Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)
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“Mike look at this.” Kathleen motioned to him. Mike was a lawyer and specialized in family law. Marina handed him the papers and he scanned through them. While they were waiting for Mike to finish, John wrapped his arms around Stephanie’s waist.

“Is it legal, bro?” John asked.

“It’s ironclad.” Mike read the last page. “Basically it says, Marc has dissolved all his parental rights to Danny. The last clause says he can never dispute this.” Marina picked up Danny and hugged him tightly against her.

“I’m going home.” Marina snatched the diaper bag off the floor and weaved around everyone. Stephanie tried to run after her, but Janet grabbed her arm.

“Let her go, honey,” Janet said. “She just needs time to process this.”

“I for one, am glad the ass is out of our lives,” Stephanie said.

“But you weren’t in love with him or have a child with him.” Janet touched Stephanie’s cheek. “I’m sure she’s happy. It just has to be hard to find out your child’s father doesn’t want anything to do with him.” Her mother’s words hit hard. Stephanie had a wonderful man and she was going to marry him. Marina was a single mother, whose ex-husband basically cut himself off from his own son. Stephanie couldn’t imagine how that would feel. The only thing she could do was wait until Marina wanted to talk.

They pulled into the driveway. Stephanie gazed at the house she now considered home. This house was where her life changed. The house where she lived with the man she loved with all her heart. It was crazy.

“You going to stay in the car tonight?” John chuckled pulling her from her thoughts.

“No, I’m going into the house with my fiancée.” Stephanie took his hand.

“Yes, you are.” John pulled her against him and kissed her lips gently.

“I love you so much, John.” Stephanie cupped his face between her hands.

“I love you too.” He gazed into her eyes.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” Stephanie pressed her forehead against his chest.

“Sweetheart, the day you walked into that house, was the day you saved me,” John whispered in her ear. “You saved me from living a life of self-pity because everything I did to get better was all because of you. I fell in love with the woman who gave me back my life.” Stephanie would be spending the rest of her life with this man. There was nowhere she’d rather be.

Chapter 29
18 months later….


This was really happening. Today was the day. Stephanie stood in front of the long mirror in her old bedroom. She didn’t recognize herself. The white dress signified the start of her new life. A life with the man she loved. She glanced over her shoulder at her sister. Marina held a long sheer veil in her hands.

“I’m really getting married today.” Stephanie giggled.

“I hope so, since there’s over two hundred people waiting at the church.” Marina laughed.

“Why am I not nervous?” Stephanie asked while Marina pinned the veil in place. “I mean aren’t brides supposed to be nervous?”

“Only if they’re not sure they’re marrying the right person,” Donna said. Stephanie turned. Sandy and Donna walked into the room with their matching black cocktail dresses. It was the only dress that all six of her bridesmaids could agree on. It was also a dress they could wear again.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt you’re marrying the right person.” Sandy smiled. “That man adores you.”

“I’m pretty sure she adores him too.” Kristy glided into the room followed by Isabelle and Jess.

“Stephanie, you look so beautiful.” Jess gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Jess’s eyes began to glisten.

“Jess, don’t you dare make me cry,” Stephanie warned.

“It’s okay to cry,” Kim spoke behind her. “The makeup I used is tear proof.” Stephanie and Kim had become friends. Not besties, but at least they could go out to dinner together with Sandy. Kim had gone back to school and completed a cosmetology course. So she’d offered to do Stephanie’s makeup. The bridesmaids too.

“Very smart.” Isabelle giggled.

“Are you ready, Princess?” Doug stood in the doorway. He looked so handsome dressed in his black tuxedo. All the girls hurried out of the room whispering something about daughter and daddy time.

“I’m ready, Dad.” Stephanie smiled up at the first man to hold her heart. The man that showed her how a man should treat the woman he loves. The man that protected and loved her until she found the love of her life.

“I don’t know if I want to give you away.” It was the first time she’d heard her father speak so low.

