Read Claimed by the Greek Online

Authors: Lena Lettas

Claimed by the Greek (2 page)

BOOK: Claimed by the Greek
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Elena knew Mr. St
efanidis was an owner, but not wanting to offend Chris, since that is whom she dealt with on a daily basis, she looked up toward him waiting for his approval. Nodding his agreement, he asked that she try to notify him well in advance the next time she needed time off. Noticing that her dark god was standing closer listening to her conversation, she nervously mumbled her goodbye's to everyone and practically ran for the front door. Chastising herself the whole way to her car, instead of acting professionally she behaved like a bumbling imbecile. She let the attraction she felt for the man impact her ability to communicate and had her looking like a love struck teen. The only way she could attract them is if she became a multi-millionaire overnight and she didn’t even think that would improve her status in their eyes.

’s gaze followed Elena's little pert ass walking out the front doors and thought she was breathtaking, classic beauty. His dick stiffened, when he heard her speaking to his brother and getting a little peeved when she continued to ignore him. Now he was sitting there with a hard on and a grim look on his face, only having himself to blame for his current condition. His imagination must have gotten away with him because when he looked up he saw that they were both staring at him, his brother’s grin told him he knew exactly what was running through his head and the disapproving look on his father’s face let him know he suspected the same and didn’t approve.



Liz was helping Elena get
ready to go to this exclusive BDSM club and after trying on a dozen or so outfits she finally felt comfortable enough to go. She thought her friend was into to some kinky stuff judging by some of the outfits she pulled out, but they’ve known each other for years and Liz thought maybe this is what was missing from her sex life or in her case the lack of one.

Stop being like that, no one you know will be there tonight. If you see someone you do recognize, just remember they are also at the same club and I'm sure they would not want anyone to know either. They are very adamant about member privacy." Liz said.

Elena felt a little better hearing that the club valued
anonymity for its members and the outfit they finally agreed upon for her first visit wasn't too revealing. She was wearing a black vinyl mini skirt that reached mid-thigh. She loved the knee high boots; they made her feel sexy and the heel was not too high for her to walk on. She wasn't thrilled about her top; the bottom part of the halter came to about the top of her belly button showing off her midriff. The top barely covered her nipples and pushed her breast up and together making her feel too exposed.

Stop fidgeting, you always do that when you’re nervous, you look smoking hot girl, way fuckable. You don't have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, just go in and observe tonight. At least you will know and if it's not your thing, no biggie. Do you remember what I told you about a sub's behavior at the club and don't worry if you forget or mess up they will know you’re new," she asked waiting for her reply.

Yes, I don't look a Dom in the eyes unless he asks and I address all Dom’s as Sir or Master. I really don't see myself ever referring to someone as Master, the clubs safe word is red just say it and other Dom's will come to help and I don't have to do anything I don't want to. Did I get that right?" she asked Liz.

Shaking her head at her Liz replied, " Yup, so far so good
smart ass, come on get your trench and lets head out, I'm sure you'll find someone to play with there and I'm so excited your finally coming with me tonight", smiling and clapping her hands.



As they entered the club the door mo
nitor asked for Elena's identification and to fill out a non-disclosure contract, before she was even aloud to look around. Handing Liz a locker key, she took our coats and was back as I was signing the contract and handing it over to the door monitor. Looking up at both of us she said, “Hope you girls have a good time tonight and don't worry, relax, we have club monitors throughout the place making sure everyone's playing nice. If you have any problems you find the Dom with the red bands on their upper arms."

"Thanks Amanda
”, Liz responded waving to her before walking us through the clubs interior swinging doors.

Turning her head
left to right, trying to take as much in as possible, she felt like she walked into a chapter in one the erotic novels she loves to read. Dim lighting, St. Andrew's crosses spread throughout the club. Chains, whips, moaning and the smell of sex, she was overwhelmed nothing she read could ever prepare her for this and the only thing she knew for sure is that she was turned on by what she was seeing and hearing.

Liz grabbed her
shoulders, turning so they faced each other, " If you want I can stay and walk around with you a bit till you feel comfortable," she was pointing at the stages with different scenes currently in progress. "If you feel uncomfortable with me close by, you can walk around yourself and check out some of the scenes the more experienced Dom’s are doing on stage."

She knew her friend
was anxious to go find the Dom she was seeing at the club, she figured she could handle herself and didn't need a babysitter, " No, it’s fine, I'm a big girl and I'll walk around a bit, maybe get something to drink at the bar first", biting her lower lip nervously wondering if coming here wasn't such a good idea anymore.

" Come on, we
’ll walk over to the bar and I'll introduce you to Master Tony the bartender, Oh I forgot to mention, you can only have two alcoholic drinks while you’re here. That's why Amanda handed you the two bracelets. They don't want anyone getting drunk before doing a scene, whether you’re a Dom or a sub it’s one of the club rules. Come on let's get you a drink feed you some liquid courage, so you can loosen up a bit", she giggled at her doe eyed look.

Elena thought M
aster Tony was polite but very domineering; his sub/wife Sarah was helping him serve drinks tonight and such a sweet lady answering any questions she had. Letting her know that they would keep an eye on her while Liz played and if she had any questions to come and ask either one of them and they would be more than happy to help her. Master Tony reiterated the rules to her before he would let her wander off. If a Dom approached her that she didn't want to play with, to politely let them know and they would leave her alone. Also if he couldn’t take a hint to come and find him or start saying red and any Dom in the area would come to her aid.




