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Authors: Prakash

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Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons (25 page)

BOOK: Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons
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“We have to finish this game right now otherwise by tomorrow they would again bring some Haiti Voodoo element and things will again go out of control “Patrick told her.

“But what about if she had the weapon inside “Ursula was worried.

“We will have to take a chance. I alone will enter first .You wait outside .If something goes wrong you raise the alarm outside. People will rush from the neighboring flats “Patrick whispered to her.


The discussion between Sandra and Kerran was still going on. Just then Patrick knocked on the door. Ursula could see Sandra and Kerran hurriedly pushing the Voodoo material under the couch.


Sandra opened the door. She was shocked to see Patrick at the gate but she did not show it on the face.


“How nice Patrick. Please come in “Sandra asked him to come inside.

“Meet my friend Kerran. “ She introduced her to Patrick.

Patrick just said hello.


“Anything urgent Patrick “Sandra was trying to gauge reason for Patrick’s visit.

“Sandra and Kerran, Please stop being innocent. You are caught red handed doing Voodoo spell targeted at me “Patrick said loudly.

Both the ladies got shocked to hear the truth from Patrick. Both were wondering how Patrick could found out that they had put a voodoo spell on him.


“Patrick I think you have some misunderstanding “Sandra tried to buy the time.


“I have heard on my own when you were discussing this and I have recorded your conversation in the mini Taperecorder.Any more proofs required “Patrick countered her argument.

“And please take out that Voodoo stuff which you pushed under the couch “Patrick ordered.

Both the ladies did not react. They just stood standstill.

“Patrick I think you are uncomfortable. Let me bring some water for you “Sandra tried to move.

“Please do not move otherwise I will shout and bring the entire neighborhood here to witness your acts “Patrick threatened.

Patrick knew under the pretext of bringing water she may bring a fire arm.


“See the stuff, Patrick removed the Voodoo stuff which was moved under the couch by them “Patrick told both of them.


Now Both Sandra and Kerran stood exposed. Patrick could see the Voodoo material, a black doll, candles and other material generally used in Voodoo spells.


Ursula was watching this from the window. She could clearly see what was going on inside,


“What you want me to do. Call the police “Patrick asked both the ladies.

Sandra broke down and started pleading for forgiving them.

“So you accept you were the one who had cast voodoo spell on me “Patrick almost shouted.


“Yes Patrick. I accept. Please do not call the police. That will destroy my reputation in the business. I am ready to do whatever you say “Sandra was pleading.


Patrick took the Black doll and as told by Baba Guru Nath tore it apart. With Lighter He lit the torn remains of the doll. In next few minutes it was turned into an ash. He also crushed the candles and the other material and put it in dustbin. While destroying this material his eyes were on both the ladies so that they did not run away or catch hold of any firearm.


Kerran was silent. She was not having any emotions on her face. Probably she was suggesting that she did this because her client asked her to do.


Meanwhile Ursula who was at the window also came inside the room. She was fuming with anger as well as she was crying.


“Sandra why you did this to Patrick “Ursula asked.


Sandra did not respond.


“Ursula go and calls the police otherwise truth will never come out “Patrick told Ursula.


“Stop Please I will tell the entire story “Sandra pleaded.




After selling the Paul property to you at 115000 USD I got a call from one of the earlier client who had seen this property but dropped his plan at that time. He was ready to Pay nearly 150000 USD for the property as he badly need it now for whatsoever reason. I told him a lie that it was rented for 2 months and after that we could enter into the deal. Making 35000 USD in one deal very rarely happens in our business.


My estate agent business was going slow and I needed some more money to stay afloat during this period. Then I thought I could create some issues with you and force you to sell the house. I was prepared to pay up to 125000 USD for the same even then I could have been in profit by cool 25000 USD.


To create a fear in your and Ursula’s mind I took help of Kerran to have an evil spell on you. Based on your photograph and some hairs which I collected from your dustbin, Kerran had created a dummy replica of you in the form of Voodoo doll. Every night we used to simulate the doll used to either press it, push it, throw it in the air. We also simulated Claws gripping the dummy doll. Kerran told me what was simulated here was getting experienced by Patrick in the home.


