Read Dealing With the Dead Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Dealing With the Dead (8 page)

BOOK: Dealing With the Dead
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He watched as Jayden slowly got his breathing back under control. When Jayden began to breathe normally, Noah pumped his finger several times within the tight heat where it was still currently encased. Jayden gasped, moaned, and finally started to push back against the intruding digit.

"Noah," he said as he rocked his hips.

It would have taken a stronger man than him to be able to resist the pleading in that one word. "Hang on, Jay, let me just get a glove and some lube."

Jayden nodded frantically as Noah reached up and opened the bedside drawer with more force than was necessary. He was thankful the drawers had stoppers on them otherwise it would have gone crashing to the ground.

Finding what he needed, Noah quickly sat back between Jayden's legs and ripped open the foil packet.

The sound must have registered on Jayden because the man looked up at him sharply and put a hand over his as he tried to extract the condom.

"Noah, I want to feel you."

Noah groaned. What he wouldn't give to sink into
Jayden's tight heat and to feel his ass clamp around his bare cock, but Noah shook his head. As much as he wanted that, he couldn't do it, at least not yet. "I won't risk you, Jay. We can get tested but until then we use the gloves."

Jayden looked at him with so much love that Noah couldn't breathe. "Thank you for wanting to protect me,"

Jayden said before he continued. "However, I can't get sick.

The magic in necromancers burns away any type of infection before it can take hold. I can't get or give any diseases. I've never been sick a day in my entire life, not even so much as a common cold. No one in my family has."

Noah didn't know what to say to that so he just sat still and tried to digest what Jayden had said.

"You're my mate and I trust you, Noah."

"I've never had sex without a condom before," he said, finally. He wanted Jayden to know that he, too, was clean.

Jayden nodded. "Please, I need to feel my mate."

Noah threw away the condom before leaning forward and kissing Jayden. Pulling back, Noah flicked the bottle of lube open and poured a generous amount over his cock and fingers. The cool liquid felt wonderful against his heated flesh. He lightly pumped himself to make sure he was
covered sufficiently, aware that if he wasn't careful he was in danger of finishing before they even started.

Noah pressed his finger against the tight ring of muscle guarding Jayden's entrance and slowly pushed inside. "Relax, Jay, let me in," Noah crooned as he pumped his finger in and out of his lover. When Jayden relaxed around him, Noah pushed a second finger in and began scissoring them to help loosen the tight muscle before adding a third. When he was happy he wouldn't hurt Jayden he removed his fingers and lined up his bare cock.


Jayden nodded shakily, his eyes filled with lust.

Noah didn't reply, just slowly pushed his way inside Jayden.

Jayden gasped as he struggled to draw breath after breath into his lungs. He canted his hips in clear invitation for Noah to continue.

Once he was seated fully, he wrapped Jayden's legs around his waist and lowered himself over his lover's body.

It took everything in Noah to hold still and wait for Jayden's body to become accustomed to him. He'd never felt anything like Jayden's tight channel rippling around his bare cock before and knew instantly that he would never get enough of this feeling.
He kissed Jayden sweetly before he finally felt the man relax enough for him to pull out slightly and push back in again. Noah captured Jayden's moan in another kiss and swallowed it down. Noah set a steady pace. For their first time together he wanted it to last and to reflect the feelings he had towards the young man.

Jayden wrapped his arms around Noah's neck and held on like he was afraid if he let go Noah would disappear. Noah pushed back Jayden's hair, now slick with sweat, and got lost in his eyes. He increased his thrusts until Jayden suddenly cried out underneath him and Noah felt the wet heat of his release against his stomach. Noah grunted as Jayden's muscles clamped down around his cock and his walls convulsed around Noah with every pulse of his orgasm.

Noah thrust twice more before he succumbed to his own pleasure. He kissed Jayden deeply as he released his seed within his mate's body. Pulling back he looked at the man beneath him to see tears in his eyes.

"Shhh, Jay, it's okay." Noah had a feeling these weren't tears of pain as he too was feeling emotional after what they had just done together.

