Read Dark Paradise Online

Authors: Cassidy Hunter

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy Menage

Dark Paradise (7 page)

BOOK: Dark Paradise
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She would do her part to supply the Gamlogi with their precious treasure, and in return, they would take her into paradise.

“Cin,” Mach said, his voice deep yet soft in the night.

She looked at him, her breath held. “Yes?”


She frowned and glanced toward the scattered housekeepers. “Pardon?”

“You’re his slave, honey. His submissive lover. You will do as he commands of you.” Elder glanced at the housekeepers as well. “Danix watches.”

“No shit. I’m not getting naked in front of those animals.”

Mach narrowed his eyes and stood. He towered over her, his hands clenching. Fully clothed and armed, he was an intimidating man. But he would be intimidating nude.

She looked up at him, shaking her head. “No. I will not.”

“I will force you.”

She had no doubt. She started to argue, but Elder put a hand on her arm.

“Give me a second with her, Mach.”

Mach continued staring at her for a long moment, and it took every bit of courage she possessed to return his stare without flinching. Damn him.

At last he stomped off, his hulking shadow disappearing beyond the firelight.

“Can you believe—”

Elder grabbed her and forced her to the ground, his hard body heavy on hers. His glare was no less fierce than Mach’s, and it took her breath away.

“Shut your fucking mouth, you little idiot.”

She could feel herself paling, which only pissed her off more. “Fuck you!”

He lowered his mouth to her ear. “Do you
Danix to take you? Is that it?”

“Of course not!”

“Be quiet.”


“You want Mach to fuck you. You want
to fuck you. The only difference between tonight and last night is that now you will fuck before housekeeping. And I don’t care if they want to eat your fucking pussy, if it will save Mach’s life. And yours, you fluffy little bitch.”

Full of righteous anger and hurt feelings, she merely stared up into his face. Elder pretended to be all sweet and pretty, but he was as full of meanness as any of the housekeepers. “You’re a…” She couldn’t think of any words quite insulting enough, so said nothing. It was not that she was afraid of him and his anger. Definitely not.

“You will do everything he tells you to do. Say it.”

She remained stubbornly silent.

“You will fucking say it, or I’ll haul your ass over to Danix right now and let him have you with my blessing. You will not put us all at risk because of your prissiness.”

Her mouth fell open. Prissiness? “Because I don’t want to fuck like an animal before a bunch of slobbering men, you think I’m prissy?” She bucked beneath him, angrier now than when he’d called her a “fluffy little bitch.” “Get off me!”

He sighed, and his warm breath feathered her temple, stirring her hair. He shook his head and she stilled, realizing he was more than scared. He was desperate.

She peered into his eyes. She didn’t know if he would have forced her, if he would have taken her to Danix or if he would have just given up. But she didn’t like the tired, flinching look in his eyes.

She sniffed and glared over his shoulder. “What, then?”

“If Danix takes you, he will have me as well.”

“Why?” she whispered.

“Because I also belong to Mach.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Mach will not let Danix take you, not without a fight. But as strong as Mach is, he is outnumbered by an entire band of housekeepers who are as bad as he is. They will win. Mach will die. And Danix will take both of us.”

“You wouldn’t fight?”

“Of course I’d fight! But before I’d get much of a chance, or you either, for that matter, housekeeping would restrain me. And you.” His dark eyes glittered. “How would you like being tied up by a band of Mehnarthi housekeepers?”

As he spoke, he rubbed his pelvis against hers, and she couldn’t help her immediate reaction to him. Her breath came faster as he rocked against her, his hard body almost painful against her.

She shifted, opening her legs to his weight. She’d already forgotten what he’d just asked her.

“Will you play your part, Cin?”

Heat seared her pussy, and her clit began to throb. “Yes.”

“Thank you. Now tell

Mach was returning. She nearly groaned aloud with desire. She wanted him. She wanted them both.

He loomed suddenly, a dark shadow over Elder’s shoulder, and immediately her mind relaxed. Her body, though, her body tensed, her breath coming quicker, her heart beating faster.

