Read Damned and Desired Online

Authors: Kathy Kulig

Damned and Desired (9 page)

BOOK: Damned and Desired
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He’d thought about kissing her hard like that, he’d reach under her tee shirt and squeeze her breast, then slip beneath the bra to cup smooth, warm flesh.

He tried to push the thoughts away but his mind continued to get right back on track. Was he that horny or delirious? All he knew was that he wanted nothing more than to pleasure her and he didn’t give a damn if her companion stood on the sidelines and cheered. He wanted to touch her breasts, stroke between her legs. Overcome with the possibilities of what he could do to her, he was heating up inside, aroused and hard.

Sakari rushed up behind him. “You’ll need help with all those scratches. Some of them are pretty bad.”

“No, I’m fine. I work at an emergency clinic. I can handle it.” He stumbled as he pulled his keys out of his boot and tried to open his front door.

“You’re not fine.” Moving around him, Valdon put his arm across his back to support him, while Sakari snatched the keys from his hand and opened his door.

Valdon led Brad to the couch and sat him down.

“Sakari, why don’t you bandage him up? I’ll wait in the car. I have a couple of calls to make.” Valdon pulled out his phone.

It sounded a little suspicious to Brad. If these people were planning to rob him, they wouldn’t find much in his house but a dog who was a good watchdog. Zeus was in the backyard barking.

While she rubbed his neck, his gaze wandered to her mouth. He imagined her taking his cock into her mouth, her tongue licking the head and down the shaft…

“A little early to be calling people, isn’t it?” Brad asked. The suspicious tone crept into his voice again.

Valdon shrugged as he punched numbers into his cell and placed it to his ear. He waved them on with a flick of his hand.


Kathy Kulig

“I’ll be okay, Sakari. You don’t need to stay,” Brad said.

She held his gaze as another wave of images flooded his mind. He closed his eyes but the detailed pictures remained, along with the sensations of touch and smell.
takes my whole cock into her mouth…

“I can tend to your wounds—”

And slides down my hardened shaft…

“Bandage your cuts and ice the bruises.”

Taking all of me into her mouth down to the root.
“Okay,” he breathed. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Hang on.” He got up and opened the back door and returned after a moment with his black Labrador retriever. “Zeus, meet Sakari,” Brad said as the dog stopped tugging on his chain to investigate the visitor.

Zeus cautiously walked up to her and sniffed, whimpered, then backed up.

“What’s with you, bud? He’s shy with strangers sometimes. I need to feed him and get him some water.”

The furniture was sparse—only a couch, a table and a big-screen television. There was no dining table and chairs in the connecting dining room, but his house was clean, neat and painted in warm earth tones.

“Have a seat,” Brad said. “Can I get you something to drink? Beer, soda, coffee?”

“No, thanks.” She sat on the couch. Zeus gave her a short growl before following Brad into the kitchen.

“Zeus, behave.” Moments later Brad returned and plopped down next to her, resting his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. “Are you going to tell me what you were really doing out there?”

Sakari ignored his question and gently touched his forehead. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah. Feel like I was in a barroom brawl and lost—”

Then she placed a hand on his arm. “You look like you’re in pain.”

“I’m fine.”

“Yes, you look fine,” she said with an edge of sarcasm.

He grinned, opening one eye and looking at her. He was about to ask her something when she interrupted.

“Did you just move here?”

He frowned as if confused. “No, I’ve been here a while.”

“Your house looks so empty,” Sakari said referring to his minimal furnishings.

He didn’t need much more right now. He’d plan to add stuff as he needed it.

“Moved back about eight months ago. Retired from the military.” He didn’t look her in the eye, hoping she wouldn’t ask more questions he wasn’t prepared to answer or had to two-step around.

“Then you must like it here if you returned.”


Damned and Desired

He thought about that for a minute. The early morning hour and the bump on his head were slowing his thought patterns. Not good. He needed to stay sharp when there was a beautiful woman in his house under these strange circumstances. “Yes.”

“Did you like the military?”

He chuckled a little. “Interesting question. Can’t I get you a soda or something?”

“No, thank you.” She remained on the couch, looking very sexy.