Jayden just nodded, wrapped his arms tighter around Noah and buried his face in his neck as he let go.
"Sorry," Jayden hiccupped, "I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment." Noah held him tight as he rolled them to the side so he wouldn't crush the smaller man. Noah grunted quietly when he felt his softening cock slip from Jayden.

Jayden eventually quietened down and drifted off to sleep. Noah carefully extracted himself from Jayden's hold and made his way to the bathroom. Quickly cleaning himself up, he rinsed the cloth in warm water and went back to his room to clean up his mate.

His mate
. He paused for a second and stared at the man currently curled up on his bed. He looked beautiful, and well and truly loved. His hair was in disarray, lips swollen, and he was lying on his side with his top leg bent up at nearly a right angle to his body exposing his pink, puffy hole. The sight of his seed leaking from Jayden's body had his cock trying valiantly to rise again.

Knowing Jayden needed all the rest he could get, Noah set about cleaning the smaller man up and tucking him under the sheets before he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, grabbed a pair of shorts, and left the room. He quietly closed the door behind him.

Looking at his watch he realised it was getting on to half past six. Noah knew they had to be at the cemetery
later so he made his way to the kitchen. They had missed breakfast and lunch and he was starving.

With the amount of energy Jayden had used up last night, he knew he would be ravenous as well. Content to let Jayden rest for another half hour, Noah set about cooking them dinner.


A month. It had taken them a month to finish Grayson's manuscript and Jayden was utterly exhausted.

Working seven days a week from eight at night to roughly four or five every morning had taken its toll. Jayden knew he looked like shit and he also knew that Noah was worried about him. But it was finally over. He could get back to decent hours of living. He could finally rest and get back all the energy he had expended over the last four weeks.

Most of all he could finally take Noah to his parents' for Sunday dinner. They had missed the last four, partly due to the fact the Jayden had wanted to work and get the book finished as soon as possible, and partly because he just wasn't ready for everyone to know just yet that Noah was his mate. He had called his mum and dad and asked them not to relate the news to his siblings until he was ready.

After four weeks together Jayden could honestly say he was in love with his mate. Noah was a constant presence in his life now. They hadn't slept a night apart in the entire four weeks they had been together. It didn't seem to matter where they ended up as long as they were together. Noah took good care of Jayden on the nights he
pushed himself too hard and nearly collapsed with exhaustion.

Jayden had overheard Noah on the phone to his sister-in-law earlier that week. They were lying in bed and he was slowly coming back to consciousness after yet another rough night. He kept his breathing steady and remained still as Noah sat propped against the headboard beside him running his fingers gently through his hair as he spoke with Rebecca.

"I'm worried about him, Bec." The concern in Noah's voice caused an ache deep in Jayden's belly.

Rebecca's voice came through the phone low and tinny. Jayden had to concentrate to hear what she was saying. "Noah, I'm sure everything's fine."

"You haven't seen him. He's thinner than normal, he's getting dark shadows under his eyes and when we're not at the cemetery, all he does is sleep all day."

"I take it you're not worried because you're not getting any?" Rebecca laughed through the phone.

"Bec, you should know me better by now. I don't care if we're having sex or not. I just want to take care of him and make him better." Noah sounded slightly hurt in Jayden's opinion.

"You're right, that was completely insensitive of
me. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean anything by it."

"Have you actually talked to Jayden about your concerns?"

"I've tried, but he insists he's fine."

"How much longer do you think the book's going to take to finish?"

Noah sighed before shifting slightly. "Not long now, I think maybe four or five days."

"Then as much as you're going to hate to hear this I think you should listen to Jayden. Surely he must know his limits more than anyone else."

"You're right." Jayden could hear the unhappiness in Noah's voice as he spoke now. "But I don't like it. And I'm not a hundred per cent sure that Jayden knows his limits. This is the first time he's ever done anything on this large a scale before and I'm worried he's going to push himself because of me." Noah's tone had changed half way through to one filled with pure anguish.

