Read Cursed Online

Authors: Monica Wolfson

Tags: #teen, #young adult, #science fiction, #paranormal, #romance, #fantasy

Cursed (20 page)

BOOK: Cursed
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“I don’t want your parents catching me here,” he said. He rubbed the forearm of her good arm.


“How’s the wound?”


She pulled the strap of her tank top away to show him the puckered skin where the bullet hole used to be. The skin was tightly stretched as if she’d had a facelift on her shoulder and pale but otherwise unmarked.


“Wow,” he said admiringly. “Can I touch it?”


She nodded and he reached out with his hand and caressed her wound. She felt his fingers tracing the shape of the bullet hole but there was no pain. Her smile grew wider.


“I am pain free.”


Evan shook his head in disbelief. “How?”


Sasha motioned her head toward the door. “Mom’s friend Evie is a healer. Oh. I have so much to tell you.”


She recounted the story her mother told her in the hospital about Tysseland, Queen Vania and the pendant.


“What about the curse?”


Sasha groaned in frustration and Evan thought he’d hurt her and yanked away his hand. Sasha laughed and replaced his hand on her shoulder. She liked the warmth of his touch and the way her caressed her wound. She wasn’t in pain but his attention made her feel better.


She told him of her mother’s plan to whisk her away to a secret hiding place so that she could deal with Nefar and his henchmen.


“There is no plan to get rid of the curse,” she said.


“I’m surprised. You’d think she’d take this opportunity to confront her mother about what she’s done.”


“That would require returning to Tysseland and from what everyone is saying, my mother doesn’t want to go back. I think she’s hoping the fight can happen on her own turf.”


“Is the queen coming here?”


“Not that I’ve heard.”


Evan picked up Sasha’s hand and stroked the skin with his thumb. She felt tingles down to her toes and smiled as her heart pounded in her ears. She was surprised Evan couldn’t hear it because it blocked out all sound in her head. She tried to calm herself and chalked up her intense reaction to his touch to the trauma of the shooting. It was nice to know someone cared about her other than her parents.


“What are you going to do?” he said quietly as he shifted closer to her the side of his hip touching hers.


“Can we talk about this later?” she asked anticipating a kiss, wanting a kiss so badly she could already feel his lips.


“Are we going to hide out together or are we going to break this curse?”


Dumbfounded, Sasha was speechless. He was going to hide out with her? She felt a thrill course through her body envisioning the two of them wrapped in each other’s arms in front of a roaring fire in a secluded cabin. That would be amazing. She closed her eyes not wanting to lose the vision but Evan nudged her with his hip and dragged her back to reality.




She sighed deeply at the loss of her fantasy. Damn. She loved the daydream more than reality. She smiled at the idea of making it reality.


“I really like the idea of being alone with you in some faraway place,” she said with a sly smile remembering the adoring feelings generated by her fantasy. “I guess we can do that in Tysseland as much as in Hill Country and get something done at the same time. I’m being too sensible aren’t I?”


Evan shook his head. “I think sensibility is sexy.”


Sasha shivered and felt goose bumps rise on his arms even though she wasn’t cold. Evan’s stare drilled into her eyes with a level of seriousness she hadn’t felt before. She couldn’t pull her eyes off him and felt the urge to rip off his shirt and touch bare flesh. She needed to feel his desire for her to know it was real. She needed confirmation that it wasn’t all in her head. She wanted more and didn’t know how to express it.


Evan leaned close, she could smell the pine of his soap and musky sweat as if he’d run here instead of driven. His lips hovered over hers and she wanted to pull him to her. He resisted touching her and put his weight on his arms. He was driving her crazy and she loved it. She didn’t want this moment to end even though she was desperate for him to kiss her.


“Kiss me,” she demanded. Evan smiled at her order and leaned closer yet still not touching her. “Please,” she begged and he chuckled as if he enjoyed torturing her. He probably did.


 Sasha’s hand trailed over Evan’s back thigh, flirted on his buttock and slipped under his t-shirt to explore the skin she’d desperately wanted to touch. Evan closed his eyes and arched his back as his lips parted slightly.


His skin was hot as if he had a fever. Sweat beaded on Sasha’s forehead as she anticipated the kiss. Evan took his time and seemed to enjoy her touch. He trembled as if his arms were going to collapse and he was going to fall on top of her. She wanted him to, she wanted to feel his weight crushing her.


Evan eased down on top of her keeping his weight on his right hand and lying on his side. He tossed a leg over hers and pulled her to him. She could feel his hard chest and the beating of his heart thump against her hand. She leaned her forehead against his heart and tried to match her breathing to his. She loved touching Evan. His body was hard in the right places making him perfect.


Evan caught her hands in his and brought them over her head. He bent his head and kissed the sensitive spot on her neck that sent tremors down her back. She felt safe and desired, something she wasn’t sure she’d ever experience or at least not before she left high school. His lips on her neck felt amazing. She squirmed with desire and craved his hands on her body.


Evan finally sought her lips and devoured her mouth like it was dessert he’d been anticipating all evening. She opened herself to him like a flower breathing in the rays of the sun and loved the response she got in return. Evan grabbed her to him and increased the intensity of his lips.


Lost in her desire Sasha didn’t hear the footsteps coming down the hall but Evan did. He pulled back suddenly leaving Sasha’s lips cold. He put his lips beside her ear.


“Someone’s coming,” he whispered. “Talk to you tomorrow.”


