

Pitney slipped out of his aunt’s embrace and looked up. Zoe leaned against the doorjamb, a big grin on her pretty face and her arms crossed in front of her boobs. Apart from the big cleavage, she was model thin, with endless legs and long, blond curls. She had the same eye color as Pitney. Hell, she even sported the freckles. On her, however, it looked cute. Usually, Pitney didn’t have an opinion when it came to women’s looks, but he thought Zoe was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

When Pitney stood, Zoe gave a squeal, rushed over, and almost hugged the stuffing out of him. “Long time no see,” she yelled into his ear, causing him to wince.

“Cut it out, Zozo.” He placed a hand over his ear and wriggled to get rid of her. It only caused his cousin to tighten the hug. He wheezed playfully, then tickled her sides. She hated tickling because her laugh was a weird combination of unladylike snorts and squeaks. Pitney loved making her laugh because it reminded him that she wasn’t an alien coming from Planet Perfect.

“Okay, I give,” she finally said and let him go. “So... a baker, huh? I heard. That’s cool, little bro.” She playfully punched his shoulder. Although they weren’t siblings, Zoe had always treated him like a brother, and he loved her even more for that. There hadn’t been any jealousy between them because her parents had taken in a shy, quiet, awkward boy who liked to hide in his room. Zoe had brought him out of his shell.

BOOK: Christmas And Gingerbread Men
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