Sandra continued her talk, we also kept a watch on you to check whether the evil spell was working. We could see both of you at the clinic and also taking help of the father Agnel to cleanse the house. We could not increase your trouble more as the cleansing of the house by father Agnel and placing of the cross and holy water started creating issue for us in increasing further the intensity of the spell.


Then you people suddenly disappeared. When I enquired I came to know that you have left for a trip. We thought our trick is working and decided to intensify it.But suddenly this Sunday night we found that our spell was completely neutralized. Then Kerran predicted that we had placed some powerful object which was obstructing our spell. Under the guise of visiting your home I entered and tried to look for some objects. I got attracted to the lemon and picked it up. When I had shown the lemon today evening to Kerran she told me that I had collected the right object. Sandra finished her part of the story.


Patrick and Ursula were stunned to hear the first-hand account of the events from Sandra.

“Sandra and Kerran Just imagine the hell we went through. The sheer shock of the incidences could have killed a weak hearted person” Patrick told them.


“No Patrick we just wanted to scare both of you so that you sell the property. I never intended to kill anyone “Sandra replied.


“Sandra. The reaction varies from individual to individual. The incidences which I experienced were horrible and it would have resulted in a mental shock and even suicide” Ursula supported Patrick.


“Now let me warn both of you. If I or anyone in my family is targeted by you with evil spells or similar spells I would straightway take you to the police “Patrick said in a loud voice.


“Now after you exposed us, I don’t think we would be indulged in this again .Please forgive us for our act” Sandra and Kerran pleaded as they thought William’s may call the police.


“Ok for us this chapter is closed.” Patrick told both of them.


The cop stationed outside the apartment by now sensed that something was going inside the flat. He alerted the Police station. Bob and Tayler immediately asked the team to surround the apartment. The team led by Bob and Tayler reached the flat and knocked on it.


Patrick and all inside the room got alarmed at this sudden development.

Suddenly they heard door being forced open by the cops.


Bob and Tayler with their guns asked all in the room to raise their hands.


“ Ms. Sandra ,  you are under arrest “ Bob declared.


Patrick tried to intervene “ Sir , we do not have any complaint “


Irritated Bob shot back “Who are you , just move back “


“ But for what. Patrick and Ursula do not have a complaint against me now “ Sandra tried telling  Bob.


“ Who is this Patrick and Ursula …” Bob asked.


Patrick told the whole episode in next few minutes to Bob and Tayler.


“ Ms. Sandra , you only told one part of the story and you conveniently forgot the Rag Peter Part “ Bob said calmly holding the gun straight.


Hearing this Sandra started trembling.  She thought everything is over now.


“ Now listen the balance part of the story from me “ Bob told them.


“ The day of the murder ,Rag Peter as usual came to meet  Kerran and handover the voodoo dolls. .Sandra and Kerran were having a discussion about something at the same time in the room. Rag Peter probably heard the conservation. Sensing that Rag Peter may open this secret  , in the night Sandra drove to the makeshift home of Rag Peter and stoned him to death. While dying He had at least noted down the number of vehicle “NO17 which helped us to track you” Bob continued.


“ Now I am able to connect the dots. Peter probably heard something related to this gentleman Patrick. Fearing that Peter would expose it to Patrick , you finished him, right?”


There was no response from Sandra.


Kerran till now was not aware that it is Sandra who killed Rag Peter. She also started cried and trembling after hearing this.


“ Ms. Kerran , do not worry , you are not the accused but we will have to take you also under preventive arrest “ Bob told Kerran.


The Police Van with Sandra and Kerran left the market street heading towards the police station.


Bob and Tayler finally had a sigh of relief. Their efforts had finally paid off.


Ursula and Patrick were allowed to go home after preliminary investigations by the cops.. The second lemon was still in Ursula’ hand. Everything Baba Guru Nath told happened exactly. They thought probably Baba himself had scripted the events through his magical benevolent power and the Shabar siddhi.


After reaching home the first thing Ursula did was to ring up Shikha in Delhi. She briefed her entire of sequence of the events that had happened after they reach USA. Shikha was surprised to hear that everything happened as told by Baba Guru Nath.


The sermonized second lemon now is in William’s Living room showcase duly preserved in an air tight container. William’s had not experienced any issue afterword.


