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Authors: Annie Sauder-Wallen

Contract to Love (2 page)

BOOK: Contract to Love
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Chapter 5

Lawrence strolled right into the big house, up to the second floor where his grandfather’s rooms were located. 

“Hello, Nonna.” Lawrence said affectionally.

“Why Lawrence, we weren’t expecting you tonight?” his grandmother smiled her sweet smile.

“Where is Nonno?”  Lawrence returned her smile.

“He is in his study, dear,” she answered. 

              As Lawrence walked in, Sabin glanced up from the report in his hand.

“Yes, young Sabin, What is it?”

              Elizabeth Sanders was hurt and taken to the hospital tonight.” Lawrence pointed out. 

              “I know. I have the report here.” signaling to the report in his hand.

“Nonno, she wasn’t supposed to get hurt.  You said you just wanted to scare her to give up the business.” Lawrence pleaded.

Sabin watched his grandson closely through his old, intense Italian eyes.  “I have reprimanded the Doletti boys for that.  Why are you so concerned?  You, as well, are to be talking hoer out of keeping the business.  Do you have feelings for her?”

              “No! Of course not.” Lawrence said quickly.  “I just do not think she is going to give up easily.  Even after tonight.  She will only be more determined.”  Lawrence finished.

“All right.”  Sabin said flatly.  “Time to move to Step B.”

“But Nonno,” begged Lawrence.

Sabin glanced harshly at his grandson. 

“Are you disobeying me?  This does not look well for a boss in charge of his company.”

              A determined look passed over Lawrence’s face.  “OK, Nonno, we will move to Step B.”

              Sabin smiled. Now that was more like his grandson.

Chapter 6

Elizabeth sat down to take a rest.  It had been a week since the break-in incident.  She was still recuperating.  Lawrence came by more frequently to check on her, but he seemed more withdrawn lately.  They planned to go out to eat tonight.  She longed to ask him how he felt about her, but always held her tongue.  Maybe tonight she would ask him.  Elizabeth glanced around her shop.  The burglars didn’t take anything last time.  They left her bleeding.  They had warned her to leave.  But why?  The police didn’t really have any leads. Lawrence would be here any moment to help her lock up as he was every evening.  He promised he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.


They drove to the restaurant in silence.  Most of the dinner was in silence.  When they talked if was about the weather, and news.  After supper, they decided to walk in the park.  As he walked, in silence

he took her hand.

              “Elizabeth, last week you scared me with the accident.  I only know one way to keep my peace of mind,” Lawrence paused.  Elizabeth frowned.  What is he trying to say?

“Elizabeth, will you, um, marry me?”  Lawrence stuttered.

Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears.  Her smile said it all.

“I wanted to know how you felt about me.  I wasn’t expecting marriage.  Yes! Yes, I will marry you!”  Elizabeth happily confirmed.

              Lawrence pulled out a large, round diamond with two sapphires on the side.  He told her the sapphires were to match her eyes.  Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears of joy again.

Chapter 7

The next two weeks Elizabeth spent planning the wedding.  When Elizabeth asked Lawrence when they should have the wedding, Lawrence said as soon as possible.  She planned and planned.  He walked in, looking at the cost for the wedding and yelled he didn’t want a big wedding.  He apologized later, but insisted they elope.  She begged him to allow her parents and brothers to come, but they couldn’t come until the end of the summer.  He wouldn’t budge. She had noticed a change in him, but couldn’t pinpoint it exactly.  She finally agreed to elope next week.

              She picked a long, lacy, short-sleeved white dress. It was also low-cut like the red dress she wore on the date he caressed her breasts. She would soon be Mrs. Lawrence Karapelli.  Her love for him surpassed the highest mountains.  She would do anything to please him.

Chapter 8

On May 28, at 3:00 p.m. Miss Elizabeth Sanders became Mrs. Elizabeth Karapelli.  Her friend Mary stood up beside her.  Lawrence stood on the right with his cousin Thomas beside.  They stood in a beautifully crafted Catholic chapel.  Father Joseph stood in front of them, saying the words you will love her, honor her, and be faithful to her.