Jayden had felt horrible. He'd had no idea that Noah was still so worried about him and he resolved to take it a little easier over the next few days to ease Noah's mind. He had cuddled closer and drifted back to sleep to the hypnotic
sounds of his mate's voice.

Jayden had made good on his promise to himself and taken it a little easier over the following days. As a result, they finally finished the book six days after Jayden had overheard Noah's conversation.

Now that they had finally completed the manuscript Jayden had plans to do nothing but eat, sleep and make love to Noah for a few days before dragging him to his parents'

place and introducing him properly as his mate to his brothers. Jayden wasn't under any illusions that his job was completely finished. He knew authors had to do edits and all sorts of crap, and even knew that would take time. But he was hopeful that it wouldn't take anywhere near as much time as they had just spent to get it done.

Jayden got up and made his way to the bathroom.

From the sounds coming from the kitchen, Noah was cooking up a storm. Jayden checked his watch and was surprised to find it nearing six in the evening.

Stopping in front of the mirror Jayden took stock of his reflection. His skin was too pale, he had definitely lost weight, and there were large dark circles under his eyes.

And then there was his hair—his beautiful hair was dull and lifeless. The rich, vibrant sapphire streaks were now a dull, pallid blue. He needed to call his hairdresser and make
an appointment to redo the streaks. Just as soon as he got some rest.

Jayden turned the shower on and relieved himself while the water warmed up. Once the water had reached his preferred temperature, he stepped under the hot liquid and breathed a sigh of relief. There really was nothing in the world like a hot shower to help ease aching muscles and relieve stress.

Jayden closed his eyes and just enjoyed the sensations. He wasn't sure how long he stood there bent over with his hands against the wall, letting the hot water beat against his back. His leisurely shower was interrupted by a pair of soapy hands washing his body. He groaned in appreciation when Noah applied a slight pressure to his muscles. He leaned back into the touch, hoping it would not stop.

Soft kisses landed against the side of his neck and Jayden lilted his head back to give Noah all the room he needed. Slick hands left his back and wrapped around his shaft until it was rock hard.

"Lean on me." The words were whispered in his ear as one hand left his cock to press against his chest gently, aligning his body against Noah's hard chest.

The feel of the damp curls against his back and the
tight fist around his cock had Jayden floating on a cloud of heaven. He felt so safe being held tight against Noah. His hips bucked as Noah's thumb swiped along his slit several times before it moved back down his shaft.

Jayden cried out as, simultaneously, fingers tickled his balls, teeth bit down on his neck, and his nipple was pinched tight. Noah's fingers ceased their play and wrapped back around his shaft. Thrusting his cock through the tight grip Noah had around him, he whimpered as his orgasm raced through his body. Jayden was positive if he hadn't been held tight against Noah's chest his knees would have given out and he would be a puddle of goo on the shower floor right now.

Noah kissed his neck where he had bitten earlier and rinsed his hand in the cooling water. "Come on, Jay, soup then back to bed for you I think."

"Ungh," Jayden said, too exhausted and sated to even try and get his brain to work at the moment. Instead he just listened to Noah's soft chuckle and let the man turn off the shower then help him out of the stall.

Jayden stood there on the mat, dripping as his brain wouldn't work enough to physically comprehend picking up a towel to dry himself. He needn't have worried because as soon as Noah had a towel wrapped around his waist he
picked up the other one and methodically started to dry Jayden.

When he was finished he wrapped the towel around Jayden's waist, took his hand, and led him from the bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen and dining room.

The smell of chicken noodle soup made Jayden's stomach growl. He collapsed into one of the chairs at the table and watched as Noah made his way into the kitchen and dished up two heaping bowls of soup.

Once the fresh parmesan cheese was grated, Noah set the bowls down on the table then headed back to the kitchen to get two large glasses of cold water.

"Thank you, it smells delicious."

"You're welcome. Now eat, Jay, I know you're hungry."

Jayden nodded as he picked up his spoon and slowly devoured his piping hot soup. When he was finally finished he pushed the bowl away from him and smiled at his mate.

"Once again thanks. That really is quite yummy."

BOOK: Dealing With the Dead
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