Read Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Contemporary, #Adult, #Romance, #Cowboy

Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3)
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Outside the street was quiet. Automatically she looked up and down Main Street but didn’t see Witt’s truck.


Her heart ached at the thought of him. She yearned to be under that steady dark blue gaze again and to feel alive.

She got into her car and headed home. When she pulled up in front of the house, she looked at the empty windows and suddenly couldn’t bear to go inside. She wanted a feeling of family.

There was only one place to get it.

She turned around and drove down Main Street, past her shop and toward the highway that would take her to Paradise Valley.

Alex was right—she was out of sorts. Visiting the ranch was an escape—a step back in time to old-fashioned ways and values. But more than that, she’d felt enveloped by the Daltons—she’d become one of them. Alex too.

The ribbon of road unfurled before her. She hoped she didn’t break down or blow a tire because there wasn’t much traffic on this highway to stop and help her and she didn’t have a cell phone.

She tuned the radio to a country music station and let the lyrics of a ballad sink into her. A song about love—what else? But love was what kept people going in life. Maybe she’d looked toward finding new love too often in her past. Excited by the passion and sparks she felt at being in “love” again.

Now that she was older and wiser, she looked back at those relationships and couldn’t really say she was in love with any of those men. For a time, she’d been happy with pleasing them. Eventually she’d gotten tired of watching sports she hated or pretending she adored trudging out in bulky clothing to search for deer with a fiancé who was a die-hard hunter.

She shook her head. Why had she done those things? She could count on her fingers the number of times she’d done what she wanted—for herself alone—instead of for a man.

She’d become a chameleon, transforming into what she thought was the perfect woman for the new guy in her life. With Witt, she’d been more cautious, taking her time, easing into a friendship before letting him closer.

She hadn’t saddled up and headed into the pastures with him to keep him happy. No, she’d gone into the house and hung out with the Dalton women. She knew Witt enjoyed having a beer and sitting down with his brothers for a game of poker too, but she hadn’t claimed to love beer or cards.

Worry filtered into her system. She’d walked out on him, even if he’d been the one who’d closed the shop door. Would he even welcome her visit today?

She gnawed her lower lip until it felt sore and puffy. Why did he live so far away? Paradise Valley was so far from Vixen. If she decided to be part of Witt’s life, how would she manage such a commute? She couldn’t ask him to leave the land he loved. And she knew about the agreement—the brothers could only get the deed to their land if they put a wife on it.

He’d never be happy in Vixen or in the outlying regions. It was pretty country, but it wasn’t his.

She chewed her lip some more. There wasn’t much use in planning a life she didn’t know if she could give him.

The minute she bumped up the long drive and stopped in front of the country house, she knew she was fooling herself if she thought for a minute she didn’t want him. Her heart seemed to swell too big for her chest. She got out of the car and looked around.

“Well howdy.”

She spun to see worn denim, a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled over bulging forearms—and a black hat. “Hi, Beck.”

“You must be looking for Witt.”

“Yes, is he around?”

Beck pointed to the far field. “Up there on his land.”

Shock tore through her. “His land?”

“What will be his land someday.” Beck eyed her. “Maybe if he finds the right woman.”

She sighed. “What’s he doing there?”

“Just sittin’, I suppose. Daydreaming, thinking. The things a man does when he’s in love.” For some reason, he sounded as if he knew that emotion very well.

She swallowed hard and met the direct blue gaze that looked so much like Witt’s. “He really loves me?”

“Does a horse wear shoes? Witt has been moping for weeks. Charlotte wanted to go on a reconnaissance mission and bring you to him, but Momma interfered and said no, you had to come on your own.”

“And here I am.” Butterflies hatched in her stomach.

He grinned. “So you are. Now I’m guessin’ you need to get up to that spot of land without walking miles to reach it.”

“Yes.” Excitement mingled with the butterflies and she could barely keep still. She bounced on her toes.

“Come with me.” Beck vanished around the side of the outbuilding, and she followed. When he slid open a wooden door to reveal an ATV, she smiled.

“Can you ride?” he asked.

“I know how.” Thanks to a boyfriend who was into big boy’s toys. With a grin, she helped him push the vehicle from the building and he showed her how to start it. Then he pointed her in the right direction.

“Good luck, Shelby.”

She pulled him down and delivered a kiss to his cheek as she had Alex’s and Nell’s. “I need it. Thanks!”

At the rumble of the engine, Witt raised his head. Damn brothers, checking on him constantly like they were doting mothers. Kade hardly left him alone, finding excuses to help him do this or that, and Beck was just plain annoying. The youngest Dalton wouldn’t stop trying to give advice about Shelby.

Witt had a hard time accepting advice from a man who a while back had been left in the middle of nowhere wearing his birthday suit and with his guitar strapped over his parts. Beck’s last attempt at playing the love game had been an utter fail.

But Witt’d been beaten up by an irate husband. Then Shelby…

His throat constricted whenever he thought about her. He didn’t know if he could force himself to even say her name. Losing her and Alex had cut him deep.

The ATV zoomed over the fields, coming nearer. The driver’s red helmet indicated Beck was coming.

“Great.” He stood and brushed the stray grasses off his jeans. He’d sat in this same spot for so many days that he’d worn a divot in the earth. The only mark he’d ever put on this ground. He’d never get the land. The only wife he wanted was in Vixen and made the best damn apple pie cupcakes.

He waited for Beck to get close enough that Witt could tell him to mind his damn business and go back home. He raised a hand and shaded his eyes against the afternoon sun.

What the…?

