Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Her eyes went straight to Braxton. He was still sitting next to fire that had already died out. His eyes were focused on Thomas, and she noticed that he was looking at her brother with complete and utter awe and adoration. Huh? That’s interesting. Was Braxton attracted to Thomas or could it be more?


* * * *


Braxton couldn’t move. He felt as if an invisible force kept him on the ground when he really wanted to jump up and run toward the gorgeous giant that stood off by the trees. He looked to be twice the size of Braxton, and if he had to guess, probably stood about six foot five. The man had thick, short, blond hair, and his fingers itched to feel the silky strands. Braxton wished that he would walk closer so that he could see the man’s eyes, but that would have to wait until another time.

His eyes ran up and down the mystery man, wishing he could caress his muscles. His wide shoulders, sculpted chest, thick thighs, and wow…the man’s cock was huge and it wasn’t even hard. Braxton inhaled, wanting this man’s scent permanently imprinted on his brain and in his body.

Something went through him—recognition. The man was his. They were mates. This was the moment he had always been waiting for. His pulse jumped and Braxton was finally able to push himself off the ground. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at the stranger, wondering if he felt anything.

“Braxton…” He jerked his head back toward Emily. “This is my brother, Thomas. Thomas, this is Braxton, my new friend.” Braxton repeated the name in his mind like a prayer.
He’s a big, bad polar bear. Yum! Damn…I want him!

Thomas finally stepped closer, and Braxton stared into his eyes. Blue…ice-blue eyes that stared right through him. Braxton licked his lip and looked down, breaking contact, even though he didn’t want to. He wanted his mate to know that he would submit.
Hell, if I was in wolf form I’d be on the ground exposing my belly and neck to this man.

Footsteps came closer, and Braxton held his breath. Would he claim him? Would be grab his hand and take him home? When Thomas passed him without even a word, Braxton’s brows furrowed.
Why did he walk past me?

He turned and couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “Don’t you want to ask me anything?”

Thomas looked at him and frowned. “What would I want to ask you?”

“You know. Don’t you know?” Braxton thought he might start to cry. This was utterly ridiculous. Could his senses be completely wrong?

“I’m sorry…I don’t know what you expect me to say.” Thomas shrugged his big shoulders.

Braxton took a tentative step toward him. He needed to know if this was one-sided. He just wanted to see some sort of response. Reaching out a shaky hand, he touched Thomas’s cheek, just one small swipe of his fingertips.

“I know you feel it…this connection. I knew it the minute I saw you.” Thomas stepped back, pulling away from him, and Braxton’s heart cracked. He was being rejected.

“I don’t feel anything. I’m sorry.” Thomas’s facial expression was full of sympathy, but his eyes sparked, and Braxton wondered what he was thinking, feeling.

Braxton’s gaze dropped and watched the cock in front of him harden. Relief rushed through his body. Thomas felt something, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Maybe he was embarrassed to admit he liked men in front of his sister. Braxton knew that Emily wouldn’t judge him. He had told her his deepest, darkest secrets, and she wasn’t even fazed.

Keeping his voice low, he leaned forward just a bit. “Your hard cock tells me otherwise.”

Braxton took small, measured steps backward, keeping his eyes on Thomas. Once he reached the tree line, he turned and left, never once looking back over his shoulder. His heart ached with each step away from his mate. He hated leaving Thomas behind. Walking away was the absolute hardest thing he’d ever done.


* * * *


Emily wasn’t sure what to say. The events that unfolded over that last few minutes were a bit of a surprise. She had done her best to give Thomas and Braxton some privacy by stepping away from the clearing with Charlie and Cole. Braxton had looked at her brother as if he were some hero. Did Braxton believe that Thomas was his mate? That question ran through her mind over and over again.

Thomas had never been with a man. At least, she didn’t think so. Then again, he might not share every feeling or thought. They had a close relationship, but that didn’t necessarily mean that he shared everything with her. Thomas did have a lot of ladies around. Shaking her head, Emily let it go. She could talk to Thomas later. Now wasn’t the time.

“Well…that was…interesting.” Thomas scratched his head, his facial expression making him appear quite confused. “Since Emily’s safe, I’ll just head back to my motel. Good-night.”

“Night, Thomas. Thanks,” Cole called after Thomas as he walked away.

“No problem,” Thomas called over his shoulder as he stepped back into the trees, shifted, and ran off.

“Are you ready to head home, sweetheart?” Cole asked.

Before she could even respond, her mates shifted back into their wolf forms. She stared at them both, their dark-brown coats and golden-brown eyes. They sat before her, and Emily knelt down before reaching out both hands and running her fingers through their coats. She was surprised that the hair was soft. Charlie and Cole moved closer, rubbing against her, and Emily wrapped her arms around their necks.

She felt such a sense of relief that she hadn’t wasted too much time. To think that she had been ready to run away seemed so ridiculous now. Maybe she could have it all. Maybe a bear could be happy with two wolves and vice versa. Standing up, Emily stripped out of her borrowed clothes and shifted. Together, the three of them went home.

When they arrived back at the house, she had expected Charlie and Cole to touch, kiss, or even embrace her. Instead, once inside the house, they made her dinner and then headed to their rooms. Left alone, Emily went to the master bedroom. She took a quick shower and got into bed, feeling completely exhausted. It didn’t take long before sleep claimed her.


* * * *


She ran through the forest in her human form, which seemed wrong to her. She shouldn’t be out here dressed in thick clothes, shivering from the cold. Everything seemed to change then, morphing, even the background and surroundings changed. Emily stripped off her clothing and shifted, calling the polar bear out from within. Her shivering stopped instantly, and she took a deep breath, looking around.

