Read Club Prive Book 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Club Prive Book 3 (7 page)

BOOK: Club Prive Book 3
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Gavin shuddered, as if my words were working him up.


“Is there any reason why I can’t?” I hoped he was thinking clearly enough to understand that question at least.


He shook his head. “I’m clean.” His voice was hoarse. “Carrie, you’d don’t have to–”


“I know.” I smiled. “I want to.”


I lowered my head again, determined not to come up again until he was done. I released his balls and put my hand on his hip, a reminder for him not to thrust. My other hand remained wrapped around his base, working in a circular motion. I bobbed my head, hollowing out my cheeks every time I went up, the suction making Gavin writhe beneath me. His fingers twisted in my curls, sending little pinpricks of pain through my scalp, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel him come apart beneath me, wanted to know that I’d done this to him with just my mouth and hands.


The muscles beneath my palm twitched and his hips jerked, telling me he was close. I inhaled slowly through my nose and lowered my head further than before. The tip of him bumped against the back of my throat, and I fought my gag reflex. A moment later, the end of him slipped down my throat and my nose brushed against his curls. I swallowed once, twice, then began to raise my head, knowing I couldn’t stay long. I didn’t need to. Even as the head of his cock began to slide over my tongue, Gavin came. The thick muscle pulsed in my mouth, spilling his seed, and I swallowed. I could hear Gavin swearing and calling my name as I used my mouth and tongue to draw out every last drop, but it all seemed so far away. I was focusing everything in me on the taste and feel of him.


Finally, when I allowed him to slip from between my lips, spent and soft once more, I looked up at him. We were both breathing heavily, our skin flushed. Gavin reached for my face and brushed his thumb across my bottom lip. I smiled at him and he cupped my chin, drawing me towards him. His lips brushed against mine, and I assumed that would be it, but he surprised me. His tongue pushed for entrance and I opened my mouth to him. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me against him as his tongue plundered my mouth, exploring every crevice as if it were new. He didn’t release me until my lungs were burning, and even then, he kept his arms around me, turning me so that he was cradling me on his lap.


“Wow,” he said, his voice shaky. “That was... wow.”


I smiled. “Glad you liked it.”


“‘Liked it’?” He echoed my words. He tipped my chin so that I was looking up at him. “Give me a minute to get the strength back in my legs and I’ll show you just how much I liked it.”


“So the night’s not over?” I asked.


“Hell, no,” he answered. The heat in his eyes felt like it could burn me if I wasn’t careful. “We’re just getting started.”

Chapter 10

When Gavin had taken me back to his room with the promise of reciprocation for what I’d done, this hadn’t been what I’d had in mind. Not that I was complaining, just surprised.


The bed in Gavin’s room wasn’t nearly as big as the one at the club, but it was still king-sized, so that made it big enough for us both to be on it comfortably. The only light came from a lamp next to the bed. I had a feeling there was an overhead light that would be used for more mundane things like changing clothes and reading, but the lamp was perfect for sex. Just enough light to see by without being harsh and unforgiving.


Not that I’d know, because right now I couldn’t see anything other than a faint red glow.


When we’d gotten to the room, Gavin had stripped out of his clothes while I watched – all right, while I’d ogled – but he’d shaken his head when I’d moved to take off what little I was still wearing. Instead, he’d had me climb to the center of the bed, stretch out on my back, and put my hands above my head.


He’d leaned over me with two red scarves in his hands. While he was tying my wrists with the first one, he’d spoken in a low, gentle voice. “I promise you that this will be amazing, but you have to trust me.”


I’d nodded mutely. I was starting to get there with my heart, but I’d already decided that it was well worth the sexual trust. He’d never done anything that I hadn’t loved, even when I’d been reluctant to admit it to myself.


“If you want me to stop, just say so,” he’d continued. “I will, and I won’t start again until you ask me to. I won’t do anything that you don’t want.”


I’d nodded again, and that had been when he’d tied the other scarf over my eyes. It was thin enough that I wasn’t in complete darkness, but I also couldn’t truly see either.


When Gavin began to speak, his voice was like warm water caressing my skin. “One of the easiest ways to heighten sensation when having sex is by denying one or more of the other senses. Taking away sight makes your other senses sharper. Taking sound too would make it even more intense.” I felt the heat from his body as he leaned closer to me. “But I wanted you to be able to hear me.”


I shivered. I was glad I could hear him. I loved listening to him talk. He had one of those voices that I could listen to all day, the kind that could make me wet even if he was reading a grocery list.


“I’m going to teach you some of the ways you can react to touch,” Gavin said. “And you’re going to come harder than you’ve ever imagined possible. Only then will I fuck you.”


I swore, my voice trembling almost as much as my body was. If this was going to be as intense as it sounded, I wasn’t sure I was going to survive.


Something light and airy, just this side of tickling, made its way over the undersides of my arms. I giggled as it reached my armpits and then danced over the tops of my breasts. When it moved down my stomach and over my ribcage, I started to squirm. I wasn’t very ticklish, but whatever Gavin was using was light enough to do it. Then he nudged my legs apart and I caught my breath. Whatever he had trailed over my inner thighs and I caught my breath. Little tendrils of pleasure crept up my legs straight to my core. I felt Gavin’s finger brush against my leg as it hooked under the elastic of my panties, then there was cool air as he pulled the crotch of the panties aside.


“Dammit.” My body twitched as those light tendrils brushed against my wet lower lips. It was too light for any real friction, but my skin was sensitive enough that it garnered a reaction. It played over me for a moment longer, then disappeared. I felt my underwear put back into place. The bed moved and I knew that Gavin had gotten up for something. A minute later, I felt it dip again under his weight.


