Read Continental Beginnings Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

Continental Beginnings (4 page)

BOOK: Continental Beginnings
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The first demonstration begins and I sit silently watching and taking notes on an enthusiastic, young lady who is getting spanked. She does so well at conducting herself during her faux punishment, she then gets anally penetrated by another instructor as per her request. Her moans of pleasure are only mildly distracting but I lose interest quickly and jot down a few notes and criticisms.

Bella – eyes the color of the deep blue sea; a mouth the shade of cherry blossoms in bloom.

“You’re up, Xander,” a voice cuts in.

No, I’m not
In fact, I’m far from it. I should be aroused at this point and ready to
my student, but I’m not.

Moving in front of the saucy redhead, I proceed to bind her tightly to the spanking horse face down in preparation of teaching her how to accept punishment and pleasure properly. I reach for my usual preferred implements, including a violet wand and a long yard stick. I fire up the wand delighting in the crackling electrical sound it emits. I’ve missed it, but surprisingly not as much as I thought I would.

Bella Darcy.

Concentration is imperative in this scene, and I push the gut wrenching image of her disappointed eyes out of my head.

After swatting the woman’s ass and experimenting with the wand on her for nearly 20 minutes, I realize I must now reward the red-haired woman for her subdued obedience. She’s squirming uncomfortably and yearns for release, but still, I’m completely unaffected by her lusty groaning. I rub her bottom briefly and whisper words of encouragement and praise into her ear and her whining gradually dies down.
This is so wrong.
Next, I slide my fingers into her wet cunt to seek out her G-spot, and I’m overcome with guilt and nausea.
This is so horribly wrong.

Pulling my fingers out quickly, I step back and motion for another instructor to take over. He looks perplexed as do the other apprentices who are watching. Excusing myself, I wash my hands of the betrayal I just committed against Bella and stare at my own reflection in the mirror, disgusted with the forlorn look on my face.

Damn Bella Darcy for bewitching me so completely.

I’m falling for this woman.



Chapter 6

Five days into Christmas break, I can’t take being without Bella any longer. I make up some excuse to call her and have her brought to the office under false pretenses of a work emergency. When she arrives, she looks decadent and delicious, like a piece of ripe fruit waiting to be plucked from the vine and eaten. She stands in the doorway of my office, watching me guardedly – no doubt because of our last interaction and my asshole conduct.

“Mr. Pettifor, is everything okay?” she asks, concerned.

“No, not really. I haven’t eaten in a week,” I grouse.

“I’d be happy to help you with that, Sir,” she replies calmly as she walks to my desk, laying herself out for me to feast on her.

My heart beats rapidly at her submission. What makes her willing to give herself so freely to me? What have I done to deserve her submission to me? Not a damned thing.
Stop over thinking things, Xander, and accept this arrangement for what it is – absolutely fucking perfect.

Wanting to enjoy the moment, I remove her shoes and peel her stockings off slowly, kissing each of her toes lightly and then working my mouth up the insides of her calves, then thighs. She smells divine – like the expensive perfume I bought her and
. I look up at her face and her eyes are tightly closed, her mouth parted and panting.

“Open your eyes, Ms. Darcy and watch me pleasure you,” I stipulate.

Her eyes flutter open and focus in on me, her tongue gliding across her glossed lips.
God, I want to fuck that mouth.

I shove my tongue into her without forewarning and she squeals with delight, the sound like music to my ears. Licking and lapping at her for more than thirty minutes, my tongue aches with a welcome pain. She screams out three times and her sweet cream flows like a river. My cock is strained in my pants but right at this moment, this is all about Bella. I don’t deserve to cum after the way I treated her, so tonight, I go without.

When I’m finished eating, I dress her and she appears bemused by my lack of gratifying myself, but doesn’t once question me or ask for an explanation.

“My driver will take you home. I’ll see you at the gala day after tomorrow,” I tell her.

As she turns to leave, I reach into my pants pocket and pull out a small box. I grip her upper arm and spin her around and present her with the belated Christmas gift.

“Merry Christmas, Ms. Darcy.”

Bella stares at it a moment, not moving. Her eyes flick from the box to me and back. She hesitantly takes it from me and looks me directly in the eyes.

