Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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In total agreement, Trey grabbed his side of the covers while Troy grabbed his and they both pulled the soft covers over the three of them, sandwiching Branda between them. Her body felt heavenly next to his. Within minutes the three cuddling bodies were drifting off to sleep.

* * * *

The ringing of the doorbell woke Trey.

Looking around, he grinned at the sight of Branda on her back, sound asleep. His hand was cupping her breast, and Troy’s arm was resting on her stomach. Each of them had a leg thrown across hers. The scent of sex and warm skin mixed with her flowery smelling hair made his dick stand at attention. He could most definitely get addicted to waking up like this every day.

The doorbell sounded again, reminding him of what had awakened him in the first place. Groaning inwardly, he carefully removed his body from hers. Drawing on his jeans, he left the room and headed for the door.

Peering through the peephole, he sighed and opened the door. Standing there in her housecoat and rollers was his eighty-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Overhand.

“Hello, Mrs. Overhand, what can I do for you?”

Clutching a time-wrinkled hand to her throat, she said, “I’m so glad to see you’re all right, young man. I waited until a decent hour to come by just in case you boys were all right, and it looks like you are. You are, aren’t you? I’ll call the cops if need be.”

Confusion drew his brows together. “I’m sorry, I’m not following you. Why did you think something was wrong?”

“Because, dear, your living room light was on at three in the morning and still on at six this morning. You boys never leave your inside lights on at night. I know these things because I always peek out the window to make sure the neighborhood is all right when I get up to do my business in the middle of the night. Weak bladder, you know.” She nodded then reached up to adjust a roller.

At her words, the memory of him and Troy rushing Branda to the bedroom popped into his mind. “No need to worry, ma’am. We just forgot to turn them off. Thanks for noticing. We won’t be so forgetful again. Sorry to have worried you.”

She gave him a serious look. “It’s my duty to look after you boys. I gave your mother my word that I’d watch over you three when she moved out. When is Trent coming back?”

“He’s still doing some traveling, but he should be back in a couple of months, if not sooner.”

A whimsical expression took over her features. “I used to love to travel. You boys make sure you do some of that yourselves while you’re still young enough to do it. Good memories keep you sane in your old age.”

“I’ll remember that, ma’am.”

“Very good. Now that I know all is well, I’ll be going home. Tell Troy I said hello.” With a nod, she turned and headed home.

Closing the door, Trey wondered how she always knew the difference between him and Troy. Most of his family didn’t even know.

Perusing the rooms as he walked through them, he noted and turned off the living room lights. In the kitchen, the lights were still on, and dirty dishes were on the table, and in the bedroom, clothes were strewn all over the floor. Watching the sleeping couple, he noticed that Troy’s hand had moved and now cupped a luscious breast. One of Branda’s arms was trapped between their bodies, and the other was up over her head. A picture of her hands tied overhead to the headboard with a strip of silk flashed in his mind.

Turning from the sight of her naked body did little to erase the thought from his mind. Soon they’d do that to her, but not now. They had a lifetime to explore all the wonders of sex. For now, they’d break her in easily.

Returning to the kitchen, he put the dishes in the dishwasher, wiped down the table, and put on coffee. While it was brewing, he went back into the bedroom and slipped into the bathroom. Stripping off his jeans, he stepped into the shower. Excitement coursed through his veins. Today was the first day of their new lives. Now that they had found their
vero amore
and claimed her, their lives had changed forever. Next weekend, his family would come over and celebrate with them. That is, they’d celebrate after they’d seen proof that Branda belong to them. One licking kiss to her wrist from both of them and the celebration would begin. They would have to handle her with care until she understood that she was now a part of their family.

Turning off the water, he quickly dried off and put on a clean pair of jeans. Bringing her breakfast in bed would be the perfect beginning for their new life. When she was finished eating, they would eat her. Smiling to himself, he headed back to the kitchen.