Ursula did get a chance a year after to visit India again. She went to Haridwar and met Baba Avadh Nath in the ashram but could not meet Baba Guru Nath as he was on a pilgrimage to Nepal at that time. However she had kept a note thanking Baba Guru Nath with the Ashram (Of course Shikha had to write for her in local language).


Every time William’s Pass near the showcase and observe the sermonized lemon and the Cross in the showcase, they feel safe and secure. They think that the Almighty Lord is among them and no one can create trouble for them in future with such a strong divine backing available to them.


--------------------------##########  The Beginning #########------------------




















Peculiar Words and their meaning




Holy Water

Holy water is water that has been blessed by religious figure. Concept exists in many religion

Holy sticks

Sandalwood which is used in religious rituals


Capital of India


The Nath sect is an ancient lineage of spiritual masters


The Navnath are the nine saints, Masters or Naths on whom the Navnath Sampradaya, the lineage of the nine gurus is based


Guru is a Sanskrit term for "teacher" or "master", especially in Indian religions




Shiva also called MahadUrsula, Mahesh   is a Hindu deity and considered as the Supreme God. Patron of Yoga, Divine power and Art.

Mahadev ,Maheshvara

Other names of the Lord Shiva


Dattatreya is recognized as an
or incarnation of
and as first Guru of the Nathas.  Dattatreya is considered as "Lord of Yoga" exhibiting distinctly

Red fort

The Red Fort, a 17th-century
complex constructed by the
Shah Jahan
in Delhi India.


Qutub Minar   is the tallest
and is a
Site. Located in Delhi,


Raj Ghat is a memorial to
Mahatma Gandhi
the grate leader who lead Indian freedom struggle

Mughal Garden

The Mughal Gardens are situated in the Rashtrapati Bhavan - the Presidents House of India. Mix of British and Islamic architecture


City near Delhi a major tourist attraction

Taj mahal

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, built by Mughal emperor Shah. World heritage site


Simla, also known as Shimla, a city in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, formerly the summer capital of British India


Kulu popular hill station in India This valley is famous for its beauty and its majestic hills covered with
Forest and sprawling Apple Orchards


Manali is another hill station in India and attraction for the tourists who want to visit the Himalayas.


Amritsar situated in Punjab state of India. It is the spiritual center for the Sikh and have world famous Golden temple.


A Yogi is a practitioner of Yoga. Yogis may broadly refer to Siddhars. Naths, Ascetics, Sadhus,


The Sanskrit terms sadhu ("good man") and sādhvī ("good woman") refer to renounces who have chosen to live a life apart from or on the edges of society in order to focus on their own spiritual practice.



Tantric refers to scriptures and to practitioners of methods described by the scriptures, including: Scriptures  Pan-Indian Tantra, Tantric yoga 


enuka s worshiped as the Goddess (
) of the fallen, in the
pantheon. Is the incarnation of
, who on one hand symbolizes the death of ego, and on the other hand is the mother who is compassionate about her children? By the
Koli People



Goddess Parvati is another form of Shakti, the wife of  the lord

Kundalani Yoga

Kundalini yoga derives its name through a focus on awakening
kundalini energy
through regular practice of
, chanting
and yoga

Rudra Yoga

Rudra Yoga is the power to dissolve and blast through obstacles and live every moment through waking, dreaming and deep sleep in a unified state.


A śloka a category of
verse line
from  a religious book


Indian religions
mantra  is a
term for a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation

Saar Masaan badha Nivran

Mantra used to get rid of the Evil.

Rudra Havan

Ritual  for Getting rid of all negative influences


River Ganga in India. Revered as a mother in Indian tradition


Asana is a body position, typically associated with the practice of Yoga,

Kundalini Jagruti

Kundalini is the spiritual energy within oneself. Jagruti means awakening that spiritual energy

Shabar Vidya

Body of knowledge of the Nath Sect which contains remedies to get rid of negative energy and negative spells

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a kind of yoga focusing on physical and mental strength building exercises

Alakh Niranjan

Alakh Niranjan is used by Nath yogis as a salutation
Alakh Niranjan" (Meaning “one who cannot be seen nor tainted”)

BOOK: Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons
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