Niko was sitting in the far corner of the club with his Manager Simon, talking about a
dding some additional equipment. Looking up pointing to where he wanted to set everything up, he spotted Elena walking around checking out some of the scenes the more experienced Dom’s were performing tonight. Shocked to see her there and at his instant arousal, he smiled thinking the night might be getting interesting after all. He hadn't planned on playing with anyone tonight not that he had in a while, but watching Elena walk around in that short skirt with those black knee high boots got his dick hard as a rock. She was watching Master Tom performing a cupping scene with his lovely sub, smirking since he knew why she was so intrigued; being Greek she had to of seen something like this and he would wager his life savings that she wouldn't have ever imagined them on her clit or nipples. Noting, that she was definitely aroused by what she was watching, since she was fidgeting and adjusting her weight on her legs. He watched as one of the newer Doms approached her, sparking a bit of jealousy in him, he didn't realize he growled till Simon whom he totally forgot about said, " Everything alright with you tonight Niko, you seem distracted."

Sorry Simon, everything’s fine we will go over what we discussed tomorrow, just thinking about some family issues, you know sometimes family can become a nuisance especially with a mother like mine." he grimaced.

Simon saw the grim look on his friend's fac
e and laughed, “Your Mom trying to marry you off again buddy, that's about the only thing I know that would put that irritated look on your face", he said walking away.

Niko hadn't taken his eyes off
Elena; she had turned down the Dom that approached her and a couple more soon after, his bartender Tony approached him and said.

Hey Niko, I see you spotted the new sub Elena, hot as hell isn't she, I think she said she was Greek too. I have been watching her most of the night and she hasn't played with anyone, thought for sure she would try one of the more experience Doms that have approached her tonight, but she refused them too." he said

I will go introduce myself and see if there's anything I can help her with, did she arrive with anyone tonight." he asked

" Yeah, Liz, there close friends, she introduced her to us,
we talked with her for a while, she's never been to a club like this before, she's interested but not sure she will do anything tonight, she doesn't want to do anything hard core, maybe some light bondage, but would be at least open to try something once." he said.

Lifting his eyebrow at Tony wondering w
hy he was irritated by the fact that his bartender had gotten so much info from her since it was his job to feel out the newbies and try to direct them to the right Dom, " Thanks, for the info Tony", turning abruptly, before he made a fool of himself, taking long commanding strides, he walked up behind Elena.


Elena walked up to the scene in progress, the sub was lying across a table with straps on her arms, hips, upper thighs and ankles, the Dom was playing with her nipples, pulling them, pinching, stroking and sucking them. Just watching she could feel hers tingling imagining the same happening to her. A Dom cleared his throat next to her and asked if she was interested in doing a scene with him. She was interested but he seemed young and inexperienced, so she had refused and he politely walked away.

Lifting her eyes back to the scene and the first thing that popped in
to her head was “Vendouzes”, what the heck, swirling the overly large Q-tip he set on fire inside the glass cups, she watched mesmerized as he set the first cup over her erect nipple, watching intently as it was sucked into the cup, the sub on the table moaned, she was so riveted to the scene, getting a little irritated having to take her eyes off what was happening on stage. She had to refuse to do a scene with two more Doms, who approached her to see if she was interested in playing a bit with them. Focusing her attention back up to the stage the Dom had placed the other cups on her remaining nipple and dear God it was on her clit, she thought it had to feel like someone was sucking on all three places at once, she was definitely wet now. She never thought Vendouzes would be used in a sex scene, since Greeks tend to place them on your back to remedy a chest cold; she rubbed her thighs together, remembering the suction the cups created on her back, imagining how it would feel on her clit.

Hearing the moans of the sub on stage, she mu
st of zoned out, because she noticed that the cups were gone and her nipples and clit were engorged to double the size, one hand of the Dom’s was playing with a nipple, while his other was lightly fingering around her swollen clit rubbing circles around it never once touching it directly. She watched as he lowered his hand to her vagina slipping two of his fingers inside and was slowly pumping them in and out. Elena could see a light sheen of sweat glistening all over her body, the Dom lowered his head and lightly flicked her clit with his tongue, moaning and arching her back he began to thrust his fingers inside her harder and faster. Mesmerized unable to take her eyes off what he was doing, she watched as he leaned his head down and began flicking and sucking the sub’s clit, only to hear her begin to beg him for more. Elena thought she might actually get off watching this scene. She couldn’t stop rubbing her legs together and she was so sexually charged just standing here, she was tempted to go to the ladies room to relieve some of the tension. She just hoped that no one else approached her to do a scene because she didn’t think she could deny them anything, the way she was feeling right now.




He was standing behind Elena, quietly watching and monitoring her reaction to this scene. He didn't think his dick could get any harder than what it was, adjusting himself so he didn’t feel the bite of his zipper, his dick was actually throbbing and aching. She was oblivious to anything around her, but his experience told him she was close to coming herself. We can’t let that happen, he wanted the pleasure of experiencing her first orgasm here at the club. If he went with his first plan to simply introduce himself and ask her to participate in a scene together, he knew she would flee and never return. It would take a little of persuasion and some outright antagonism to get her to do anything with him and at this point he would do whatever he needed, to have her.

o Elena, nice to see you again, you look lovely tonight," he said using his deepest voice.

"Argh", before she could stop herself, she turned to the
Dom to tell him to leave her alone. Looking up into his milk chocolate eyes and recognizing the person she was staring at, her stomach did a flip- flop and wished that a hole would open up beneath her feet. The same man she fantasized about nightly while using her vibrator to get off stood before her, this couldn't be happening. Oh God, everyone will know that she was at a kinky nightclub, dressed as close to a hooker as possible, embarrassed lowering her eyes, not knowing what else to say, she muttered, "Hello, Niko."

BOOK: Claimed by the Greek
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