de Lune, Clair - Fiona's Two Masters [Prometheus in Chains 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: de Lune, Clair - Fiona's Two Masters [Prometheus in Chains 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chapter Two

Over at the bar, Masters Ruari and Alexander Scott were looking at the subs.

“Who is that delicious-looking redhead?” Ruari asked Eric, who told him she was Emma’s friend, Fiona.

Ruari could not take his eyes off her. She was slim and beautiful with curves in all the right places and high, bountiful breasts. She was a bit overdressed for a sub, in a black-and-silver corset with some sort of sleeves attached to it and a leather skirt that reached her knees. Her skin was very pale and slightly freckled as any good redhead’s should be, Ruari thought. Her long red hair was a riot of curls, and he would just love to tangle his fingers in it then pull back her head and kiss the perfect cupid’s bow of a mouth. She did not seem to be very happy, judging by the expression on her face. Then she laughed at something, and her face lit up, and he was lost. He heard a sharp intake of breath from his brother and knew Alexander felt the same.

They had had women together and separately, but when they were both involved with a woman, the pleasure and entertainment were more than double. They very much preferred to share one sub. He could always tell when Alexander was hunting.

“Come on,” said Alexander impatiently. He was usually the leader in any enterprise.

“Let’s get over there before some other Dom gets in first. If that Rafael character sees her, he will be after her like a shot.”

The pair of them strode quickly over to the subs’ area, their kilts swinging as they strode.

* * * *

Fiona watched them as they approached. They were a magnificent pair. They were identical twins with short, dark hair and black brows that almost met in the middle. Their eyes were deep blue and framed by long dark lashes. They had strong jaws and wide, full-lipped mouths. Their hawklike noses made them striking rather than handsome. They were lean, muscular, and tanned, and at six six, they were tall and towered over most people. They wore kilts in the Scott tartan with leather jerkins. Their white linen shirts had long sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular arms covered in black, curly hair. Their faces and arms were well tanned. She assumed it was from their outdoor life.

She saw their approach and should have felt apprehensive, but for some reason she didn’t. She knew who they were. Emma had told her they were Master Angus’s twin nephews. Master Angus Scott had collared Emma’s grandma, Jane. They had met when Jane had gone with Jenny to try out BDSM, after the death of her husband. Master Angus had been smitten by Jane at once. It had taken him a while to woo Jane, but now their attachment was permanent, and they were soon to be married.

Fiona was used to seeing men in kilts. She, unlike the others in the club,
that it was usual to wear nothing at all in the way of underwear with a kilt. The two men coming toward her were certainly well-worth looking at. She smiled and licked her lips. Her own reaction to these two men surprised her. She didn’t trust men now. She had trusted Gordon to begin with. He’d been charming, and had swept her off her feet. She had been young and naïve, flattered that he took notice of
. Once he had her living with him, he had changed. He had become cruel and violent. On many occasions, she had screwed up her courage to leave him. He seemed to sense when he had gone too far, then, for a while, he would be the old charming Gordon. He would be all apologies and promises not to hurt her again. He blamed the drink, but never made any effort to consume less. She had been weak and bloody stupid, but she would not fall into that trap again. In a prestigious club like this one, she could feel safe. The rules were strict, but they were enforced. She noticed the armbands of dungeon monitors on several large Doms. She had always loved BDSM, since she had first gone to a club with a friend, for a dare. That was where she had met Gordon. She loved the release she got in a scene. She loved the peace she found, and the escape from her troubles when in subspace.

* * * *

All the subs fell to their knees as they approached. Ruari noticed that
did it as an automatic reaction, so she was familiar with the protocol. This was getting better and better.

He said to Jenny, “Who is your friend?”

“Her name is Fiona, Sir.”

“Fiona, come with us!” Ruari was not going to be denied, and was pleased that she got up gracefully, and, when each took hold of one of her hands, she let them lead her to a secluded alcove partly sheltered from the rest of the club by a black Japanese screen decorated with Oriental birds and flowers.

The Doms sat on the large leather sofa and provided her with a cushion on which to kneel in front of them.

“Look at me, Fiona. Our names are Master Ruari and Master Alexander. Where do you come from?” asked Ruari. Most of the time Alexander would take the lead, but sometimes he enjoyed letting Ruari do the groundwork while he observed, and that seemed to be the case tonight. She looked scared when he asked where she came from and he wondered why that should be a source of fear. It was a simple enough question surely.

“I come originally from Peterhead, Sir.” He noticed she had a Scottish accent.

“Where do you live now?”

“Nowhere at the moment. I am just visiting Emma on my way south, Sir.”

“Any particular reason for going even farther south?”

As far as the twins were concerned, Sheffield was the deep south. They had no wish to go farther into Sassenach territory, and, perish the thought, down as far as London. They were only here because their uncle lived here, and once the wedding was over they were off back north. Angus, their uncle, was to marry his collared sub, Jane, very shortly. The wedding was in the planning stage. For the twins, it could not take place soon enough. They wanted to go back home, but they were close to their uncle, and would not miss his wedding for the world. Angus had known tragedy in his life, having lost his first wife to illness. He had always said that he would never marry again, so they had been surprised to hear about Jane, but delighted to know he had found someone with whom he could be happy.

“Just for work, Sir.”

“What is your work?” Ruari asked.

* * * *

Be damned but it was like pulling teeth, and Alexander had had enough. His cock was demanding release and even under the freedom of the kilt, his balls were feeling bloody tight and uncomfortable. He decided he was going to take over.

“I’m a web designer. I also design exhibits for trade fairs, Sir.”

“You are no stranger to BDSM, are you?” Alexander asked, and she looked at

“No, Sir.”

