Come Back to Me (Erotic Reunion Romance, Virgin Sex, New Adult Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Come Back to Me (Erotic Reunion Romance, Virgin Sex, New Adult Romance)
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“I guess.” I brushed his finger when I took the CD from him and felt a rush shoot through my body. The familiar notes of the Bach double rang out in the car. Memories flooded back. This was the last song that we played as a duet in our senior year. The familiar progression of notes seemed to turn time itself back and for a brief moment, I felt like I was in high school again.


“You remember my amazing skills as the second soloist?”


“Oh, please.” I scoffed. “You rushed through the entire second half of the piece. I had to cut out notes to keep up with you.”


He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. “I was kind of hoping you’d forgotten by now.”


“Josh, it was the highlight of my high school musical career. How could I forget?”


He turned his attention back to the road. “You’re right, Stacey. How could you forget...” His voice trailed off. Then, as if by accident, he patted my leg.


Warmth gushed through my body and I felt something wet between my legs. Josh was still looking at the road. There was something different about his face. More lines around the corners of his eyes, for starters. But it was more endearing that way. He looked older, more sophisticated. His warm hand still rested on my leg and I silently wished that it would move higher.


“We’re here.” He said.


Looking into his eyes, I finally realized what had changed. A fire of confidence burned behind those eyes. There was a new intensity there and I felt something stirring inside myself the more I looked into Josh’s mesmerizing eyes.


“What? Is there something on my face?” He asked and I felt my face flush.




He opened the door again and held out his arm for me to take. It was one of the more upscale restaurants in town and I balked at the thought of how expensive dinner was going to be.


Josh seemed to have read my mind and he said. “Hey, didn’t I already tell you that I wasn’t going to make you pay for dinner?”


“But still… I’m not even dressed up.”


“I think you look fantastic.” He edged closer and filled my nose with a trace of his cologne.


My legs went a little weak and I wanted nothing more than to rest my head on his shoulder. It was surreal watching Josh enter the restaurant like he owned the place. The waiters and other staff recognized him immediately and bypassed the other people waiting in line to serve him.


“How did you manage to get this kind of treatment?”


“Money talks.”


"Were you surprised to see me in class?"


"Surprised? No. Always thought you'd be doing this." His blue-grey eyes twinkled mischievously. "You were always our concert-mistress. Who better to teach those kids than you?"


“Aw, thanks.”


The waitress that served us kept looking back at Josh and constantly asked him to clarify his order even though he had been plenty clear. Each time the waitress passed by, she glared at me enviously.


That’s right. He’s here with me and nobody else. 


Josh had not lost a single bit of the charisma and poise of an orchestra stand leader. His baritone laugh from all those years ago was the same and my heartbeat sped up each time his eyes hooked with mine in the dim light of the restaurant.


When our check came, the waitress had left her number on top of the receipt as well as a bright red imprint of her lips. Josh called her over.


“I’m sorry sweetheart, but I’m here with this beautiful lady. But you were an amazing waitress and I think you deserve a reward.”


He reached into his wallet, pulled out two hundred-dollar bills and left them as the tip. The waitress’ eyes looked like they were about to pop out. I couldn’t believe it. How much money does he have?


“Well that was fun.” Josh said on our way back to the car.


“Josh… did you seriously tip her two hundred dollars?”


“She was a good waitress.”


“Only because she was checking you out.” I couldn't hide the hurt in my voice.


“It doesn’t matter what she was doing, though. I’d rather pay her those two hundred dollars so that she would leave me alone.”


His fingers brushed my hair and that same jolt returned from before. My face grew warm again and I looked away.


“Just so you know, I had a great time tonight.” He said.


“Me too.” My throat was in danger of closing. 


Then, out of nowhere, Josh put his finger under my chin and pulled me in to his soft velvet lips. This wasn't a schoolboy's furtive peck or a teenager's awkward attempt. This was a deep, passionate kiss that made my heart pound against my chest, drumming away in staccato beats that pounded in my ears. I felt the air rushing from my lungs to him as his tongue slowly coaxed mine.


“I got something for you that you might like. I heard it was the last show." He reached into his pocket and fumbled a bit. Two tickets to the symphony concert next week.


"How did you get those?"


"I know some people." He smiled. God, those teeth were straight.


"I should go home.”


“I know.”


He put on another CD of classical music and we took turns guessing who the composer of the current piece was. Neither of us lost. I didn't dare look at him. This was too much. I ran my tongue across my lips and my pulse raced as I tasted the remnants of his kiss. His hand rested on the gear stick and I could've sworn one of the fingers twitched towards my knee. A slight warmth was pooling between my legs and I pressed my knees close to each other.


The drive back to my apartment took fifteen minutes. I opened the door to the warm scent of lavender. The air conditioner had been off all day and a blast of hot air greeted me, covering me in a sheen of sweat.


“Well, it was great seeing you tonight.” I looked at his chest, afraid to look in his eyes.


“Hey.” His finger hooked my chin again. “My eyes are up here.”


My knees trembled and my heart melted. Without thought, I grabbed him close and pulled him into me. Now, I was the one who took charge. I was the one that greedily sucked at his lips, relishing each small crevice in the silky smooth texture. His tongue yielded at first but soon entwined with mine. My hands crept over his broad shoulders as his descended to my ass.


