Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) (8 page)

BOOK: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)
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Connor turned toward Luke.

“Why did he break from his order?”

“The files were really old to hack into, back to basics and paper trail. But from what I can gather he was into some serious black magic stuff. The order had banished him after he had tried to turn them to his way of thinking, killing one of them in the process. The order still exists and I have already been in touch with them to ask for their help
. When I explained the circumstances they were a little guarded at first, but have agreed to meet with Lizzy at the end of the week, in a neutral place”

Marcus stood dragging his hand through his hair.

“Good, we will take a group of enforcers to stay in the background in case needed, we have to be careful, this could be Lizzy’s only chance”

“I will be with her, I won’t let anything happen to her,
I just hope they can reverse this shit” Connor growled.

Luke opened up another file on screen.

“I also found out some interesting information on the Oakfield pack. Most of his pack have left, but as yet I cannot find follow on addresses. I figured if we could find them we could interview them. The few that remain, all twelve of them………..”

“Twelve?” Marcus and Connor asked.

“Yep, twelve, are very loyal to Lawson and his son Oliver”

A low growl interrupted Luke. Raising an eyebrow at Connor, he shook his head and continued.

“Lawson had the males trying to mate with the four remaining females to increase the size of the pack. So far none have got pregnant. We already know Oliver was wanting to mate with Lizzy to reproduce, harnessing her gift. What he may not know, is that the longer Lizzy’s wolf has been bound, the stronger her telekinesis gift will be. Samuel, the current leader of the order, was very specific in telling me that as soon as her wolf is released, her gift that we thought was powerful now, will be magnified”

Connor jumped out of his seat, the chair fell back onto the hardwood floor. The emotions raging through him right now were ferocious, just the mere
thought of Lizzy in the hands of that fucker had his claws unsheathing and his sharp teeth descending.

If he finds out about her suppressed power he will do everything he can to get her back. Has the order heard from anyone of the Oakfield pack recently?” Connor asked.

Luke snapped his laptop shut.

“No, not since Duncan left years ago, but they will keep us informed and up to date. From what I could gather they are very reclusive most of the time, tend to not let insiders in. I had to pull in quite a few favours with some people just to get a phone call with them”

“Does Lizzy know that her powers will magnify once her wolf is released?” Marcus quietly asked.

“Not at all. For years all she has wanted was to have her wolf back. Now it will put her in more danger than ever as long as the Oakfield pack exist. Shit, I should have just finished the bastard yesterday, had I known about all this extra information I would have not allowed her to even contemplate going back to her old pack”

Connor scru
bbed his hand over his face, feeling the rough edge of two day old stubble.

“Did he attack you yesterday?”

Marcus watched for every reaction that would pass across his betas face.

“It was a 50/50 situation”

“Who took the first hit?” Luke questioned

“He did, he insulted my mate”

“Then we should not have to worry about a pack war, the council law as old as time itself allows for a male to attack another male if they feel their mate is threatened” Marcus added.

Connor braced his hands on the oak desk in front of him. He had to talk Lizzy, but how much to tell her? The very thought of her
in more danger had his wolf snarling in protest. The old bastard Duncan was obviously not lying when he said Lizzy would have been a danger to the pack with her gift, the fucker obviously knew more than he had let on, keep her bound for a few years then release all that power for his black magic shit.

“I’ll talk to her,
how many days until we meet with the order?”

Luke stood, looking to Marcus then Connor.

“Three days, we have yet to agree on a neutral place, I was hoping you guys could help there, you know the land up here better than anyone”

Marcus nodded in acknowledgment.

“I can think of a couple of places, Tristan needs to be up to speed on this as well”

As Connor was leaving he stopped, hand on the door handle.

“I trust you all with my life, but whatever place we choose needs to be completely secret, we cannot risk any of the Oakfield pack knowing about this. If they knew Lizzy was meeting with the order it would endanger her immensely and that I cannot allow”

Marcus placed his hand on his shoulder.

“We understand Connor, if it was Brianna, I would feel exactly the same way”

Preparing himself for a conversation that he was not entirely sure how much should be discussed he headed out in search of Lizzy.


Lizzy was starting to relax now that she had a couple of whiskey chasers down her neck. That had been the idea of Anna. The moment she had walked through those doors looking like shit, the bottle had come out to play.

“This is so unfair that you two get to drink and I get orange juice” Brianna grumbled.

“Hey come on, I am making up for lost drinking time with my best friend!”

“And I am just wanting to forget this night ever happened” Anna added.

Lizzy swivelled on her seat to face her, eyes eager.

“Do tell”

Anna poured herself another glass and topped up Lizzy’s much to Brianna’s

“Oh, it involves your friend the warrior”

Brianna leaned forward, an impish grin on her face.

“You mean sweet Luke?”

Anna growled low in her throat, his very name had her reliving the intense kiss he had gave her not long ago.

Yes, but I really don’t want to talk about him tonight, can we talk about something else”

“Sure, what about Lizzy’s adventures over the past month, come on give us details, lots of details” Brianna asked.

Lizzy took a sip of the amber liquid, as she placed the glass back down the room spun, a fire started low in her abdomen. Rubbing her eyes she took deep steadying breaths.

Bri, what strength is that?”

Brianna picked up the bottle, glancing at the label.

