Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2)
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“Let’s not go there, Chance.”


“And why the hell not? We’ve been together for more than two months now. Does this relationship mean nothing to you?”


“We’re dating. I like you. You saved my life. That is enough.”


He grabbed her arm and turned her around. The anger that roiled in her eyes didn’t deter him. He was already past the point of caution. Chance had this great fear that if he didn’t get her to admit that she cared, he might lose her. It would be so easy for her to pack her bags and go away. He had to make her realize that he was important in her life. Because she was extremely significant to him.


He loved her. And yet he was scared to say the words .The moment he said them, she would take off like a rocket, especially in this state of mind.


“It’s not enough for me. I want more.”


“I told you right from the beginning that I wasn’t looking for anything complicated. I am here today and tomorrow, but after that, who knows…why can’t we just enjoy our time tougher and part ways when the time comes. I thought that was what you wanted,” she demanded.


“I did, initially but that was before…I got to know you better. You’re amazing, Riley. I can’t believe that you have managed to make such a success of your life after all that you endured and continue to endure. I want us to be together as a couple. I don’t want to keep thinking that I may come home and find you gone.”


“I wouldn’t do that to you. If I am leaving…I will tell you.”


“No, that’s not good enough. You can’t run away from a relationship just because it got more complicated than you wanted. That isn’t what life is supposed to be.”


She snorted, shook her arm free from his grip, and resumed her walk at a brisk space. “Please, don’t tell me what life is about. I survived an abusive father and am continuing to survive a killer brother. That’s my life.”


“And I want to be a part of it.”


“Then, you are nuts. You don’t know what you are asking for.”


He grabbed her hand, but she shook him free. As she turned to glare at him, he could see that he’d already pushed past the point of patience. She was now on a roll.
Good. Bring it on.
He was never scared of a good argument. Emotions and feelings were better than this detached attitude that she managed to portray most of the time. “I know exactly what I want. A companion, a friend, and a lover, and most of all I want someone who makes me feel secure in a relationship. I don’t want to constantly worry that you are going to vanish one day.”


“That’s just a part of who I am.”


He wasn’t willing to back down, not when he’d said so much. “No, you are not. You are so much more than that, but you just don’t want to show the other side of you.”


She grimaced. “You’re mistaken, Chance. There is no other side. This is me, full and clear.”


“No, I don’t believe it. This Riley that we see, the one who is independent and strong, is only half of who you are. The other half is the one who sketches and worries. She is the one who is scared to get hurt and that’s why she runs a mile away from commitment. That’s the Riley I want to spend my time with.”


The color drained out of her face, as if she had heard too much. “You’re never going to see her. She doesn’t exist.”


And with those words, she walked off. Chance ran a hand through his hair as he watched her leave. What had he done? Had he said far too much? Could their tenuous relationship survive this much honesty? He wasn’t sure.


Had he lost her good?




No, he wouldn’t let that happen. Chance wasn’t done as yet. Not by a long shot.




Chapter Five


Riley’s first thought was to go back home and cancel the plans for the rest of the day, but then she realized that if she did so, she would be substantiating his claims that she ran when things got sticky. Damn the man. He knew exactly how to push her buttons. Riley had to admit that she was scared about the feelings he generated in her heart. She didn’t want to feel like this. It wasn’t fair that he managed to penetrate deep inside her heart when she tried so hard to fight these emotions.


He was her personal nemesis.


Or perhaps he was the best thing that happened to her.


He walked with her. “Where are you going?”


“For lunch. Isn’t that what we planned?” she announced in a breezy voice.


She could tell that he was astounded by her words, as if he couldn’t quite believe her. “Great. Sure.”


They strolled out of the park. It was a beautiful day, and she didn’t want to waste it by worrying about things that she was trying so hard to deny. Yes, she had strong feelings for Chance, but there wasn’t anything that she could do about them. He couldn’t possibly be a part of her life. It would be too dangerous for him to stay with her. He nearly died once. If Wesley managed to get his way, he would have killed them both. Knowingly, she couldn’t subject him to such a thing. But this wasn’t something that she could explain very well, especially when he was being so hardheaded about it.


They got a cab, and Chance gave the address. There wasn’t much conversation in the car. She was too scared to start a new topic, and he was probably still seething over her words. Although from his expression, she couldn’t tell if he was angry or upset. The man sure had nerves of steel. He knew just what he was getting into, and yet he appeared to have no qualms about it.