Chapter Seven

Sitting at a corner table, Branda watched the people at the party having a good time. Her cookie and fruit bouquets were a big hit and the partygoers loved Gaven’s Pub. What was not to love? It was a great place. The atmosphere was very welcoming. Troy and Trey were helping Gaven out tonight and insisted she stay. She didn’t mind. It gave her a chance to watch the twins interact with others.

Taking a sip of her drink, she watched them from across the room. Women were flirting with the twins every time one of them turned around. But, to their credit, they never flirted back. They were nice, but they didn’t give false hope to any of the women. At least she hoped it would have been false hope. She wanted to keep them to herself for as long as possible.

Recalling the moment she’d awakened this morning, Branda couldn’t stop the satisfied grin that split her lips. Troy had one leg over hers and his large hand cupped her breast. He had looked so handsome and relaxed in sleep, black hair tousled, dark lashes touching his upper cheeks. Unable to stop herself, she lightly kissed his lips. His hand had flexed, squeezing her breast for a split second then he relaxed back into sleep. After that she had kept her lips to herself, not wanting to wake him. Instead, she contented herself with looking at his gorgeous body. Her gaze traveled up his thigh and dipped down to peek at his relaxed penis. Damn, even in sleep, it looked impressive, thick and beautifully shaped with a beckoning, plum-shaped head. Licking her lips she knew soon she would have to taste it. She loved it when they tasted her. Surely they would love her to taste them, too. Closing her eyes, she had to stop herself before she woke him and begged him to take her. Opening her eyes, she found the sheet and pulled it up over them.

They had taught her a lot the night before. Now she knew that sex with the right lover could draw out a hedonistic side of her she hadn’t known she had until last night. Now she craved their touch and could only hope they didn’t tire of her too quickly. She wanted to learn everything they could teach her. Feel things she’d never felt before. Explore her wild and wicked side.

It had been touch and go for a little while when Troy awakened. One side of his mouth had turned up in a smile then he’d tossed the covers off them and explored her body with a hot green gaze. A small frown had wrinkled his brow when his eyes landed on the pink scar on her left arm. She had turned her arm over so most of the scar tissue wasn’t visible then tried to scoot out of the bed. A scowl had crossed his handsome face, and he’d pulled her back to his side. Taking her arm he’d kissed the scar then told her never to hide any part of her body from him or Trey.

Much to her embarrassment, he told her he knew what had happened to her. She’d wondered how he had found out, but the light bulb had come on pretty quickly. Sienna’s mom must have talked to his mom. They were friends and had been for years.

His eyes had turned stormy just before he told her he would have done way more than pinned the man that had attacked her if he’d been the one to catch him in the act. From the venomous tone he’d used, she had easily been able to picture Roy beaten to within an inch of his life. Kissing her arm again, he’d told her he and Trey would do everything in their power to make sure nothing like that happened to her again.

The heat of his words melted her heart even more. Something in his voice calmed her and made her believe him. As she cuddled in bed next to him, she realized she felt safer with the two of them than she ever had in her life.

Rain plopping down in a chair next to her startled her so bad she sloshed her drink onto the table. Grabbing some napkins, she mopped it up.

“Damn, you were further away than I thought. Want to tell me about it?” Rain asked with a raised brow.

Branda could feel herself blushing. Damn, with her skin she couldn’t get away with anything.

With a knowing chuckle, Rain leaned toward Branda. “I take it you’re still doing the twins. You are absolutely glowing with sexual satisfaction. When you get tired of them, I want to be the first to know.”

Cutting her eyes to the bar, she found them standing by Gaven. Those butterflies in her stomach did their crazy dance again. Would that ever stop? Part of her hoped so, but another part of her hoped not.

“You look so lust-sick I have to have details. Did they both have sex with you in the same bed or are they shy and take you in different bedrooms one-on-one?” A playful gleam entered Rain’s eyes.

Branda tapped her fingers nervously on the table. “I don’t know if they’d like it if I talked about what we did.”

