Read Come Into Darkness Online

Authors: Daniel I. Russell

Come Into Darkness (3 page)

BOOK: Come Into Darkness
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“Mario,” his father hissed. “Are you sleeping…?”


The man slipped back into the crowd, leaving Mario staring after him.

The wide, tanned face.

The needle-thin moustache.

The black, uncombed hair…

He shook his head. His father wasn’t here.

How could he be? He could never afford somewhere this exclusive. Not anymore.

“Sir?” Worth called back. He and Kerry had stopped several metres away. “Are you still coming?”

Mario looked away from the crowd. “Yeah. I…I thought I saw someone I knew.”

He shook the thought from his head and followed Worth and Kerry along the side of the room. They chatted like old friends. The spoilt brat buttering up her eccentric rich uncle.

What the hell have I got myself into here? Nothing I can’t handle. See it as…an exercise in patience.

Mario thought back to the drugs hell of several years ago. Being found in his dressing room, naked and spread-eagled on the floor. The runner had called in to take him on set. Kid thought he was dead.

A bit longer and I would have been.

Yeah, whatever Worth has in store, it’s not drugs. Olly promised. No more.

Worth and Kerry reached an elevator on the back wall. Mario joined them.

“Going up?” said Worth and chuckled. Kerry offered a polite smile. Mario guessed she grimaced behind it. The girl seemed good at using masks.

The lift emitted a chime and the door slid open. The three filed inside.

“To the first floor,” said Worth and pressed the corresponding button. “You have to be prepared.”

“Prepared?” asked Mario. “What are we doing? Going into space?”

Kerry sighed. “They like us to be relaxed,” she said. “That way, we can enjoy our experience more. We’re going to the pleasure room.”

“The pleasure room?” said Mario and leaned against the wall. “Sounds like a tacky bar.”

“It relaxes you in the best possible way,” said Kerry, and a ghost of a smile fluttered on her face. “Sex.”

“God,” said Mario. “And this is supposed to be my night off. Why sex?”

No ghost now. Kerry beamed.

“I’ve forgotten your name,” she said. “Sorry.”


Her eyes narrowed. “Seriously? You Italian or something?”

“My…” He cleared his throat. “My father was Italian.”

Worth started to hum along with the piped in music, some classical score.

“Well then, Mario,” she said. “You know that feeling after a nice, hard fuck?”

“Every damn day.”

“Then you’ll know how relaxing it feels afterwards. Like you don’t have a care in the world.”

Mario laughed and turned to the guide. “I’m sorry, Worth. But I’m expected to…you know…with her?” He laughed. “No way.”

Worth stopped his humming. “I thought you of all people would have no problem making love with a stranger, Mr. Mario.”

“Well you got that wrong,” said Kerry. “I don’t make love. I fuck. No time for love.”

“Me neither,” said Mario and turned his attention back to Worth. “What kind of place is this? Rock concert downstairs and swingers on all other floors? Sounds like a teenager’s wet dream.”

“There’ll be no swinging,” said Worth.

“Yeah,” added Kerry. “Nothing as crude and…involving as that.”

Mario rolled his eyes.

The lift stopped its ascent, and the doors slid open.

“You’ll see,” said Worth. “It really is nothing to be concerned about. Nothing at all.”

They stepped into a lavishly decorated corridor with doors leading off each side. It reminded Mario of an exclusive hotel he’d stayed in for the adult movie awards a few years ago. The hotel lay in the heart of the city and was filled with expensive works of art. The d‚cor had been by some big name designer. He’d been shot the following year.

Funny what you remember.

Worth led the way.

“We don’t expect our guests to do anything they would normally refuse. All tastes have been catered for here. This next step is just a process, very impersonal.”

They stopped near the end of the corridor before one of the doors. A number was engraved on a small golden plaque: 924.

“Here we are,” said Worth. He reached into his jacket and fished out a small key on a string. It dangled from his hand like a glittering pendulum. “Shall we begin?”

The words sent a shock up Mario’s spine. He expected Worth to open the door and reveal an orgy, a sweaty tangle of limbs of Roman proportions. He’d done that before, both on and off the screen. The thought of another one did nothing for him. So why the nerves? Deep down, he believed Worth had something more sinister than an orgy lined up. All tastes have been catered for. Mario hoped this wasn’t going to be a whips, leather and chains affair. He could imagine Kerry getting off on all that, the power, the whole domination thing.