He kissed her softly on her lips goodbye and climbed out the window. Sasha fell back into her pillow disappointed, her body suddenly cold and empty. Her door creaked open and her father’s head appeared around the side of the door. She pretended to be asleep and didn’t respond when he called out to her.


“Are you asleep?” he said into the room. She kept her eyes shut and he closed the door when she said nothing.




Sasha wasn’t sure how much she should tell Dominic. He was one of her mother’s oldest, most trusted friends. She wasn’t sure she could trust him but she had no other choice. Gus said he was the portal master.

She should have known Dominic would somehow be involved in her fate. Her whole life he’s been on the periphery of her family. He’s been the major influence in her mother’s life, helping her become a real estate agent and choosing which high school Sasha attended.

She didn’t know how her father put up with it. It was like Dominic was a more dominant force in her mother’s life than her own husband. Strangely Sasha’s father didn’t seem to care. It’s not like her mother was having an affair with the old man, but the relationship was odd all the same.

Sasha decided that if her father wasn’t worried then she shouldn’t be either even though the dynamics were confusing.

Her relationship with Dominic had always been tense. He didn’t like her, so she didn’t like him. She wasn’t going to waste her time trying to impress one of her mother’s friends who disdained children. He didn’t like Hannah either as far as she could tell which was really sad because Hannah was ten times nicer than Sasha. Hannah was an innocent and lovely girl. Sasha felt tainted and bitter so she probably reflected those negative feelings.

Now she faced begging Dominic for his help. There was a big chance he might not provide it. He was so ornery that he might refuse her. It also didn’t help that she hadn’t told her mother she was coming here. Willow Bean had told her not to worry about the curse. If Dominic opened a portal for her, he would be defying her mother as well.

Evan stood beside her, solemn in thought. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t want to go alone to Tysseland, but she didn’t want to put him in danger anymore. They had already faced several attempts on her life and he’d been injured each time. Their luck wouldn’t last.

Her fear of dying was stronger than her concern for Evan’s safety and she hated herself for being so selfish. Part of her didn’t want to let go of this beautiful boy who was helping her. He’d been by her side during every moment of danger. His support hadn’t wavered and he didn’t second guess her decisions. She couldn’t ask for a better partner and she was reluctant to give that up.

She knew her limitations were huge. If she was going to break the curse she needed all the help she could get. She’d be stupid to turn away offers just because there was a risk of danger and harm. Could she live with herself if something happened to Evan because of her? This was the debate raging through her head.

When he noticed her staring at him he smiled. She wondered if he was anxious and worried about going to Tysseland but she was too afraid to ask him just in case the fear overrode her need to get rid of the curse.

He laid a hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly. Sasha grimaced with a twinge of pain. While Evie had healed her wound, it was still tender. Sasha tried to pry more information from her mother about Evie’s talent but she was reluctant to reveal too many details.

“She doesn’t do this kind of work anymore,” Willow Bean said.

“Why isn’t she a doctor? She could do so much good,” Sasha said with wonder.

“What’s wrong with selling real estate?” Willow Bean said sounding insulted.

Sasha didn’t know how to respond to her mother. She didn’t want to tell her that she thought her mother’s choice of career was shallow and meaningless.

Evan didn’t know his touch had pained her and she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to discourage him from touching her with affection. It helped calm her frazzled nerves. She liked that he seemed to know what she needed before she knew it herself. He understood her needs without her having to express them with words. Is that what it was like to have a boyfriend?

Don’t go there, she chastised herself and tore her eyes away from him. She knocked on the white wooden door a little harder than necessary. A sheer curtain covering a slim narrow window beside the door quivered. When the door didn’t open immediately, she doubted whether she saw something. She was about to knock again when the door flew open.

Dominic stared at her, the expression on his face unreadable. She couldn’t tell if he was mad or just surprised. His normally smooth hair stood up in tuffs as if he’d just gotten up from a restless sleep.

“What do you want?” he barked. His tone was brusque and bordered on rude. Surprising, he opened the door wider to let them inside.

Words stuck in Sasha’s throat. Dominic was angry that was clear. She wasn’t sure if it was because she woke him up or he didn’t want to see her. His glower was intimidating. Actually, Sasha found him daunting most of the time.

“I…I…,” she stammered. Why had she come? She couldn’t remember.

“You’re the portal master,” Evan said fearlessly. “We need a portal.”

Evan picked up Sasha’s hand, tickling her palm with his finger. A shiver ran down the back of her neck. She yearned for his touch but didn’t want to be distracted.

“Right,” Sasha said regaining her composure. “I need to get to Tysseland and I hear you’re the guy in charge.”

Dominic turned away and headed toward the kitchen at the back of the house. Sasha kept talking as they walked down a stark hallway barren of pictures or any personal affects. Dominic had no family.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the curse,” she said choosing her words carefully. “I intend to break it.”

Dominic rummaged through an overhead cupboard and withdrew a crystal glass and bottle of amber liquid. He didn’t say anything. He poured himself a shot, drained his glass and smacked it on the counter with a crack that made Sasha jump.

Sasha was surprised that he didn’t demand to know how she’d found out about the curse and the talisman. Maybe he’d talked to her mother already.

“Your mother won’t like this,” he said.

“Probably not, but I have no choice,” she said discarding her plan to not speak of her mother. She had wanted him to think her mother was supportive of her idea. She should have realized he knew everything. Dominic knew her mother better than she did. It had become increasingly obvious to her as her mother’s secrets were exposed that her mother was a stranger. She felt like she didn’t know her, if she ever did.

BOOK: Cursed
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