Looking down at himself, he noticed dried blood, sand and grit on him. “If you’re going to hang for a couple minutes. I’m going to rinse off and put on a pair of shorts. I can’t bandage over dirt.”

“Okay and I’ll be making friends with your dog.”

In his bathroom, he removed the leopard pelt and jumped into the shower, wincing at the sting as water hit his wounds. Washing with soap and water, he managed to clean the worst of the dirt off his wounds. Then he dried off and collected a box of first-aid supplies—gauze, antibiotic gel, Band-Aids and peroxide.

Taking a quick glance at himself in the bathroom mirror, he almost recoiled in horror. He looked as if he’d been in a boxing match—the losing end of one. The whole situation seemed surreal. He strode into the bedroom and draped his pelt over the bedroom chair, then dug into his dresser for a tee shirt and a pair of workout shorts, and slipped into the shorts. He carried out the tee shirt but didn’t put it on because the worst scratches were on his chest.

He half expected to walk back into his living room to find it empty as if he’d only imagine Sakari as a product of his concussion. As was Valdon who was outside and the coyote who attacked him. Could they all have been the result of a head trauma? Maybe he fell off his bike and dreamed them all up. No, he had the claw marks to prove the animal attack.

“Brad? You okay?” a sweet voice called from his living room. Not imagined. He should go in to the clinic to get his head x-rayed and get a tetanus shot.

Tapping her foot on the floor, she looked up at him with a worried glance.
sweet and she doesn’t even know me that well yet.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. I wanted to clean up a bit and get some clothes on.”

“Sit,” she ordered in an impatient tone.

He smiled. He hadn’t had a woman fuss over him in a while. It was kind of nice.

Placing the box of first-aid items on the coffee table, he sat beside her. “I saw myself in the mirror. I look like hell.”

“You look better without the fur on.”

He grinned. “Yeah? Don’t care for the Tarzan look?”


He frowned. “Don’t know who Tarzan is?”

She shook her head.


Kathy Kulig

“Where are you from?”

“Sedona.” She opened the bottle of peroxide and poured it on a cotton ball and dabbed at his scratches. Brad didn’t wince.

“Right. How long?”

“Six months.”

“And before that.”

She didn’t meet his eyes. “Interesting question.” She squeezed some antibiotic gel onto Band-Aids and covered a wound. A deep one she covered with a square of gauze and taped it down.

“Why not provide an interesting answer?”

But she remained silent and stroked his arms and chest with the cool peroxide.

Brad’s body was responding in ways he didn’t think possible during medical treatment.

Each time she touched him, another erotic image drifted into his mind. Just as he was linking onto that thought form, she’d move on to the next wound. Then a new series of thoughts assaulted him along with a wave of sensual delights. He saw her naked standing at the edge of a cliff while he watched another man touching, licking and pleasuring her.

His head lolled against the back of the couch and he focused on a point on the ceiling as she dabbed at his scratches with peroxide or antibiotic gel. He was enjoying this entirely too much. The pain had been forgotten ages ago. He didn’t know who she was or why she was in his house in the middle of the night except that she and her friend were kind enough to drive him home. And what was up with her friend waiting outside? He didn’t care as long as she kept touching him.

Hiding his erection was nearly impossible when a vivid image of him pressing her down onto a grassy slope and fucking her hard flooded his mind.

“Finished. Does it hurt?” she asked.

“What hurt?”
Had she been talking to him? Definitely needed to get his head x-rayed at the

“Your wounds and bruises. Do they still hurt?”

“Not much.”
Not when you look at me like that.

“Good.” The deep crease in her brows relaxed. Her fingers slid over the hard curves of his abdomen and chest. The flat of her thumb rubbed over his areolas and his body jerked from the sensitivity. When she started to pull her hand away, Brad stopped her and held her hand at his chest.

“Feels nice, Sakar. He said her name like he was testing how it sounded. “A very sensual name. I like it.” His hands slid up her arms and his fingers laced into her hair.

“Yes.” Moving closer to him, she rubbed her thigh against his. Her breasts rose and fell with deep breaths. He was so fucking horny and the look this woman was giving him said she wanted him. Who was he to argue? She had nice breasts and it didn’t look like she was wearing a bra.


