DECEPTION - A Family Affair (8 page)

BOOK: DECEPTION - A Family Affair
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Walking in still holding Marisol’s hand he approached his father’s bed.  “Pop, you awake?” 

Freddie opened up his eyes to see his son and then looked over to Marisol and surprise was written all over his face.  Is this truly the man her mother really loved?  The man her mother felt was worth hurting her family over?  How could she still feel sympathy for him instead of satisfaction seeing him lay lifeless there in bed?  Without realizing it her hand began to shake and Marco squeezed it lightly and gave her a reassuring look.  He knows this must be hard for her since she shared with him the predicament between her and his family.  She smiled shyly back at him if he only knew the true thoughts flowing in her mind.  She felt hopeless.

Bringing his attention back to his father he asked.  “Pop, you remember Marisol?” 

Freddie nodded.  “Of course, hello Niña.” 

“Hello Freddie, it’s been a long time.”  She replied with a smile. 

“Yes, very long time indeed and now look at the state I’m in.” 

“You look handsome as ever, Marco should only be so lucky.”  That brought a chuckle out of him.

“Hey” Marco chimed in and brought her closer to him and laughed.  Freddie watched the display of affection as concern filled him.  He knew of the secrets, the pain and the loss that these two have suffered and can’t see any good resulting from them coming together again.  He needed to talk to Marco; he had to put a stop to it before it was too late.  He felt so tired and old but he knew his family needed him.

“You okay?  You look tired.  We just wanted to stop by to say hi.  I want you to rest up before coming home.  I’ll be by to see you tomorrow.” 

“Bye Freddie, get better fast you have a family anxiously waiting for you.  It was nice to see you.”  Marisol said and held her tears back.  She was confused and badgered over her mixed emotions.  Seeing him reminded her of her mom, her dad’s betrayal, of giving birth to Marissa and all she lost with Marco.  She just wanted to go home and to be alone and sulk. 

In the elevator, Marco glanced over at her and saw the change of mood and the glassy eyes.  “Marisol, what’s wrong?” and he shifted to face her and lightly brought her chin up to look directly at him. 

“Nothing, I’m just feeling melancholy seeing your father in that condition.  Really I’m fine.” 

He couldn’t resist as he leaned forward while he looked into her eyes and softly kissed her lips.  Letting go of her chin he still held her stare.  “Thank you for all your support today with Alex and my Dad.  Surprisingly, you made him smile again had I known the effect you had on the old man I would of have brought you sooner.”  The elevator opened breaking the spell as they slowly went to check on Alex’s scenario only to find Angelo conversing with the police officer at the nurse’s station.  The officer jotted notes in his pad and then had a few questions for Marisol as well.  Once they were all done they found out Alex will be fine although he did have a minor concussion and will be sore for a day or two. 

On the ride home Marisol confided in Marco on what she noticed at the funeral.  She had an inkling Alex is definitely hiding something which links to Savannah’s death somehow.  “Marco, he wasn’t truthful to the police officer he only gave the names of the boys but nothing else.  He told me the boys called him a snitch but refused to explain the reasoning behind it.  You have to help me figure this out.  I would hate to see Alex involved in any kind of trouble.”

Shaking his head in uncertainty he finally replied.  “I’m so at a lost right now.  I will definitely talk with Angelo to see if Alex confided in him, which I highly doubt.  I’ll see what I can find out on my own as well.  You do have me worried, I didn’t fathom it could be anything this serious.” 

“Alex getting beat up today was a warning for what I don’t know?  I will speak with Mr. Johnson tomorrow morning; the boys will positively be punished for their actions and the police officer mentioned he will notify the school resource officer.” 

“I can’t imagine all the fears my brother deals with on a daily basis being a father of a pre-teen.  Have you ever thought of having children of your own one day?  I happen to know you would be a great mom.”

Hearing him speak those words Marisol’s blood turned to ice and she began to tremble.  Not a day goes by without Marissa in her thoughts.  She would be around Alex’s age if she was still alive.  She wondered who she would look like, would she favor her father more or would she be the very image of her mom.  Questions she would never have answers for.  He noticed her body tensed and trying to hide her shaky hands.

“Thanks, but I don’t see children in my near future. I already come to grips with it.”  She finally answered as she stared straight ahead without a flinch.

“What do you mean you come to grips with it?  You act as if you are 60 years old.  Why would you think that way?”

“I’m just saying I don’t see it happening that’s all.  I don’t know if I want to love someone that much and risk the pain of losing them.  I’m happy with my life right now and I have more than enough kids in my life with my job.”