“Hey, man. Long time no see.” The manager at the seafood place clapped his shoulder. “Thought you did the disappearing act on us.”


“Riley, this is Steven, the genius behind this place.”


Steven shook hands with her. “Don’t tell that to the chef. He would probably leave in a huff. The man is temperamental to say the least.”


She laughed, as he led them to a table. “I won’t.”


“I will just send a waiter your way. And man, why don’t you come down to watch a game with us on the weekend,” said Steven. His caramel skin glowed with health, and his big hands settled on Chance’s shoulders. “It’s supposed to be an exciting one.”


“Sorry, dude. I have got plans for the weekend.”


Steven’s gaze rested on Riley. “I can see why you have been out of my radar for a while. Riley, you sure are a sight for the sore eyes, but you have taken away my mate.”


She didn’t quite know what to reply. Riley had known that he was neglecting his work for her, but she didn’t realize that he was also not spending as much time with his friends. It showcased his commitment to her, and in return for this, she had given him nothing. Guilt wasn’t something she was familiar with. Riley never made deep connections and didn’t suffer from the after-effects of letting people down. This was new territory for her.


“Don’t blame her. I’ve been busy.”


“Yeah, yeah, so you say.”


After Steven left, she didn’t quite know what to say or do. Luckily, the waiter came to take their order. She ordered fish in white sauce while he chose clam chowder. “Everything’s good here,” he told her. “They are my number one place for seafood.”


“Thanks, sir,” the waiter said, as he left.


She glanced at Chance. “How long have you known Steven?”


“Just a couple of years. Met through some common friends. He is a big soccer fan and so am I. We support the same team, and it’s nice to hang out with him and his buddies.” 


“I guess I am keeping you away from all these people.”


“I want to spend time with you…and now until Wesley is caught, I wouldn’t want to leave you alone for too long.”


“You can’t change your life because of me.”


“It’s my choice, remember.”


She sighed. There was no use talking to him. It was like having a conversation with a wall. And yet, she was touched by his concern for her. How could she fight with a guy who had nothing but her best interests at heart? The waiter chose that moment to bring their food. She dug in. It was as good as advertised. “This is really good.”


“Hallelujah,” he said.


She laughed—and just like that, all was well between them. Once lunch was finished, they sat and talked. Steven joined them. “So I was thinking that maybe Riley could also come for the game. That way, you can be with her, and we could also get to know her.”


“I don’t know…”


“We could do that,” Riley said.


Chance raised his eyebrow. “You like soccer?”


“I have seen some games.”


Steven laughed, as he clapped Chance on the shoulder. “It’s set then. I will wait for you guys. Game starts at five, so come before that. And we will order in food. Chinese, I was thinking.”


“Sure,” Riley agreed.


Steven was called away by the waiter, and Chance put his hands on the table. “Are you sure?”


“You’re the one who has been telling me to make connections, and I like Steven. He seems like a nice guy. And I bet that some of your other friends are also great. It would be nice to meet new people.”


“Yeah, it would be great. Should we go then?”


“I was thinking we could pick up my sketch books and art supplies from my place?”


“Yes, sure. Let’s go there.”


So, they went to her house. Other than her art supplies, she also picked up some more clothes. The apartment was clean now. There was no reminder of the gruesome fight that went on right in her living room. And yet, she couldn’t forget it. Even though she had insisted that she wanted to move back, now she was comfortable in Chance’s place. It felt like home. After she collected everything, they went back to his place.


As she was putting everything in a drawer in his bedroom, he came inside and put his arms around her waist. The light kiss on the nape of her neck made her skin tingle. All he had to do was touch her and she melted against him. “Are we good then?”


She turned in his arms. How could she harden her heart against a man who did nothing but help her in every possible way. “You’re too good to me.”


He kissed her lightly on the lips. The soft touch made her heart pound. Instantly, she wanted more. “That’s because you deserve the best.”


“You’re the one who is settling for less. I am not the right person for you. Believe me, there is not much that I can offer.”


“You’re enough for me in every way.”