Damned and Desired

“You’re tempting me to hell here and I don’t know you. Perhaps we should get together again later this week under normal circumstances.”

She shot him a glance full of sexual intent. Then her hand slipped down to his cock, resting it there. “Have me?” Sakari asked in a seductive whisper.

“Okay,” he breathed as he leaned down and took her mouth, giving in to the lust that overpowered him. Her lips were warm and sweet, tasting slightly of expensive tequila. She kissed him back hard, her tongue thrusting deep, stroking. Fire stirred in his chest and eased to his cock. He took her whimpers as an invitation to do more, so he cupped her breast and squeezed. Moaning, she pressed against his hand.

The visions were burning through his thoughts like a porno movie where he and Sakari were the actors, each scene becoming more intense. They were on that grassy cliff overlooking an ocean, touching, kissing, then ripping each other’s clothes off, then fucking…

He looked into Sakari’s eyes at the dark, sinful lust in them as she tugged on his shorts, getting them halfway down his hips, then yanked her tee shirt over her head. He accepted the invitation and took a nipple into his mouth and at the same time, slid his pants off. “What are you doing to me?” he asked as he moved to her other nipple, clamping down lightly with his teeth.

She smiled, then her smile faded a bit. Fear flashed in her eyes. “I can do this.”

Was he going too fast for her?
He sat up and stroked her hair. “We can stop. What do you want?”

“You.” She began to work him, pumping his cock in her fist. An alarm went off in his head considering the reality of the strange events of the night. Just being paranoid.

But with the way she was working him, rational thinking would be dealt with in the morning.

He murmured something incoherent as her mouth slid over his cock. When the tip of the head rubbed against the back of her throat, his balls tightened up and he raised his hips. “Better slow up a little there, or I’ll be coming in a moment.”

“No, don’t come yet. You must make it last.” She sat up.

“I’ll do my best,” he said, his lips brushing against her neck as he unbuttoned her skirt. The yellow lace panties were pretty but he didn’t want them on either. In one swift movement he slid off both. “I need to get protection from the bedroom.”

“Not yet.” She knelt between his legs and took him into her mouth again.

“Yes,” Brad said.
Damn, how was this happening? I just picked this woman up in the
desert in the middle of the night. Rather, she picked me up.

“I won’t hurt you,” she added.

Brad gave a short laugh. “I’m not injured that badly. Just some cuts and scrapes.”

As much as he was enjoying her mouth on his cock, the pressure building in his groin was going to finish him off soon. Lifting her up, he pressed her down on the couch.


Kathy Kulig

“My turn.” Hovering over top of her, he spread her legs and touched her pussy with his fingertips.

“Oh.” She moaned and raised her hips, then pushed his hand away.

“Let me pleasure you,” Brad said against her mouth, brushing her with a kiss.

Her eyes widened.

“I won’t do anything you don’t want,” Brad added, waiting for her approval. One minute she all over him like a sex goddess, the next, she was hesitant and pulling away.

Eigi Einhamr
skills may have faded since his accident but there should be nothing wrong with his lovemaking skills. He’d never had a problem in pleasuring a woman and bringing her to orgasm. Going down was his specialty. Give him the opportunity and he’d have her screaming with pleasure.

Her eyes held hesitation, so he slowed his pace. Before she knew it, she’d be begging him to make her come. Keeping her legs spread and exposed, he didn’t touch her. Let her anticipate the touch and wonder when and how he would touch her there.

Instead he used his mouth on her neck just below her ear, using his tongue and gave her a little nip. She shivered and moaned, her hands roaming his hips, his back and down to his ass.

Then his mouth moved slowly down her body, sucking her nipples, tugging on them. Sakari’s sudden inhalation and moan let him know exactly what she liked.

The flood of sexual images that he’d been getting since he was in the desert finally stopped and he could focus on what he was doing and his own reality of pleasure, not a vivid daydream. Using his hands to massage and squeeze her breasts, he continued to suck them. She stopped her own stroking. Her hands hung limply at her sides, totally involved with her own pleasure.

BOOK: Damned and Desired
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