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Authors: Stella Barcelona

Deceived (38 page)

BOOK: Deceived
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Sebastian held his friend’s gaze for a second with a serious look, then shook it off. “I’m fine. Hey. Speaking of honeymooning,” Sebastian said, “when and where should I be showing up for the wedding?”

Taylor glanced at Brandon, whose expression was unreadable.

“Oh, come on,” Sebastian said, lowering his voice. “You two haven’t set a date?”

“I think the proposal comes first,” Taylor said.

Sebastian’s eyes bounced from hers, to Brandon’s eyes, then back to hers. “What? He hasn’t even asked you?”

“I was giving her time,” Brandon said.

Taylor shrugged, “And I’m not pushing him.”

“You two are hopeless,” he said, as he shook his head. He spotted Rose and Michael, then turned and walked in their direction.

Brandon draped his arm over her shoulder. He pulled her close. “Let me know when you’ve had enough time to process everything that’s happened.”

She turned to face him. “I have,” then held his gaze as she held her breath. “I never really needed time, you know.”

His gaze was as serious as it had ever been. “Should I find a more romantic setting?”

Her heart pounded. She shook her head.

He glanced around the room. Her eyes followed the direction his took. People were milling around the exhibits. It didn’t seem that anyone was paying attention to them. “Would you prefer privacy?”

“No,” she said.

He rubbed the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. It was a soft gesture that he often did when he was gazing into her eyes, a signal that he was craving more than eye contact. She was never going to get tired of the way he touched her. “Are you sure you’re ready to make a decision about the rest of your life?”

“Yes,” she whispered, as her heart pounded.

His green eyes held her attention as he dropped to one knee, lifted her right hand, and said, “Taylor Marlowe Bartholomew, will you marry me?”


He stood, lifted her off of her feet, then cradled her in his arms. “When?”

“Before the year ends,” she said, going with her instinct to throw one more event in the year of so much change. “A small celebration. Let’s make something great happen this year. It feels right, doesn’t it?”

“Great question. The answer is yes,” he said, as he bent his head to hers, and their closest friends witnessed the long, first kiss of the newly engaged couple.



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A Black Raven Novel




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Various events in
were inspired by the history of World War II. I’d like to thank all of the staff and volunteers who make The National World War II Museum,, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the unparalleled resource that it is for information related to World War II.

Many people have provided invaluable support throughout my writer’s journey. To name only a few, with heartfelt gratitude: my husband, Bob…He not only understands that every morning that I write makes each day better, he also tolerates the daily ring of an early-morning alarm at a time when he’s not ready to awaken, and understands that there are times when I cannot do anything else but write; My sisters, Amy and Kathy…For keeping the colorful, fun, and crazy carousel of life revolving, welcoming me every time I want a ride, and understanding when I need to step off; My cousin, Joanna…For sharing so many summer days when we did nothing but read, and for being my first true friend and confidante; My almost-lifelong friend, Dee…for refreshing, no-nonsense wisdom, always delivered with a healthy dose of wit, that keeps me grounded when I freak out about…whatever; To fellow authors who have become treasured friends: my cousin, Tina DeSalvo…For graciously pushing and pulling me around conferences and introducing me to a world of writers that I never would have discovered on my own. Tina’s unconditional friendship, wise critiques, and boosts of encouragement have sustained me for years; and Cherry Adair…For sharing her immense knowledge of the craft of writing, the business of publishing, and making room in her busy life for yet another friend who is a writer.

I also need to thank several people who have provided invaluable assistance in polishing
and helping me on the path to publication. A big thank you to: Deborah Richardson and her talented team at Deborah Richardson Editorial & Marketing Services; Timothy Samaha, Marie Goodwin; and Josh Friedmann of the Calliope Consulting Group. Also, thank you to Emily and Michael Naquin at the Beehive Hair Salon, who have, for many months, listened to me ramble about the endless projects that needed to be accomplished before
went live; finally, thank you to Drew Bevolo, of Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights, for the use of the Bevolo Gas Lights Museum for my photography shoot and for being a friend who has gone out of his way to encourage my writing dream.

With Love,

Stella Barcelona





About the Author



Stella Barcelona has always had an active imagination, a tendency to daydream, and a passion for reading romance, mysteries, and thrillers. From her early days of reading, when she first escaped reality through the pages of a well-written novel, she knew that her daydreams needed an outlet, and she knew that her outlet would be writing.

In her day-to-day life, Stella is a lawyer and works for a court in New Orleans, Louisiana. Currently, Stella lives minutes from the French Quarter, with her husband of sixteen years and two adorable papillons who believe that they are princesses.

While she doesn’t have a lot of free time, with her legal and writing careers battling for her every minute, she does enjoy any chance she and her husband get to go out on their boat. In addition she attends conferences, workshops, and retreats for writers. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Southern Louisiana Chapter of the Romance Writers of America.



* Photo by Zack Smith Photography at the Bevolo Gas Lights Museum


BOOK: Deceived
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