He looked closer. Either Beck had grown long honey-brown hair or Witt was seeing things, imposing the woman he craved with every cell of his being onto that ATV.

As it came closer, he stared hard at the rider. Brown hair fluttered in the breeze and the driver wore a light pink top.

Witt’s heart flipped over and took off at a mad pace. He started across the field, burning to run, fighting for control.

When Shelby buzzed up to him and stopped the ATV, he stopped breathing. She removed the helmet and shook out her hair. Before she met his gaze, she swung a long leg off the vehicle.

Her eyes were as bright as stars, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen and red. She’d never looked more beautiful.


He tipped his hat, tugging it lower to hide his eyes. She couldn’t see the pain there—or the desire. His Wranglers were already growing tighter just at the sight of her. Silence stretched as he devoured her with his gaze from under the brim of his hat.

“Say something.” She twisted her fingers.

“I didn’t know you liked to ride.”

“I’m not sure I do, but I liked coming up here to see you.”

His insides shook. What did that mean?

“I came here to talk,” she said.

“Okay,” he said slowly.

“I—I’m not sure what to do here. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Like what?” He was terrified to hear the answer. He couldn’t take more disappointments.

She looked him straight in the eyes. “Chased down a man and told him how I feel.”

He couldn’t draw air if he wanted. His throat was too constricted.

She continued, “I’ve always been chased. You know that. All those guys in my past, they wanted me. But I didn’t exactly choose them. They liked me and I convinced myself the feelings were mutual.”

He nodded, encouraging her to go on.

“Even Alex’s dad…things moved fast and pretty soon I was pregnant. Marriage seemed the best course, but as soon as it was done, I realized it was a mistake. He gets to see him a few times a year, but I think other people matter more in Alex’s life.”

At the mention of the little boy, Witt barely keep himself together. “Like who?”

“Like a certain cowboy who needs a new hat.” Her gaze traveled upward to his battered hat. He’d never quite gotten the mud out of it, and in the past few weeks he’d thrown it and kicked it out of frustration.

Shelby took a step toward him. He clamped his fingers into fists to keep from grabbing her and never letting go.

“Witt, I’m coming to the man I want this time.”

“Sweetheart, what are you saying?”

She slipped her arms around his neck and locked her body to his. Up close her eyes swam with tears. “I’m not saying I want to get married right now. Maybe not ever. But you once told me you wanted the chance to explore the attraction between us.”

“That’s right.”

“What I feel is more than attraction, Witt. I’ve spent weeks feeling lost and lonely, and it took the words of a five-year-old and a long drive to make me realize why.”

He searched her gaze. Hell yeah, he was going to make her say it. He wanted to hear the words.

“I missed you.”


She nodded, biting her plump lip. “And this hat.” She knocked it off.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her so close a Texas wind couldn’t trickle through a crack. “What else?”

“This.” She scuffed her knuckles over his beard scruff. Then down to his chest. “This.”

“Yeah?” His lips quirked up at the corner, and her eyelids fluttered. “I missed this.” Slowly he lowered his head and captured her lips. The first taste set a fire in him so wild and untamed he’d never be able to quench it.

He yanked her onto tiptoe, letting her feel just how much he’d missed her. He muffled her cry by plunging his tongue into her mouth. Dark need rushed his system.

“I need to hear it, sweetheart.”

“Need to hear that I made batch after batch of apple pie cupcakes hoping you’d come in and I could hand-feed them to you?”

He bit her earlobe, pulling a strangled noise from her. “Keep talkin’”

“And how I dreamed about you in my bed?”

He pulled back and arched a brow. “That so?” he drawled.

“Yes.” Her gaze burned into his. “And I fell for you because you were the first person who wanted me to be myself.”

“I threw your phone in the fire.”

“Yeah, and it was a good thing. You knew what was best for me even when I didn’t. Witt, I love you.”

He scooped her off her feet and carried her to the divot in the earth. He laid her down and followed her, stretching against her scorching heat. Bracing his weight on his arms, he stared into her eyes. “Someday if you want to take this further, this would be our land.”

A tear trickled from the corner of her eye. “I know.”

“But I’ll give you the space and time to decide. Right now, I’m thinking about getting you nekkid.”

She giggled and sank her fingers into his hair. “Is that so?” she drawled his words back at him.

“Uh-huh.” He bit her earlobe again and worked kisses down her throat to the slopes of her breasts peeking from that tormenting pink top. He tugged at her clothes and she practically tore his off. She fought with his belt buckle and they both ended up in a fit of laughter.

When he had her bare under the open sky, he licked, nipped and kissed every inch of her breasts, belly and inner thighs before turning to her moist pussy. The first stroke of his tongue yanked a cry from her. He groaned as her delicious flavors filled his head.

He couldn’t get enough. He sank his tongue into her tight sheath again and again until she quivered. Then he replaced his tongue with two fingers and turned his attention to her hard pearl.

She bucked, taking what she needed. He watched expressions of bliss and love cross her gorgeous face. Every moment etched into his soul. She’d come to him, given herself freely. In time she’d be his, because no way would he ever let her walk away. He’d show her how much she meant to him until the day he died.

Her juices spilled over his fingers as she threw her head back and screamed her release. He pumped long shivers out of her, his cock aching. If he didn’t get her sinking over his length soon, he wasn’t going to last. Her noises were undoing him.

When he rolled a condom into place and poised over her, their gazes locked. Then the true loving began.

He sank into her in one hard thrust. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and he slid his hands under her ass, pulling her into his every move. She bit his lip and he growled a response, angling his head to kiss her deeper.

BOOK: Cowboy Crushin' (Dalton Boys Book 3)
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