Worth grasped the key and shoved it into the lock. He swung the door open.

Mario peered inside.

It appeared to be a bathroom, or at least a men’s room. At the rear wall stood two cubicles, the doors open. A moulding, looking like a urinal, was stuck to the wall in each. The air smelt sweet, of sugar and cinnamon, as opposed to the sour tang of piss and bleach that Mario anticipated.

“Is this it?” he said. “All that money for a shit party and a walk to the bathroom?”

Worth arched an eyebrow. “Sir?”

Kerry shook her head. “Idiot. You need to open that puny mind of yours.” She strode inside.

“After you, sir.”

Mario shook his head and walked in. On the brighter side, the champagne had gone straight through him, and he welcomed the chance to relieve himself. Just why Worth had brought them both to a toilet was beyond him. He thought of the supposed, imminent sex. Things might be worse than whips and chains. One film he turned down involved certain bathroom activities…

“Sick bastards,” he muttered.

“What was that, sir?”

“Nothing. What are we in here for anyway?”

“This is the pleasure room,” said Worth. “Kindly enter your cubicle and insert yourself through the hole. Matters will be dealt with post-haste.”

“Post-haste?” said Mario. “Jesus Christ!” He walked into the cubicle on the left and examined the moulding. It seemed to grow from the wall in polished, pure marble and opened out into a funnel shape, like a rose in bloom. Mario examined it deeper. Just inside, a hole opened into the wall. Mario peered into the darkness.


“Nothing to be worried about, sir. If you’ll just pop off your trousers-“

Mario held up a hand. “Just wait. There’s no way I’m going to stick my livelihood into some…weird thing with a hole in it! Anything could be on the other side of that wall.”

“Why would we do that?” asked Worth. “Indeed, you have paid for a life-changing night, but we aren’t going to injure you!”

Kerry emerged from the booth next door. “Don’t be such a pussy,” she said. “This is one of the highlights.”

Mario noticed she’d removed her suit jacket, revealing more of the blouse underneath. She wore no bra, and her nipples poked urgently against the fabric, two tiny dark blotches against the cream of the material. Mario smiled, wondering how many men at SM Pharmaceuticals would like to get an eyeful of
. As he watched, Kerry unclipped her skirt. It fell to the floor around her legs, and she stepped free. Her blouse hung low enough to cover her underwear, but Mario caught a glimpse of something black, lacy and tight.

“Get a move on,” she ordered. “I’ll be done in a few minutes and I’m keen to push on. I don’t have time to wait.”

She vanished around the side, and the door to the next cubicle clicked shut.

Worth peered around the other side. “I’ll give you some privacy, sir. If you need anything, just call. I’ll be in the corridor outside. Although…” He nodded towards the moulding and its hidden passage. “That should be all you need.”

Mario darted forward and grabbed Worth by the lapel. The jacket felt crusty between his fingers. “Just a minute,” he said. “You seriously think I’m going to do this? Like I said, anything can be through there.” An image flashed into his head from a few years ago. A co-star had taken him to a shady bar in the backstreets of the city. The place had been full of typical S&M weirdoes, dressed head to foot in leather or shiny PVC. Exposed skin was dotted with piercings, twinkling like stars in the darkness. The bar contained a wall full of holes and, should any drinker feel the urge, he could poke his cock inside where a mystery man would suck it dry. Mario shivered. “You might think I’m into all this…doing what I do…but I’m not.”

Worth placed his hand over Mario’s and squeezed. Mario grimaced from the touch. Worth’s skin was dry as tracing paper.

“Sir, you need a clear head for the events to come.” He sighed. “We cannot force you to do anything. The fun is to try something new and let yourself go, that is the key to happiness here at Metus House. You can wait in the booth until Miss Foster is done. What you do, or don’t do, is your own business. But sir?”

Mario glared at him.

Worth lifted a finger to his lips.

In the silence, Kerry’s sigh radiated through the door of her cubicle. To Mario’s surprise, it stirred a twitch in his groin.