Unfamiliar scents flowed through her, and she knew that she wasn’t in Alaska. The frozen ground wasn’t her home. Building up her courage, she started moving through the trees. She wasn’t sure how she should be feeling at this moment. Frightened? Somewhere deep inside, she was aware any fear or anxiety was misplaced. After all, she wasn’t being chased. No, she was following someone or something. Was she hunting prey?

Emily moved faster. Tilting her head up toward the sky, she inhaled deeply. She didn’t scent reindeer or other small prey. No. Instead, a familiar, delicious smell filled her lungs. Mates. She was following her mates, tracking their movements as they ran through the forest. Why?

Her mind whispered something she couldn’t grasp. It was there, just on the edge of her conscience. You belong to them. They belong to you. She shook her head and continued on. She busted through to a clearing and stopped. She slowly shifted and glanced around. This time she wasn’t cold. Her body didn’t react to the climate at all. Before she could examine that thought, two wolves appeared in the clearing. They stalked toward her. Just before they reached her, they shifted.

“Mate,” they growled, their voices still a bit distorted.

She shivered in response, staring openly at their bodies. This felt different…a tradition of sorts, but she was supposed to do something. Say something.

“It’s your turn,” Cole said, stepping forward.

They surrounded her, their heat sinking into her body, and she closed her eyes. Cole stood in front of her and Charlie leaned against her back. Both her mates started touching her, running their large callused hands over her body. Twin mouths touched her shoulders and licked over the marks that had been placed there. Realization dawned…it was her turn to mark her mates. She needed to claim them so that their bond could be stronger.

Grinning, Emily moaned and opened her eyes. “I need you both.”

Cole brushed his lips against hers. He moved away from her then, and their surroundings started to change. She was no longer outdoors. Instead, they were inside their home, in front of a blazing fire. Cole lay down on a blanket as the fire danced, casting shadows around the room. Cole started to stroke his cock, never once taking his eyes off of her. A clear drop of pre-cum appeared, and Emily licked her lips, desperately wanting to know what he would taste like.

Emily couldn’t stop herself from going to Cole. She needed him. This wasn’t just a random act. This was a ritual, the bonding ritual that other shifters had spoken of over the years, except this time, she wasn’t going to be marked. No, this time, she was claiming. When she reached the blanket, she knelt down and crawled up Cole’s body, rubbing her naked skin against his. His body went rigid then, his breath coming in pants.

When she reached his cock, she dipped her head and swiped her tongue out across the head. His flavor exploded in her mouth, and together they moaned. She had only wanted a taste, but now she needed more. Gripping the base of his cock with one hand, she sucked the head into her mouth.

“Please…I won’t be able to last if you keep doing that. I need you too badly.” She ignored his pleas and sucked harder, pulling more of his length into her mouth.

When a hot cock brushed the back of her thigh, she froze and looked over her shoulder. Charlie brushed his hands down her back, stopping when he reached her ass. Cupping a cheek in each hand, he kneaded her skin. Biting her lip, Emily watched his eyes glaze over. He leaned forward, placing openmouthed kisses on her lower back and ass.

“Climb on top of Cole and mark him. I can’t wait another minute. I want to feel your teeth sinking into my shoulder.” His words made her pant and she followed his orders.

She grabbed the base of Cole’s cock, lined him up with her opening, and slid down slowly.

“You’re so wet for me.” He groaned.

“Yes,” she hissed, taking him inch by inch until he was buried deep inside of her.

“Little bear, we’re both going to take you and you’re going to mark us. We belong to you, just like you belong to us.” Charlie’s pet name melted her insides. She loved it.

Charlie spread her ass cheeks. She felt his breath, before a hot, wet tongue danced across her rosette, making her yelp. She had never felt anything like that in her life. It felt dirty, but she had to admit that she liked it. She liked what both of these men did to her and how they made her feel. She needed more…so much more.


* * * *


Emily came awake slowly, her heart pounding hard and fast. She sat up and looked around. The morning sun was peeking through the blinds and she squinted trying to block out the bright rays welcoming her to a new day. She blinked her eyes, rubbing out the sleep, and looked to her sides. Disappointment filled her when she realized that Charlie and Cole weren’t surrounding her. Emily threw herself back on the bed and threw an arm over her face.

Damn…it was only dream
. She should’ve known, but the dream had seemed so real with all the vivid colors, smells, and rough, callused hands.
I love those big, strong hands.
Shivering, Emily pulled the blanket back up, covering herself from the morning chill. Most shifters didn’t discuss “the dreams
” They happened only when you slept under the same roof as your mates. She had heard a few stories though, and from the information she’d gathered, she should’ve been the one to be claimed.

Chapter 12


Rolling out of bed, Emily stood up and stretched her back, listening as her joints popped and cracked. She padded into the bathroom and stood there, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She let the dream play through her mind, although it wasn’t really just a dream. It was a guide of sorts, showing the future. Her future. Most females dreamed about being chased, caught, and claimed. Not her, nope, her dream had been about the chase.

It was her running through the forest, following her men. Of course, the dream had changed then, morphing from the forest to the bedroom. She shrugged. The location didn’t really matter. It was her subconscious telling her that Cole and Charlie were her mates. They were her future even if she wanted to deny that fact. Although, she knew she couldn’t reject that notion any longer. She knew the truth, had known it all along, but was afraid.

Shaking her head, Emily walked over to the large shower and turned on the hot water. She waited until steam billowed out before stepping under the spray. She closed her eyes and stood under the warm flow, letting the heat soothe her. Harper and Braxton had been right. She couldn’t let the past dictate her future any longer. She had to let that go. Cole and Charlie weren’t that wolf from the past, and their actions had been proof enough.

Inhaling, a familiar scent tickled her nose, jerking her out of her thoughts.

“Hey!” Emily shrieked. Her eyes flew open, and she stared at Charlie.

BOOK: Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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