CURVES BY DESIGN (Big Girls And Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: CURVES BY DESIGN (Big Girls And Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance)
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She was healthy, happy and was dating the greatest guy on earth.   She had started appreciating those important moments instead of focusing on her physical appearance.   It wasn't going to change, so she was learning to accept and like herself exactly the way she was.   It wasn't an easy road and she still had her moments of fear, but she talked her way through them now, instead of running and hiding from life.

She finished drying her hair and shoved everything back into her bag, dropping it by the front door so she didn't forget it

As she entered the kitchen she was greeted by an enticing view of the best and tightest masculine ass in fifty states.   Devon was bent over checking the food in the oven and she quietly admired the view before commenting softly, "Now
is something I could watch all day."

Devon popped up and looked over his shoulder, noticing where her eyes were directed.   He simply shot her a wicked look and winked.   "You're a naughty girl."

Not yet, but she suspected she could be.   "Can I help?"

He poured her a glass of her favorite red wine and handed it to her.   "Nope.   Almost ready."

Molly was just propping her butt on a stool at the breakfast bar when a sketch pad caught her eye.   The pages were folded back and she drew it closer as she recognized the face in the drawings.

Curiosity had her flipping the pages before she even thought about the fact that she was invading his privacy.   Devon had told her that he did drawings as a hobby, but she didn't know that he drew like
.   Page after page showed her in many different poses, all from one of their experiences together.   Her at the beach, the movies, a concert.   Every drawing portrayed her laughing or smiling...until she got to the back pages.   Those were definitely seductive.

She gasped softly as she stared at herself laid out on his bed, completely nude with a look of desire in her eyes.   He didn't skimp on her full figure or her size, drawing her full hips and ample body nearly exactly as she saw it in the mirror every day when she couldn't avoid it.   Except...this woman looked seductive, sexy in a way that she had never seen herself.   Yes, she was a full-figured woman, but she was a full-figured woman with a half-lidded, come-hither look that made her appear like an altogether different person. Her hair was wild and tumbled, her lips full and swollen like she had just been kissed.

Concentration wrinkled her brow as Molly saw herself as Devon viewed her. Is this how he saw her?   Granted, he had never seen her nude, but his imagination did a pretty good job.   It was definitely a good replica of her naked body, but flatteringly, the woman looked like a plump, ripe goddess more than ready to find satisfaction.

Her eyes finally lifted to find Devon across the bar, watching her.   He looked tense, as though he was worried about her reaction.

"Is this how you see me?"   she whispered softly, her voice vibrating with emotion.

"Yes.   I don't think I do you justice, but I can't seem to stop myself from trying."   His voice was husky and his eyes showed a vulnerability that he didn't attempt to mask from her.

"I barely recognize this woman.   I've never seen myself this way.   You make me almost...attractive,"   she replied, her voice a mixture of confusion and awe.

Devon came around the breakfast bar and pulled her up from the stool and into his arms.   "Sweetheart, you're beautiful."

"I'm not, Devon.   I'll never be like the woman in those pictures."   She put her arms around him and held him tightly, savoring his masculine smell and big, strong body.

"You already are, Molly.   To me, you always will be," he murmured into her ear.

"Only if you help me."   She gathered her courage as she continued, "That woman is sexy and wild.   I'll need your help with that, Devon."

"Baby, I'll be glad to help you whenever you're ready.   I have wet dreams about it," he rasped, his voice heavy with emotion.

She could feel his rock hard erection as she pressed her body against him.   This man wanted her.  
Really wanted her.

Devon kissed her hair softly and pulled away reluctantly.   "If we don't eat now I'm afraid I'm going to start
helping you
immediately."   His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were burning with desire as he went back to the kitchen to dish up their food.

She wanted to tell him she was ready and she had to bite her lip to keep from begging him to take her.

They enjoyed an incredible meal together, keeping the conversation light and interesting.

As he polished off his second helping of lasagna, Devon commented, "I have a confession to make."   He looked like a guilty little boy as he gave her a sideways glance.

She sipped her wine and replied curiously, "And that would be what?"

"I would never have called Lauren and told her that you slept with Dylan.   It was a complete bluff," he confessed in a rush.

Molly raised her brows and smiled mysteriously.   "I know that."

"Then why didn't you call me on it?"   He gave her a confused look.

"I wasn't completely positive at that moment, but it didn't take me long to realize that it's something you would never do."   She answered him with complete confidence.   "But I've never really figured out exactly why you did threaten it."

"It was the act of a completely desperate man.   I wanted you to give us a chance, Molly, and I don't think you would have, otherwise.   I’m so sorry."

"You're right.   I probably wouldn't have, and I would have missed out on the best thing that's ever happened to me."   She answered him directly and honestly.   "You know I have issues, Devon, but I'm working on them.   My self-image sucks and I'm trying to be more accepting of myself, but it won't happen overnight."   Her eyes met his, begging for his patience.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby.   I'm here for you."   His hand reached out and covered hers, squeezing it in silent support.

"It takes a while to undo a lifetime of damage.   I've spent most of my life letting my mother tell me who I am, letting my worth be determined according to my weight.   I'm angry at myself sometimes for allowing her to do it, but I can't change the past.   I realize that.   But I can move into a better future."   She swallowed hard before she finished, "I want to sleep with you, Devon."

He almost choked on his wine as his brows shot up and he looked at her in surprise.

As he started coughing and couldn't seem to stop, Molly shot out of her chair in concern.   "Are you okay?"   He was breathing, so she wasn't really concerned, but she felt bad that she had caught him off guard and caused his fit of coughing.

Devon caught her hand and pulled her into his lap, half coughing and half laughing.   "You're going to be the death of me someday, woman," he growled as he hugged her close."