“I wish you hadn’t. I don’t deserve this after the way I disobeyed you,” she states quietly.

She deserves more… so much more. She deserves the world on a silver platter...she deserves riches and pleasures untold and to be fucked passionately over and over until her body aches and she sees stars in her eyes.

Maintaining my cool, I answer, “Don’t be over dramatic, Ms. Darcy. You don’t even know what it is.”

She nods and proceeds to open it and smiles when she sees the small cherry blossom brooch I picked out.

“It reminded me of the color of your lips and of you: Delicate and fragile.”

Bella sighs heavily. “I’ll try to be stronger for you, Mr. Pettifor, and to follow your rules more closely.”

“I didn’t mean…” I start to say, but her look of upset shuts me up. “Being delicate is nothing to be ashamed of. A person can be both resilient and fragile without either taking anything away from the other.”

The irony of my statement isn’t lost on me because I, too, need to heed my own words of advice. Once more, I’m lecturing her as if she’s one of my students, but my words seem to resonate with her and her deep blue eyes twinkle with understanding.

“It’s for special occasions only,” I say regretfully when her warm eyes cool.

“Of course it is. Thank you, Mr. Pettifor. I’ll see you on New Year’s Eve,” she graciously answers back as she excuses herself.


Standing and waiting for Bella, I’m scanning the crowded ballroom for her sparkling eyes. Instead of my princess’ face, I see Svetlana waving at me from across the room.
What the fuck is she doing here?
She pushes her way aggressively through the crowd to me, her big white veneers gleaming under the chandelier lighting.

When she reaches me, she throws her arms around me, but I gently push away from her.
Been there, done that - no thanks.
Her nauseating vanilla scent brings back all sorts of memories of our time together, none of which are worth even mentioning, including the sex we had. She immediately begins droning on and on.

“Oh, Xander, darling, you look amazing! Where have you been hiding?” she says loudly, making several people turn their heads to see what the commotion is. Feeling embarrassed at the attention she’s bringing me, I guide her to a more secluded area but regret my decision when she gets a predatory look in her eyes that’s all too familiar.
And unwanted.

“So are you still an instructor at that sex school?” she asks with a faint Russian accent.

“It’s not a sex school - it’s a training center,” I correct her.

“Yeah, sure, a
training center
where you get to fuck your students. I need to get a job like that. Are they hiring? I could teach those little bitches a thing or two,” she cackles.

I doubt that.
This woman knows nothing about acting like a lady, obedience or how to make a man feel like a God. Sighing with irritation at her lewdness and for the fact that I ever gave her any of my time, she laughs louder at me.
Christ, what did I ever see in this obnoxious woman?

“It was good seeing you, Svetlana,” I lie as politely as possible given the aggravating circumstances and walk away from her.

From behind me, Bella’s pleasant voice calling out my name resonates through the din. She’s a vision of elegance in the red floor length, strapless gown that I chose for her. Her hair is pulled up with only a few tendrils framing her lovely face, the corners of her shiny lips turned up in a faint smile. Scanning her attire, I’m delighted to see the cherry blossom brooch pinned on her chest proudly.

“Do you find me acceptable?” she asks thoughtfully.

“Dear, Ms. Darcy, you look…” I don’t even get my statement out when Svetlana is back, bellowing loudly like a dog in heat.

“Xander!” she screeches over the top of me, startling both Bella and I.

I pull Bella over to my side and wrap my arm around her waist in a gesture of ownership, hoping Svetlana takes a hint and beats a path to the other side of the room, but to my complete horror she starts fondling me right in front of Bella. Poor Ms. Darcy looks bewildered so I introduce them. Without disappointing me, Bella is courteous and offers Svetlana a hand shake but being the rude bitch that Svetlana is, she glares at Bella harshly and ignores her genteel attempt at civility.

Finally and thankfully, another man catches Svetlana’s eye and she disappears. After socializing for almost two hours, I’m able to sneak Bella out onto the balcony just before midnight. As she gazes out into the cool night, I move behind her, let her hair down and run my fingers through it. Burying my nose in her thick mane and inhaling her spicy scent, I guide her hands onto the balcony railing.