“Dad!” A lump formed in her throat.

“I know he’ll make you happy, and that’s the only reason I’m agreeing to this.” Doug narrowed his eyes. Stephanie stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, Princess.”

The bridesmaids slowly made their way to the front of the church. John couldn’t stand still. He hadn’t seen Stephanie in over twenty-four hours and he didn’t like it. He was about to bolt to the back of the church to see her, but the doors opened. She was there. A beautiful vision that made his heart stop and his breath catch.

“Don’t drool, bro.” James chuckled in his ear.

“I’ll do my best.” John’s eyes locked with hers as she glided closer to him. Nothing else existed outside of the angel coming toward him. If he lived to be a hundred years, he’d never forget this moment.

If anyone asked John what happened during the ceremony, he wouldn’t be able to tell them. He was hypnotized by Stephanie. He’d recited his vows and his eyes filled with tears. When Stephanie finished reciting her vows, Aaron stood next to the microphone and sang Ave Maria. That was it. John couldn’t hold the tears back. Especially, when Stephanie had tears flowing down her cheeks. He wasn’t an emotional man. At least he never used to be. After all, they’d been through anyone would be emotional.

“How do you feel, Mrs. O’Connor?” John whispered into her ear while they waltzed at their reception.

“I feel extremely happy, Mr. O’Connor.” Stephanie pressed against him. “And did I mention that you look incredibly hot in that tuxedo. I can’t wait to rip it off you.” Stephanie whispered into his ear. John groaned. Her words went straight to his dick.

“Not fair, sweetheart.” John pressed his lips against hers.

“Get a room.” Nick, Mike, and Aaron yelled from the side of the reception hall. John saluted them with that special finger and pulled his new wife tighter against him.

James moved through the crowded reception hall to where his cousins were entertaining his son. Mason loved spending time with Isabelle, Jess, and Kristy. Probably because they spoiled him rotten, and with all the men in the family, three females fussing over you would make any guy happy. Even if you were just three years old.

“Don’t tell Daddy I gave you that candy,” Kristy said as James walked up behind her. Mason giggled and covered his mouth.

“I think you’re busted.” Isabelle pointed toward James.

“Darn cops. Sneak up on you every time.” Kristy turned around. James loved his cousins. They were like the annoying little sisters he never wanted.

“He’s going home with you.” James narrowed his eyes at Kristy. Trying hard to keep a serious face.

“That’s fine because we’re taking Danny tonight too.” Jess linked her arm into his. Why were they taking Marina’s son?

“Yeah, maybe you can make a move since you’ll both be childless tonight.” Isabelle nudged him.

“Not happening,” James growled as he pulled free from Kristy and reached his hand out to Mason. The little boy stuck out his bottom lip and put the forbidden candy into James’s hand.

“Why not?” Jess said. “You know Aunt Cora says…”

“I don’t care what Aunt Cora says,” James snapped. He took a deep breath and softened his tone. “I’m just. Not. Ready.” James sighed and handed the candy back to Mason. A voice came over the speaker. Time for the bridal party dance. James turned toward the dance floor and took a deep breath. If he wasn’t ready, then why was the thought of holding Marina in his arms making him hard as steel.
Fucking hell

The dance finally ended. James stepped back from Marina and bolted toward the bar. With a fresh beer in hand, he turned around. Just in time to see Aaron, grab Marina’s hand. James clenched the bottle in his hand. It was surprising it didn’t break. Aaron pulled Marina into his arms and spun her toward the dance floor. If he didn’t know better, he’d think Aaron was trying to get under his skin. Nobody knew about his feelings for Marina. James wasn’t even sure how he felt.

“She looks really hot tonight!” Nick leaned elbows on the bar next to James.

“Didn’t you bring a date?” It was hard not to sound irritated. He didn’t like the way Nick was leering at Marina.

