Read Dangerously Mine Online

Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

Dangerously Mine (7 page)

BOOK: Dangerously Mine
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I have to set Taio straight.

Peeling off her clothes and kicking out of her boots, she made her way back to the closet. She would find her own pajamas, thank you very much. Something less see-through. Selecting one of Taio’s shirts, she pulled it over her head. Yawning and slipping under the array of large blankets, she drifted to sleep.

Tomorrow. I’ll set him straight tomorrow.

Chapter Eleven


Eva’s body sank into the plush bed. She imagined that the mattress was stuffed with a million feathers. She didn’t want to move. She could stay here forever, she thought, as she relaxed deeper under the blankets. She sighed as she thought of the only downside of the moment, the stab of pain in her ribs.

Taio had one arm thrown across her body and the other was sandwiched between her ribs and the comfy bed. She moved to readjust her position for the fiftieth time. Those times, just as this one, she was met with resistance. Taio grunted and pulled her closer to him. Even in his sleep, Taio thought he owned her.

He had her securely snuggled to his warm, muscular body. Not a bad place to be if it weren’t for the pain. Taio snored lightly. His breath came out in hot puffs on the top of her head. Tendrils of hair blew lightly with each exhalation. If she wasn’t a nervous wreck, she might have enjoyed the peaceful moment.

She was on an alien planet being held hostage by an alien king who, by the way, thought she was his slave. She was the only human here. There was no possible escape. Even if she wanted to escape, where would she go? Eva let out a hard breath, finally coming to the conclusion that she had to make the best of it. Taio stirred and pulled her closer, as if he sensed she was thinking of an escape.

She was trapped. She wouldn’t be able to escape from Sonis, let alone get out of bed, until after Taio woke up.

Her only reprieve was the large window that took up the entire side of one wall. She watched as the suns rose, illuminating the darkened sky. The light breeze coming through the window caused the long, pale-yellow sheer curtains to open and close with every small gust. With daylight, she could clearly see Drazlan in the distance.

Every so often, a winged creature squawked as it passed the window. Calling the thing a bird would be a far stretch. On the third pass by the window, the creature landed on the table that sat outside on the balcony.

Its face looked more human than bird. It had lips instead of a beak. Short, stocky legs supported a plump body. Its green feathers were billowy and fluffy. Eva shuddered under Taio’s arms and snuggled closer. If those creatures soared through the skies, she was afraid to find out how the creatures walking on the ground looked.

Taio moaned as her butt pressed firmly against his hardening cock.

“This is a nice way to start the day,” he said, his voice deep and groggy.


“Not a morning person, I take it?” Taio laughed. His chest vibrated against her back. His cock, now fully erect, pressed against her backside.

“Since this is the first real morning I’ve had in three years, err, cycles, I can honestly say that I don’t know anymore.”

Taio kissed her on the back of her head. “Then we have to change that, don’t we?” His hands reached for her breasts, palming them through the rough material of the shirt. The material against her nipples felt good. Too good. Taio playfully squeezed and plucked at each sensitive bud.

She wanted the memories of the last years wiped out. She hadn’t seen a sun rise or set in so long. It was time to start anew. She pressed her butt closer to his cock, grinding in slow circular motions. The feel of hot skin penetrated the shirt, her eyes closing as she realized he was entirely naked. If she had known that, she would have gotten this party started hours ago.

Taio reached down and lifted her leg over his. While one hand leisurely massaged a breast, the other rubbed her clit.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked.

“Yes.” She twirled her hips again. “But I’m starting to really enjoy my morning better.”

“I aim to please.” Taio dipped a large finger in her wet pussy. Eva raked her nails across his thighs. “We can do this every morning.”

Eva tugged the shirt over her hips. Taio’s shaft nestled hot against the crack of her ass. “Where am I going to stay while I’m here?”

Taio grabbed her hips, lifting her off the bed to slide his cock between her legs. “What do you mean by ‘while you are here’? This is your home now.”

Eva slid her slick heat along his shaft, shuddering as the hard ridge of the head pressed over her clit. Reaching between her legs, she pressed it against her. She pushed back, trying to force the large head to breach her small opening. It didn’t work. Taio held her hips firmly in place and pushed up hard. Eva gasped as the head filled her sore and swollen sheath, stretching her painfully.

Taking his time, Taio slowly moved in and out, letting her adjust to his thickness. The pain subsided with each slow thrust. She buried her head in the pillows, panting as pleasure overrode all her senses.

As her moans were muffled by the pillow, Taio’s deep moans filled the room. She wrapped her arms around the pillow as his speed quickened and his thrusts became harder. Holding her in place, Taio pumped deeper, his hips slapping against her ass. She cried out as his cock stretched her to the max.

Just when she thought she would split in two, Taio thrust deeper with a roar. The feel of his hot liquid spurting and coating her walls was enough to send her over the edge. Her walls contracted as her climax met his.

Taio rolled onto his back and positioned her to lie on his sweaty chest. His dark, damp chest hairs pressed against her cheek as she made circular patterns in them with her fingers.

“Exactly how far away from Earth are we?”

“Eva, it doesn’t matter.” He stroked a hand through her hair. “The Loconuist are there, it’s not safe, you can never return.”

Eva closed her eyes against the mental blow. “I miss it.”

“Tell me, what do you miss most?”

“For starters, music. I miss music. I would give anything to hear
Drinks Up
by A.O. Or even log onto the Internet to catch the latest Orangey and Purple webisode.”

“I do not know what ‘the Internet’ is, but we do have music. Some of the best musicians have traveled over great distances to perform on Sonis.”

She rolled her eyes, doubting they would have Afro-Punk on Sonis. “It won’t be the same.”

“In time, you will learn to call Sonis home.”