“Wow, I’m really sorry you feel that way.  You clearly have so much to offer, I hope one day you can see that.  Life is all about risk.”

“Let’s drop the subject, I’m not even married and I know plenty about risk so like I said let’s just drop it.  Plus I don’t see you with a string of kids or maybe you do have kids in every major city for all I know.”  Marisol’s sarcasm just poured out, the subject was a touchy one for her.

“Touché – well for starts I’m sorry if I upset you it wasn’t my intention.  As for as me having a string of kids the answer is no.  I hope someday to have at least two kids of my own.  I would have hoped by now to have a family but as they say life got in the way.”  Marisol had no response and the uncomfortable silence kicked in.

Her house now in sight Marco cursed under his breathe needing more time with her.  “Are you sure I can’t buy you dinner?  You must be starving.”

“I’m fine, thank you.  I brought work home and poor Mace is probably frantic by now being all alone for this whole time.”  She answered and was anxious to escape him.  She wanted to be alone to figure out her crazy mixed up feelings.

Pulling his car in her drive way he grudgingly stepped out to open her door and helped her out.  Walking up to the house he reiterated his apology.  “Marisol, I’m sorry if I upset you.  I don’t want our night to be spoiled over something I said.  I really enjoyed your company today and would like to see you again.”

“I’m not upset so please don’t worry about it.  I’m just emotional over the events that happened today.”

“Will you have dinner with me Friday?  I would really like to spend some time with you.”

“Oh Marco, I don’t think that would be a great idea.  If we can just stick to solving Alex’s problems, I don’t think I’m capable of anything more that.”

Even though he felt disheartened he wasn’t quite defeated yet.  “Fair enough then let me poke around a bit for you and Friday we’ll meet over dinner to discuss Alex.”

Marisol laughed if that wasn’t a bribe she didn’t know what was.  “Alright it’s a deal as long as you understand it is not a date it’s just a meeting.”  Looking at the expression of triumph on his face brought a smile to hers and she just shook her head.

“Fair enough, good night Marisol and thanks for today.”  Then he headed to his car before she could change her mind.  Marisol just stood watching him until his car was out of sight from the road asking herself what did she just agree to?


Chapter Six

The next couple of days flew.  The boys were suspended for three days with the warning of one more incident they will be expelled which seems too lenient in Marisol’s book.  It’s all because they played the race card by passing the blame on Alex, they had the gall to accuse him of initiating gang threats it was their word against his.  The administration takes gang issues quite serious.  There is a major dilemma with gangs forming in the area and between the school administration and the police department they were cracking down hard, no exceptions.  The frustration set in for Marisol since none of the boys provided a true explanation that could help her figure out this crazy puzzle she so extremely needs to solve. 

Even though, she was bombarded with work she seized every opportunity to question teachers here and there.  No one seems to have a clue or concern which caused her to question herself.  Is she imagining things?  Should she trust her gut feeling which never lets her down?  She decided she could use a night out to clear her mind.  Abruptly, bringing her thoughts back to Nate, who was still mad at her and it was already Thursday and still no word from him.  She had enough with Nate not responding to the dozen of messages she left for him and decided to drive over to his office after school with flowers. 

Feeling nervous and eager at the same time, she built up her courage to storm into the reception area only to find no one there.  She heard voices and followed where they were coming from.  She realized at once it was Nate and Marco.  Listening in she could hear them discuss plans for excavation which could only mean Marco is going ahead with the development project Nate mentioned.  Then Marco moved on with thanking Nate for taking care of the deal for him.  He is extremely happy with his decision and has been working full force.  Butterflies began to form in the pit of her stomach.  What deal was he referring to?  Nate did say he was working on two projects but never mentioned the second one.

Shifting in his seat Marco had to ask the question that gnawed him all day long clearing his throat with unease he let the words flow.  “Getting off subject here, I wanted to ask if you would have a problem with me taking Marisol out to dinner.”  The eye contact between the two sent out electric sparks that could short out a neighborhood until Nate broke the current and looked down at his fingers as he flexed them clearly giving thought of his next response.  He knew he needed to have a heart to heart talk with Marco, he prepared a whole speech for crying out loud but all his thoughts got muddled.  He had to find a way to do it and not betray Marisol at the same time.  His loyalty is to her first even though he knows what’s best for her. 