She took the plunge.

“Master,” she said and reached her hand toward him.

She could feel his shock. It radiated from him in waves. His big body froze behind them, his muscled arms bulging as he clenched his fists.

Elder waited, unmoving.

Mach finally moved, leaning forward and putting a big hand on Elder’s shoulder. He said nothing, but Elder slid off her as though he had. He went into the bigger man’s arms, and as she watched them stand chest to chest in a tight embrace, Cin felt a spark of jealousy.

She wanted to belong with them, to them. She wanted to be needed, loved, and desired that way. She climbed to her feet, but stood alone and silent, unsure.

Mach kissed Elder’s forehead, then murmured something to him she couldn’t hear. At last he looked at her. “Come.”

She took his outstretched hand and let him pull her into their embrace. For long moments they held one another, each taking and giving what the others wanted, which right then was simply a sense of acceptance, of togetherness.

After a while he pulled away and stared down at her and repeated his earlier command. “Undress.”

And this time she didn’t argue. She stood, and with their stares upon her, began peeling her clothes from her body.

At last she was naked before him, before Elder, and before housekeeping, waiting for his next command. Elder knelt upon the ground, watching her, and Mach stood a few feet from them both, his outline dark against the fire.

The silence was heavy, with only the crackle of the fire, the far-off howl of an animal, and the occasional buzz of a nightfly to lighten the air. Even the Mehnarthi quieted.

Her heartbeat was slow but thudded with hard, dizzying beats.

Someone had once told her, back in the time before, that once you stepped over a certain line, you could never go back. That’s how she felt now.

She was stepping over a line.

And she wasn’t going back.

“Can you get pregnant, Cin?” Elder’s voice was too practical, too cool, and for a moment she refused to speak.

Then she shook her head. “I already had a child.” How difficult it was to speak of her past life. She’d worked hard to bury the pain of losing Alana, but Elder was forcing her to remember.

He nodded in understanding. “So you were sterilized.”

“Yes.” In her former world, a woman was allowed one child, and then she was sterilized. She would have no more children.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

A sharp pain bit into her belly, and she bent double, crying out. “Can’t you leave me alone? Can’t you stop talking?”

Elder walked to her and wrapped his hands around her upper arms. He pulled her to him. “Yes, honey. I can stop talking.”

He pulled her against him, and when she sniffed back her tears and looked into his eyes, all that remained in his gaze was determination. No pity, no softness.


She nodded, pushing the memories back where they belonged. “I’m okay.”

Mach had decided they’d messed around long enough, because when she heard movement and looked toward him, he was already naked. His black hair spread over his bare shoulders like a long, soft cape, and his sex began to harden as she watched.

His gaze left hers, very deliberately and landed on something behind her. She turned to see what had garnered his attention, sure she already knew.

She was right. Danix stood at the edge of the clearing a few feet away, his arms crossed, leaning against a tree nearly too skinny to support him. A few fires burned behind him, outlining his bulky body and making him look all the more sinister.

He was watching her—she could feel it. She shuddered in Elder’s embrace, and he lifted her chin until her eyes met his.

“Put him from your mind.”

“I’ll try.”

He grinned and winked, looking more like the old Elder. “We’ll see to it, sweetheart.”

And with a gentle push, he sent her into Mach’s waiting arms.

Chapter Eight

Mach caught her, wrapped his arms around her, then lifted her to his chest. With her arms pinned and her feet off the ground, all she could do was stare into his black eyes and try not to give in to her first instinct and struggle.

His skin was hot and smooth against hers, and she couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation. Her breasts were squashed against his chest, and her nipples began to swell.

“Good,” he said.

She glared and whispered, “I’m not a fucking kid. Stop saying
like that.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Bad?”

She bit her bottom lip, unsure if he was fucking with her or was serious.

His gaze fell to her lips, and he lowered his face to hers. “
will bite.”

Before she could draw back her head he had captured her lips, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip with a little too much enthusiasm. He slanted his head and began kissing her, his full lips sliding against hers in a way that made her tremble and halfheartedly feel shame at how little resistance she had against him.