              Elizabeth’s love shone through her eyes.  She practically glowed today.  Lawrence smiled, but the smile did not seem to go all the way to his eyes.  He is probably tired, Elizabeth thought.  I will make him happy tonight.  She blushed just thinking of the pleasure, tonight was sure to bring.

              After the small ceremony, Mary wished her good luck and lots of happiness.  Then Lawrence and Elizabeth boarded a small plane and they flew to the Virgin Islands.  How ironic!  This would be the last night she was a virgin.  Tonight her dreams would be fulfilled.  She felt she couldn’t be happier.

              Once the plane landed, they walked down the sandy beach.  Elizabeth saw the royal blue water sparkling in the sunlight.  She saw the palm trees sway gently in the light tropical wind.  They had supper on their balcony.  The meal consisted oven fried grouper fingers, sweet rice, roasted tomatoes, and some tart red berries.

              Lawrence finally seemed to relax.  They talked and laughed about their courtship.  Then Lawrence stood up without a word, took her hand and led her to ecstasy.  He slipped her dress off easily.  She tugged on his shirt.  He chuckled, then unbuttoned it and slipped it off.  Then with ease, he unsnapped her bra, but quickly covered her breasts with his hands.  Then his mouth took their place.  He slipped her panties off and continued lower with his mouth.  Elizabeth arched, as he gently laid her on the bed.  He quickly discarded the rest of his clothes.  He moved himself to the inside of her thighs.  He plunged in deeply.  Her surprised cry was swallowed by his tender kiss.  Then ever so gently ecstasy began to take over.

              Then Lawrence pulled Elizabeth in his strong arms.  Now her world was complete.

              “I love you.”  Elizabeth said dreamily as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 9

Lawrence and Elizabeth spent the next week wrapped in each other’s arms.  They held on to each other as they walked barefoot down the beach, at the pool, or sunbathing together.  Then they always ended up in bed together.  One day they remembered back to their date when she wore the red dress.  Lawrence had said he had a hard time sleeping after his cold showed that night.  They finished what they had begun that night.  However, he never told her he loved her.  Yes, he desired her, but had not said he loved her.  But Elizabeth was content to wait. 

     On Sunday, the last day of their honeymoon, they decided to go to Church, as they had every Sunday back home.

      The sermon was about love.  Love one another.  Elizabeth glanced over at Lawrence.  He sat there staring straight ahead, showing no emotion. 

     Elizabeth just grabbed his hand and squeezed.  Love will come in time, she told herself.

     After Mass, they ate a quick lunch, and packed their belongings, then boarded a small plane.

     They sat side by side in silence.  She had felt Lawrence tense the moment he stepped on the plane.  What happened?  She could feel her own stomach churning.  When they landed, they would go straight to the big house to meet his family.  She met his cousin Thomas, but had not met anyone else.  Would they like her?

Chapter 10

As they drove the car through the huge iron gated with the letter K on them, Elizabeth’s eye’s widened and she froze.  They drove around the curved driveway lined with tall oak trees.  Then she saw it.  The house!  It looked like a huge cathedral.  Lawrence took her hand and led her to the door.  The entryway led to many other rooms and boasted a long, circular stairway.  Lawrence greeted the maid who pointed to the right.  Then they walked into a large ballroom with two large, hanging chandeliers, and a multitude of faces ranging in ages from very young to very old. 

     “This is all your family?”  Elizabeth whispered surprised.

     “Yes.” Lawrence answered simply.  He proceeded to introduce her to all, starting with his Nonno, grandfather.  Her mind was swimming with names and faces after all the introductions.  They then moved into a very large dining room.  Elizabeth picked at her food, and glanced around the table.  At the head of the table sat Sabin Karapelli.  He had such a strong presence, almost devious.  Then she switched her attention to Rosetta, Lawrence’s grandmother.  She seemed like a sweet lady.  Elizabeth had met Lawrence’s parents, Mario and Teresa.  Lawrence also had five sisters, three married with children.  Elizabeth thought she had a large family, but it was nothing compared to Lawrence’s. 

      Lawrence went off to talk business with the men.  Elizabeth visited with Lawrence’s mother, and sister, Valerie.  They made her feel so comfortable.  She had wondered why she was so nervous. 