She struggled to get up.   "Devon, I'm too heavy to sit on your lap."

Devon’s arms were like bands of steel as he held her in place and answered in an exasperated tone, "Baby, when are you going to realize that I'm a big, strong man?   I love the feel of that sexy ass on my lap and I can think of a lot of ways that I want you on top of me."

She relaxed into him with sigh.   He didn’t look the least bit uncomfortable and he felt so good.   "Show me?   Please."

He shot up with his hands around her waist, steadying her as they stood.   Taking her hand without another word, he led her up the stairs and into the master bedroom.   She had seen it before.   It had a blend of Victorian and modern just like the rest of the house, but her main interest was his huge, brass bed.   How many times had she imagined herself and Devon there, their bodies entwined in passion?

"I'm a little scared, Devon," Molly admitted in a soft voice.   "What if I'm not what you imagined.   I'm not very experienced for my age."

"Don't be afraid, Molly.   Never with me.   Anything you do is right and you're already everything I want and more.   You lead and I'll follow for now.   Take whatever you need. Tell me what you want and I'll do it."

She stood looking into his earnest eyes for a moment.   He didn't move.   He just stood there watching her, his eyes filled with wanting as he waited.

No man had ever put her needs before his own so she felt a moment of panic.   She stomped on it and let her instincts guide her.

Her greatest pleasure would be to please this man who was so willing to give her anything.   His very nature was that of an alpha male, albeit, a kind and thoughtful one; nevertheless, it had to be difficult for him to give up his instinct to lead.

Molly moved close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers.   Her fingers threaded through his hair as her tongue swept into his mouth, tasting him passionately and thoroughly as their tongues danced together in a slippery, erotic slide.

She tugged at his shirt, needing to feel his bare skin.   Breaking her mouth away from his she demanded, "Off."

Devon’s smile was wicked as he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor.

Molly’s hands moved over his muscular chest, savoring the feel of smooth skin over rippling muscle.   He let her have her way with him, but his eyes were burning holes through her clothing.   She cupped his hard, bulging cock through the rough denim of his jeans, sliding her fingers along the outline of his rod that was begging to be liberated from its confinement.

"I want to taste you, Devon.   I've wanted it for so long."   She barely recognized her sultry, needy voice as her hands flipped open the button of his jeans and slid the zipper down carefully.

"Holy shit, baby.   I'm not sure I can survive that right now," he rasped as she dropped to her knees, sliding his jeans and briefs down his legs.   He kicked them off as she focused on his large, hard cock.

Molly stroked her hands over him lightly at first, enjoying the feel of his velvety skin over the rock hard member.   Her pussy clenched as she imagined his massive cock thrusting inside of her.   She'd be filled completely and stretched hard from his girth and size.

She gripped him harder and slid her hand up and down his shaft as she licked the moisture on the bulbous head.

Devon groaned and Molly flipped her eyes up to his face.   He was watching her and he slid his hand into her hair as she took as much of him into her mouth as she possibly could.   Closing her eyes, she moaned around him and let herself get caught up completely in the erotic motion of her mouth sliding, wet and smooth, over his cock.   Her hand slid around to his perfectly formed ass, squeezing, pulling him further between her lips.   The other hand cupped his balls, toying with them, as her mouth devoured him.

"Christ, baby.   I can't last."   She could feel his body tremble as she sucked harder and faster, wanting to swallow him, feeling him hitting the back of her throat.

His hand gripped her hair harder and his hips started thrusting.   He was losing control and she relished it.

"I'm gonna come, Molly.   You need to move your mouth," he panted as his head rolled back and he released a strangled cry.

Like hell Molly was moving.   She sucked harder and deeper as he started to release his hot seed in the back of her throat.   She wanted to literally suck him dry, and she did.   His legs were shaking as she licked the last drop from his shaft.

She realized Devon was grasping the brass bedpost for support, and the moment she released him from her mouth he collapsed on the bed.   "Shit, woman.   You
going to kill me."

Molly smiled as she realized that Devon made her feel like the goddess in his pictures, sexy and powerful enough to pleasure him to an explosive climax.

He cracked his eyes open.   "I think your playtime is over, woman.   Strip."

Molly stood between his legs above him and lifted the hem of her shirt without hesitation.   She pulled the top over her head slowly, shaking her hair free from the material as it glided over her head.   She tossed it to the floor, her eyes never leaving Devon's.   The white lace bra unclipped in the front and she opened the clasp, allowing her generous breasts to spill free.

He shot up and gasped her around the waist as she allowed the garment to fall free from her body.   "My imagination didn't do you justice, Molly."   He pulled her up on the bed and her head hit the soft pillows.   "I've been wanting to touch these beauties in the flesh since our first kiss."

Devon cupped her breasts as his mouth lowered to her sensitive nipples.   The feel of his warm mouth closing over the pink tips brought her hand into his hair to urge him closer, harder.   The stroke of his tongue and the light nip with his teeth made her squirm.   "Please, Devon."

She had no idea what she was asking for, her mind fuzzy and her body raging with pent up longing.   Devon didn't stop his relentless attack on her breasts as he unsnapped her jeans and lowered the zipper.   His fingers slid beneath her panties and into her slick flesh.

He trailed wet kisses up her neck as he whispered into her ear, "It's my turn to taste, sweetheart.   If I don't get to lick this sweet little pussy soon I'll go insane."

He slid down her body and gripped her jeans and panties, pulling them off her ass and down her legs.   She was trembling with need, but she had a brief second of panic as he tossed her remaining clothes to floor.   "Devon, I haven't - I've never-"

BOOK: CURVES BY DESIGN (Big Girls And Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance)
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