She felt Elder at her back, now as naked as she and Mach. Sandwiched between them, she let herself relax. After all, she wanted them and she was going to have them. Might as well enjoy it.

“Danix likes a struggle,” Elder whispered. “So feel free to give him what he wants.”

Mach lowered her until her feet were once more on the ground, then took her hand and placed it around his huge erection. Squeezing her fingers in his, he moved her hand up and down his cock until she had the rhythm he wanted, and then he released her.

From behind, Elder slid his fingers over her ass and between her legs, rubbing her asshole with gentle circles.

She jerked. “Don’t.”

His breath was warm in her hair. “Shhh…” He slipped the tip of his finger into her.

She squealed and forgot to move her hand on Mach’s dick. Elder’s finger slid farther inside her ass, gently, slowly, relentlessly.

“Cin.” Mach’s voice was stern. He squeezed her hand around his cock until she was once again masturbating him.

Her pussy began a steady throbbing as heat washed over her. She rested her cheek on Mach’s big chest, and her gaze found Danix in the shadows, watching.

Mach backed away, grasped her shoulders, and urged her toward his sex. “Suck me.”

She wrapped both hands around his cock and bent over, with his heavy hands on her shoulders keeping her in place. Her ass was exposed even more to Elder, and he took advantage of her position by slipping his finger into her more deeply.

She tried to buck him off her, but the two men held her fast. Mach guided her mouth over his cock, stretching her jaws much as Elder stretched her ass. And all the while her neglected pussy throbbed, aching to be touched. She jerked her mouth from Mach’s erection long enough to say, “It hurts!” before he guided her mouth back to sucking him.

Danix had slipped closer; not only him but half his men. She caught glimpses of movement and half heard sounds of clothing being adjusted, groans, and soft laughs of appreciation.

Part of her wanted to cry from the humiliation, but that part was weaker than the part that wanted to spread her legs and give in, let herself be turned on and accept that she liked what she liked. At least, her body did.

Mach’s cock was uncomfortably big in her mouth. He hit the back of her throat with each thrust. And without pause, Elder kept pushing his finger inside her ass, making it burn with a kind of pleasure-pain that she’d never known before.

She reached behind her but he slapped her hand away and kept plunging his finger inside. And she realized she was pushing back against each thrust, taking him deeper.

Mach pulled her away from his cock, and at last, Elder’s fingers were forced from her ass. The men pushed her to the ground, working together as though they had done this before and knew exactly what to do and when to do it.

Fear rushed through her when Mach grunted and Elder straddled her body, facing away from her. He kept his weight off her by folding his legs beneath him and rising slightly, but she still felt the heaviness of his body.

His balls slid against her belly when he moved, and all she could see was his back and ass. She put her hands on his ass and pushed, but she would’ve had better luck moving a boulder. He didn’t budge.

Day came, sneaking up on them before she’d realized it was the end of night, and she drew in a deep, harsh breath.

At least the night shadows had kept her feeling partially hidden, but now, with the brightness of day, she’d be well and truly exposed to every eye in the camp.

Elder bent forward and hooked her behind the knees, pulling her legs up and open so widely she cried out. He ignored her hands on his skin; she beat at him, scraped her nails down his flesh, and he didn’t acknowledge her at all.

Stark against the lightening sky, Mach stared down at her, then leaned over and stroked her pussy.

She screamed, unable to help herself, and watched as Danix crept ever closer. He had his cock in his fist, she was dismayed to see, and she wondered if he decided to take her right then, could Mach stop him?

Mach answered her question before it was asked of him. He straightened and turned toward the housekeeper, his growl a low warning.

For a moment, the two huge warriors faced each other, cocks equally hard and huge, then Danix backed off.

Elder pulled her legs open even farther, and even as she yelled in anger, she slid her hand between his ass and her belly and felt for his heavy sac.

“Careful,” he murmured.

She moaned as Mach continued massaging her clit. He pushed his fingers inside her, fucking her with them deep and slow, both hands busy bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm.

BOOK: Dark Paradise
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