There it was again, a bare-minimum answer. By God, he was going to get more out of this sub. Most bloody women wouldn’t shut up, but this one was as closemouthed as any he’d ever come across.

“What do you like, and what don’t you like?

“I don’t like pain or piercing, branding or whipping, Sir.”

“I also asked what you
like.” Alexander growled.

“I like spanking and bondage but no gags, Sir.”


“Yes, but not unprotected, Sir.”


She shuddered at that. Alexander watching her closely, wondering who had hurt her so much that such an expression should cross her face. He intended to find out. He
find out. He nodded at Ruari, who said, “Come, sit on my lap.”

She got on to Ruari’s lap at once. She seemed to Alexander to be an obedient sub. And what a delicious armful she looked.

“Any problems with being shared by the two of us, Fiona?” Alexander asked.

“No, Sir. I have done that before.”

Alexander exchanged glances with Ruari as he noticed the expressions fitting across her face and was determined to discover what or who had caused them. She did not look comfortable. Indeed, she looked afraid sometimes. She had no need to be afraid of him and his brother, nor had they given her cause to fear them. Her eyes were big, the darkest blue, and very expressive, too. All her thoughts were expressed in them. They were fringed with dark-red lashes, and Alexander supposed her pubic hair, if she did not shave, would be the same colour. He could not wait to find out. For the moment they needed to get her to relax and maybe ease their pain. Again he nodded at Ruari.
e did not say it, but Ruari was used to his brother and knew what he was meant to do.

Chapter Three

Ruari tangled his big hands in her red hair as he had wanted to do from the first moment he had noticed her. Then he pulled her back over one arm and bent to taste her. His tongue did a dance over her closed lips, and then her lips parted and he dipped inside. She was sweet and tasted of mint, and he liked the mix of flavours. He played. Exploring her mouth with his tongue, then suckling her tongue into his mouth so she could explore in her turn. She wriggled slightly in his grasp, and his cock swelled even more. When he came up for air, she sighed and relaxed against him.

“You are so beautiful. You taste so sweet,” he murmured against her mouth.

He passed her to his brother who he could see was impatient to do a little tasting of his own. Ruari knew Alexander was much more forceful, and he watched to see how she reacted. Not waiting for her to open her lips, Alexander’s hand pressed on her chin, and she opened for him. His tongue invaded her mouth, demanding she give herself over to his kiss as was always his way. He nipped at her bottom lip and sucked her tongue deep into his mouth. Then he released it and reinvaded her mouth. Ruari knew he would be exploring her teeth and everywhere he could reach with his strong tongue. She seemed to have no objection. Indeed, she was making little humming sounds so Ruari thought she must be enjoying the experience.

While Alexander was kissing her, Ruari went to retrieve the key to one of the upstairs rooms. It would be soon enough to take her in public, in the main room of the club, when they knew her better. Right now he wanted her and knew his brother did, too. They would all benefit from the privacy. When he got back they were still entangled in each other’s arms, lost in the sweetness and passion of the kiss, if his own experience was anything to judge by.

He rattled the key, and Alexander lifted his head, then he withdrew from her mouth, lifted her in his arms, and carried her as they all went upstairs.

There had been only two rooms available, and the one they entered was very romantic. Ruari watched Alexander raise his brows, but Ruari was unrepentant. He had not wanted the heavy oak and dark colours of the medieval room, and this was the only other available option, unless they wanted to wait for an hour. Ruari did not want to wait, and he’d bet Alexander didn’t, either.

A large four-poster bed occupied the centre of the room. It had floaty white draperies edged with white ruffles concealing rings for bondage. The room was painted in shades of dove gray and old rose, and the floor of light oak had several deep sheepskin rugs. Just the thing to display their redhead. There was an open fireplace in which a small log fire burned. It was not the principal source of heat in the room, but there to create atmosphere. All the rooms in Prometheus in Chains were equipped with private bathrooms tiled in white with decorative additions, depending on the theme of the room. This one had borders of rose-pink tiles and mirrors on two walls. The ceiling lights were tinted rose, too. The bath was huge and more than big enough for three, as was the separate shower which had jets installed at various angles from the ceiling to the floor. There were handles, too, on the floor and up the walls for safer play. A unit with piles of gray and rose washcloths and towels as well as a basket of toiletries and condoms completed the setup.

They both undressed Fiona slowly, taking off her leather skirt to reveal a black satin thong edged with black lace. As they stood back to admire her, Ruari noticed she blushed, and it went all the way down to her breasts as he had suspected it would. Most redheads blushed easily. Her skin was a beautiful creamy white and felt like satin to the touch as he and his brother took off her clothes. It was something they loved to do as it aroused them both.

His cock swelled even more at the sight of her almost naked.

“That colour looks so good on you. The black, and especially the lace with your white skin showing through. It is pure poetry.”

Master Ruari was startled as his brother spoke. He’d never heard him wax so lyrical. Alexander talking about poetry was something he was not used to hearing. Ruari looked at the thong and saw, peeping out just a little at either side, the dark-red curls he had expected to see. He knelt and slowly removed her thong, pushing it ever so slowly down her legs. His face was inches from her pussy, and he could smell her arousal. He breathed in deeply the unique scent of this woman who was going to mean so much to both of them, he was sure. He felt a connection to her that he had not felt with any other woman they had shared. Alexander’s waxing so lyrical over her skin had startled Ruari at first. Then he realised that Alexander felt it, too. She was special and Ruari would not be satisfied with just a scene in a BDSM club. He wanted to know her better. He sensed there was something wrong with her, and he wanted to put it right, to protect her. That would all be resolved later. Now he wanted to enjoy all that she had to offer them both.

BOOK: de Lune, Clair - Fiona's Two Masters [Prometheus in Chains 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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