His words made her skin hum. She could feel the years of ice that settled in her heart melt as she stared into his eyes. How had she gotten so lucky? And why was she fighting him all the time? Sometimes it seemed like a futile battle, and yet, she couldn’t allow him to risk his life for her. He’d done that once, and that was more than what anyone ever did. Riley put a hand on his cheek and felt the stubble. His skin felt rough compared to hers, but his eyes were hot. She felt as if she was drowning in their depths. When his lips descended on hers once more, she didn’t even make an effort to fight.


She so wanted this. The moment his arms came around her, her brain stopped working. Although she was scared about the way he made her feel, she also loved being with him. He made her feel complete, satisfied. And it wasn’t all sexual. There was more to this, but Riley didn’t want to put a label on it. No way. She was too terrified to do that.


His lips roamed over her with passion, and her soft curves fit against his. Her hands settled on his shoulders and felt the wide curve of them. He was so hard, so rough, and yet that was the one thing that attracted her. He had the ability and the desire to keep her safe. With him, she felt secure. His breath was hot against her mouth, and she relished the way his tongue twisted and danced with hers. Every crevice of his mouth tasted sweet, delightful.


Her fingers fiddled with the buttons on his shirt and the zipper on his jeans while he took off her clothes. She couldn’t wait to see his hard abs, lean waist, taut muscles, and long, powerful legs. As the images flooded through her mind, heat pooled between the juncture of her thighs. Her pussy opened and contracted almost as if she could feel him deep inside her. When he was naked, she stepped away to take a look at his naked body.


It was glorious. He was so handsome. His cock, so firm and hard, stood proud. Her fingers clasped around him, and she felt it vibrate in her hand. He was throbbing with need that matched the one that stormed through her veins. There was no stopping what was about to happen now. Riley bent down.


“No,” he groaned.


She laughed but just for a moment. In the next instant, her tongue licked his penis. The scent of him, strong and spicy, hit her nostrils and heightened the desire that already throbbed in her veins. His hands speared through her hair and held them captive, as she pleasured him with her mouth. Riley took her time. She wanted to savor and take delight in each moment. She cupped his balls and rubbed them until they were hard. The waves of pleasure that careened through her veins were probably nothing compared to what he experienced. His legs trembled. She ran a hand over his smooth thigh and then rubbed it over his butt. He groaned deep within his throat.  


“Please, Riley.”


She was reluctant to let go, but she did so. It was time. As soon as she straightened, he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. Her pussy was already wet and moist. He put a finger inside her, and she felt her juices slide out. She bucked under him. He put his head on her stomach and inhaled deeply, as his finger moved in and out of her at a breakneck speed. It was glorious, devastatingly so. Her fingernails raked over his back, and she was sure that she left scratches on his skin, but he didn’t seem to care. Gently, he raised his head and took one nipple in her mouth while his finger continued to pleasure her. Her sensitive, soft bud responded to the touch of his tongue and swelled. She ached inside, wanting more, needing more.


Riley wanted him to pound deep inside her. She wanted him to push his penis deep within her muscles and make her squirm with each thrust. The fire that consumed her was hot and fiery. It felt as if her insides had burnt into cinders. She gripped his hair and tugged. He got the message. Quickly, he pulled out his finger. Feeling bereft, she squirmed, but he took position over her. His cock brushed against her velvety opening, and she looked down to see her juices smear over his penis. She opened her legs, just as he pushed the tip of his organ inside her.


A groan escaped her lips. A storm of passion whipped through her nerves and veins. He held the same position for some time while she gripped his shoulders. She wanted this sweet torture to go on forever, and yet she wanted it to end so that she could find the release that she so desperately craved. Every cell of her body vibrated with a furious need.


“Please, please,” she begged.


He pushed deep down inside her. Her muscles contracted and expanded, as she jerked under him. She shivered and quivered while her breath came out in pants. His face was bathed in sweat as he moved in and out. “Hold on, love,” he said.


He picked up the pace. She matched him stroke for stroke. For a long time, they both rode the waves, each one of them as eager as the other to reach the finish line. Again and again, he pounded into her until she felt that she would go mad with the sweet pain that engulfed each fiber of her body. She swayed on the edge of the ravine that waited for her down below and then—with a loud scream—she fell down. The orgasm swept through her veins, and a moment later, he came inside her with a loud oath.


She held him, as he remained on top of her. What was this strange emotion that gripped her? His cock still throbbed deep inside her. It wasn’t just that he was gorgeous and he made her see stars, but it was something more. Her heart swelled with an unknown emotion.

BOOK: Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2)
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