“It sounds like you’re missing out,” said Worth. He winked. “Why not stay inside for a few minutes and think things over?” He bowed and as he walked back, gently closed the door.

Mario stood still for a moment, listening to the sounds from the booth next door. He placed a hand against the smooth, cool surface of the partition wall. Nothing. No movement from the other side.

Kerry moaned. The image of her thrusting against the moulding sprung into Mario’s head. He imagined her head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy, mouth a wide circle of pleasure. He grew harder, poking into the inside of his jeans. Checking the door was closed, he slipped a hand down the front, rearranging himself. His penis responded to his touch, standing fully erect.

Wait. What’s going on here? It takes a lot to get me this turned on. Why am I so hard so soon?

Kerry cried out, and the sound of her pleasure descended into a series of rapid moans. They rose and fell in breathy crescendo.

She’s about to come. That’s what it is! She’s not acting and pretending to orgasm, while concentrating on her pout and leg positioning. It’s real. Fuck, how long has it been since I’ve made a girl scream without a director’s orders?

He pressed his ear against the wall.

Kerry whispered and pleaded between her moans, wanting it faster…harder…deeper…

Oh God.

Mario unbuttoned his jeans and yanked the zip down. Reaching inside, he flopped his swollen length free. He still looked on it with pride. Already a drop of pre-cum glistened on the tip of the head. Mario concentrated on the sounds from the next booth, and, licking his lips, he spread the first drop around with his thumb, lubricating the crown.


Mario paused, listening to her. She released a choking splutter.


“Ahhh fuck!” she screamed. “Fuck, yes!”

Mario closed his fist and slid it up and down his pulsating cock. His balls already seemed to have tightened at the base, pressure building.

Kerry returned to her low moans and sighs. Mario guessed she’d orgasmed, but wasn’t satisfied yet.

His penis twitched within his hand. He held it tightly at the base, enjoying the way it bobbed in the air, almost with a mind of its own, like it begged him to touch it.

Not yet. I wanna enjoy this. Don’t need to shoot too soon.

He glanced at the moulding.

No. Not yet.

Kerry cried out again, riding the wave of her second climax.

Mario peered down the funnel, into the dark hole.

Is someone moving in there?

He pumped his fist a few more times and massaged the underside of the head with his fingertips.

“FFFFuck!” cried Kerry.

To hell with it. I’ve done worse.

Mario dropped his jeans and kicked free, still in his shoes and socks. Over at the moulding, he eased himself inside. He placed his hands against the wall in front and leaned forward.

Suddenly panicked, he glanced around the booth and ceiling, searching for any hidden cameras.

If they think they can film it and blackmail me…

Kerry screamed her loudest yet.

“Oh Christ,” Mario moaned. His balls throbbed, eager to spill their load. He tried to remember the last time he was this rampant and in dire need to orgasm. “Come on!”

Something touched him.

Mario shot back, his penis sliding free of the moulding. He peered inside.

The hole remained vacant.

Get a grip, man. If you don’t do something soon, you’re spending the rest of the night with an aching sack.

Slowly, he re-entered the moulding, poking his dick through the hole.

Something tapped the end of his penis.

Mario gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to back away. He imagined a girl on the other side. Not the typical big breasted blonde in revealing lingerie that most men fantasised about, but something more unique. A girl who still held that spark for him. A virgin. Young and dressed in a plain skirt and white blouse. The thought of peeling off that blouse and exposing the small, pert breasts underneath brought the tightness back to his testicles. She was behind the wall, and had dabbed the tip of his cock to take off the bead of pre-cum. She held her hand up to her mouth and licked the stickiness from her fingertips, tasting its forbidden sweetness for the first time…and then…she leans down…her face inches from the throbbing member poking from the hole…

Mario closed his eyes. The images ran through his head in slow motion. He watched the girl, her mouth opening wider and wider until…

He looked down. Her mouth had become the gaping hole he impaled. Warm, unseen lips closed over his head, sucking it as a child sucks on a lollipop. Mario gasped and struggled not to shoot from the long desired attention. The lips, wet and slippery, moved higher up his shaft, taking in every exposed inch.

BOOK: Come Into Darkness
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