Rain took a sip of her drink and eyed Branda thoughtfully. “Your loyalty to them this early in the game is disgusting, interesting, but still disgusting. And it could lead to heartbreak. Remember who your friends are. I would never tell anyone what you tell me, except for maybe Sienna if I thought it was necessary. Now give over all the juicy details, so I can see how much schooling I need to give you.”

Sighing loudly Branda gave in, but only because she could use some help. She really didn’t know what to do to make both men happy at the same time. This whole sex-is-great thing was new to her. “All right, but you better not tell anyone. All you’re getting is the basics. Not a blow-by-blow, got it?”

Bringing her fingers to her lips, Rain made a twisting motion to say she was locking her lips, then, with a turn of her wrist and with an outward flick of her fingers, she mimicked throwing the key away.

Grinning at her friend’s actions, Branda looked around then leaned in closer to Rain. “They had sex with me in the same bed. They worked me until I orgasmed then one of them took me, and when he was done, the other one took me and made me orgasm again. Twice in one lovemaking session. I couldn’t believe it.”

“Damn, girl! That sounds hot. What happened after that?”

“Nothing. They pulled the covers up over us, and we went to sleep with me wedged between the two of them.”

“Did you have sex again this morning when you woke up?”

“No. When I woke Troy was cuddled to me, but Trey was already up and making breakfast. Which he served in bed.”

“No way, you lucky dog. Why didn’t you have sex with them after that to pay him back?” Rain asked in surprise.

Guilt pierced Branda’s heart. “I would have, but I had to go home and get started fixing the bouquets for this party. I must confess I do feel guilty for just laying there letting them do all the work. As you know, my sexual experiences were a disaster before them, so I have no idea how to please them. How do I pleasure them?”

Grinning sinfully, Rain said, “You need to give one a blowjob while the other one is taking you. That way all three of you can come at around the same time. No waiting in line. Something else you can do is caress them. That will show them that you’re interested in their bodies, and it will also make them hot and horny for you. Oh, and you can give them a morning wake-up blowjob. Guys love to wake up to a wet mouth sucking them off.” Spotting one of them heading toward their table, Rain added, “Remember to let me know when you’ve had your fill of them.”

Looking at Rain, she said in a dreamy voice she didn’t recognize as her own, “I don’t know if I’ll ever get tired of them. They’re so sexy and sweet. I’m sure I’ll mope for weeks when they get tired of me.”

A rough voice came from behind Branda, making her jerk. “Never. We’ll never get tired of you. You belong with us. To us.” Troy’s hand caressed her shoulder.

Branda scowled at Troy. “You’re going to have to quit sneaking up on me. It could bring on heart failure, you know.”

“Our bond is too tight. Your body will always know mine. Your passionate response will never cause heart failure, only total bliss,” Troy answered in a sexy drawl.

“You’re talking sex, I’m talking startled. You could startle me into heart failure,” Branda said in a frustrated tone.

Troy sighed loudly. “Very well. I’ll try not to startle you again. But I do expect you to respond to my every touch.” His voice dripped with sin and promise.

“If you two don’t stop, I’m going to have to find a man to release my sexual tension on. You wouldn’t happen to have a brother, would you?” Rain asked Troy with a teasing grin.

Brow raised he looked Rain over. “Actually, we do have a little brother. He likes all types of women. I’m pretty sure he’d like your blonde hair and blue eyes. Unfortunately, he’s not in town right now.”

“If he looks anything like you two, he would definitely be worth getting naked with,” Rain purred.

Choking on her drink, Branda coughed and Troy patted her on the back.

Minutes later, Branda glared at Rain. “We really need some kind of silent signal to alert me when you’re about to say something outrageous.”

“Give me a few more drinks and I’m sure I’ll come up with something.” Switching her gaze to Troy, Rain added in a sultry tone, “Be sure to let me know the minute your brother comes to town.”

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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