“Have you ever heard of ice play?” Gavin asked, his tone almost conversational.


I shook my head. I hadn’t heard of it, but I wasn’t naïve enough to not be able to figure out the gist of it.


A moment later, I gasped as something hard and cold ran over the bare flesh of my breast. Gavin chuckled, that deep, purely male sound. My fingers curled into fists as I fought to keep my hands above my head. It wasn’t easy. Gavin slid the ice cube over every exposed inch of my chest before dropping to circle one of my nipples. It hardened instantly, the combination of the cold and the friction from the now-wet material making my sensitive flesh into a hard little bullet point. I whimpered as he moved to the other one.


“Fuck!” I shouted as something wet and hot covered my nipple.


Gavin began to suck on the wrinkled flesh, sending jolts of pleasure straight through me. He worried at my nipple through the bra even as he circled the other one with the ice cube. A moment later, I was thankful that he’d thought to buy strapless lingerie. He pulled down the top of the bra, spilling my breasts from the confining material.


When the ice touched me again, I shivered, but it was more from anticipation than the cold. Every cell in my body felt the intensity of the cold moving through me, and when Gavin’s tongue began to lick up the water, burning across my skin, I cried out. He alternated ice and mouth until I wasn’t sure if I was hot or cold. My body was freezing and burning at the same time, ready to combust only to be brought back from the edge by the chill. I writhed against him, wondering what I looked like, my skin shining with liquid, my nipples hard and distended. Had he marked me with his mouth? Not being able to see him was more erotic than I’d imagined.


I gasped as the ice ventured into new territory. It slid over my belly, moving across the thin strip of silk that connected the top to the bottom. Droplets of water slid down my sides and were absorbed by the bedspread. I laughed as the ice circled my belly button, the sound catching in my throat when Gavin’s tongue dipped into the water.


Gavin’s fingers brushed over the places where the silk attached to the panties. I felt him do something, then there was give. Apparently, there’d been a hook connecting them. I didn’t dwell on the thought, however, because Gavin was slowly peeling my panties off. When they were gone, he slid his hands up my legs, moving from my stockings to my bare thighs.


“I’m going to leave these on this time,” he said. “I’ve been dreaming about feeling them against my skin when your legs are wrapped around me.”


I swallowed hard as the now-exposed space between my legs throbbed. I wanted very much to wrap my legs around him now, draw him into me, but I knew it wasn’t time yet.


Nearly painful cold shot through me and I cried out, my back arching, my hips twisting in an attempt to get away. Gavin’s hands held me firm as he ran the ice cube up and down my slit. When he slipped it between my folds and it brushed against the top of my clit, my body convulsed. It was sharp and just this side of painful, almost like a bite, but with an edge of pleasure to it that took my breath away.


My hands tugged at their restraints as Gavin’s mouth chased the ice, shocking my body with the sudden change in temperature. I couldn’t take it. It was too much. I was just about to tell him that, to beg him to stop, when his lips wrapped around my clit and he pushed the rapidly melting ice cube inside me.


I wailed as an orgasm smashed into me. It wasn’t the roll of a wave or even the sudden crescendo after a build. This was hard and fast, and I couldn’t process it. Heat melted away the cold, but left in its wake a molten lava that coated every inch of my skin, leaving me raw. I could feel everything touching me. The fine hairs on Gavin’s arms. The dips and whorls of his fingerprints where his hands held me down. Every fiber of the bra just under my breasts. The soft silk beneath me. Even the air had weight.


Gavin pressed his lips almost chastely against the top of my sex and that one extra sensation was enough to send me outside myself, rocketing towards that white-light bliss that would hold me until I could function again.


I was still shuddering when I came back to myself. The blindfold was still on, but my hands were untied. Gavin’s arms were around me and I could feel him hard and ready against my hip. I reached down with one shaking hand and ran my fingertips over him.


“Carrie?” He made it a question.


I nodded. There was no way I’d be able to speak any time soon. I heard a rip, then latex moving over flesh. I rolled onto my back, spreading my legs as I went. He slid inside me slowly, the heat of his body burning away the last of the chill. I knew I could take off the blindfold now and see him as he moved above me, but I didn’t. Instead, I gave myself over to it, letting my body absorb the sensations in a new way.


His breath puffed against my ear for a moment, then his lips were there, tugging at my earlobe. His stomach slapped against mine as I raised my hips to meet him, finding our rhythm. I hooked my legs on either side of his waist, rubbing my calves against his ass. The movement rocked me against him in a different way and little sounds began to fall from my lips.


My hands explored his body, my fingers seeing what my eyes didn’t. The ridges of his muscles. The flat, wrinkled flesh of his nipples. The soft, fine hairs at the base of his neck. The way the muscles in his back and shoulders rippled beneath his skin as he thrust into me.


And then there was that. The in and out motion that pushed against parts of me never reached by anyone else. The way my body adapted to accept him, molded around him. I could feel places inside me I’d never felt before reacting to his touch. It wasn’t just the friction, either; there was something else I couldn’t name. All I knew was that it was greater than the nerves connected to the surfaces of that sensitive flesh. It ran somewhere deep, somewhere I’d never known existed until this moment.


Even as I thought it, Gavin was groaning against my neck and his hand was sliding between us to touch that place that would bring me with him. I clung to him as I joined him, and felt our bodies merge into one as we rode our pleasure together, each wave taking us higher than the last until I couldn’t take any more. I let myself go even as I heard him saying my name.

BOOK: Club Prive Book 3
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