“Don’t sound so confident, ‘master’. I’m a slave here. It can never be home,” she mumbled. “But what I miss most is Ally.”

“She is your family?”

She shook her head. “I joined up with Ally and her husband, Jim, during the invasion. But we became family in the short time that we were hiding from the aliens. Jim died before we were captured. Ally and I watched over each other on the spacecraft.”

He kissed her on the top of her head and gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. “Eva, the odds of finding her are not in your favor.”

“I know, Ship told me. But he also promised to help me look for her.”

“Ship will do his best to keep his promise.”

For a moment she lay in silence, wondering how Ally was faring. What kind of person she had been sold to, if she was a slave as well. Her head popped up. “What about some kind of slave buy-back program?”

Taio frowned. “You are mine, to keep. You’ll stay here with me.” Taio’s arm gripped her tighter.

She rested her head back on his muscled chest. “Taio, I’m not slave material. Even though I was given to you, I still think I should have the opportunity to buy my freedom. I could work for it.”

“You have a job.” He flicked a finger across her nipple.

“No, a real job. A job so I can pay you back.” She pinched his nipple in return.

“This is the only job you need. I plan to keep you very busy.” He rubbed her leg and gave it a playful pat.

“What about training your guards? I could help with that.”

Taio laughed. “As I told you before, males and females do not train together. You will not find a female training on Sonis at all. That is not their place.”

She lifted her head to stare at him. “I could change that.”

“A female’s place is not on the training field. She is expected to clean, cook, serve or attend to the children.” He waved his free hand in the air as he talked. “Oh, or she can serve as a personal assistant to a male.”

“The same as Mazel?”

“Yes, Mazel has served me for a very long time.”

Eva squinted, wondering just how well she served him.

Taio laughed. “Not in the capacity you are thinking, little one.”

“What about Rasha? Does he have one too?” She lowered her head back on his chest. The hairs tickled her ear and cheek, but she nuzzled into them anyway.

“Rasha is between assistants right now. But that position is not for you. I already told you what your job will be.”

And if he had it his way, she would be doing her “job” all day, every day. Sheesh, their combined juices were still leaking out of her.
Oh shit!
She squeezed her eyes shut.

“Umm…Taio? Do you have anything here to prevent pregnancy?” Shit, shit, shit, she mentally kicked herself. Birth control hadn’t been on her mind in a very long time. This was a fine time to remember it,
the fact.

“We welcome every pregnancy that occurs on Sonis. But if you are wondering about yourself, do not. My race has never been able to procreate with other species beside our own.”

“Oh. Okay.” Her heart slowed to its regular pace. At least she didn’t have to worry about that while she was here.

Hmm…no kids, ever.

She shook her head. No need to think or worry about children. She needed him to give her some measure of independence.

“Taio, I want a job. I mean, I’ve worked since I was fourteen years old. I have to be able to provide for myself.”

“A Sonis female is not burdened with such things. Either her mate is expected to provide for her or she remains the responsibility of her father until she does mate.”

“I don’t mind being burdened by working, really. My first job was mopping floors at the local ice cream parlor.”

“Is that what you did before you were taken from Earth?”

Eva choked. “Oh God no. Believe it or not, I actually moved up in the world. I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and worked at a hospital, a health facility, as a registered nurse…umm, healer.”

“You had more jobs than one?”

Eva laughed. “Yes. On Earth, we worked. Men, women and children.”

“Then you should feel privileged that I have brought you to Sonis. Your only responsibility will be to take care of me.” She could feel his chest puff out under her head.


“Eva, you are mine, that part is nonnegotiable. But I can assure you that I will never treat you as a slave.”

Eva lifted to her hands to stare down at him, her hair framing her face and draping his chest.

“How do you get the other slaves acclimated into this society? Were they born slaves or were they forced into it?”

“To be honest, we don’t have slaves on Sonis.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “You, ah, are the first one.”

She punched him in the chest. “You have got to be kidding! I’m the only slave on this entire rock!”


Eva threw herself onto her back and pulled the cover up to her neck. Taio reached to pull the cover down, but she slapped his hand out of the way.

“So there has got to be room for negotiation. If I can’t work for my freedom, I can do something else. And no, sex doesn’t count.”

She was the only slave? Really? No wonder everyone stared at her last night. She was the only freaking slave here!

“The head of your household, your father, would negotiate your terms. Since he is not here, as your owner, I would serve in his place and I reject the terms.” Taio shrugged, as if he had the problem solved.

“I have to figure out how to spend my time here. I can’t sit around waiting for you to get hard.” Just then, a thought hit her. “Can I work for you? Ship mentioned something about a business?”

“Eva, my businesses aren’t accommodating for females.”


“I have Sonis Mercenary, which is run by my younger brother Kiehle. I haven’t participated in the day-to-day operations of that company for over ten cycles. Then there is Sonis Gold. We mine for gold and sell it throughout the galaxy. Neither business is suitable for a female.”

“So those are out.” She crossed her arms over her breasts. “I can tell you now, I’m not kitchen or cleaning material. And while we’re on that subject, I saw the clothes in the closet. Thanks, but I’m going to need something less…girly.”

“Eva, the female clothes are traditional Sonis dress. I can’t allow you to dress as a male.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She waved a finger at him. “We are negotiating.”

“And I told you, I do not negotiate with females.”

“An exception has to be made because I don’t have a father. I’ve been negotiating for myself since I was emancipated at sixteen. I think I can handle this.”

“What do you mean? The fathers of Earth did not make decisions for their female children?”

“It’s not that. I’m an orphan.” Taio crumpled his brow in confusion. “I didn’t have a mother or father. I lived in an orphanage.”

BOOK: Dangerously Mine
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