“Regular strength, bloody hell Lizzy you are getting old if you are feeling the effects so soon”

Lizzy was not so sure
, she could take her drink, most shifters could and regular strength was like tap water to most of them. What the hell was wrong with her? Taking another deep breath she closed her eyes briefly, at least she no longer felt like her world had tilted on its axis. A dull ache started behind her eyes, the burn in her abdomen had spread to her arms and legs, as if her body was trying to claw out of its skin. Panicking, her immediate thought was her wolf, but tuning into the animal it lay still, silently watching her. Standing up she looked to her friends who had gone from jovial to concern in a heartbeat.

“I think I need to lie down, maybe I am getting old” she laughed.

Brianna came around the table wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

“Are you ok? Shit, your eyes turned silver for a moment there, what the hell is up with that?”

Lizzy stepped back out of Brianna’s arms, trying to distance herself from her. Anger welled up inside of her, so raw, so pure, she was unsure how to handle it. A rolling tidal wave of emotions hit her so fast. This had never happened before, her wolf was become agitated, the moment the anger started a low growl had started in her head.
What the hell is up with you, why are you angry as well, give me an answer damn it!!!!
Her wolf snarled at her, pacing restlessly. She needed out and Lizzy could not give her that. Clutching the side of her head she stumbled back against the refrigerator.

“Fuck Lizzy what the hell is wrong?” Brianna shouted.

“We need to get Michael, something is really wrong!” Anna replied.

The voices sounded distant, and that pissed her and her wolf off even more.
Snarling she pushed against helping hands.

“No leave me alone, don’t come near me”

Her voice had dropped an octave her wolf vying for attention. If only she could release her, let her run free, let her have control even for a short time. Brianna was seriously worried, the change in Lizzy had been rapid, and she had never seen her eyes change to silver, the glow had been temporary but enough to highlight the fact that that was not normal shit. She was trying to keep her emotions calm but each passing second that Lizzy became more agitated, Brianna’s anxiety went up a little. Obviously she did not contain them enough judging by the shouting in her head from Marcus, who by now she was pretty sure was barrelling his way over here. Just fuckin perfect. The front door sounded loud as it opened and Brianna was relieved that Connor had arrived first.

The walk next door only took seconds but in those few precious moments Connor had a sudden surge of emotions soar through him. The impact was so sudden he had physically grasped his chest, trying to relieve the pressure. He knew in an instant it was Lizzy, they may not be bonded but they were fated mates
and that was good enough for him. His long legs ate up the distance in no time, as the front door opened he could feel the anger pulsing through the house, followed by a deeper voice of Lizzy. The moment he entered the Kitchen his wolf was growling and clawing at the need to protect their mate. Her eyes were wild, her wolf sitting very close to the surface, the aggression coming off her was increasing by the second. Connor knew she was internally battling with something and it was angering her wolf. Stepping to Brianna and Anna he pushed them carefully to the back of the kitchen, sending out his beta energy to reassure them. Brianna gave him a look that said she had no idea what was going on either. Quietly, he approached Lizzy, keeping his actions calm and controlled, she looked like she was going to bolt any minute.

“Hey baby, want to tell me what’s going on?”

Her eyes flashed silver as they scanned over him. Shit this was scaring the crap out of her. Lizzy knew that all she needed was to get the hell out of here where she could not harm anyone, because right now everyone was pissing her off. She begged and prayed in her head for the sensations to go away. Then she heard Connor and something switched inside, her wolf stopped pacing and began to whine. Her breathing was fast as she knew she had to respond to his question, to reassure him.

I don’t know what’s happening to me Connor” she rasped out.

Carefully she felt his arms wrap around her, holding her close, stroking her hair. The soothing reassuring sounds had her relaxing instantly, the raging emotions and burning inside of her subsided.


Uh oh. That was
definitely one pissed off alpha, the energy in the room was almost suffocating. Connor turned with Lizzy in his arms to address Marcus. The huge alpha pulled Brianna into his arms tight, claws unsheathed, canines descended brutally sharp.

“What the fuck happened in here?” he managed to snarl out.

“I’m not sure yet my alpha, but I think I need to get Lizzy out of here first”

Marcus flickered his eyes over Lizzy, then to Connor.

“Get her settled then we talk”

Connor nodded, before taking Lizzy’s trembling hand and leading her out of the kitchen.
Marcus pulled back, pushing Brianna’s hair out of her face.

“You ok baby? You scared the fucking shit out of me then”

“I’m fine, sorry I tried to stay calm, but I have never seen Lizzy like that ever”

Anna placed the glasses in the sink.

“I know I have not known her long, but even to me that was not normal”

“What was not normal?”

The sound of Luke entering the kitchen had her heart fluttering and heat rising to her cheeks. The energy was still vibrant and raw, Anna knew that he sensed the tension, he came straight to her. Large hands cupped her face as his eyes bore into hers. Marcus relayed the events as much as he knew and Anna and Brianna did not notice the look of knowing that passed between the two men when Lizzy’s sudden behaviour change was brought up.

“You’re not hurt?” he gently asked.

Feeling suddenly embarrassed especially with an audience she shook her head and stepped out of his hold. The scowl and narrowing of his eyes told her exactly that he was not happy with that move. It was the complete opposite of how she wanted him to feel, then why the hell was she pushing him away when all he wanted to do was reassure her? Then she remembered her little problem that was building, she could not drag him into that shit, no matter how many times she wanted to lick her tongue over every part of his body. That thought alone had her arousal rising, Luke inhaled the air as his eyes burned amber, his gaze never left hers.

“Maybe I should talk to her Marcus?”

BOOK: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)
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