“Yeah, but I’m not fucking blind.” Nick chuckled as the bartender passed him a bottle. “She seems to be getting a lot of attention in that dress.” Someone would have to be blind to not see how amazing Marina looked. The thought of any other man touching her made his body vibrate with anger. The black dress clung to her body, accentuating her full breasts and hips, without being overly revealing. She wasn’t thin like most women these days. Marina had curves that could bring any man to his knees. Aaron spun her around and dipped her. James clenched his fists.

“Where’s A.J.’s date?” James growled after he slammed back a shot of Screech.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think A.J. cares right now.” Nick chuckled and walked away. Beating his younger brothers within an inch of their lives seemed so good right now.

The song ended and Marina headed straight to her little boy. Danny sat on the floor playing with Mason. Since Stephanie and John got together, the two little boys spent a lot of time together.

James caught himself smiling when Mason hugged Marina. His son seemed to be as smitten with Marina as he was. She kissed Mason’s cheek and James melted. He was so fucking screwed.

“You know she’s meant for you.” Aunt Cora was standing next to him. This was the last thing he needed. The family cupid putting more ideas in his head. Thoughts he knew weren’t going to come true anytime soon.

“Hi, Aunt Cora.” James bent down and kissed her cheek.

“Don’t ignore me, Jimmy.” Cora playfully slapped his arm. “I’m never wrong and you know it.” She pointed to John and Stephanie on the dance floor. “There’s your proof.” Then she pointed to his parents dancing next to the bride and groom. “And there’s more proof.” James rolled his eyes, but he didn’t know of one couple she’d been wrong about. She was the one who told him he was going to marry Sarah, but thinking back, Cora’s exact words were, “She’s meant for you, for now.”

“Would you like to dance, Aunt Cora?” James held out his hand to her. She narrowed her eyes but took his hand and followed him to the dance floor. Maybe she was right. Was he really ready to move on? Was Marina ready?

“You’re both ready!” Cora said as if reading his mind. “Just let it happen.”

James O’Connor looked so God damn hot. Marina was trying so hard to keep her eyes off of him. Why couldn’t she just forget about him? He was a widower with a child, and she was divorced with a child. Plus, James seemed to be still mourning his wife. Stephanie mentioned he had not dated since his wife’s death. Marina mentally slapped herself. He certainly wasn’t going to start with a divorced single mother. She didn’t think she was ready either but fighting the growing attraction for him was getting more and more difficult.

It was going to be worse. Stephanie seemed to be having a lot of family dinners lately. Well, at least dinners that were turning out to be Stephanie, John, James, Marina and the kids. For some strange reason, the rest of the family always seemed to be busy.

It didn’t help that the O’Connor family had their own resident cupid. Cora was under the impression it was her job to get Marina and James together. She sighed when James kissed Cora’s cheek and walked off the dance floor. Could she really believe what Cora said? Were they really meant to be?
Sure and the moon is made of green cheese. Get a grip!

About the Author


What does someone say to describe themselves? You could start with giving what others say about you. Scratch that. It doesn't really matter what others think about you. It matters what you think of yourself. So here we go.


First of all, I'm a wife and mother. I'm also a grandmother. That alone would fulfil any woman's life and to be honest it does. But......


I'm also a writer. Someone who loves to tell stories of love, suspense, heartache and of course happily ever after. For most of my life, I've written those stories for myself. A type of therapy, I suppose. I love the characters I create. They become part of who I am because there's part of me in them.


So.... Now that you know this about me. I hope when you read my books, you fall in love with them.


You should also know that I'm a Newfoundlander. What is that you ask? Well, we're a proud people who live on an island, off the east coast of Canada. Some people believe Canada ends with Nova Scotia. It doesn't. If you keep going east, there is a beautiful island full of amazing people and magnificent scenery. That is where my stories are set because let’s face it. The best stories always come from the places you know and love.


If there is anything else you would like to know about me. Ask me! 


BOOK: Dangerous Therapy: O'Connor Brothers (Volume 1)
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