“Look Marco, I’m honored you seek my approval but you don’t need my permission.  Marisol is a grown woman with a mind of her own nevertheless I don’t want you hurting her or you will have me to answer to.  You seem to have the impression that she and I...”  Before he could finish his sentence Marisol interrupted knowing what he was about to say.  She couldn’t afford for him to disclose their sham; it would ruin her scheme of revenge. 

Rushing in, she headed straight to Nate extending the flowers as an offering.  “Okay, okay I’m sorry for being a jerk.  Please forgive me?  I love you.”  He looked so surprised to see her and the over display of acting he knew she was ease dropping. 

“Marisol, what are you doing?”  Nate asked with a look of disappointment, she knew the look and she also knew she couldn’t fool him for one minute but she wasn’t backing down.  Her ulterior motive was to seek forgiveness it wasn’t her fault Marco had to spoil it by being there.

“Well, you avoided my calls and I came barging in here to seek your forgiveness.  I can’t take another day of not hearing from you.” 

Marco taking in the scene became more confused of their relationship.  One minute they seem like an item and the next minute they were more like friends.  Nate’s lack of rebuttal of taking her out on a date seemed odd and now this display of a lover’s quarrel had his head spinning.  “Hello Marisol.” Marco interjected.

She turned to his direction with a startled look as if she just realized he was there.  She needed practice in the acting department.  “Hi, I’m so sorry did I interrupt you guys?  I didn’t realize Nate had company.”  God, why did he have to look so sexy?  He wore jeans with a blue shirt with white pinstripes that had the embroidered Ralph Lauren logo.  He looked so good; Ralph Lauren should be paying him to wear his clothes.  Then she wondered what designer underwear he might be wearing.  Shaking her head to wipe out her inappropriate thoughts, she focused in to his every word.

“No, no it’s fine; I was just about to leave.  My father came home from the hospital today so I’m going to head over to the house.  I’ll definitely see you tomorrow; I’ll be by your place to pick you up about 7:00.”  Standing up extending his hand out to Nate he continued.  “It’s been great and we’ll wait for the reports before we make any final decisions.  Let me know as soon as they come in and we’ll go over it together.  I asked Charley to fly down in about a week or so which gives us plenty of time to have everything in order.” 

Nate shook his hand ignoring Marisol’s presence.  “No problem.  Today was good man; I’ll get back to you as soon as I have them.  I’m glad I was able to assist you with the other deal.  I can’t wait to see the transformation.” 

Marco then took his leave before Nate divulged any further details he wasn’t ready for anyone to know about his acquisition yet.  Watching Marisol standing there with flowers hanging from her hand looking awkward was too much for him to handle.  He had the urge to throw her over his shoulders and drag her out like the cave man days it would serve her right for driving him insane.  He just focused on getting to his car before making a fool of himself he has tomorrow to look forward to.

She should have refused their plans for tomorrow but the words wouldn’t escape her mouth.  Turning her full attention to Nate once Marco cleared the room she just gushed out all her words without breathing.  "Before you say anything, please listen to me. Look, I'm really sorry, I was out of line the other day and if you ignore me another day I will go insane, start a hunger strike and will wither away and I know you wouldn't want that on your conscience would you?" While giving her speech she stared at him with her puppy dog face the face he never seems to go up against.

He watched her with intensity trying to weigh what his next move should be. Leaning back into his chair bringing his hands to the back of his neck watching the anticipation in her eyes as she waited for his response was pure torture she deserved.  Letting her off the hook he finally responded.  "Marisol, you don't need to apologize you said what you felt and you made your point. I just wish you follow your own advice."  Feeling guilty she looked down and focused on her Nine West shoes that look like they could use a good shine. "With that said I weighed in everything you said and tried to prove you wrong no doubt.  I had a long talk with Lucas and you were right, yes I did say you were right.”  He admitted he was wrong and Marisol loved him even more.  Lucas is lucky to have him. “Lucas confessed he felt alienated from my life even though he supports me in my personal decisions but nonetheless he still felt lonely. We have spent the past few days trying to figure out what changes need to happen in phases.  First step we committed to being exclusive and scheduled a Caribbean vacation to seal the deal.  We met with the travel agent and we leave next week.  Perfect timing at work to take some time off.”  He looked up at Marisol with eyes filled with contentment displaying the biggest grin his cheeks could carry.  She felt elated with joy causing her own eyes to fill up with unshed tears. “I haven’t felt this happy and carefree in a really long time, so thank you Marisol for opening up my eyes."

BOOK: DECEPTION - A Family Affair
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