“Italy,” I whisper into her ear. “Have you ever been?” I ask, already knowing her answer before she speaks it.

“No, Sir,” she answers dreamily as I lift her long velvet gown just enough to slide my fingers into her panties.

“Next week we travel there on business.”

I nibble her earlobe and ease my fingers in and out of her pussy while people mingle all around us, seemingly unaware of our activities. My cock strains in my slacks as she moans out her approval and I grind myself into her ass. She pushes back onto me and grips the ledge of balcony tightly while throwing her head back.

“I want you to cum for me, Ms. Darcy,” I command as I assault her wet depths with my fingers.

“If it pleases you,” she pants out, surrendering herself to me and never once denying or resisting my inappropriate public display of affection.

Everything this woman does pleases me, most especially when she cries my name during the throws of passion.

The people scatter and disappear back into the ballroom as the countdown to the New Year begins and I concentrate all my efforts on my beautiful princess. Just as she starts to climax, I spin her around, lift her dress and she sprays into my mouth as the New Year’s fireworks illuminate the night sky.

“Mr. Pettifor!” she screams out, her voice barely heard over the loud booming and crackling of the roman candles.

I slide her dress down over her shaky thighs and stand as the crowd reassembles on the balcony to watch the fireworks show and I hold her close, steadying her post orgasmic convulsions.

“Happy New Year, Ms. Darcy,” I breathe into her ear.

“Yes, most definitely a Happy New Year, Sir,” she grins as colorful blooms reflect in her glassy eyes.

God damn it, I’m falling hard for this woman.



Chapter 7

Watching Bella sleep on the jet, she looks peaceful. I unbuckle my seatbelt and walk over and place a blanket on her. Her eyes flutter open and she stirs, her mouth turning upwards in a sleepy half-smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Pettifor,” she yawns as she turns on her side.

Seating myself several aisles away from her, I get back to work. Italy is on the agenda and I look forward to spending time with her and seeing the look on her face when she sees the land where my mother was born. The flight is long but I keep myself busy and Bella never interrupts me except to ask if I need anything. When the flight attendant approaches me, Bella quickly cuts in as if envious and jealous of anyone else showing me attention, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. She’s adorable in personal assistant mode. Hell, she’s endearing in all forms.

Once on Italian soil, we’re swept away to a meeting without further ado. It’s quite evident that she’s tired from the trip, as am I and jet lag is taking its toll on the both of us.

After several conferences, we leave for our hotel only to find out that our reservations got fucked up and Bella is without a room for the night. As exhausted as we are, it’s the last thing we need and I have no other choice but to allow Ms. Darcy to stay in my room until things get fixed. Her luggage is brought up to my room and when I return from the lavatory, she’s spread out on the bed, fully clothed and deep in sleep. She’s lying flat on her stomach, her hair is in her face and she looks like a crumpled mess. I stand watching her for a short time, my nurturing side itching to come out.
Fuck it.
For the first time in ages, I give in to my gentle side.

I slip her shoes and stockings off, followed by her skirt and blouse, and not once she does stir or even awaken. I then proceed to clean what little make up she has on and tuck her in. Pushing her raven hair out of her face, I kiss the corner of her mouth. She’s looks so vulnerable and fragile when she’s sleeping, it’s hard to imagine this is the same composed woman who runs every aspect of my business life.

“Pleasant dreams, Ms. Darcy,” I breathe into her ear.

Suddenly feeling like the hammer has been dropped on me, I undress myself quickly and fall into a deep slumber next to her.

When I awaken, the sun is set and Bella is cuddled up next to me in the crook of my arm, the covers pushed off of her. The curves of her semi-nude body are shimmering in the moonlight that’s filtering in through the window and I wonder,
am I dreaming?

Overcome with the kinds of unwanted emotions I’ve avoided for so long, I contemplate whether or not to kick her out of my bed. Instead, I gently slide my arm out from under her and watch her sleep for several minutes before deciding I can no longer wait to be inside of her. I skim her panties down her legs and toss them to the floor, and as I fumble with her bra, she rouses.

BOOK: Continental Beginnings
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