"You're more beautiful than I remembered." Josh said when he broke away.


"I...” The words wouldn't come out. Oh screw it. I thought to myself and kissed him again.


I felt his heart beat faster and faster to match mine and I pressed into him. And suddenly, I was rising in the air, my legs dangling from his arms. I felt his hardness pushing against his pants into my stomach and the wetness below me grew. I could not tell whether I was rising or falling while his tongue pushed against mine until he was exploring every bit of space between our locked lips.


He carried me over the threshold of the door and closed it with a graceful kick. Moving to the couch, he laid me down.


His fingers inched into my pants and rested in front of my wetness with only the soaked thin fabric of my underwear in between. The fingers drew small circles and I felt a quivering heat spiraling through my body. Deep within me, a fire was growing and I felt a sensation that I haven't felt in a long time. He withdrew his fingers and raised it to my mouth. Closing my eyes, I sucked on his finger. I wanted to reach through his pants but he held me in such a way that I had to keep my arms wrapped around his shoulders.


"I lied about coming here on vacation." He pulled his finger from my mouth and leaned in until his hot breath hovered over my ear.


“I came to see you.” That deep baritone voice carried the authority that I had grown so obedient to and my body shuddered. I wanted nothing more for him to take me right there, while standing. But he was a tease. He nibbled my ear and traced the shape of my face with his lips. Those lips moved down and hovered, hot and heavy, over my neck. My heart was beating a million times a second. I had difficulty breathing.


"Your neck is three kisses long, did you know that?" Josh whispered into my collarbone and gave it a tiny bite.




"I want to know how many kisses your body is."


I felt the bra unlatching and my nipples hardened. His lips kissed along the inside of my breasts, covering every square inch until they closed around my right nipple. Like a cat lapping at milk, he played with the sensitive skin. His teeth brushed just over the nipple and a shudder ran through my body. All the while, his strong fingers locked with mine. 


A quick coolness brushed over my chest when he gave my breast one last kiss and looked up. Half of my body shivered from the chill, the other half trembled from the heat. The right nipple felt raw and oversensitive. He smiled and descended onto my left one before I had time to recover.


His hand lowered me and he buried himself between my breasts. He moved his wonderful lips down my stomach. Everywhere his lips touched, a tinge of electricity spider-webbed out. I squirmed as he moved closer and closer to my waist. I felt my pants being peeled off, but it might as well be on in the non-air-conditioned room.


I heard my jeans plop on the ground and felt Josh's breath over my underwear. Deftly, he took the top of the elastic band between his straight teeth and pulled it down. I never felt so exposed. My body was sensitive to every touch and a deep-seated itch was pulsating from within me.


He rubbed his nose along my thighs and kissed the inside.


“It's fifteen, by the way.”


The warm breath moved slightly higher. I wanted to push his head back, but his fingers locked with mine again and held me still. Again and again he passed over me, baiting me every so slightly.


Finally, he let me go. Those fingers that had played the most beautiful Tchaikovsky danced across my abdomen until it rested on my legs. My hands balled into fists as I tried to hold back the inevitable gush of warmth.


His hands moved around my legs until they cupped my ass. It came unexpectedly. One moment  his breath was still against the inside of my thighs, the next, that heat dashed forward inside of me and I squealed. My knees pressed together and he pulled away.


"Did I do something wrong?"


"No." I panted. “It's... It's just that nobody had done that to me before.”


“You taste delicious.”


Moving his hands to my inner thighs again, he spread my legs apart further to give himself better access. Again and again, his tongue darted in and out, tracing circles around me and lapping up the wet flow. When he finally placed his lips around my womanhood and sucked, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. It was incredible! The electricity was spreading further and further. I was moaning and squirming at every touch. His tongue touched my clit and I lost control of herself in the ecstasy. But he clung on and refused to let go. I would have screamed if my body hadn't locked up. As the waves of pleasure gushed forth, I heard and felt him swallow. He moved back up and locked lips with me. He was right, I did taste delicious.


I didn't know what over took me. Maybe it was his own aggressive sexuality. Maybe it was just how horny I got. But I pushed him up until he stood over me with his bright red tie dangling in the air.


“My turn.”What were these words coming from my mouth?


But there I was, slowly rising up until my hands ran over his body. My fingers seemed to act on their own and undid his shirt to reveal his body--not as chiseled as in my fantasies, but damn did it look sexy to me. Working my way down, I pressed my face against his pants and felt him throbbing behind it. I unbuttoned the tight pants and his sex rolled forward, erect in the still air with a single drop of pearl dangling at its tip. Looking up into his eyes, I wrapped my lips around  the warm head, brushing my tongue against it ever so slightly. And just like that, I pulled away to tease him like he teased me. Kissing the length of his shaft, I made sure to pause for a bit before giving the head a tiny flick with my tongue. His cock trembled at those flicks. Blood pounded at my ears. I couldn't hold myself anymore and wrapped my lips around him.

BOOK: Come Back to Me (Erotic Reunion Romance, Virgin Sex, New Adult Romance)
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