At 11:00 p.m. that night, Lawrence finally came and said it was time to go home.  When Elizabeth asked if business was productive, he snapped and said he will own this business one day.  Elizabeth again saw the cold determination in his eyes.  She turned to the window and said not another word.

Chapter 11

Elizabeth awoke to the sound of running water.  She turned over and glanced at the clock.  It said 6:00 a.m.  She saw a light coming from under the bathroom door.  Lawrence was taking a shower. Elizabeth lay in bed looking at her surroundings.  Last night when they came in, he took her to their bedroom where they mad love and went to sleep. The ceiling fan hummed on low above their bed.  The carpet was lush with several different tones of browns.  There was an overstuffed brown chair in the corner where he laid their clothes.  His dresser which was on the other wall was polished oak.  He had laid his two gold “K” cufflinks on top of it.  Then four feet away from the dresser lay the door to the bathroom.  Should she walk in and surprise him?  What would he say?  What would he do?  Would he tell her it was not the time.  Elizabeth sat up just as Lawrence walked out of the bathroom dressed only in his dark pants.  His hair combed neatly in place.  His strong arms and broad chest flexed as he moved to put on his clean white shirt.  Elizabeth would never stop yearning for those strong arms to hold and caress her.

     “Get dressed, I want you to sign some papers on our marriage, then I will take you to start cleaning out the apartment above the store.” He said in a cool business voice.

     Elizabeth frowned.  He seemed to have changed from the easy going man in the Virgin Islands to a hard-nosed businessman of now.

     Elizabeth dressed quickly, and before she knew it, they were on their way.  The morning was a whirlwind of activity.  Beginning with breakfast with his family, then business papers were drawn up.  Most of the family seemed to accept her, but his grandfather, Sabin, was a different story.  He seemed to glare at her, barely tolerating her presence. 

     Lawrence handed her several papers needing her signature.  She started reading, when he mumbled it had to do with taking over Nonno’s business.  Elizabeth didn’t know what they needed her signature for, but she was Lawrence's wife.  She quickly signed and handed them back to him.  He added his own signature.  Elizabeth glanced at Lawrence.  He should be happy.  He was getting the business.  His face was as dark as a storm cloud.  So why did he look as unapproachable as a bear?

     That afternoon, Lawrence drove her to the store.

      “You need to finish packing your things upstairs, so we can get the rest of it moved to my apartment.”  Lawrence stated. 

“Then later we will clean out the furniture.”

     Elizabeth froze.  Furniture?  He must mean upstairs in her apartment.  Hadn’t he?

Chapter 12

Over the next week, Elizabeth packed, and unpacked.  She put a lot of her belongings in storage.  Lawrence sold the store’s furniture.  Elizabeth was irate and proceeded to tell Lawrence about it.  She told him, she wanted to continue to work.  He snapped and said that she was his wife.  She was not going to work anymore.  The coldness of the words and the enraged look in his eyes, cautioned Elizabeth not to say anymore.  She wondered what those papers really said that she had signed.  Had she been naive again?  She finally worked up the courage to ask Lawrence what was going on.

    On a dark and stormy Friday night, Elizabeth sat up and waited for Lawrence to return home.  He finally came home around 11:00 p.m.  Elizabeth opened her mouth to ask all the questions she wanted answers to, but closed her mouth when she saw the look on Lawrence's face.  He looked troubled.

    “What’s wrong?”  Elizabeth, said filling with concern for her husband.

     Lawrence turned and smiled at her.  The first real smile since their honeymoon.  A smile that melted her insides. 

     “Nothing.”  He answered.  Elizabeth, not convinced, touched his arm.  He turned to her.  Then he bent to kiss her gently. He ran his hands up her arms and slid down the red spaghetti straps back down exposing her creamy skin to the waist.  His hands came and covered her breasts.  Her nipples hardened immediately.  Elizabeth shuddered.  Her clumsy hands unbuttoned his shirt and cast it aside.  The raindrops pelted on the window relentlessly, adding a rhythm to their lovemaking.  Lawrence filled her so completely with himself.  He turned and pulled her in his arms.  Elizabeth felt safe in his strong arms.  She drifted off into a deep sleep, while the thunderstorm raged outside.

BOOK: Contract to Love
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